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Ye Cheng Zheng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ye Cheng Zheng Works 19 ,And Costume Drama 11 ,Romance 7 ,Idol drama 3 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,权谋1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,纯爱1 ,Historical play 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Suspense 1 ,青偶1 ,Magic 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Feature 1 。

Works Index

Ye Cheng Zheng Filmography(19)


三千鸦杀 (TV)[2020]


上古时期,大燕国重臣 Zuo Xiang 暗通敌国天元国,导致大燕国灭亡。 Fu JiuYun 救下了公主覃川。目睹了天下苍生被天原国奴役的痛苦,为解救天下百姓,覃川发誓找寻上古灵灯。覃川与 Fu JiuYun 相识相爱,携手找到灵灯,却获知 Fu JiuYun 真实身份是灵灯灯芯,灵灯开启 Fu JiuYun 会消失,开启灵灯者也会牺牲。当两人抱定牺牲的决心,拯救苍生于水火,危急关头覃川表姐替她开启灵灯, Fu JiuYun 因此消失,思念 Fu JiuYun 的覃川再次触摸灵灯,他们牺牲小我的家国精神和伟大爱情感动了上苍,两人终于重逢 。


鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。


Tremble, bird of the ministry (TV)[2018]


The TV drama "trembling bar: part 2" tells the story of A BuChaCha, who is still in A lovely, two-bit Tang costume, and Tang QingFeng, who appears to be coming out of A deep sleep at the end of season 1. But will they ever get back to the fun of everyday life?

The series continues the story of the first installment, when Tang QingFeng finally wakes up and is hunted by the space authorities for upsetting the historical line of interstellar space. Abe and Tang QingFeng, lovers of the interplanetary race, changed their navigational coordinates to save this, hoping to return to the Tang dynasty in search of truth. But things didn't work out... they actually living falls to the sui dynasty, because of the special identity, they do any tiny change will cause the butterfly effect, which threatens the survival of the Tang dynasty, in order to love and peace, Abe and Tang QingFeng go to great lengths to help promote development history according to historical records, want to save it all...


An Oriental Odyssey (TV)[2017]

Feature: Master Tang SanCang is dead, leaving behind a series of Jiuxing Tianzhu inscribed with the ancient nine-nation exquisite spells. Two disciples Tian Qiao and Tianshu seized the heavenly beads. . Nine Tianzhu scattered, Tian Qiao Sanqizhidan rescued the body for meritorious dedication, but also to the emperor to contribute to help the Tang army achieved great success in the battle, was named Datang Division, and Tianshu was intended to seize the beads, betrayal division door Crimes became the first-class wanted criminals. Nineteen years later, the Gaozong and Wu Hou Dynasties under the rule of the Tang Dynasty era, prosperous and charming Luoyang, continue to lively strange event. True and upright, probationary minister Assistant Minister Ye YuanAn spent together in Quebec, and cold and capable, martial arts superior county governor Zhao LanZhi do not know each other; and out of sympathy, from the ghost market On the purchase of a strange physique, powerful Amnesia small slave, received as a servant, named Mu Le. Unexpectedly, a rib Mu Le absolute loyalty to the Yuan, and gradually sprouted lovesickness. Mu Le in Yuan's mind did not know it and favored Zhao LanZhi, causing great dissatisfaction with Mu Le. Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui also love and hate each other. After experiencing the story of angry Thousand-end House and burning Luo Tian-dong, in the secret room of the South King's palace, in the magnificent mansion of General Guo's house, in the rugged Mount Huodu, Control of the colorful lottery division, cunning fierce mountain thieves take turns. Yuan An, Mu Le, Zhao LanZhi three closely cooperate, repeatedly breaking odd cases, continue to be strong in the battle again and again, and Tianshuanyuan behind Tianan also see the hidden behind these cases, Ming Hui Lord for the country Master Tian Qiao collected the secrets of Jiuxing Tianzhu and exposed the truth about the fire at Ci'en Temple. Mu Leo, who grew up as a great master, remembers fragments of his former life from time to time. What is his real identity? Ming Hui governor to get Zhao LanZhi, did not hesitate to propose a future marriage proposal. Feeling lost Yuan, angrily to marry Mu Le, but also lead to misunderstanding again and again. Mu Le sad, actually restored the memory, stole Jiuxing Tianzhu. After days of raging anger, Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui had to follow the path and went to the mysterious Miluo State. Behind all this, there seems to be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them ...

Drunk exquisite (TV)[2017]

Feature: Feng QingChen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the witch tribe nine turn exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

Shiver it Abe (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Tang Dynasty, the border war was chaotic. Li Yi (Zhao Dongze), a prince of the six princes, settled down the rebel forces and was listed as a prince. At the same time, Tang QingYe (Yue Xi An) was married to Miss Zhen Yuan. However, Tang FuYen's indignant daughter, Tang QingYe, became a princess who secretly dropped her bag and married Tang QingYun (Chen Chen), her eldest daughter, to Tang QingYe. The surviving Tang QingYe was seriously ill and was taken care of by brother Tang QingFeng (Zheng Yecheng). Tang QingFeng and Prince Edward, also known as the "Datang Shuangjie," took care of "sister" while secretly searching for the murderer who killed her sister. Surprisingly, it was involved in a larger conspiracy, the original Tang QingFeng is the eldest son of the first emperor's pet Princess, when to hide and seek kill, only to be raised by the Tang government, and Li Yi in order to get the throne at the collusion Enemy troops, leading to a war between border war resurgence & nbsp ;. Tang QingFeng confessed to Li Yi that he was unwittingly throne for the safety of Datang. In the face of the persuasion of Tang QingFeng and Aoba, Li Yi finally put aside his personal ideas, and the three men joined hands to fight back and defend the prosperous Datang. ;

Exquisite extradite exquisite drunk dream (TV)[2017]

Feature: At the beginning of the world, everything is new. The nine-turn exquisite stone guarded by the witch clan sets the fortune of heaven and earth and reverses the day and night world. The moonstone is more of a living soul and a deadly miracle. However, in order to seize the exquisite dark stone wizard, did not hesitate to use the dark bloody means, secretly provoked Western Wei, Nan Liang and Achazu tripartite conflicts, want to overthrow the regime, seize the exquisite stone. Eleventh prince Yuan Che in order to guard the country sidewalks, at the expense of life, almost soul-stirring. Fortunately witch clan to help Yueshu stone to protect their heart, making it still a glimmer of vitality. Yin CaiQian, his fiancée, entered the dream world of Yuan Che with the help of the witch-clan, trying to unite his heart and soul again. However, it has been obscured by the dark witch, succumbed to defeat and defeat. What Yin CaiQian did not think of was that former lovers actually became strangers in the world of dreams. Not only did their temperament change, their first love, their childhood love, One hundred and eighty degrees big turn. It all played Yin CaiQian caught off guard, their feelings will eventually go from here?

TheRebornofSuperStar (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yun Xiu, stage name Du Fei (Ma Ke after plastic surgery, cosmetic before Fang Jun Fu), from the film for 10 years, acting legend, but still third-rate performers. A few months ago, he took the blame for his best friend Xie Yi. In order to save his worries and compete for the cinema title, Xie Yi (Pong) premeditated a car accident during Yun Xiu's most watched acting career. Yun Xiu almost died away from hometown. The mysterious man picked up Yun Xiu's life from the gates of hell, exchanged a perfect face for him, and the resurrected Yun Xiu turned into an ESE trainee and embarked on a path of revenge and rebirth. Faced with the once-all-knowing goddess Lin Xuan (Han Chae-young), Liu Yi (Viann), a passionate pursuit of his topic, and Mu Lan (Fang Xiaoli), a tender and loving mother, Yun Xiu can only hide the truth , Silently forbear and pay. Feng Jing (Xu Haiqiao ornaments), handsome but thundery super agent, is Yun Xiu's most loyal career partner. With his keen artistic intuition, Feng Jing launched The legacy, a combination of Yun Xiu and another trainee Chu Feng (Hang Su), both of whom became famous by the idol drama Trick. At the beginning of his debut, Chu Feng was known as "Xiao Yi Yi," and he tried their best to excel. Only Feng Yun is now escorted by Yun Xiu. Yun Xiu is not tired of his fame and future. He stands on the opposite side of public opinion, accompanies his friend through the most difficult days and defends his most cherished friendship, whether it is Liu Yi, Feng Jing or Lin Xuan. From the popularity of newcomers to the cause of the valley, sought after by worship to be blocked by the snow, Yun Xiu never wavering his kindness and humility. The Battle of the Movie Emperor is a war without smoke, love acting, never give up is Yun Xiu strongest weapon. When the mysterious person showed his true face, Yun Xiu and Chu Feng also became competitors when Xie Yi confession was intended. At the Golden Prize ceremony, he waited for the final ruling. Du Fei & amp; Yun Xiu & Muzi Che

Beautiful country long song (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the new DPRK years, Liu Xiu met Deng Yu, Liu Xuan and Feng Yi, as well as juvenile Yin LiHua when they were too busy with school in Chang'an. A few years later, the reckless tyranny of New Zealand and the turmoil in the world led thousands of other people, such as Liu Yan and Liu Xiu, to formally rise up in Qiongling. Yin LiHua also alias Yin Ji, follow left and right. After Liu Xuan was Green Lin Jun as the emperor, because of fear of Liu brothers brother, designed to kill. Liu Xiu married Yin LiHua wife, keeping a low profile, make Liu Xuan relax vigilance, put it on a holy festival, reviving. There are many crises in Hebei Road. Fortunately, Deng Yu, Feng Yi, Wu Han, Geng Yan and other former newcomers come and go unpunished. Forced by the current situation, Liu Xiu and Wang Liu Yang marriage alliance, married his niece Guo ShanTong wife. At the beginning of the founding of Liu Xiu, Yin LiHua and Guo ShanTong are honored persons. Guo ShanTong is the queen because of the Yin Clan. Liu Xiu fought shoulder to shoulder with all his fellow men who belonged to liver and gallbladder and finally took the test of the world with unremitting efforts for the past few years. China once again fell into unison. The intensification of contradictions between the Queen's Party and the Gui-ren party led to the death of Liu Xi, the nine princes born by Yin LiHua. Liu Xiu eventually became angry and wasted, and Yin Li-hua was later. Crown Prince Liu Jiang resigned on the table, changing Liu Yang to Prince Edward. Liu Xiu's "Worthy as a government official and Yin LiHua as a wife" was rewarded at the same time.

Smiled (TV)[2016]

Feature: Beauty learn Paibeis slightly, determined to become a game engineer, pseudonym "reed slightly" among the online games master, refusing to upload real photos and was trampled by the "real water without incense" mercilessly abandoned, but unexpectedly got the attention of all rivers and lakes as the first master Shawnee. In order to win the "Knight Challenge", slightly pleased to promise to "Shawna" alliance and team competition. The two have been wandering rivers and lakes all the way already connected with the heart, can be a little dreamed did not expect, all the way to death is actually a partner with the school man - brothers Xiao Nai. Regardless of online or offline, Shawna is superior ability of the "god", even more clever is that he turned out to be responsible for the development of the game test. Online is a couple of teammates, line is a working partner, fate is so fantastic. When you find this truth, the two are naturally together.

Bad guys 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Li XingYun struggled to find Ji RuXue, while continuing to trace the whereabouts of the Longquan treasure. Rivers and lakes factions seize the ghost of possession of the treasure, respectively, to send personal implicated trace calculations Li XingYun, Zhang ZiFan, Lu LinXuan et al. Lu LinXuan Accidental poisoning caused amnesia, Zhang ZiFan heartache, decided to Lu LinXuan married. On the day of his marriage, Zhang ZiFan suffered another plot, and Lu LinXuan was poisoned again and was taken to a magic square treatment. Lu LinXuan was nurtured by Nv Di to revise his memory and become a killer. Injured Zhang ZiFan was wounded by Uncle Jiu Shu and stunned again. At the moment, Ji RuXue that mysterious life experience, Li XingYun away from the Longquan treasure nears, just as the heroes build Longquan treasure, another shocking secret to deter people & nbsp ;.

Mi Yue Biography (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Yue Biography, posters During the Warring States Period, Mi Yue was the most beloved princess of the King of Chu Wei. However, his position as a king of Chu Wei had plummeted. His mother Xiang Shi was expelled from the palace by Chu WeiHou and returned to the palace after many years Life revenge, as a disaster and crisis. Mi Yue and Huang Gong childhood lover, sincerely in love, in order to run smoothly with Huang Xie, so volunteered as a princess Mi Shu's dowry married marry Qin State, on the way to the Qin Mi Mi, Mi Shu support each other, In the middle Chu State limousine was robbed by the armies led by Yi Di Wang Di Li on the way to Qin State. Huang Xie, who had to save Mi Yue, fell into disgrace and was discouraged by Mi Yue's death, Mi Shu into Qin Palace, Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, Mi Yue due to the fratriculation of Wei, his beleaguered brother Wei Ran kidnapped, had to help the Qin Wang become a pet concubine. The original sisterhood gradually split after Mi Yue gave birth to Ying Ji. Fight for the philosophers, Qin Ying Si Si regret died. Mi Yue and his son were sent to distant Yan country. Unexpectedly, Qin Wu Wang Ying Dang Ding Ding died, Qin chaos. Mi Yue went back to Qin State by virtue of his righteousness and drained the Qin civil strife. Mi Yue son Ying Ji as the king, known as the king of Qin Zhao Xiang. Mi Yue became the first Queen Mother in history, known as Qin Xuantai Hou & nbsp ;.

TheJourneyofFlower (TV)[2015]

Feature: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the constant war between nations, the disintegration of the regime and the weakening of the state power of Shu and the frequent encroachment by all countries in the Western Regions, the people are in dire straits and people are in dire straits. Hua QianGu, an ordinary orphan after Shu, happened to be the only disciple of Bai ZiHua, the youngest head of the first martial arts school in China. The teachers and students both have similar ages and are both teachers and friends, and Hua QianGu, like Master, has taken justice as its own duty. Since the long worship Bai ZiHua as a teacher, Hua QianGu followed Master to the Shu state travel, help widowed, hoe strong and weak, repeated breaking odd cases. How the material has been Baizhu Bai ZiHua appearance blue purple smoked toxic poisoning, Bai ZiHua save Hua QianGu, his body highly toxic. Hua QianGu know, in order to save the Master did not hesitate to steal the anteversion handed down anti-drug weapons. Unexpectedly, Weaponry was born and led to various factions in the martial arts struggle, but also led to various countries in the Western Regions to launch a war on Shu. In order to prevent it from happening and not to want Master Qing Yu to be destroyed, Hua QianGu sacrificed his life to destroy the weapons and stop the war, so as to make peace for Shu Shu. Plot source

The song (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the era of the Republic of China as a backdrop, it tells the story of a timeless and awe-inspiring craze between old Shanghai filming fans, film star Si TuLian (Seungri) and Qin KeXin (wealthy Lin Qin). In the turbulent years, "Republic of China actor" Seungri fell in love with "Love Stills" Peng Lin, but suffered a lot of obstacles in the door of the customs; "warlord II" Zhong TianYao (Zixiao Zhu ornaments) overbearing domineering, intended to win over love. Hidden behind the identity of the identity of the conflict caused by the status of the camp, mysterious treasures caused by the struggle of conspiracy, conspiracy constantly at every step, the protagonist of several people launched a dark struggle between drama drama. The drama "Treasure Hunt", "Cheats", "Warlord", "Sisters against the Eye" and other super plot, in the past, the production of a do not hit the past, the owner of "bitter love" style, Que song "as the main line, join the hero's super adventure spirit and inspirational elements, integration of superb art and design heritage and beautiful romantic retro, and strive to show a full of cultural atmosphere, there is texture of the era masterpiece. In the past, unlike the film and television drama of love in the past Republic of China, "Love Que" contained not only the elements of family love and door series but also the warlords' war in the era of the Republic of China's turmoil. , Using multi-line narrative mode, into a wide range of story elements, and strive to create a unique love drama in the Republic of China, a new perspective to open a story of the Republic of China. The story of the play's big story structure, fast-paced narrative style, the texture will certainly give the audience a new visual experience, compared to the slow procrastination style of the Republic of China in the past, the main variety of fast-paced rhythm of the " Love Que Que "is undoubtedly a worth looking forward to the Republic of China drama. "Love Que" in the film and television drama market in urgent need of diversification and innovation is indeed made a valuable breakthrough. The play is no longer limited to the over-consumption of love, a single to portray the preciousness of love, the whole play style to go "Qiong Yaohua" sense of the times. The play in the love level into the turmoil of the times background, and this element fully into the drama, multi-angle will highlight the love, in addition to the peculiar bitter feelings in the performance of the extreme, but also clever use of the era atmosphere Will sadomasochistic emotional drama escalation, more like to show the true sense of love of the story, the way in dealing with the story can be described as senior.

Painful 17 (TV)[2015]

Feature: 17-year-old painful tells the story of Qiu ShuangYi, founder of the island of safety, became a celebrity because of a program focused on adolescent growth. The mysterious girl Wu XiaoMeng came to the island as an Qiu ShuangYi fan and was assigned to work with Li DaLe and Li DaLe. Not on the Wu XiaoMeng, that she is just a brainchildren, in dealing with young girls two different ways of doing things, often tit for tat. The island's customers are a group of parents and teachers helpless girls - the mother had six times marriage heart machine girls Kui Zhi, sent by their parents to go to school innocent, raised by his father's mistress Li WeiXi, was detained in the detention center A Meng, a brainchild of a rural girl, has a small family love. In the process of contact with these problem girls, Wu XiaoMeng and Li DaLe gradually discovered that it is not just children who need psychological counseling. While helping the teenage girl, the three Islanders also face their own troubles. Qiu ShuangYi and her husband, Li DaLe, have no relationship with their fathers. Wu XiaoMeng, who never mentioned her life experience, seems to have taken another purpose.

GuJianQiTan (TV)[2014]

Feature: During the Tang Dynasty, Zi YinZhenRen disciple of Barry Tu Su body has a mysterious evil spirits, by burning silent sword ancient sword Qi Tan stills suppression. He met Ou Yang ShaoGong and Fang Lansheng when they turned bandits to kill bandits. Less Gong is a saint jade altar disciples, elders Lei Yan usurped the throne, less Christine fled to find "Yu Heng" whereabouts. Due to less Christine refining refining immortality immortality, Tu Su feel hopeful rescued mother, easy to Gong Gong colleagues. On the way to find Yuheng, Tu Qingxu fled to Feng Qingxue and fox Xing Ling. Hong Yu was sent by Zi YinZhenRen, secretly protecting TuSu and resolving the crisis many times. Less Gongming into immortality, Tu Su's mother also woke up, so Tu Su learned that the mother was OuyangShaoGong harm. Lei Yan sent people to take less Gong, and instigated its complicity. Less Gong used Lei Yan's trust to kill Lei Yan, while secretly planning to use the Yukon uniform Tuzhu to restore Penglai career. Fang Lansheng found Christine's conspiracy, Tu Su lift the seal, and less people to Penglai and Christine duel, less Christine was killed. Finally, Fang Lan-sheng and Hong Yu et al. Found their own places of destination. Tu Su also formed a connection with Feng QingXue.

Half way father and son (TV)[2014]

Feature: Luo JianJun went to prison on the occasion of his son's 100th birthday and his wife ran away. When the old mother took his grandson for 16 years and the army was released from prison, the child was big and he was still halfway with his father and son stills. Fortunately, Most of them actually met a woman with his own kindness Jiang Xin, each of them think each other is to make people happy after half of their lives. Against the opposition of both families, they bravely and confidently formed a new family. However, Jiang Xin was detected at the end of the cancer and Luo JianJun decided to get married. From the day they took the marriage certificate, the family was not peaceful: Gao Gao, the son of Jiang Xin, did not like the stepfather and kept breaking the new house To make trouble; After marriage, Gao Mai indirectly inflicted Luo JianJun's son into the juvenile control center. Luo JianJun's mother hated Gao Mai and acted irrevocably. After Jiang Xin's death, out of a man's commitment and commitment, Luo JianJun took on the responsibility of raising children as stepchildren who regard him as enemy. During this period, he was discouraged, disappointed, abandoned and shaken, and eventually melted his love Gao Mai's inner ice. This half way father and son to establish a real father and son feelings.

Swordsman (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Swordsman" aka "Legend of the Eight Immortals" tells the story of Yin Dai and Lv DongBin married, after Yin Dai to save Lv DongBin died, Yin Dai sister Xue Qiong photo studio sister Xue Qiong in retaliation for Lv DongBin, continue to create misfortune, fortunately hole Bin one by one to resolve. Lv DongBin insisted, finally won Han ZhongLi point immortality. Lv DongBin sword back to the world, the embodiment of "swordsman", secretly protect Cao Cao and Cao Gong brothers. Cao You was framed by Xue Qiong and became the chief culprit. Critical moment, Cao Cao sacrifice life to save Cao Gong, Dongbin degree him into immortality. He YueXian and son Qing Feng, Ching Chung reunion after emasculation eighteen years later, Qing Feng was confused by Xue Qiong refuses to recognize with the immortal, and framed his own brother. With the help of Lv DongBin, Qingfeng lost its way and the immortal immortal sacrificed himself to save his son. Eight Immortals together to take over Xue Qiong, but also the world peace. The Eight Immortals passed the East China Sea and unexpectedly clashed with the Three Princes of Long Wang. As a result, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, the legend of all sensational kicked off & nbsp ;.

Lost Love In Times (TV)[2005]

Feature: Posters Feng Qing Chen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the holy relics nine to exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

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