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Sunlight TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Sunlight Works 14 ,And Costume Drama 9 ,Romance 6 ,Historical play 3 ,Feature 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Family ethics 1 ,Love 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Year 1 ,情仇1 ,Motivational film 1 ,legend 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Sunlight Filmography(14)


锦衣之下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《锦衣之下》剧情介绍:讲述了天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快 Yuan JinXia ( Tan Songyun 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫 Lu Yi ( Jia Lun Ren 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助 Lu Yi 一起下扬州查案,替朝廷找回丢失的官银。本是道不同不相为谋,却因惊天密案联手。两人从势同水火到刮目相看再到情难自已,命运的齿轮从此旋转在一起。然而事与愿违,今夏竟是当年夏言案的遗孤,背负家族血仇的她与 Lu Yi 之间横生了无法跨越的鸿沟。最后,两个有情人历经苦难,为救百姓、抗倭寇、锄奸佞,放下家族仇怨,联手对敌,冲破世俗枷锁,勇敢地走到了一起 。


人间规则 (TV)[2018]


沉寂许久的“公关女神” Kong XiaoYin 复出了,在《高,实在是高》这一全网最热辩论节目上,她还未尝败绩,以女王姿态睥睨众生。如今她卷土重来,所有人都感觉到了一场“腥风血雨”的到来。节目责编 Yang MingYu 受命全程跟踪报道 Kong XiaoYin ,却在一串误打误撞下加入了她的工作室。一个是坚持中二善良的萌新小白,一个是人人闻风丧胆的“毒舌女王”,两人开始了一段相爱相杀的奇妙经历。 Wang Hong 、作家、明星、创业者……通过一个又一个卷入网络舆论漩涡的公众人物揭开了光怪陆离的网络时代浮世绘。面对虚虚实实,众人各显神通,为的就是追寻出事件背后的真相。


Drunk exquisite (TV)[2017]

Feature: Feng QingChen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the witch tribe nine turn exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.

Female doctor Ming Fei Biography (TV)[2016]

Feature: The prosperity of the Ming dynasty, but it is harsh ethical education, low status of women, not from the doctor, hidden disease refractory. Tan family medical family, generations of ancestral physician, because of being framed by the treacherous victims, leaving ancestral training, future generations can not practice medicine. But bright Tan YunXian from childhood, secretly learning Chinese medicine with grandmother knowledge, not only Xuanhujijian, skilled hand benevolence, has been praised and supported by ordinary people, and gradually save the world's women's heart. As a result, Yun Yin not only faces numerous difficulties and obstacles in the path of medical study, but also faces the impact of feudal ethics and secular ideas. However, Yin Yin overcomes all kinds of difficulties with his obsession and love of medical science. He not only absorbs and integrates medicine in his own way, but also breaks through the harsh legal and religious restraint. He has created and established a system of female doctors, The body to save the soul, and then by saving people to save the country, spread and carry forward the medical culture of the motherland, eventually becoming a generation of women's medicine, famous world.

A new cut plum (TV)[2010]

Feature: "The new plum blossom," tells the story of a strong individual Shen XinCi see through the fiance Liang YongChang sinister vicious, resolutely dissolve the marriage, was forced to exile, civil and military youth guy stills Zhao ShiJun sympathetic mercy, pour out help. Mercy determined to follow the gratitude, but involved in the bloody fight in Shahe town, was stranded Quarters to fight short-term work Li GengMing rescued, temporarily in Shahe town ranch shelter. Shahe Town and Wanjiazhuang in the same Green Lake, the two towns dispute over the water dispute, the crisis. Wan DaQuan, owner of Wanjiazhuang in the upper reaches, took the opportunity to marry Wan QiuLing, his frail daughter. Jun when the two towns complain, resolutely agreed. Qiuling suffering from congenital heart disease, marry on the way, heart disease sudden death, fortunately skilled Liang YongChang back to life. Yongchang Qiu Ling told her congenitally deficient, can not be pregnant, offering to let her find a letter to her on behalf of the female childbearing, he as a doctor to conceal the sea. Qiu Ling begrudged Qi Xin, accept this weird way of gratitude. Qiu Ling Jun Jun drink when given to her psychedelic drugs, bridal salon to change the phoenix when the bride for a mercy. Geng Ming heart found pregnant with Jun's children, that Jun Jun adultery women, angrily chasing Jun, when the founding of his wife when the layout of the wife, the quiet sacrifice of compassion touched, the two emotions out of control, Regardless of marrying her as wife, letting Wan DaQuan dispose of it. Yongchang learned that people who are by-tires are merciful, hate the time, start a series of revenge plans. He also made the drug-induced seduction of Qiu Ling, took away the mayor of Shahe town bit, conspiracy threats mercy when the trial Jun, Shi-Jun defeat, he can become Wanjiazhuang Jinchao-in. Shijun to win with wisdom, pretending to stained with poison, collecting evidence of Yongchang counterattack, Yongchang seriously injured to flee, autumn Ling angrily committed suicide. When the collusion between the warlords and Jun He and Shahe Town was taken over by warlords, they eventually robbed the newly born daughter of Jun and the benevolent at threat, forcing him to kill his benevolence only when he personally killed him. When Chun found Yongchang has lost his mind and human nature, vowed to fight wicked Yongchang, fighting the crazy in the end & nbsp ;.

Diamond giants (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Diamond wealthy" tells the story of the whole family in the early years of the Republic of China, Linjiang County ... This night, the assembly hall was packed, business elders and local gentry all gathered here, to participate in "embankment dam repair fundraising gala". The host is Yu BoTao, owner of Daihatsu Flour Mills, who is performing "Xiao Da Hua Hua", a lesser-known Peking Opera opera, and "Da Jiang Nan Troupe", to which she belongs. Performance has been an unprecedented success and echo, but also to raise the cost of embankment repair dam. The county magistrate, on behalf of all the county people, thanked him and announced that tonight's performance was Xiao Yuhua's bid to say goodbye to Ju Tan. Under the stage burst of exclamation, after the sound of regret, everyone envious look Qi Yu BoTao. Yu Bo Tao took the hand of Xiao Chrysanthemum and bowed deeply to the guests, saying that Xiao Chrysanthemum will give classes in Lincheng in the future and teach Peking Opera art to its hometown children for free. The thunderous applause brought the party to the highest peak, leaving the Yu BoTao husband and wife together with deep feelings of love and affection, leaving a deep impression on the folks. Yu BoTao has so beautiful dependents, since the spring breezes, but his love for Xiao Chrysanthemum, but caused the second wife Wang CaiLing envy. Yu BoTao's Yuan with Xu YunZhi, Dali Li, and Bo Tao is the marriage of the media. Since Xu YunZhi got married for many years without childbirth, Yu BoTao married Wang CaiLing, an avid social worker. Wang CaiLing door, quickly help Yu BoTao gave birth to a son, from the mother to your son, favor and arrogance. Third wife Xiao Chrysanthemum formerly known as Yao KeRen, can be paid for paternity, marry Yu BoTao she was a solitary. Originally thought that a transaction of marriage will not be happy, did not expect Tao Tao's considerate, kind-hearted, so that people may fall in love with him, the two immersed in the sweetness of happiness. Diamond giants filmed Bo Tao with new people forget the old man, provoke mining envy jealous. Not only lies in the mother's wounds, and design framed, create pleasant and brothers Ding YouMin, there are unclear false impression. At first he did not believe it. However, he could not afford to be repeatedly challenged by the artist and under the pressure of maintaining the door, he finally got Keren and Ding YouMin off and locked up in the firewood room. After dawn, he was transferred to the shrine for hearing. Coca-Cola was found guilty of the count, overnight to let go and Ding YouMin, and prepare the vessel, the two sent to the city. Keren innocence, refused to leave, Ding YouMin in desperation, will Keren stunned. Can wake up and found exposure to the cabin, and the ship has left the pier, busy boatman turn around. At the same time, Bo Tao learned that the two escaped, rhyme Chi, Cai Ling and Jia Ding many people find. Yun Chi Ming Ding Ming Ding Shui water stopped the boat, mining Ling guilty, deliberately stopped, Tao Tao into heaven and earth war. In the pleasant, see the boatman refused to turn around, shouting for help. Unexpectedly, the gamblers who have been bought by the mining companies have set fire to the boat and flew by themselves. Bouncing loudly, the entire ship burst of fire, under the flames, pleasant, Ding YouMin as the wreckage disappeared in the river Yu AiMei stills six years later, Shanghai Xiafei on the road, "Cheng Yuan" villas, busy, It turned out today is the birthday of Yu BoTao mother, 55, while celebrating the joy of moving home. Moved to Shanghai is Wang CaiLing years of dreams, I saw her strolling shuttle guests, may be too excited, for a time, her time and space chaos, as if back to the days of social networking & nbsp;.

Eagle Shooting Heroes (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Eagle Shooting Heroes" adapted from the novel of the same name by Jin Yong. Southern Song Dynasty partial security, monarch and minister faint, dynastic decline. Daikin States covetously, while the Mongolian eagle Genghis Khan on the surface of the Sacrificial Gold, but secretly brewing a unified country ambitions. Jingkang shame shadows of the Central Plains rivers and lakes, martial arts treasure "Wushu Scriptures" and "Jiuyin Zhenjing" as people Kuang Fu Song Jiangshan, the pursuit of the pinnacle of culminating sustenance and goals. East evil, West poison, South Emperor, the North Beggar four masterpieces of the Supreme Master, as well as the whole school, beggars and other countless martial arts have been involved ... ... Zhonglianghan, Genghis Khan's "Gold Knight" Juvenile Guo From the Mongolian prairie to the south, Jing hunt down to find his father and an enemy. Huang Rongshi, daughter of Huang Yao Shi, a Taoist island owner, meets Huang Rong, a native of Peach Blossom. The simple Guo Guo knows all the best in the world, and thanks to Qi Qi, a beggar gangster, who is the master of the North Beggar. By coincidence, Guo Jing got the Nine-Yin Scriptures and the Wu-Mu Shekan. Zoran became the first generation of heroes and soldiers. After vilifying the suffering of the family suffered in the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing vowed to serve the country. The former honest simple and honest, dull and arrogant Eagle Engraving hero has finally become the Huashan sword, save Xiangyang national crisis, for the country, full of noble and heroic heroic & nbsp ;.

Ghost Story (TV)[2007]

Feature: There are two big historians in the village of Liao Zhai Qi and two battles in the town. The only daughter Lian Cheng and Shi TaiShou, the only daughter of Shi TaiShou, has also become a fight against everything The enemy. By chance, two women encounter scholar at the same time. Qiao Sheng Talented, kind-hearted. Both women invariably secretly promised. Qiao Sheng admires both Lian Cheng's leisurely and tender gentleness and admires Bin Niang's cleverness, but as a responsible person, he can not marry two women at the same time and is hard to choose from! At this point, Wang HuaCheng, the son of Jagal in the city, actually married Lian Cheng as wife. History test William willing to climb right expensive promise. Lian Cheng, who is not married to Qiao Sheng, is therefore depressed. After diagnosis, the chest of a man who loves her needs medicine to be able to recover. Wang HuaCheng refused to flesh, but Qiao Sheng willing to sacrifice themselves, but this was Bin Niang learned that after getting sick, with the same illness with Lian Cheng, the results of her father to save his daughter, the Qiao Sheng meat for go with. Lian Cheng on the day of his marriage and depressed. After Lian Cheng's death, Qiao Sheng is very sad. Bin Niang often accompany comfort, Lian Cheng is both dead, Qiao Sheng will naturally go closer with Bin Niang. Lian Cheng, who was dead, still remembered Qiao Sheng, and then borrowed from Bin Niang's body and went into Bin Niang's body every night to win the love of Qiao Sheng. Later, Lian Cheng learned that on the same day, Bin Niang killed her indirectly and decided to take revenge on him. As Bin Niang showed her love for Wang HuaCheng and vowed to break up Qiao Sheng and Bin Niang! A disturbing, Bin Niang finally learned that Lian Cheng make trouble! Bin Niang apart from anger, afraid Lian Lian ghost hurt Qiao Sheng, one ghost of a big fight! Qiao Sheng can not stop it, and eventually lose both. Bin Niang injures oneself and ends up killing oneself. However, even if made a ghost, two women still have to fight endlessly! The two ghosts reluctant to stay alone Qiao Sheng between the sun, could not help but appear in the evening, met with Qiao Sheng, causing his apathetic. At the same time, the two ghosts enraged Wang HuaCheng, suffer the family. Qiao Sheng denounced the two women harm themselves, decided to leave the two women! Lian Cheng, Bin Niang Both live to death, all for love. Now not only lost their lives, but also lost their love. Sadness, but also have to support each other, unconsciously, has gradually established a subtle friendship can not be found in life. Qiao Sheng original Qiao Sheng Qiao Sheng is the opportunity to secretly find the two ghosts of the sun again! Qiao Sheng to find out that the two historians, because of frequent fighting and waste of money, can remedy the two women if they can remedy the situation. Qiao Sheng on behalf of the two historians to do good, plot Yin. Fortunately, the emperor pays off, and finally for the two women seeking "still Yang Fu." However, there is only one copy of "Huan Yang Fu". In the meantime, Wang HuaCheng learned that the two women should return the sun and let the Dao Shi set fire to the bodies of the two women, so that the two women will never be able to survive! Fortunately, life and death, Lian Cheng, Bin Niang do not remember each other in advance. For the first time, Qiao Sheng did not hesitate to make a bold decision: he would rather sacrifice himself, so that the body of Lian Cheng and Bin Niang can be preserved. After the death of Qiao Sheng, the two daughters realized their dreams and resolved to eliminate the disagreements between the two great historians. Two historians moved deeply, and eventually the daughter of a dead enemy as a friend. Wang HuaCheng self-burned corpse failed, they suffer from a strange disease, sunshine will do, evil retribution.Lian Cheng, Bin Niang finally understand that to love someone, not owned, but to pay! Only one of the Yang Fu also decided to give Qiao Sheng, let him be a man again! Xin ShiSiNiang Xin ShiSiNiang, Shi Bai Niang, elegant and refined, although as fox demon, but kind-hearted, and fox father and eighteen sisters together in the wilderness dilapidated Among the Buddhist Temple, because of the fourteenth sisters ranked in nineteen, named fourteen mother. Fourteen mother does not like her 18 sisters in general, selfish obedience in order to draw the yang of the world to enhance their magic, deliberately good deeds, to help others, to cultivate immortality aspirations, the pursuit of spiritual level of detached. One day, Xin ShiSiNiang see sisters seduce the gentleman of Ping Sheng, Ping Sheng is not for beauty, fox demon sister even resorted to the means to take Ping Sheng pure yang, Xin ShiSiNiang save Ping Sheng, the destruction of a sisters good deeds , Saved Ping Sheng and escaped, and sewed out feelings for Ping Sheng. Ping Sheng was a beautiful and kind-hearted Xin ShiSiNiang, dedicated and in love with fourteen mothers. Ping Sheng does not mind the identity of the fourteen god foxes. Under the unification of the uncles and the wives, she finally married her fourteen mother-in-law. One day she came to realize her immortality. She had always resisted human love. However, she found hell with Ping Sheng After the couple, fourteen mother for Ping Sheng true love touched, eventually willing to give up practicing immortality, want to fell in love with Ping Sheng. At the same time, sinister treacherous Chu Gongzi in order to get more power, with the help of demonic help, become Chai LangYao things, ambition overbearing, injuring the world and killing a flock of Fox, sister and fourteen to uphold the spirit, and To fox group sisters hate, justice, angrily Chu Gongzi, Chu Gongzi awakened, but helplessly Chai LangYao in turn control. The final fourteen mother decided to sacrifice love and life, set a hundred years of skill and one day, and bent over Chu Gongzi Chai LangYao things and atrocity battle. Finally save Chu son, kill the aunt and Chai LangYao. "Xin ShiSiNiang" Chu BanShan Chu Gongzi After the war, Xin ShiSiNiang regardless of the former victims of magic cast porridge, the final ash-flying extinct into a fairy. Ping Sheng and the Fourteen Mistresses Can Only Seek True Loves from Expectations but Faced with Fighting Fighting Things and Knowing Fourteen Motherlies to Exterminate Demons and Protect Peace between People, Ping Sheng Wishes Willingness to Complete Wives, Opposing Popular Customs, Sacrificing His Personal Love and Supporting His Wife . Fourteen Mother finally demons demons, and Chai LangYao things and demon Road to the end, in the ashes, Ping Sheng for the love of his wife sacrificed heartache, but for the righteous behavior proud, respectfully, finally moved Heaven and earth, the ultimate Tao immortality. "Xia Nv Gossip" Xia Nv childhood love martial arts, heroic and heroic character, father Yamen patrol, Xia Nv secretly help his father from time to time to arrest the assailants, the line of chivalric! Xia Nv saved the only daughter of the prefect, two women into friends. And Xia Nv was incarnated by Nan Hu incarnation of plucking wounded, to find a young caregiver treatment, mistakenly looked under the care of Dr. Gu, although the two became vindictive enemies, but Xia Nv heart secret ! However, Gu doctor fell in love with the innocent and incurable disease prefect daughter, prefect doctor for medicine, actually listen to witch doctor's words, to live human blood for medicine primer! Therefore, the city appeared vampire murder.Under the investigation of Xia Nv and his father, the revelations were made by the prefect and the daughter of the chief prefect was hit and thus died! Too saddened, and therefore to kill Xia Nv family, Xia Nv dedication to protect their loyalty, to escape! Xia Nv injured hiding in the mountains, Gu Gu doctor to help cure, and caregiver because the chief defender daughter is dead, and have the feelings of Xia Nv, the two interdependent life. Xia Nv hurt, kill the death guard down for the father! At this moment, the abbot woman remarried and seduced confusion to Dr. Gu. After Xia Nv learned prefectural daughter Bai Hu is the upper body, everywhere, confused to kill Zhuangnong, Xia Nv angrily Bai Bai, thus moving the fetal gas. Xia Nv painful experience, that the love of men and women, such as over the eye clouds, so cheat Dr. Fu fetus has been lost. Rescued afterward the woman, and the child to pay her and caregiver support. Finally decided to learn art on the mountain, in order to cut the evil demon, defend the world as its own responsibility! "Huan Niang of Liao Zhai Qi Woman" Zhao Huan Niang is a daughter, fell in love with popular young gentleman Wen RuChun, Wen RuChun talented, the daughter of opera class owner Ge Liang Gong also loved, but as spring only love Huan Niang, two Make a marriage vow. However, Huan Niang's father, playing the mandarin duck on the grounds of 'ruthlessness in the play' and jointly pursuing the design of Huan Niang's rich kin, made him owe huge debts. Huan Niang sought help from his father, As the spring repayments, as soon as the spring was discovered, the silver was sent back to the brothel for the redemption of Huan Niang. The two were in disarray, desperation, and finally decided to sacrifice their lives. Huan Niang drank poisonous alcohol. However, as the spring was in its survival, Sick parents, suddenly put away the idea of ​​seeking death, spit out the toxic liquor contained in the mouth, leaving Huan Niang alone to go to Huangquan Road. If the spring did not die, but was not guilty of Huan Niang's affidavit, the only motivation for survival was taking care of older parents. Such as the performance of spring plummeted, opera audience gradually diminished, Liang Gong has been around like Spring support, but also to help spring care parents. A year later, the parents of the Spring Festival passed away one after another. If they want to honor their promises made to Huan Niang on that day, they will go to death. Liang Gong painstakingly advised him to make him understand his own love, knowing that the deceased had passed away, and that he was moved by emotion as a spring to abandon death. Liang Gong, another rich family, had a soft spot for Liang Gong. However, when Liang Gong was as good as spring, Qian Gongzai promised to rebuild the play building and Liang Gong to marry him when he was facing a bankruptcy. Ge BanZhu a promise of marriage. Liang Gong is not from, Qian son threatened to his father to recover the huge amount of money to build theater. If the spring in order to keep Liang Gong, cheer up, make money for the troupe, repay money son debt. Qian Gongzi also assigned to kill such as spring, so that Liang Gong give up. Such as spring panic fall into the sea, I do not know whereabouts. Liang Gong firmly believe that the spring is not dead, defying hardships finally recovered like spring. But as the spring turns into a thunderous nerd at the moment, even the former memories are all lost ... Qian Gongzi thinks that her talent will be as good as her spring, Liang Gong will turn to her embrace, Liang Gong insists on her Spring remembers everything you get along with yourself. But if Spring can not remember a relationship with Huan Niang, Liang Gong feels it will be a good deed instead of a conscience, and deliberately fails to mention the previous events of Spring and Huan Niang.However, at this time, Huan Niang's ghost returned to the Yang room. On the day Huan Niang thought he was in love with his own life as a spring, but he found hell in the underworld. Later, he learned from the ghost he did not die like a spring, Huan Niang did not Solutions, back to the sun looking for the whereabouts of spring. Huan Niang hides in the attic of the playhouse, singing the tracks she made for her during the middle of the night in the middle of the night, causing haunted anecdotes in the theater. If Honda honets her piano playing skills, Huan Niang's songs can be accompanied, Huan Niang appears before the spring, but Huan Niang can not remember Huan Niang. She does not know if she is a ghost or a stranger . Liang Gong thought that Huan Niang deserved as a spring into a formidable ghost. Huan Niang said frankly not to claim a life just to prove that the spring is as true as others said. Why the day abandoned his food alone to go to Huang Quan? Theater haunted business plummeted. As the spring gradually remembers a passing affair with Huan Niang, it is a matter of sorrow and guilt. However, Liang Gong has the same affection for herself. If he is in love with Huan Niang, she will suffer Liang Gong and struggle like a spring. Huan Niang has the heart to accomplish such as spring and Liang Gong, making the illusion that the class teacher promised to allow Liang Gong to grant such as spring. At this point money son to make plans to put this ghost lover burned together. Liang Gong blazes fire to rescue him. Huan Niang looks at Liang Gong as if he saw his former self. After the fire, everyone thought both were burnt to ashes with Huan Niang. It was later discovered that on the very day of the fire, Huan Niang rescued him from spring and Liang Gong without hesitation, and smiled away with a smile of blessing. Sky gray, Qian Gongzi finally arrested Fa-rectification. From then on, Huan Niang's portrait was hung inside the house as a spring, playing a prelude to the portrait from time to time. Spring has never forgotten Huan Niang, Liang Gong also respects appreciation of Huan Niang, such as the spring of this affectionate, as long as the companion in the spring has been satisfied.

The Story Of Han Dynasty (TV)[2006]

Feature: In the late Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liang had Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu (Hu Jun ornaments), both nephew and niece. After they became famous in Chu State, they cast their own money in the anti-Qin ambitions. Yu Ji (Kristy Yang), a beautiful girl in the same county, met and made a good impression of being rescued by Qin Yu and Xiang Yu. There is a Liu Bang (Rongsheng Xiao ornaments) in Peixian not far from the prefecture. Married at the end of the 37th and the end of the eight years, they are idle but make a group of fellow Xiao Xiao. After becoming a pavilion, he married Lv Zhi (Jacklyn Wu). Shortly after Chen Sheng's uprising, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu took turns fighting against Qin during their ride. They first met outside Xiangyang City, saw the same, respect each other. Xiang Ziang, Counselor Fan Zeng said, "Chu Chunshou heart is Chu HuaiWang. Liu, a total of Yong. After Xiang Liang was killed by Qin Zhang Han, Xiang Yu took revenge and led the Northern Expedition. Julu a war, Xiang Yu breaking Qin Bing. Zhang Han More than 400,000 essences die or drop. But then Xiang Yu pit killed more than 200,000 surrendered Qin Bing, leaving a cruel fame. While Xiang Yu attack Qin Bing main force, Liu Bang first scored Guanzhong, Qin Wang Ying surrendered, Liu Bang Xianyang removed the capital. Because in the former Chu HuaiWang had first entered the Qin customs seal king of the contract, Liu Bang and Lv Zhi want to become Guanzhongwang and princess. Fan Zeng knows Liu Bang has a great ambition to persuade Xiang Yu to kill Liu Bang. Xiang Yu surface violent, but in fact loyal, banquet bankers could not bear to harm, Liu Bang escaped a life. Xiang Yu and Yu Ji have long been both heart and soul, just because of Xiang Liang's death and the delay of marriage. Xiang Yu broke the Qin, Yu Ji was captured into the Qin Palace, until after entering the customs still do not know their whereabouts. Therefore, Yu Yu huffed, burned Qin Palace, but inadvertently rescued Yu Ji. Reunion after the robbery, two very pleased. Xiang Yu hopes to be hometown, do not listen to Fan Zeng remonstrance, self-styled Xi Chu Bawang, Du Pengcheng; and seal Liu Bang Han Wang, Du Xushu; and Zhang Han and other three points Wang Sanqin, anti Liu Bang east. Liu Bang into Shu, Lv Zhi was held hostage in Chu, so Liu Bang heart resentment. She met with Xiang Yu and Yu Ji. After being married, they became jealous and suppressed the love and hate of Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu unmoved. Han Xiang, a subordinate to Xiang Yu, refuses to reuse and renounces Chu. As recommended by Xiao He, Liu Bang thanks Han Xin as general. Han Xin to "clear path along the cliff, steal the coffin," total capture of the Three Qin, and move eastward. While Xiang Yu Northern Expedition Qi State, Liu Bang took Pengcheng first, but an instant Pengcheng battle, the army annihilated Pengcheng lost. Xiang Yu came back to exile, and took Lv Zhi and Liu Bang's father-in-law to save Yu Ji. The two armies confronted each other for a long time in the Xunyang area and won each other's victory or defeat. In the meantime, Fan Zeng has offered to kill Lv Zhi and her beloved Liu Bang excuse, while Liu Bang answers "I share a cup of tea." Xiang Yu can not bear to kill Lv Zhi and grandmother. After Liu Bang escaped from Yangcheng City, Zhang Liang counted Zhang Xian and Fan Zeng as relatives. Yu Ji persuaded no, Fan Zeng died with anger. Liu Bang uses both Han and Xin. Han Xin broke the Wei, Zhao, Qi three countries, after being sealed as Qi Wang, led to aid. Han army and Chu army strength or weakness. Both parties said peacefully, with the return of Lv Zhi and his grandfather as the conditions, draw Chuhehanjie, retreat each other. Lv Zhi detained Chu camp for many years, Liu Bang unkind, and has Naxao girl, Princess, Qi female Princess. To this end she heart to heart and Shen ShiQi had been stolen love. At the time of returning to China, she even liked the Chu camp and Xiang Yu.After Liu Bang returned to his father and his wife's family, they broke the treaty again and made the war on Chu. Han Xin defeated Xiang Yu with "ambush" and immediately followed by Han Han Zhang Chu's "becumbent" count, leaving Chu to flee. When Xiang Xiang's closest Xiang Bo, Zhong LiMei, Ji Bu and others also left, Yu Ji and Wu Juma accompanied him. Xiang Yu touched no one, he thought life no regrets. Yu Ji song strike away, Xiang Yu cut-off to death. Xiang Yu broke out to the edge of the Wujiang River. Wujiang Pavilion drove the boat and asked Xiang Yu to cross the river. Xiang Yu said that without seeing the father of Jiangdong, he had died after he died of what he called Liu Bang. Liu Bang is about to set off as Lv Zhi will also round the Queen's dream, burying Xiang Yu and Yu Ji. On the day of funeral, Liu and his wife recalled the scenes of their relationship with Xiang Yu and Yu Ji in the past and could not help but feel mixed with some feeling of loss. But all of this was quickly obscured by the cloud of history.

Flying Fairy (TV)[2006]

Feature: This is a beautiful romantic romance, the story adapted from the folk legend "angel match." In the majestic heaven, a group of happy little fairies live, they are the elves in the sky, gods pets. Xiao Qi is one of the smallest but most naughty. On the 1st, Xiao Qi was a self-serving fan of saving the fairy sister. The stories of Dong Yong, Shanggao Hao Qi and Fu Yuan Bao and the young girl Saqin from the three young Xianqian counties were also started with the arrival of Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi found the lover Lao FuZi on the day of the second sister and misunderstood his feelings about her sister Dong Yong also made her the opposite. Two people in the process of mutual goodwill. Xiao Di was captured by Er LangShen in heaven, and Xiao Qi, who disappeared without a trace, was like a dream to Dong Yong. Under the wrath of Yu Di unplugged Xiao Qi's sentiment, turned her into a stingy kid - Long GuangBiao and fell into the world to learn the truth of life. Honest and kind-hearted Dong Yong is a well-established example of the celestial immortal celestial bodies, so Xiao Qi was brought to Dong for instruction by Tu Di. Prank in the heaven was Xiao Qi moved to the earth, she mischievously mischief, stir up trouble everywhere, stir Chishan county cocks uncomfortable. Dong parents, Fu and his son, the Shangshangzuzu, Saijin mother and daughter and other people in her make fun of miserable!

Feng Shen Qibing list Qishan (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Feng Ming Qishan Fengshan" tells about about 3,000 years ago, the ancient Shang dynasty has gradually come to an end. Everything started with the sacrificial offering Nv WaNiangNiang, when the film was worshiped by Nv WaNiangNiang at the time of the worship of Steve Ma and wrote the frivolous poem. The move enraged Nv Wa, so he sent a thousand years of Hu LiJing to the Shang scandal and cut off its veins. Shortly afterwards, King Wang listened to Fei Zhong's words and insisted on Da Ji (Bingbing Fan), a woman named Su Hu at Ji Zhou. On the way to Hu LiJing secretly swapped bags, posing as Da Ji into the palace, and North Korea traitors disasters inside and outside, vertical artillery, repair pots, dig wine pool, surrounded by meat forest, any man-made rape, framed Zhongliang, Qiongxiong together. When the son of Xi Ba Hou Ji Fa (Zhou Jie ornaments) refers to heaven vow to crush business Shang. Change the wheels of the dynasty moved from time to time, mortal gods have been involved, writing a mighty gods list. Nv WaNiangNiang On the day of the Heavenly Anniversary, Wang MuNiangNiang celebrated it in Peach Garden;纣 Wang see Nv Wa beautiful statues, drowsiness, insult poems, causing trembling. In order to make the world return to a harmonious and beautiful, Nv Wa decided to send his disciples under the assistant adjutant Daoist, all demon gods are aware of all the way, meritorious deeds will enter the list of God. Jiang ZiYa benevolent heart of this subject, of course, Shen GongBao to win their merits, in every possible way to obstruct.纣 dynasty thought Nv Wa beauty, no government toward politics. Traitor Fei Zhong just voted in favor of his extrinsic maid Su Da Ji palace pet. May Da Ji early marriage with Bo YiKao son of Seb Hou has a marriage, the two affectionate love. Su Hu resistance, 纣 Wang hair soldiers robbed. Da Ji for the sake of the overall situation to preserve the lives of civil and military people throughout the city, cut love, willing to enter the palace. Shen GongBao borrowed the will of Nv WaNiangNiang to divert Hu LiJing, Pheasant, and Pipa into the palace. Hu LiJing was enthralled with Da Ji on the way to Su Hu's female palace and took Nai Niang's little girl Yu Rong into the palace with Su Hu. Hu LiJing Su Da Ji was admitted to the palace after Shen GongBao, to help 纣 abuse. Prime Minister Shang Rong urged the king not to return to his hometown. Jiang HuangHou angrily fooled Da Ji, fox Da Ji ordered the king to punish his wife and children, Shang Rong to death phase, hit the column and died. When the two princes were about to be beheaded, there was a steep wind and a scourge for fear of the four great princes. Jiang ZiYa was buried in the market, and at the same time investigated the conditions of the Shang business. Later, Wang Zi was appointed as a doctor and became a friend of Bi Gan and Huang FeiHu. Jiang ZiYa rectify the palace demon gas, framed by fox Da Ji, King ordered to kill, Ziya to flee Chaoju, from the teacher's life to seclusion in Western Zhou Dynasty, in order to foster virtue virtuoso. Behind the Scenes Li Jing's wife Huang Feiyun pregnant a Nissan a big meatball, Li Jing Jianpi, jump out of a boy, Huang FeiHu named Ne Zha, Tai YiZhenRen received as apprentice. Ne Zha clever naughty repeatedly disaster, as not tired of his father, Ne Zha Eviscerate also father. Tai YiZhenRen reshaped Ne Zha with lotus-leaf lotus flowers and gave birth to a hot wheels and fire javelin in the mountains to defuse Ne Zha and his father's grudges. Xi Bo Hou Jichang was imprisoned Chao Song, eldest son Bo YiKao into the rescue, fox Da Ji seduce him. Bo YiKao restless, fox Daji fake the king's hand cruel to kill it.Ji Fa, the second son of Ji Chang, assisted in the installation of San YiSheng, installed crazy foolishly and went to the two songs.纣 Wang that Ji Chang pose no threat to its future, they put their father and son back to Xiqi. Jiang ZiYa fishing in Panxi recluse, Ji Chang grateful to the grace of Jiang ZiYa, thanks to the prime minister, Ziya Aaron King, the increasingly prosperous Western Zhou Dynasty. Huang FeiHu sent Hu LiJing's lair to burn, Bi Gan made a robe with a fox fur dedicated to the king, fox Da Ji angry design framed Bi Gan, revenge for their children.纣 Wang Listen to 谗 言, ignorant loyalty Bi Gan reproach 纣 Wang mistakes country people, while digging belly dedication and death. Wen TaiShi heads to Bi Gan to funeral. Wen Zhong called Huang FeiHu and other loyalists, proposed ten Jian Jian Jun, Wang Wang Tai Chi, had to deal with. Coincidentally, out of the betrayal, King Wang branch open Wen Zhong. Huang FeiHu forced helpless finally embarked on the road of rebellion, "Jun not correct, then minister anti". The forces in the Western Zhou Dynasty have become more and more powerful. The children's teeth should be combined with Chong HeiHu, punishing Chong HouHu and his son, and returning the Beibei Hou throne to Chong HeiHu. Since then, King Wen seriously ill, Tuozhu Jiang ZiYa, Jiang ZiYa Li Ji Fa as the King of wu, support the Wu Wang anti-Shang numerous armed intrusion. Shen GongBao Call pheasant refined into a beautiful girl Wang Feng Lai, with the father of the Bi Gan's daughter Zi Xian to West Branch from the army disguised as men close to and about Wu King. Wen TaiShi Feng Wang Wang Ling Chao Lei, Chao Tian Brothers were captured West. Huang FeiHu capitulate, Ziya designed to let Chao Lei fool Wenzhong, then a small, cheat forage, and relieved the worries. Zhang GuiFang Zongsi Zhengxi defeat, Wenzhong please Jiulongdao four holy war, yet successful. Wenzhong invited Jin'ao Island ten cents, cloth under the ten must miss. In the crisis of Western Zhou Dynasty, Feng Lai seduced the King of Wu and failed. He turned to Hu An, the eldest son of the Three Highnesses, instigated the imperial civil disturbance. Jiang ZiYa Ten brothers and sisters gathered Xijian, helping children break. Evangelism and the interception of celestial beings, even breaking the Sixth Jue, punished Zhao GongMing and six Tianjun, Wu Wang and his fiancee Zi Xian, Ne Zha, Lei ZhenZi also been caught in the red sand array. Shen GongBao invited three Xianggu, Kunlun ten bit stuck in the immortal array, the original Tianzun visit rupture, save ten cents. Nan JiXianWeng finally broke the red sand array, save the trapped array gatekeeper, Wu Wang Shen GongBao was robbed. Wenzhong Zhong Jiang ZiYa serial meter, desperation died in no Long Ridge. Pheasant Feng Lai plans Hu An attempted coup, Hu An committed suicide. Feng Lai fled back to the court to live with King Wang. Shen GongBao Under the help of three demon secret prisoners of the King, Jiang ZiYa led by Yang Jian, Zi Xian and Shen GongBao wits, save Wu King.纣 Wang decided to drive the West, Linghu Da Ji back to Jizhou persuaded Su Hu as the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Front. Da Ji fox exposed, and finally had to poison, Jurong died, Su FuRen into a vegetative state. Fox Da Ji happened to blame the issue on the West Branch, Su Hu expedition.纣 Wang Wang Yin Hong went down the hill by Shen GongBao counterattack, recommended to Su Hu door. Jiang ZiYa rescued Su FuRen, Su FuRen pierced the real face of fox Da Ji, Su Hu awakened, reached a consensus with Yin Hong, against Ge a blow, killing Yu Qing and others. Fox Da Ji Yin Yin 'Yin and Yang mirror' catch. Shen GongBao Escape. Hu LiJing again escaped from the body of Su Da Ji and escaped to the side of King Qiong Wang, still living in the image of Da Ji. True Da Ji knew that he had sinful and innocent, and died in Su Ying. Sixteen words have been left behind: "Words are not beautiful, but beautiful words do not believe.Good people do not argue, argue poor. Wise is not Bo, Bo unwise. "Wang Yu-kai pro sign failed.

Lost Love In Times (TV)[2005]

Feature: Posters Feng Qing Chen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the holy relics nine to exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

Q u yuan (TV)[1999]

Feature: Qu Yuan tells the story of Qu Yuan, a believer in Chu HuaiWang who wanted to destroy Chu and then whale swallowing the capital in 316 BC, and is dedicated to eradicating old conspiracies, Quite heavy bribes to Jin Shang, led by the South after the princes and kings of the Chu, Qu Qu Yuan lonely, monarch and minister lost, combined with the internal affairs of Chu was too many abuses, aristocrat corruption and corruption led to several times so Qu Yuan Qi, has been reused several times On several occasions, he was derogated from drama and went on to power. Eventually Qin defeated the country and its nation perish. Qu Yuan therefore indignantly condemned Luo Jiang for committing suicide in the fifth day of May 278 BC. Qu Yuan created Chu Ci, leaving immortal poetic masterpieces such as "Li Sao", "Heaven", "Spirit of Souls" and "Nine Songs" in literature. What is even more valuable is that he left indomitable Patriotic spirit, so he has been praised and admired. Dragon Boat Festival, one of the ancient traditional festivals in our country, was set up by Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the flood of the river. It is also called the "Poet Festival."

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