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Xiaochen Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiaochen Wang Works 27 ,And Urban drama 9 ,Feature 6 ,Romance 6 ,Comedy 3 ,Love 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Action 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Countryside 1 ,爱我你敢吗1 ,时装1 ,Historical play 1 ,legend 1 ,Original 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Music 1 ,治愈系1 ,暖情剧1 ,轻喜1 ,Family drama 1 。

Works Index

Xiaochen Wang Filmography(27)


幸福里的春天 (TV)[2020]



还没爱够 (TV)[2020]


30岁的普通职员姜小汐面临公司裁员,与解聘专家 Chen Jiong 斗智斗勇落了下风,丢了工作,与 Chen Jiong 结成冤家。被女友逼婚的 Chen Jiong 和跟男友吵架的姜小汐在泰国偶遇, Chen Jiong 阴差阳错下海救了姜小汐,两人关系缓和。姜小汐因为男友汪洋感情出轨分手,被母亲逼看心理医生巧遇 Chen Jiong ,后得知 Chen Jiong 恐婚。 Chen Jiong 在订婚仪式上病发,小雨得知实情与 Chen Jiong 分手, Chen Jiong 和姜小汐合租,二人感情升温。在姜小汐和父亲陈非的提点下 Chen Jiong 终于意识到自己不是恐婚,而是对前女友们爱得不够深。 Chen Jiong 开始正视自己,姜小汐也终于不再放任自己,找到了喜欢的新工作,努力帮助遇到困难的亲朋好友, Chen Jiong 在姜小汐的感染下也不再每天虚伪过活,开始为别人着想。一切都往好的方向发展, Chen Jiong 深爱了姜小汐,努力追求姜小汐,二人终于许下了相守一生的誓言 。


精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。

老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


Ping Xia Xia Ying (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ping Zhai Xia Ying" tells the story of ten years of art Lei Yun Lei (Xiaochen Wang ornaments) disguised as a man far away from the capital, to know the truth of grandfather's death and find the brother of the lost cloud for many years, the way to get acquainted with the young warrior Zhang DanFeng (Ma Ke ornaments). Two people work together to advance and retreat, as long as the two together, Shuangjianbibi, will always favoritism. The two hearts connected, and gradually produced a sincere love. However, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei quickly found out that Zhang Yun and his family did not even have a common fate, but for a long time to make them more cherish each other. In the end, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei broke through all the obstacles, eliminated the bad guys and donated their treasure to the country, and so they retreated from the arena.

Love me, do you dare (TV)[2018]


"Love me dare you?" Jiang XiaoXi and Chen Jiong reunited five years later with a series of laughter and tearful warmhearted stories.

Jiang XiaoXi and Chen Jiong flash marriages five years ago, and Chen Jiong, a divorce couple, fled for marriage and disappeared for five years. Five years later, the two have their own trajectories that seem to be steady, with Chen Jiong around them. With an understanding of the light rain, Jiang XiaoXi surrounded him with every possible favorite of Wang Yang. However, five years later, the two were reunited at the scene of Jiang XiaoXi's dismissal. This collapsed the "secure" world of each other.

The two experienced flash marriage, escaped marriage, separation, reunion, tit-for-tat, escape, and friends, and finally came back together. Life is always in the hands of the whole body. The changes have quietly changed the people around us.


Love Off The Cuff (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In the fifth year after Yu ChunJiao and Zhang ZhiMing were compounded, their life tended to be calm and steady. However, Zhiming seemed to continue growing, loved to meet female friends, and all the girls could take the initiative to pursue ambition. Can not avoid it Now the spring charming to play the true nature of women, vowing to exhaust all efforts to defend this eight years of love. However, the Japanese anti-night defense, evil flowers into the house. Chih Ming dog with a dog, "catch" the same class with brothers and dogs, even all will lead Hong Kong admire all kinds of beauty approached, invincible and healthy European armourou, sexy spurting Dada Chan DADA, and love night Po even poem. However, Chih-Ming is also a man who is very man, in addition to having an infinite heterosexuality, he also spent time with spring Jiao parents get along. Chi Ming and Spring Ginger mother to buy food in the market, and the future mother-in-law tea have said with laughter, but also to teach elders cell phone knowledge. Thousands of miles and father PAUL Columbia The relationship between father and daughter is not very good, because PAUL brother disappeared this father for many years, suddenly appeared, but also with his own fiancee, so spring Johnson know what to do. Fortunately, Zhiming is very generous decent, so brother of Colombia elated.

My! Physical Education Teacher (TV)[2017]

Feature: Uncle Ma Ke faces a middle-aged crisis but can not properly handle the situation as a middle-aged man does. His allegory is chattering. Although the economy is not overwhelmed, the economic crisis seems likely to happen at any time. Wang XiaoMi has always been the dream can be treated as a princess, that married maternal uncle and as big as you can realize the love of Ma Ma loved, but she did not expect to enjoy the maturity and stability of uncle, we must bear him The part of character that you have not set in motion with you. In addition, his stepmother faces Ma Li, a 15-year-old daughter rebellious against uncles, Ma Nao, a mischievous five-year-old son, and her older mother-in-law and her ex-wife who want to remarry with her ex-husband. The little stepmother wants to get the love he wants, one by one must get these seven thousand seven hundred eighty-eight obstacles, let these "second-hand relatives" fall in love with themselves, and sincerely fell in love with them.

Reason for happiness (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Happily justified" tells the story of music genius Fang HaoSheng, who suddenly suffered a hearing-impaired life. He broke up with Chen Yu's girlfriend, Chen Yu, and was alone in the pain of a shattered musical dream, eventually choosing to return to China. He confronted Han Han, a speech therapist, in a confused manner. With her warm love, she managed to bridge the icy cold crack in her heart, and their feelings began to sprout. However, they did not grow well. They were strongly opposed by their father and father. When their father and son almost broke apart, Fang Haosheng and his father were attacked by the black hand of the entrepreneurial partner and forced to retreat from the president. The final settlement, to save the family business, he and Han Han also got his father's approval. However, Chen Yu, who has pursued Fang HaoSheng for the loss of her love, has even sought to destroy his career by using ear diseases as a bargain, forcing Fang Han to break up and Han Han sadly leave. Fang HaoSheng finally realized that Han Han is a girl she can not miss. He volunteered to disclose the secret of ear disease and bravely faced his own life to find true love.

Complex Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Complex master Li Duan dedicated to helping the emotional breakdown of the couple or couple regrouped. Breakup master Mei YuanGui is inspired by his career is also a competitor. For a variety of reasons, the composite master oath will eliminate the break-up master, and lead the team to create a composite firm. The rich second-generation girl Zhou Mo was dumped by Li Duan. Inauguration compound office, half-sister on the wrong track on Monday, inheriting the mantle of breaking up masters, took over the brokerage firm. In all kinds of emotional events, the two firms have been fighting for one another, love and hate, divided into groups, and staged a good show.

my dream man (TV)[2016]

Feature: "My Goddess" tells the story of Wang Wei shore - handsome, romantic, but unruly character, like a wild horse, unconstrained. However, this wild horse happens to meet a maiden. Yang HaiYi Wang Wang shore twins brother - Wang Rui, love at first sight, as the god of men, at all active pursuit. Unexpectedly, overcast mistakes, Wang Wei shore was mistaken for Yang HaiYi Wang Rui, all kinds of ridiculous, one after another. Meanwhile, Wang Rui's fiancee, He LianNa, was also rolled in. Beautiful and noble He LianNa and reeling level of Yang HaiYi, from the beginning of each other disobedient Wang Weijian, and finally to Wang Wei shore as the god of the gods, display their own housekeeping skills, for love, staged ironic joys and sorrows . Zhang WenHe - He LianNa's ex-boyfriend, Wang Rui rival, inserted into their disputes. Zhang WenHe fell in love with Yang HaiYi, in order to get Yang HaiYi, at Wang Wei shore, Wang Rui enemy. Finally, through twists and turns, hardships, Yang HaiYi and Wang Wei shore, knot knot.

Hello Joann (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return.

Ten years to be married (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yi YiQiu, Qin Ye, Tao YanEr three girls are college classmates. This year, three graduated, have chosen to stay in Beijing. The three girls have a very good feeling and they are all together, but their personality and lifestyle are totally different. Qin Ye is bent on studying in academia and has been working in various fields in order to accomplish his own career and make his family live a prosperous life. Upon graduation, Tao YanEr took on his own little day with his second-generation boyfriend Song ZeFei, only love and friendship in the world. In the eyes of outsiders, he was full of happiness and carefreeness. Only he realized his emptiness lonely. Yi YiQiu, though numerous suitors, has always been unhappy and has repeatedly been injured and disappointed. However, it is still a firm target to refuse. In this way, three girls grow together. The face of work, love and self experience, friendship is also deepening. The three girls walked hand in hand through the finest youth of the age of 22-32, after twists and turns and hardships, finally fulfilling their own youthful dreams.

The two generation Era (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the fourth year after her mother, Jin CanCan, brought her daughter, Lu XinEr, with her motherhood, she wanted to have a second child. With her in-laws support, Jin CanCan went to the photo to have her second child's birth certificate and was opposed by her mother. And the income of Jin CanCan and her husband did not guarantee the quality of life of the second child, so she could send her daughter Back to work after kindergarten, just then she found herself pregnant. At the time when the state promulgated the new birthrate policy for second child birth, Cancan decided to leave a second child with the support of her in-laws. Jin Xiao XiaoDong, an honest husband of Jin CanCan, was a little relieved when her older daughter was admitted, but she had to switch sales to save milk money, but she was always unobservable by customers. The two families also produce various disagreements on such issues as birth examination and house purchase. After the birth of the second child, the contradiction is even more escalated, but in the end the small husband and wife eventually mature in their difficulties and work hand in hand to weather the storm. On the other hand, Jin CanCan's girlfriend, Du Juan, was also a second child. However, her husband was busy working long hours. Du Juan devoted her mind to two children, gradually neglecting her husband's needs and the two were drifting away. Until one day, when her husband ended up in strength, Du Juan regretted and took with her husband difficulties.

Good time (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Yuan Hao is a small and successful travel agency vice president, handsome, single gold, is the dream of most women get married. Yuan Hao, standing in his true years, is a good time in his life. However, since he grew up in a broken family, he suffered the crazy forced marriage of his girlfriend, which made Yuan Hao even more afraid of marriage. Flaunt themselves as a man who does not want to get married. Until one day, Yuan Hao, who saw a woman as a "rat," was caught in a wrong way and met Mao XiaoChun, an agile and intelligent woman with a "cat." Mao XiaoChun, a hospital nurse who had a complicated life experience and an unusual feeling of affection, later became a unmarried one. She and Yuan Hao did not know each other, and they gradually developed into a relationship of mutual pinch, The sparks, which men and women do not want to get married, finally overcome all the obstacles come together & nbsp; & nbsp ;.

MotherLikeFlowers (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play tells the story of cancer patients optimistic and brave face of life and death. Zhang XingFu, a 45-year-old middle school teacher, should have lived a happy life in a photo studio. However, she occasionally learned that she had end-stage cancer. Zhang XingFu intends to abandon the treatment without telling her family members and help her husband, son, brother and mother-in-law to make ends meet for the last one hundred and eighty days of their lives. After that, a man quietly faces death. However, her strength and urgency did not get the cooperation of the family, but triggered a series of ironic story. In the process of her husband and family running into conflict with each other, Zhang XingFu understands how to understand and listen to others and rediscover the meaning of life and love. She understands that decisive choice of death is not real bravery. In order to grasp with her family All hope to live, have the possibility of making life happier. Finally, she faced terminally ill and chose to fight with the disease in the end.

Hello, Qiao An (TV)[2015]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return & nbsp ;.

HoneyBeeMan (TV)[2014]

Feature: Fang Jun, a senior consultant for marriage, met Liu Huiyun, a traditional female after 60, and Ye Shan, an independent woman after 70, Fang YiYi, an 80-year-old fashion woman. Liu Hui-yun once derailed her husband after her fame became famous. Ye Shan ignored her family for her quick success and her pursuit of career. Fang YiYi flew away from her marriage. The three women run their own life after divorce in very different ways, but their aspirations are the same, that is, the relentless pursuit of happiness and love. Fang Jun standing on the position of women, to solve their problems, intimate girlfriend to help these three women to rekindles the desire for love, the pursuit of happiness. He communicates positive energy all the time, teaches that these women should not be discouraged in the face of the trough of life, face up to the failure of their own setbacks, and be brave enough to meet true love. At the same time, he also affected the men around the three women, personally trying to let those who do not understand love, trample the true man learn how to cherish the eyes of people.

Western Sichuan bandit mind (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Western Sichuan banditry" tells the story of the birthplace of new China in the twilight morning bell, the Chouxi flue fortress two estuaries Zhou Zhibin youth and rivers and lakes troupe Dan Feng a bitter mandarin duck love and hate. Zhou Zhi-bin bloody youth, and the stage post Danfeng Phoenix in the years ZHOU Bin (Zhang Tong ornaments) flying knife on stage. But do not want my father Zhou Wenxuan also admire.

Su Dongpo (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Su Dongpo" tells of the Northern Song Dynasty Jiayou years, Meizhou Su Xun with his two sons - Su Su, Su Su Shu went to Beijing to test, high standings, won Renzong Su Shi stills favorite . Su Xun's "Sixth Theory" is also a sensation of the capital, "Three Su" from the world famous. However, Su Dong-po, an aspiring man with an aptitude for heaven, who Wang An-shih called "a man who did not know it more than a hundred years ago," is a versatile figure in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Su Dong-po, a former leader of the world in philanthropy and public hospital field, Su Hong-bao, Su Dong-po, a man of outstanding achievements, loving the people and making military strategists available, survived the ups and downs. Years lost in the road, fate trapped in the party struggle, life sent in the stormy, dedicated to the common people. Only big jealousy, lingering; Although for the male, talkative to misfortune; the truth is expensive, the power of tolerance. In the spiritual desert, Su Dongpo, the maverick with the lotus god's love that he gave him, took Wang ChaoYun, his confidante, the vicissitudes of his enemies and friends and relatives and friends, Successively with Wang Fu, Wang RunZhi arm walked through the mountains of Songshan water, ten lakes Kyushu. In his later years was hated Hainan Island, to the horizon, to China's long history, to the hearts of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. The play reflects, it is the east and the east of the Su Dongpo, the magnificent life.

LongQuan (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A Jie joins an uncle from China to Malaysia and discovers that the rogue collects protection fees in the town. As a result, he united the town residents and defeated the rogue. The story is about a coffee shop owner Chen ShuShu confronted by the local triad caused him trouble. Chen ShuShu sought help from his brother because he was unable to pay protection fees to triads. However, his brother sent his son A Jie to help Chen ShuShu. When A Jie arrived at his destination, he felt a difference in local culture, where the local people were more concerned with their own business and they were not cooperating for the sake of their own safety. Therefore, the underworld controlled the local people in the city. On the contrary, when A Jie came to help, Chen ShuShu brought more troubles because A Jie's move provoked the local underworld and thus involved the entire urban unrest. A Jie tried to convince the local people to unite to bring down the underworld in order to avoid the occurrence of more violence and intimidation. But no one dared to stand up to support A Jie's proposal. When the triad air strikes the local city, the local people are even more afraid of triad activities so they blame A Jie blame all responsibility on A Jie. In addition, Chen ShuShu's daughter, Lily, is also a part of the local underworld and thus seriously affects Chen ShuShu's confrontation with local people and triad societies.

Fist of Dragon (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A Jie joins an uncle from China to Malaysia and discovers that the rogue collects protection fees in the town. As a result, he united the town residents and defeated the rogue. The story is about a coffee shop owner Chen ShuShu confronted by the local triad caused him trouble. Chen ShuShu sought help from his brother because he was unable to pay protection fees to triads. However, his brother sent his son A Jie to help Chen ShuShu. When A Jie arrived at his destination, he felt a difference in local culture, where the local people were more concerned with their own business and they were not cooperating for the sake of their own safety. Therefore, the underworld controlled the local people in the city. On the contrary, when A Jie came to help, Chen ShuShu brought more troubles because A Jie's move provoked the local underworld and thus involved the entire urban unrest. A Jie tried to convince the local people to unite to bring down the underworld in order to avoid the occurrence of more violence and intimidation. But no one dared to stand up to support A Jie's proposal. When the triad air strikes the local city, the local people are even more afraid of triad activities so they blame A Jie blame all responsibility on A Jie. In addition, Chen ShuShu's daughter, Lily, is also a part of the local underworld and thus seriously affects Chen ShuShu's confrontation with local people and triad societies.

The republic of China of the past (TV)[2010]

Feature: The main actor "Republic of China" tells the story of the summer of 1926, the Guangdong revolutionary government has just begun the Northern Expedition, when China's unpredictable future. A mysterious killer sneaked into Shanghai. His purpose was to assassinate Bi Chengyuan during the meeting of the four nations' envoys with the Beiyang Warlord Bi Chengyuan. The news came out, causing a panic across the Northern Territories, Songhu Police Department is even more worried, because this assassin extraordinary, he is the famous assassin Zhang TieQiao, the police station sent a brave Black Mounted Police on the road robbed Zhang TieQiao, but so that the black cavalry confused is that they robbed a total of three Zhang TieQiao, in the end who is true or false? Just as they did not reflect it, they all died in the hands of Zhang TieQiao ... They had no power at all to stop Zhang TieQiao. At this moment, Zhang TieQiao had quietly sneaked into Shanghai ... and no one knew the real Zhang TieQiao in what place, what appearance. Zhang TieQiao The first thing he returned to Shanghai was to summon his elder brother, the brother of the original Ax Tieqiao led by Zhang TieQiao, then separated by the revolution and now returned to Zhang TieQiao. Zhang TieQiao started to assassinate him s plan. Pujiang Hotel and the Shikoku Ministerial Meeting had to be held as scheduled under heavily guarded conditions. Zhang TieQiao arranged all the assassination plans and steps, but the beggarly Becheng Yuan prevented the defeat. In the assassination process, Zhang TieQiao found himself attending the meeting Zhang TieQiao met the hotel attendant Yan Yuchun, with the cooperation and help of Yan Yuchun, Zhang TieQiao used the tune of the tiger to kill and hid him from hiding behind the president Kit Cheng Yuan in the suite, but also to the young guy Yan Yuchun left a deep impression. Yan Yuchun and Zhang TieQiao lost contact, at the same time he was fired by the hotel, desperation, to be pawned something, and occasionally met a man robbing a girl, Yan Yuchun to save her, this woman is on the beach of Beijing opera star He Yanqiu, Yan Yuchun and He Yanqiu did not think of it, and later, they both have a cut, chaotic feelings. Shen XiaoChen saw Luo ZongWei's ambition to become a police chief. In preparation for the UN, he planned to use the high-level prostitute Miao Yu to implement his plan. The location of the police chief and Shun Feng Terminal became the conditions for the secret exchange between Luo ZongWei and Shen XiaoChen. Returning to Shanghai, Zhang TieQiao returned to Shanghai all the time and did not affect the individual's heart. This man was Xie RuoBing, a long-lost old lover. Xie RuoBing, already a Christian, objected to Zhang TieQiao's killing and killing. Shen XiaoChen's wife Mei ShaoZhen only 18 years old, go to school in girls. Peculiar personality, she had heard of Zhang TieQiao's name, was curious about him. But Zhang TieQiao completely regarded her as a little girl. Teach her horse firing. In the meantime, there are people who love each other. The concern of Yan Yuchun is He Yanqiu and Yan Yuchun does not expect He Yanqiu to be favored, but He Yanqiu finds Yan Yuchun different from other suitors and gradually notices him. In order to get the location of the chief of police, Luo ZongWei began to waver and promised to unite Zhang TieQiao and Shen XiaoChen to tell them that the new army of Governor Tsoon will pass through the Sin Temple one day.Zhang TieQiao and others arranged a bomb in the Eight Immortals Bridge, but what Zhang TieQiao never imagined was that his younger brother Shen XiaoChen did not want to kill him but wanted to fill it with only ten One in a minute, after a loud noise, but not dead. Later, Shen XiaoChen calmed Zhang TieQiao's anger, Zhang TieQiao also understand the heart. Shunfeng pier opened, the opening of the day, Zhang TieQiao, Shen XiaoChen, Yan Yuchun three knot, thanks to the brother. In the meantime, Wan Peilin, their enemy who had been searching for ten years, appeared again. It turned out that Xin Hai years Pei Pei Lin League members as a rogue grass bandits, they won in one fell swoop. They ten years failed to meet their feuds. However, this time Wan Wanlin had taken the task of purchasing the munitions for the Guangzhou government. In the face of righteousness and sense of justice, Zhang TieQiao let go of Peipei Lin. In line with plans to purchase arms Wan Pei Lin, Zhang TieQiao use the opportunity Morita trafficking in opium Shun Feng marina, out at large, the cover of darkness carried away a large number of arms, Tu Sen Luo ZongWei command must be alive Zhang TieQiao. At the same time, Zhang TieQiao is also implementing the next plan for the massacre: killing Tuosun. Zhang TieQiao and Yan Yuchun had already buried their bombs in the theater. There was a loud noise and Tu Sen's life was attributed to Xitian. In order to take refuge, Zhang TieQiao decided to send Yan Yuchun to Guangzhou Whampoa Military Academy and give him a name for Yan Cao. At this moment, He Yanqiu, his beloved woman, was the only one who let Yan Chun go from strength to strength. The events of September 18 broke out, and Chiang Kai-shek's non-resistance policy toward Japan led to the loss of the vast territory in the Northeast and the rising anti-Japanese sentiments of the people. Zhang TieQiao in the battle Songhu injured in critical condition, were taken to hospital, while the Japanese Morita Hui Zi and Zhang TieQiao of the hospital began the assassination, but escaped with the help of Miao Yu and Luo ZongWei, in which case the Miao Yu has become a refugee, and Luo ZongWei, implicated in the case of Zhang TieQiao, acts as a self-destructing face and acts as a chauffeur. Her anonymity is beside Zhang TieQiao, with ulterior motives. Japanese occupation of Shanghai, to celebrate the General Assembly held in Hongkou Park, South Korea Yin Chang-ho volunteered, Zhang TieQiao and others plan to kill Japanese leader Shirakawa in Hongkou Park plan. Japanese soldiers sang the Japanese national anthem in the rain. Suddenly a loud noise was heard on the rostrum. Every newspaper in Shanghai reported it in lengthy fashion. Millions of military and civilian people ran away to sue. Yan tough heart clearly who did it. Chiang Kai-shek personally asked this question and hoped to 'use it for me'. Yan Jian brought Jiang's commendation orders and bonuses, believing it to be the best chance of reconciliation for the brothers, but how could Zhang TieQiao forgive Chiang Kai-shek, who advocated a compromise. British Leighton led a delegation from the League of Nations to China to investigate the Sino-Japanese clashes between the three northeastern provinces and Shanghai. Japanese spies Nanzao Hui Zi Through the operation of relations, Lytton greatly covered Japan, once came out, the nation uproar, Zhang TieQiao even more angry, vowed to kill. Toughness learned Zhang TieQiao To thorn in Leighton, knowing everything to stop it. He wanted Zhang TieQiao to assassinate Lieton and influence the international community's view on the relations between China and Japan. Zhang TieQiao made it clear that it was non-exaggeration to take back the order at the last minute.Under Chiang Kai-shek's strict order, Yan Jiang launched a large-scale siege of Zhang TieQiao. Whether it was in Shanghai or Zhang TieQiao's Fuguang meeting in Fuzhou, both Yan and Ren and Zhang TieQiao did not Stop chasing the game, Zhang TieQiao forced the situation away from Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, Yan tough did not stop the hunt for Zhang TieQiao, but his tough heart was very contradictory and painful. Zhang TieQiao's wife, Mei ShaoZhen, was severely touted as hostage, forcing Zhang TieQiao to surrender, while Mei ShaoZhen was so angry to keep Zhang TieQiao and commit suicide in prison. Zhang TieQiao, Shen XiaoChen, Yan Rao and the Three Brothers Struggling between You and Us for Righteous Minority Righteousness and Respect for the Republic of China, Continuing to Hunt and Kill Each Other and Righteous to Make Use of Everything Means to Attack Zhang TieQiao At this time, the news of the assassination of Zhang TieQiao came from Shanghai. An elder was deeply grieved and Yan Jianliang did not think Zhang TieQiao did not die in his own hands. When he was severely trying to condole the chapel, Guns pointed at the tough back of the head, Zhang TieQiao came out. In the presence of the Japanese, Zhang TieQiao conducted a spiritual dialogue with Yan Ren. With the enemy, the agreement was finally reached. The three brothers walked together again. The Japanese army celebrated the ceremony in the theater. Zhang TieQiao, Yan Ren, Tan Zhengang and others were ambushed ... ... brothers should co-kill Japan's chief well rock general. When the Japanese were dead and Yan-tough received an order, Zhang TieQiao was put to death and Zhang TieQiao was sent by a group of brothers to assassinate Zhang TieQiao without any defensive measures. Zhang TieQiao is dead. Yan tough ten years later became the commander, fly to Nanjing. Shen XiaoChen wearing a uniform, a photo of a slip in the briefcase, is Zhang TieQiao. Shen XiaoChen said that it is the commander of the commander in chief, actually modified the aircraft. Tough aircraft in the air crash. Shen XiaoChen away to Hong Kong, has been until the twilight years, he heard the news of Yan tough death, silent, but left a tear, lying on the chair, not far from the desk, stood a photo - three Brothers sworn photos. At this time, sounded the oath of the three men sworn.

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

Eagle Shooting Heroes (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Eagle Shooting Heroes" adapted from the novel of the same name by Jin Yong. Southern Song Dynasty partial security, monarch and minister faint, dynastic decline. Daikin States covetously, while the Mongolian eagle Genghis Khan on the surface of the Sacrificial Gold, but secretly brewing a unified country ambitions. Jingkang shame shadows of the Central Plains rivers and lakes, martial arts treasure "Wushu Scriptures" and "Jiuyin Zhenjing" as people Kuang Fu Song Jiangshan, the pursuit of the pinnacle of culminating sustenance and goals. East evil, West poison, South Emperor, the North Beggar four masterpieces of the Supreme Master, as well as the whole school, beggars and other countless martial arts have been involved ... ... Zhonglianghan, Genghis Khan's "Gold Knight" Juvenile Guo From the Mongolian prairie to the south, Jing hunt down to find his father and an enemy. Huang Rongshi, daughter of Huang Yao Shi, a Taoist island owner, meets Huang Rong, a native of Peach Blossom. The simple Guo Guo knows all the best in the world, and thanks to Qi Qi, a beggar gangster, who is the master of the North Beggar. By coincidence, Guo Jing got the Nine-Yin Scriptures and the Wu-Mu Shekan. Zoran became the first generation of heroes and soldiers. After vilifying the suffering of the family suffered in the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing vowed to serve the country. The former honest simple and honest, dull and arrogant Eagle Engraving hero has finally become the Huashan sword, save Xiangyang national crisis, for the country, full of noble and heroic heroic & nbsp ;.

Rose Lake (TV)[2007]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China, the rivers and lakes lit a bloody bloody night, the Ming emperor Fort King's monarch in order to dominate the arena, openly challenged the major martial art, for a time Victims, corpses everywhere. Young Jun QiLuo met Shen SiRu, who climbed out of the dead, as his father, Jun WuJi, picked up the remains of his body. Spring and autumn of the various editions of the poster, time flies, an instant, they both grew up. Qiluo is wayward and likes to dress up as a boy. Since helping his father to manage his business, he often makes friends with those who are from the rivers and lakes. He is a cousin of the town. Ming Chu Fort Law Lin ChuYi spent a lot of money, finally embarrassed to build the mausoleum of the United States is poor, is taking friends Da Niu, Shu Huai drink celebration, Shu Huai talking about Lin ChuYi wife Crescent children pregnant thing, everyone Laughter, suddenly gongs and drums sounded, under the report, some private invasion of the tomb, the first day of rush. Qiluo escape together with the sisters, only to be found Mingpu people, because people will not be martial arts, will soon be surrounded by Ming Jiabao, Qiluo newborn tiger, loudly reprimand the first aid to abuse, first look at the public Female, thinking about the crescent child soon to be produced, put Qiluo, and let them take the daughters, Qiluo very grateful. Huo Siyan as a female No. Jun QiLuo loudly In order to allow Qiluo marry out, at any cost, please come to a female housekeeper magic month, teach Qiluo variety of female rules, Qiluo hate Moxa hook every day to take three ride four, Very difficult to learn, but added Sri Lanka, in order to smooth the passage of Qiluo, learned very carefully. In the meantime, Mu Cheng, the son of Mujiazhai Nursing Enforcement, found the descendants of Mujiazhai Zhuang, rebuilt Mujiazhai and attacked Mingjiabao. He did not want to be on the way, but seriously injured and fell off the cliff. Qiluo and Sri Lanka are in the hot springs, Mu Cheng fall, scared them a big splash, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka does not want to nostalgia, but Qiluo heart kindness, saved him. When Mu Cheng woke up and found himself taking care of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, he gave this gentle and beautiful woman had a strange feeling. Men's Qiluo and Mu Cheng talk about the world, the two have a tacit understanding, Mu Cheng do not know that she is a daughter, has always been with her brother, Sri Lanka could not insert their topic, the heart is very uneven. Si Ru Mu Cheng sew clothes to express love, do not want Qiluo suddenly a woman appeared in front of Mu Cheng, the two became lovers, Sri Lanka like an infatuated torch, hate the heart of Qiluo. Mu Cheng in the process of getting along with Qiluo, more and more to talk to him about the world with him, he accidentally discovered that he really like just such a friend, not a woman, he wants the woman is weak, small birds Human, and Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is Sri Lanka is a woman in his heart model, but because of morality, he did not say the secret of my heart, but alienated Qiluo virtually, Sri Lanka see the opportunity to come, and deliberately Mu Cheng show, Let Qiluo see, Qiluo sad, refused to see Mu Cheng, at this time, the rivalry again, Mu Cheng too late to explain, the night left. Sri Lanka see Mu Cheng farewell, afraid Qiluo will blame her, deliberately performing bitter, let Qi Luo feel that night with Mu Cheng but it is a misunderstanding, Qi Luo do not check, forgive her.Ming BuJie son Ming BuJie inherited the Ming Jiabao, wide recruit beauty into the house, Qiluo be fancy, Sri Lanka, such as covet wealth, intentionally expressed on behalf of Qiluo selected, to Qiluo find Mu Cheng, Qi Luo grateful. Qiluo escaped overnight, came to Baisha Town, the results met the first class outside the first class, the first hate her had killed their parents, deliberately show her, selling her to a brothel, but out of the brothels door, he And regretted, he took Qiluo escaped from a brothel, came to break the temple, Da Niu and books and others were involved because of Qiluo rescue, have to start her, the first day of holding Qiluo sleep , Let her go the next day, Qiluo feel sorry for them, decided to stay to do their military adviser, in the process of getting along, the first accidentally found himself Qiluo tempted. Si Ru into the Ming Jiabao, do not want Ming BuJie have sadism, blessing did not enjoy, pour all day long suffer, then, she found the ring nephew Ming ShaoQing interesting to myself, so secretly Shaoqing kill unrestrained When Shaoqing became the emperor, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka became the hostess of the Ming Jiabao. She blamed her on all the crimes she had suffered in the past. Thus she decreed that she would close all the monarchs and ask her to see her. Qiluo know the news hurried back to catch the first one afraid she will be dangerous escort her home, Sri Lanka, such as the threat to the lives of all monsters, life Qiluo marry the first quarter, Qiluo helpless, had promised, newlywed Night, the first day to tell Qiluo, he will not touch her, if she is willing, he can always be her fake groom. Sri Lanka, such as self-esteem to be satisfied, returned to Fort Ming, the first child to send Qiluo boarding Mu Muzhai, at this time, Mu Cheng into the town of Baisha, and the first day of righteousness, just missed with Qiluo, Selfish mischief, conceal the Qiluo Mu Muzhai news. Mu Cheng do not know Sri Lanka as a replacement for Qiluo Palace thing, when he learned that Qiluo was Ming BuJie robbed, suddenly angry, he agreed with the first, first into the fortress who respect, flew away. Dilemma Qi left the kit, pointing the first day, Mu Cheng one step ahead of Mu Cheng into the Ming Jiabao, and ordered his men not to harass the public. Qiluo traveled hard from Baisha to Jiangnan after hardships, and did not expect to meet Mu Cheng and Sri Lanka's wedding, she despair, a person standing in the rain motionless, this time an umbrella reached her, her Looking back, I saw the first affectionate face. Qiluo vowed to revenge on all those who betrayed her, that night she gave himself to the first day, she told him that you must be the lord. The behavior of the first day soon attracted the attention of Tiangang, he saw his ambition is not small, want to be followed by fast, so he arranged a banquet in an attempt to kill him, on the day of the banquet, Qiluo appeared The site of Mu Cheng.

Male spine woman back (TV)[2007]


TV Drama "The Back of a Woman's Back" Introduction: Describes Liu Dawei, director of Wangquan Village, to save college students Zhang YaJing . Liu DaWei's wife, Li LingZhi, director of the village weaving factory, took up the work and family. Liu Dawei has transformed the cement factory of the Contaminated Enterprise and built a precision cast steel plant. Li Shuiwang , the demobilized cadre, gave up the opportunity to stay in the work of the county party committee and went to the village secretary of Wangquan Village. Liu DaWei was rehabilitated and treated by experts. He stood up again and was elected as the village director. Merchant Gao Qiang invests in geothermal resources in Wangquan Village. Wangquan Village used geothermal energy to create a variety of businesses. The village built kindergartens, middle schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. Wang Quan village under the leadership of Liu DaWei, Li Shui Wang, changed his appearance. They have not forgotten the country, but also led the neighboring villages to get rich together.

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