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David Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included David Wang Works 31 ,And Urban drama 11 ,Love 6 ,Feature 5 ,Romance 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Workplace film 2 ,Action 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,轻喜2 ,Comedy 2 ,女性1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Crime 1 ,感情1 ,legend 1 ,婚姻1 ,现代都市1 ,都市女性1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,都市情感励志1 ,Spy war 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Musical Drama 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

David Wang Filmography(31)


彼岸花 (TV)[2020]


《彼岸花》讲述了和平、卓扬、许榛生和艾森是大学里的好哥们。乔曼与南生( Lin Yun 饰)则是一对在年幼时因父母离婚而被迫分开生活的孪生姐妹。相爱的和平与南生就读于同一所大学,而作为交换生的乔曼也与南生重逢。乔曼对和平一见钟情,却只能埋藏心中。南生与和平矛盾多多,分手后,和平在卓氏集团工作,与乔曼成为同事。乔曼一直希望和平与南生重修旧好,可南生却接受了暗恋她的许榛生。岂料,结婚前夕,南生查出患有绝症,成了落跑的准新娘。南生既不愿再回到和平身边,也不想耽误许榛生的青春。和平知道自己念念不忘与南生相伴相守的成长岁月,乔曼的柔情和善解人意正是他心里南生的样子。最终,和平既没有跟南生走到一起,也没跟乔曼牵手,就如同花叶永不能相见的盛开的彼岸花,他们在各自的领域努力打拼,把美好的青春留给了记忆,拥抱太阳,大步迎接更灿烂辉煌的美好明天。

下一站是幸福 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《资深少女的初恋》剧情介绍:讲述了34岁的 He FanXing ,从小就是别人家口中的模范生,是一家公司的行政主管,也是母胎solo。不知道从什么时候开始, He FanXing 发现身边的人一个个都结婚生子。亲戚们也逐渐不再关注她的恋爱状况,父母也做好了白菜烂在菜地里的觉悟,弟弟的口头禅也从“你这种人最容易让男人骗”,变成了“有人愿意骗骗你也好”。

He FanXing 遇到 Yuan Song 的第一想法是:她如果年轻十岁肯定会喜欢这样的男孩, Yuan Song 是弟弟的得意门生,她本来只是履行对弟弟的诺言照顾他,直到她接到电话得知他请假,像个老妈子一样去他家里探病,却被淋成了落汤鸡,也就从那天开始,一切都不对了,因为音乐、啤酒、和吹头发的气氛轻易被推到之后,她开始不知所措。

在一场“阴谋”般的相亲中,她认识了合作广告公司的老板-38岁的 Ye LuMing 。他们就像是命中注定,她在他的面前丑态百出,被误会被嫌弃,但他突然之间转性,和她成了好朋友,并且帮她处理与 Yuan Song 的关系,她每次在听完他提的建议之后,她和 Yuan Song 的结果却是往反的方向。

一个是小狼狗,一个是老狐狸, He FanXing 陷入了抉择之中。

怪你过分美丽 (TV)[2020]


“金鼎奖”的颁奖典礼,奇丽公司金牌经纪人莫向晚旗下两大王牌艺人均入围核心奖项。然而风光背后危机四伏,莫向晚因决策失误,遭遇艺人的离开。莫向晚从老戏骨身上感受到流量明星缺失的匠心与热爱,转变职业思路。下决心由自己开始改变风气,不负时光,不忘初心,创作好作品。莫向晚重振旗鼓,创立清源文化。莫北寻求事业发展出国深造,莫向晚带领清源文化逐步走上正轨,并联合多家公司,共同打造全新的事业。一年后,一次重要的签约仪式上莫向晚意外缺席。此时她已落地纽约,穿越人潮,微笑的向莫北走去 。


亲爱的婚姻 (TV)[2019]


婚前,王可可和黎小俊两家共同为小两口买房,却因各种原因,黎小俊只在合同上写了自己一个人的名字,王可可浑然不知。婚礼当天王可可气愤黎小俊隐瞒事实,黎小俊解释未果,王可可逃婚离开。相爱彼此的两人静下心来后,互相检讨自己的过失,两人牵手言和。黎母对王可可提出尽快生孩子的要求,王可可为逃避家庭琐事,决定找份高薪工作以表能力。王可可巧遇黎小俊的老板程大成成为他的助理,小两口成了同事。因王可可工作出色,又成了黎小俊的上级,两人经常把工作中的喜忧带进了婚姻,产生了一些误会矛盾,但两人相爱的心却没有因为任何外界的力量分开过。历经波折,王可可和黎小俊决定补办一次完美的婚礼 。


创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。

Beijing Womens Guide (TV)[2018]

Feature: Beijing Women's Illustrated Book takes Beijing, the most representative city in China, as its story background and tells the true work and life of a single woman working hard in a big city alone. Beijing, Tokyo and New York are the capitals of the big powers in the world. They are comfortable beds, comfortable rhythms and stable jobs. Why did you come to Beijing? Here, the house can be a common topic for all people in the whole city. Derogatory words, here, hard work is not necessarily the only way to promotion.

Project Gutenberg (Movie)[2018]


The movie "Project Gutenberg" story introduction: The criminal gang led by the code "painter" mastered the technology of making counterfeit banknotes, made it difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and made transactions in the world to gain benefits, causing the police to attach great importance to it. However, the identity of the "painter" and other members has always been a mystery. The progress of the police's investigation has encountered unprecedented challenges. At a crucial moment, Li Wen, who specializes in painting, opened up a breakthrough in solving crimes, and the true identity of the “painter” was unexpected to everyone.


Orange Street stock men (TV)[2017]

Feature: Stills Residential neighborhood Orange Street Li's family, Li Grandpa, father, mother for the family's four sons Li DaHuo, Li ErHuo, Li SanHuo, Li SiHuo growth, exhausted heart. Li DaHuo is the eldest left male, finally found his favorite woman Yao AnNa, but facing the problem of unable to bear children; Li ErHuo woman is very good, but do not know how to cherish the existing happiness, lost his real favorite woman Can not find it back; Li SanHuo clumsy, repeatedly offended He BingBing; Li SiHuo college entrance examination failed but baffling to help the teacher raising children warm. Grandpa, father and mother use different methods to influence and help them face all the tests they have given in life, but their work and marriage still remain puzzling questions. Orange Street Li, Li DaHuo hunger strike to his mother said he was going to marry Yao AnNa determination, the final Zhao FengYing could not bear to watch her son hungry was forced to surrender. Encouraged by his father, Li Shengli, Li ErHuo cheer up and restart his life, but unexpectedly met Jiang XiLe, who once disappeared into the sea. Regardless of how Jiang XiLe evaded refusal, Li ErHuo always gave up and finally won back the love of Jiang XiLe again. Li SanHuo gave her a warm companionship while He BingBing was the most frustrated, and two happy lovers married at the fastest speed. Li SiHuo was inspired by the warmth of taking care of the warmth and was eventually admitted to the ideal art school and became a good friend with her warm mother. Four young boys have finally gained their own happiness.

Lost In 1949 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Also known as "Lost In 1949", "Excuse me" tells the story of New Year's Day in 1949. Qiao ZhiCai is being released by the authorities when he plans to implement a prison break plan in prison. He was carrying a suitcase, going to find the framed ginger that year framed him, but did not expect at the train station, accidentally hit Huang LiWen mourning the husband from the liberated areas to return home. When the two left, carry the wrong luggage with each other. Huang LiWen luggage important radio stations, to be handed over to our party underground organizations. To this end, she moved to Zhenning Village, a middle-class neighborhood where she not only reunited with her family accidentally, but also met with Qiao ZhiCai, a kind and honest villager. The two were constantly involved in the dreadful waves of danger, but escaped with cleverness and courage. The two have honed their skills in the struggle with the Security Bureau to sharpen their minds and gradually grow into strong and respectable Communists from the rookie who have no underground work experience. Huang LiWen and Qiao ZhiCai also watch for help during the troubled times and slowly wear Through each other's heart defenses, and ultimately realize the true meaning of love and faith & nbsp ;. "Extricate" is directed by Wang Qi Nan, directed by Lin Ke, starring Chen Kun and Qian Wan, starring Liao Fan and Wang Jingchun, starring David Wang and Winston Chao, starring Thái Văn Tịnh, Tao Haojing and Xiaochen Zhang drama.

Love is the source of joy (TV)[2017]

Feature: Zhang HongXing is creative director at a small advertising agency. His ex-wife, Chen XiaoLing, sent her daughter back to Zhang HongXing for remarriage, a stable and comfortable life because of his active mind and invincibility. Lin Fengying see his son boss is not small, trying his best to find a daughter-in-law. Guan MeiYang is a headhunter, she wants to dig Zhang HongXing to a large company. Zhang HongXing is unwilling to accept the challenge and pressure, and Guan MeiYang is a person who does not reach his goal. Zhang HongXing has become a girlfriend, and Guan MeiYang took the chance to ask Zhang HongXing to accept the job-hopping conditions. Came to the new company, boss Zhu GuiXiang is a professional woman, harsh people, and free to use Zhang HongXing constant friction. Wen LiLi, director of media and Zhang HongXing, was again involved in the workplace struggle. The head office dispatched a human resources consultant to a capable cadre who kicked Zhang HongXing out of the company. With the help of Guan MeiYang, Zhang HongXing stood his feet in the new company, and he and Guan MeiYang sprouted their love during this period.

Workplace is a technology live (TV)[2017]

Feature: China's cosmetics industry leader Diou Group encountered bottlenecks in development, President Shen ZhiZe hired Xu Nuo senior manager to solve the problem of poor management. Xu Nuo swept through reforms that touched the interests of some of its former employees, and vice president Yu Manii unite with them to crowd out Xu Nuo. Xu Nuo's ability and hard work won some staff support, reversing the unfavorable start, and Shen ZhiZe's relationship also from the tip of the wheat to the mutual affection. Xu Nuo accidentally discovered that her parents introduced her blind date to her colleague Lin Fan. Warm Fan Lin Fan and Shen ZhiZe cold contrast, Xu Nuo difficult choice. A few key projects have been a success. Shen ZhiZe admired and admired Xu Nuo, who has the sunshine and the decisive personality. But he still can not forget his dead girlfriend. Yu Manii, who loves Shen ZhiZe, deliberately laid out the accusation that Xu Nuo was undercover the competitor had sent him out of the company. Mengmei Group intends to annex the Choio, Shen ZhiZe find the whole story, please return to Xu Nuo, turn the tide of the crowd. In the end, Yu ManNi was subdued by Xu Nuo's sincerity and abilities, and Lin Fan married for love, Xu Nuo and Shen ZhiZe & nbsp ;.

Z plan (Movie)[2016]

Feature: "Z Plan" is the first New Year comic action comedy to be co-starred by the dawn and starring Zhang Han Yu, Du Juan and Wang Yaoqing.

Probation jade (TV)[2016]

Feature: Su Ran and Zhao MingQi originally had enviable marriages. However, Zhao MingQi unexpected derailed his life to bring about a peaceful life. After the extramarital affair was exposed, Zhao MingQi was bent on Su Ran's forgiveness to return to her family. Su Ran could not easily get out of the betrayed shadow. In addition, "Little 3" Hua Sha deliberately considered Zhao MingQi as her own, time after time When Zhao and Zhao worked hard to repair the relationship, the two marched to the verge of rupture. But Zhao MingQi has never given up, but also because of the unwillingness to divorce Hua Sha framed "rape", caught in grudges. For many years, Su Ran resolutely took the burden both inside and outside the home and ascertaining the truth of Zhao MingQi case. After Su Ran insisted on giving up, Zhao MingQi finally cleared his grievances. However, experienced a heavy feeling has been like "broken jade." How to win back the lost dignity and career lost in the extramarital affair and how to restore Su Ran's fading heart has become a more severe test for Zhao MingQi. In the end, both of them got a reborn growth in this unhealthy past with a deeper understanding of the reconnected family life.

Best arrangement (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the summer of 2011, Zhao ZiHui and his boss, Yan Yan, were in love. Suddenly her grandmother came to Shanghai for hospitalization from northeast China. Yan Qizhou's ex-wife Lu Qian came back for remarriage. In confusion, Zhao ZiHui met Xu Tian in the hospital. At first, Zhao ZiHui was only a joke that met again and again, but did not think Xu Tian was more frustrating and courageous. Zhao ZiHui and Xu Tian not only opened the hotel together Two hearts are getting closer. Unfolding a love triangle love, caught off guard love let Zihao Zi distraught, the work is not smooth riot Zhao ZiHui confused, Zhao ZiHui swing between her future and Xu Tian uncertain. At the same time Xu Tian childhood sweetheart knife and Zhao ZiHui difficult choice between. Zhao ZiHui suddenly disappeared when the two men decided to go to each other at the same time. Three years later, Zhao ZiHui came back with the answer and met Xu Tian before the death.

Im Du LaLa (TV)[2016]

Feature: I am Du LaLa, a 30-year-old working-class elite Du LaLa, who will soon be on the rank of director. And she and Wang Wei's love affair is also ripe, get married and lead a happy life. Unexpectedly, the company suddenly appeared airborne Bingui Kai Xi, the same personnel manager, and Larra competing personnel director. Kai Xi Bilala young, but in no way inferior ability. Two people in the company's personnel recruitment, annual programs and other work in close combat, several times Lara almost defeated. Lala feel pressure, director of the place is also crumbling. However, Lala did not expect that Kai Xi and Wang met for a long time, especially loved by her mother Lu AiHua. Kai Xi deeply influenced by Western culture, taken for granted, and the Royal family to go very close to Lala to bring a lot of trouble. Although Lara is the workplace elite, but it is a family rookie. At first she ran out of work in balance between workplaces and families, which caused a lot of controversy. Atlas had even contradicted Wang Wei. But pulling the bones of good persistence, let her gradually grow. In the end, Lara won my mother-in-law's love of being a good wife and a happy wife with her own efforts and true love of the family.

Mr. Good (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lu Yuan (Honglei Sun), a Chinese man who worked hard in the United States to become chef at Michelin's Samsung restaurant, is a "devilish monarch" in most people's eyes, living a wanton, "Good sir", long-term and kind-hearted. America's nightmare car accident did not want his life, but let him live more and more strong. Returning to China this time, Lu Yuan had three purposes: to bring the ashes of his great buddy Peng, who died in a car accident, to bring him back to roots; and to send Peng JiaHe (Xiaotong Guan), a daughter of Uncle Pei at the age of eighteen, to her Mother hand; find a secluded place, hanging rope hanging rope. But I did not expect to see Jiang Jing (Xiao Che), the most ex-girlfriend I ever face, while Gan Jing's boyfriend turned out to be a boy who licked a popsicle with me when he was a kid. Jiang HaoKun (David Wang Decoration). The front of the car and the unreasonable confusion of the old love scissors have not yet been clearly understood. They have been entangled not only with Lay (entertainer), the brother of Jiang Hao Kun's sister, Jiang Lai (Jiang Shuying) And violent broke into his life, Mustang hit a strong horse, the two master trick, chase me by the like, the soul will eventually be a little closer to them, a mature age men and women love defense battle staged.

Amoy wedding record (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Amoy Marriage" tells the story of premarital, Wang KeKe and Li XiaoJun two families buy a house for the couple, but for various reasons, Li XiaoJun only wrote his name in the contract, still unknown Wang KeKe. On the wedding day, Wang KeKe was angry Li XiaoJun hid the fact that Li XiaoJun explained the consequences and Wang KeKe escaped from marriage. After the two people, who love each other, are relieved, they review each other's own faults and the two hold hands. Li Mu put forward Wang KeKe's request to have children as soon as possible. Wang KeKe decided to find a well-paid job in order to evade family chores. Cheng DaCheng, owner of Wang KeKe and Li XiaoJun, became his assistant and his younger brother became a colleague. Because Wang KeKe worked well and became Li XiaoJun's supervisor, the two often brought the joys of their work into marriage, creating some misunderstandings. However, the love between two people was not separated by any external force. After twists and turns, Wang KeKe and Li XiaoJun decided to make up a perfect wedding & nbsp ;.

Qian Long Secret History (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a scene of the tragedy of the big family that took place in the Qing Dynasty. Its historical background is that during the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yong Zheng had a sudden death, and had a sacred gift during his lifetime. But the edict is missing, the royal government minister under the mediation, Hongli won the throne as Qian Long Emperor, his son Yong Lian as Chu Jun, according to the agreement Yong Lian any eventuality, Hong Xi can order as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, when Yong Lian, a three-year-old patient, died of a three-year illness in Qian Long, Hong Long could not possibly have ascended the throne as possible. The four great families of the capitalist Zhao, Wang, Li and Xue are both in-laws and political alliances. Lee was the first to be copied family members did not, Zhao Fu father and son to Hong Xi, please support Lee. Hong Xi hijacked Li's property in the government and destroyed the property of the four big families for the financial support of her own career. Zhao was involved in the royal family contradictions, such as frightened, trembling. Zhao Wang Zhao Bao for the home, stick Yuanyang Lin Yu children, cheat Zhao Qin and marriage. Implicated, Yuan Fei (the daughter of Zhao Fu) was found to have been ancestor of the Hong Xi House, Zhao House was copied, Zhao House under the imperial power of the feudal, desolate, casualties fiscal loose & nbsp ;.

FallInLoveLikeAStar (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The movie "The Star Star" by the Horizons century and co-produced media, tells the story of love between stars and brokers. Tian Xin, played by Mini Yang, and Su XingYu, played by Li Yifeng, met each other at a slight moment. Five years later, they both succeeded in their business. However, Tian Xin, who became a real agent of Su XingYu, became the agent of Su XingYu. For a while to rest but unable to stop the love entangled.

JuniorParents (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mo Fan and Jian Dan These 80 couples in Shanghai who are self-proclaimed petty bourgeoisie "hot mom tide", and the first year of their never appreciate the real "old and young have small" troubles, Instead, all the burden will be passed on to both parents. Until Jian Dan's mother Liu YunYing was diagnosed with rectal cancer, the collapse of the family trapped in the Tian Collapse still caused the two men to say goodbye to the comfortable and comfortable life. In the process of seeking medical advice, the young couple have experienced the hardship of seeing a doctor, and realized that they had to face the predicament and actively nurture them. The efforts of the young couple did not restore the lives of their loved ones, Liu YunYing's death, Mo Fan's father's heart attack, a series of more difficult problems such as home care, children's education and other issues come one after another. To take care of the whole family, Jian Dan, once a boring life of two years of a full-time wife, also once separated from her husband and longed for marriage. However, her daughter, Mauch's autism, gave trouble to the young couple in a dilemma. With her family's efforts, Mo Fan and Jian Dan, the once-victorious marriage ship, finally returned to a loving harbor.

Graduation song (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the summer of 1939, Shanghai, under Japan's occupation. Wang MuTian and three or four boys of the same age of 16 or 17 were also motivated by their childish anti-Japanese graduation opera. Wang MuTian sister's fiancé Hong WangNan is an engineer of the Kuomintang Air Force. He secretly sneaked back to Shanghai network aircraft manufacturing personnel, contributing to the manufacture of fighter jets at the Central Aircraft Factory. In the meantime, Wang MuTian's cousin Sang Xia came to Singapore from Singapore. In fact, this Sang Xia is an impostor. She is a communist whose purpose is to open a channel for the New Fourth Army to buy medicine and other substances overseas. Led by Sang Xia, Wang MuTian gradually grew from a ignorant patriotic youth into a determined revolutionary fighter. During this time, however, these young people, both Wang and Hong, also underwent trials and tribulations, embarking on different paths of life.

TheGreatHypnotist (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Xu RuiNing, a well-known psychotherapist who is good at hypnotherapy in China, just started his career. All the patients he had undergone were discharged from hospital, which made Xu RuiNing confident and arrogant. Even their own students in the classroom questioned his theory, have no convergence back in the past, these are Xu RuiNing's university teacher Fang JiaoShou look in the eyes. After Xu RuiNing gave a lecture, Fang JiaoShou was asked by his students to ask Xu RuiNing to diagnose Ren Xiaoyan, a special patient. However, Fang JiaoShou asked Xu RuiNing to call the patient a very weird person whom she had read No psychiatrist can treat her condition, Ren Xiaoyan speech difficult to tell the truth and know how to fight back the therapist. Xu RuiNing was greatly impressed by the patient whom Fang JiaoShou mentioned in his mouth, and she arrogantly considered that there was no cure for the patient. When Ms Yan came to Xu RuiNing's treatment room, Xu RuiNing found that the patient was indeed as eccentric as Fang JiaoShou said. Ren Xiaoyan claimed that he could see dead people, and seek her help to do something not done during his lifetime, Xu RuiNing did not agree, but Ren Xiaoyan explained that he had no mental illness at all, and she saw all It is real. Xu RuiNing Xiaoye meal in a "crazy language" after the decision to use hypnotherapy for treatment. And when Xiaoyan successfully entered hypnosis, Xu RuiNing want to find out where the psychological shadow of Xiaoyan, but did not want to be brought into a terrible trap.

song of vengeance (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Private Ender is a university with a long tradition of chorus. Each week, the four major colleges hold the Challenge Challenge. Su Yang is a lecturer at Andhra and the other is an unlucky singer. He was taken aback by the Tolstoy Choir at the end of the school line, a group of young people considered by all to be heterogeneous. Su Yang developed this with his unique teaching methods and passion for music The group of young people's unlimited music potential, but also to explore the talented female lead singer Ko, let her outbreak of amazing strength. Tolstoy Choir with outstanding performance to conquer the school had their cold-looking people, and ushered in the school's ultimate PK Championship Championship opportunity. In the meantime, everyone in the choir completed a quest for dreams and renewed self-awareness, as well as gaining love and friendship of their own.

Half way father and son (TV)[2014]

Feature: Luo JianJun went to prison on the occasion of his son's 100th birthday and his wife ran away. When the old mother took his grandson for 16 years and the army was released from prison, the child was big and he was still halfway with his father and son stills. Fortunately, Most of them actually met a woman with his own kindness Jiang Xin, each of them think each other is to make people happy after half of their lives. Against the opposition of both families, they bravely and confidently formed a new family. However, Jiang Xin was detected at the end of the cancer and Luo JianJun decided to get married. From the day they took the marriage certificate, the family was not peaceful: Gao Gao, the son of Jiang Xin, did not like the stepfather and kept breaking the new house To make trouble; After marriage, Gao Mai indirectly inflicted Luo JianJun's son into the juvenile control center. Luo JianJun's mother hated Gao Mai and acted irrevocably. After Jiang Xin's death, out of a man's commitment and commitment, Luo JianJun took on the responsibility of raising children as stepchildren who regard him as enemy. During this period, he was discouraged, disappointed, abandoned and shaken, and eventually melted his love Gao Mai's inner ice. This half way father and son to establish a real father and son feelings.

Little dad (TV)[2013]

Feature: A greedy and unfriendly auto mechanic, Yu Guo, suddenly received a phone call from a machine builder Li SanMei informing him that a U.S. passenger named Xia XiaoBai needed to travel to pick up the aircraft many years ago as a student during his trip to the United States Aventure so reproduce my mind. Excited Yu Guo rushed to the plane, unexpectedly appeared in front of actually was a boy of eighty-nine years old. The child claimed to be the son of Xia XiaoBai, named Xia Tian, ​​who decided to go alone for "superhero" because of her unfortunate death in a car accident ---- Yu Guo. Yu Guo disappointment on the occasion, directed at Li SanMei after a pass soared, Yu Guo actually walked away. Because her detention was kidnapped by Xia Tian, ​​she was on the verge of being crazy. She suddenly received an overseas phone call from her uncle Tai Le and learned that they were on their way to China and was temporarily taken care of by Xia Tian. As a lawyer, Tai Le is full of charm, so that "Unmarried" sister at first sight, secretly take care of Xia Tian's bounden duty. Although Sammi's simplicity makes her own impressions and specials, Tai Le understands that this trip is not about any Aventure, but the custody of Xia Tian. However, Xia Tian's determination to follow Yu Guo's life made both Tai Le and Yu Guo a big surprise. Tai Le respect Xia Tian's choice of surface, but in the back and Yu Guo copy into a "transaction." The falling son of "Son" caused a great earthquake in Yu Guo's life. His girlfriend Shan Shan's crying, his father's reprimand, his frustration, and Xia Tian's getting along with him made him feel overwhelmed. Xia Tian could not stand the various kings of Yu Guo and demanded early return to the United States with Tai Le. The proud Tai Le took the opportunity to refuse the relevant expenses, is the lack of money for his sister to pay high medical expenses Yu Guo and the buddy Qi DaSheng hero to perform the task of a good show, successfully cheated Xia Tian's trust. Angry Tai Le decided to snatch Xia Tian by law. As a result, a fight about child custody fought between the two men. Li SanMei therefore entangled with two men. Tai Le's "conspiracy" was unfolded layer by layer, Yu Guo all kinds of do not depend on the arrival of Xia Tian began a wonderful change, Sanmei's emotional balance gradually tilt. Finally, Yu Guo, a hard-to-break love for her, boarded a flight to the United States & nbsp ;.

FuChen (TV)[2012]

Feature: A large list of 700 million opened the curtain of state-owned enterprise reform and capital operation. Wang GuiLin, Director of State-owned Factory and Director Wang Zhenli, Inspired by Technological Innovation, and Director of Factory Dep. Wang GuiLin Seek Different Opinions on Deconstruction of the TV Series, Wang GuiLin Seeks Funds for Factory Development and Employee Benefits with 700 Million Funds Balance, Yu ZhiDe would like to market through light means to re-plan the development prospects. Under the pressure of the global financial crisis, Global 500 Strong and SC two companies that are in urgent need of China's order growth are urgently required to offer various exchange chips to Wang GuiLin and Yu ZhiDe for fighting this single contract. Qiao Li, a new salesman from Seth China, was pushed to the forefront. In this life-and-death fight, she was challenged by Wang GuiLin repeatedly by her superiors Lu Fan and He ChengFeng as checkers, facing a career bottom line Conscience and love test. Lu Fan, who is a professional, and Wang GuiLin, big-minded and ambitious, have finally decided on her career and love choice. Yu Dezhi embarked on a personal return because of personal desires, imprisoned, Wang GuiLin shoulder the responsibility of reform. Everyone's destiny is with this 700 million single-heavy sink.

Du LaLa Promotions (TV)[2012]

Feature: Stills On March 31, 2012, the online play "Du LaLa Advancement", jointly produced by Sina Video and Xinli Media, held a boot ceremony in Beijing. Director Zhang Feng, director of Ugly Invincible, media anchor Xie Nan of Light Media, and Yufei Shi, the mermaid princess in "Mermaid Empire," all attended the show. In addition, Wang Wei, the man in the play, also disclosed yesterday Open the mysterious veil, with the "Lovelorn 33 days," the diamond Wang Lao Wei image still popular David Wang will be in the network drama version of "La La La Gaia" staged with Xie Nan happy lovers, conference site more laughter Look forward to playing with Du LaLa's bed. In the online drama Du LaLa, Wang Wei, played by Xie Nan and Wang Wei played by David Wang, will open up two "battlegrounds" of work and love in the office. "Workplace confrontation" and "romance over" makes the office game quite aspect.

Fall in love with the general manager (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Fall in love with the general manager" Liu BoQiang work hard and creative, "Hushan World" sound and impressive performance, record highs, his outstanding performance also let his uncle, "Hushan Group," Liu KunShan proud of chairman , And therefore everyone believes that Bo Qiang will be the upcoming opening of the "Hushan Resort Hotel," the new general manager of ... .. Bo strong girlfriend Jiang XingYao also served as the room manager of the hotel, both women and children are admired A pair, under the arrangement of Kunshan, Bo Qiang and Xing Yao held an engagement, engagement party, always admire Bo strong deputy public relations manager Lin JingYi ill-intentioned remarks, so that Xing Yao began to worry ... Kunshan held Meeting to announce the appointment of a new general manager, full of confidence Beiqiang smile waiting for everyone to accept the congratulations, food and beverage manager Xie XiuNan and director of the Department of Housing and love the TV drama starring General Manager Chiang Tsu-ping photos Other colleagues But also ready to wanton celebration, Kunshan unexpectedly announced that it will be a new professional hotel manager Gao QiaoXinFu as general manager And the new general manager will also visit the hotel in a subtle way out of the various inspections in the stunned look, Bo Qiang appears even more frustrated, depressed, so he also disputes with the apricot Yao ... ... at We carefully guess which tenant is the new general manager, dressed in noble Bao Luo came to stay also named to live in the presidential suite, shot out and generous Bao Luo let everyone think he is the general manager, at the same time, Gao QiaoXinFu Also admitted to the hotel, but also deliberately create conditions so busy apricot Yao and others turned ...

A famous physician song Lian-S Heng (TV)[2005]

Feature: The photo story took place in Shun Zhi during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the ideology of anti-Ching Ming was still strong. The forces of Nanming, represented by the Donglin Party, have always been the targets that the rulers should not ignore and try to eradicate. As the southern city of Changsha, away from the capital, Changsha is a great place for the hiding of Donglin Party members. Song LianSheng is a rivers and lakes Lang, came from Nanjing to Changsha for medical treatment. The first day came to Changsha City, met a number of things, let him quickly into the city of Changsha at the same time unknowingly fall into the all kinds of right and wrong. Fan Ru has become a widow childbirth, the city can not be saved. Song LianSheng ordered. Immediately, delivery is smooth, mother and child safety. Song LianSheng character and medicine has been affirmed by everyone, the city of Changsha, the major pharmacies have invited him to sit down, so that Song LianSheng very embarrassed, but no one did not agree. Subsequently, in order to get close to embroidered Zhuang Warriors and two to maintain their livelihood, they opened the clinic in front of embroidered Zhuang. In the process of embroidery Zhuang Zhuang such as Hong SanYan, Er TaoZi and other women gradually changed his view. Fan family has been very close personal friendship with the Nanming party. Soon, out of ethics, Song LianSheng was also involved, was also arrested and brought to justice. Fan Ru is guilty of going to prison to visit Song LianSheng, but it was unparalleled, Hong SanYan hit. For a long time Warriors favorite Song LianSheng no explanation for a time, it touches Hong SanYan Song LianSheng sudden love, but later rejected it, with great sorrow. Endless was transferred to the Nanming party incident, was also imprisoned into the jail face death penalty, Song LianSheng although peach blossom, but why not laugh, but only helpless face. Fortunately, Jiuzhitintang boss Mr. Wan as a native, very understanding of official temperament, to figure out the trick. Song LianSheng just been able to protect themselves. In return, Song LianSheng sitting in a hall in Jiuzhitang. Yue Xuan was an unparalleled savior, because of the massive amount of money and shelter needed. In desperation had to live in embroidered Zhuang. And unparalleled relationship has become increasingly close. Song LianSheng uncomfortable but also helpless. Not long afterwards, Hong SanYan discovered that Yue Xuan was the one who rescued her from the bandits on the same day. She was more excited and rewarded with joy and decided to invite Yue Xuan to fly away, but Yue Xuan did not make an appointment. Has been rejected by two men, Hong SanYan only to die knot, taking drugs himself. After Song LianSheng first aid, Hong SanYan back to life. At the same time, it also caused the resignation of Wen Shitang fame. Local riffraff Qi DaTou and Wen Shitang unite in an attempt to crush the Jiuzhitang, and Song LianSheng dug up Wen Sitang sitting. Embroidered Zhuang, Yue Xuan has always cruised between two women, the Warriors has long been identified, but still misunderstood by Song LianSheng. In order not to implicate Jiuzhitang, and secondly to the unparalleled treatment of Yue Xuan extremely disappointed, Song LianSheng decided to leave Changsha City. Suddenly found on the way the local plague spread to Changsha. They immediately hurriedly informed Jiuzhitang large purchase of medicinal herbs for emergency use. In addition to the entire Changsha City, Mr. Wan unexpectedly no one believed the plague said. Later, Song LianSheng learned that embroidered Zhuang was already occupied by Qi DaTou, and that he was going to bet with the imminent plague to try to redeem it. Qi DaTou readily agreed. A few days later, the plague really spread in Changsha, the city panic. Jiuzhitang become the most sought-after drug store.Song LianSheng strictly controls the sales of medicinal herbs to ensure the availability of medicines. Mr. Wan strongly supports Song LianSheng and also assigns to others on the streets free of drug soup to prevent the plague. The epidemic was under control and Zhi Fu received his consent that the holy will give Tangtang the pharmacy to sweat the epidemic. . At this point Jiuzhintang has become famous, access to the Church of the Church can be described as the majority expected. Wen Tai Tong's Wu TaiYi is very worried, it touches on his niece Ru Yue think. The treatment of Qi DaTou selling charms has a negative impact on society and has been linked to Song LianSheng's persuasion of people's embroidery to achieve a reputation as a deterrent. Sure enough, in discussing the sanctity of the Hall number, Wen Shitang took the lead. Unexpectedly, Qi DaTou will spearhead directly to Wen Shitang. The title had to run aground. Jiuzhitang is a shortage of herbs, unparalleled and seriously ill. Song LianSheng had to resort to Wen Shitang. Ru Lian took the opportunity to compromise Song LianSheng in the pharmacy for title decipher, and then to pay his money to repay the drug money, unable to repay, Song LianSheng had to be expelled from Changsha City. After being exiled, Song LianSheng alone set foot on the road back to Nanjing. Warriors also inadvertently stay in Changsha City, bring Er TaoZi also toward his hometown of Nanjing. I met Song LianSheng again because of a misunderstanding. En route, meet a self-proclaimed blessed child, constantly provoke trouble. Song LianSheng very disgusted him, unparalleled but think this person is very cute, then invited him to go together. Later learned that this person is now holy, and received the holy will, special approval for the establishment of Jiuzhitang pharmacy in Changsha City. Returning to Nanjing, both parties learned that their parents had been killed and that the enemy was Yue Xuan. Song LianSheng immediately accompanied the Warriors return to Changsha City, avenge their families. Back later learned Yue Xuan and seclusion in the embroidered Zhuang house. Yue Xuan will be designed to dizzy, then put it to death. No hands soft, let Yue Xuan ran to find three Yan. Three Yan husband Tian YouSan newspaper officer. Capture Yue Xuan. Yue Xuan mistakenly believed that Hong SanYan betrayed herself and killed her under uncontrollable circumstances. After the Tian YouSan and Warriors are considered Hong SanYan's death related to their own, endless remorse. The two of you come to me to comfort each other, so that Lian LianSheng unbearable, and no match-ups over. Warriors feel that they did not promptly kill Yue Xuan led to hurt Hong SanYan, negative to Tian YouSan, and decided to marry him, to apologize. This move is to Song LianSheng unacceptable. Two completely no longer coming and going. In order to match the two, Er TaoZi had installed Song LianSheng cheat embroidered Zhuang and unparalleled meet, but also no good. Changsha City seems to have become sad Song LianSheng, he finally decided to leave. Soon, the Warriors will also sell embroidered Zhuang Jiu Tang, also left the city of Changsha. A few days later, met in a pub Song LianSheng, the two embraced and wept. Finally, or returned to the city of Changsha City set for life. At the wedding, Xiu Nv once again sang a ballad song specially written for Song LianSheng.

Floating (TV)[1989]

Feature: Gu Tiancheng has a lot of emotional experience, with different women have a son, with Lin FuQuan went to Vietnam to find Vietnamese lover, resulting in Fukuda was killed when a United States soldier was saved. Gu TianCheng and Li Ah sent to catch the high seas by Indonesia arrested and jailed, returned three years later, Gu TianCheng looking for Jiang ZhenXing loan is not agreed. Fortunately, however, the United States soldiers rescued by Vietnam reunited. The United States soldier was rich and helped him to make a comeback. He gradually made a fortune and became a rich man. His favorite son, Gu YongQiang, loves Chou Mei-fang, a close friend of another friend, fisherman Zhou GuoDong. Yongqiang time with Mei Fang had a relationship, although Yongqiang seems to be a playboy, the United States Fang is still very serious love. After graduating from Guodong University, Jiang HuiYun, a wealthy girl who is playing a banker at tennis, entrusted Yong Xiong's sister Gu XiuZhen to show her friend Huiyun. Gu XiuZhen had buried the love of Guodong in my heart. Huiyun from Xiuzhen learned Guodong like her, but also that Guodong is a talented, honest loyal and handsome ideal boyfriend, so Guodong agreed courtship, the two began their contacts. Huiyun parents divorced, my mother went to American life. Hui Yun's mother hates Huiyun's father, except for his previous efforts to marry Hui Yun's mother and occupy the property, but also abnormal, is a ghost. However, both of them love their daughter Huiyun, both of whom are very satisfied with their future son-in-law Guodong. However Guodong's dad seems to like Xiuzhen not like Missy Huiyun. Guodong is very pleased to introduce Yongqiang back in the United States studying abroad to his girlfriend, I hope they also become good friends. However, as the rich tycoon of the first meeting of the Hui on the rich man self-righteous, ambitious ambitious Yongqiang disdain, or even disgusted with sunglasses, then believe that their own choice Huiyun Guodong is correct, perhaps Huiyun Arrogant at first sight fancy but isolated seduction. Hui Yun Guodong and Guodong before going to the United States to visit her mother, Guodong entrusted in the United States Yongqiang care Huiyun. Hui Yun and Yongqiang riding together, the two usually joke with each other to Guodong video, Guodong feel good friends and girlfriend get along very happily. Once, Huiyun and Yongqiang take a private plane to play, Huiyun filming the beauty of the window, the plane flash, Huiyun Huang Yong in the body was clinging to the two found only to be attracted to each other, suddenly awkward separation. Hui Yun and Yongqiang at this time only to find that they are suitable together, they are more in love. Mei-fang pregnant Yongqiang children, to the United States to visit Yongqiang, Yongqiang United States Fang is still very emotional, and immediately with Mei Fang very affectionate. Huiyun, Yongqiang and Mei Fang eat together, Huiyun and Yongqiang is not a couple more like a couple, it is a tacit understanding of the boxing, the United States on the side of a very embarrassed. Hui Yun Wing temper tantrum has been completely ignored beauty is her boyfriend's sister. Yongqiang to coax beauty, while the pursuit of Huiyun. Hui Yun's mother to Hui Yun think clearly selected Guodong is a good husband, Yongqiang election will play, will be very happy. Two people her mother feel good, a bit biased Yongqiang. Yong-fang Yongqiang hostel to find him, the result also encountered Huiyun, the United States to stimulate the beauty of suicide in the hotel.Exasperated Hui Yun without leaving the car left the United States, not with the beautiful Fangqiang clearly Yong and follow the tail of the car to stop Huiyun married, Huiyun looked out the window to catch up Yongqiang afraid of their own determination, anxiously called the driver to speed up . Mei Fang was Yongqiang abandoned very sad. After returning to Singapore, Huiyun volunteered to marry Guodong. Yongqiang heard a show that Huiyun Xiu Yun and Guodong to get married, not willing to lose beauty, Huiyun and ignore him, Yongqiang to prevent Huiyun get married back home. Huiyun wherever encountered Yongqiang, decided to travel abroad to get married. The wedding was the day of wine, was announced the bride and groom travel to marry Yongqiang distraught distraction to Jiang ZhenXing wedding bride and groom to send the wedding picture, Hui Yun's father think he is very strange, do not like this person. Yongqiang metamorphosis to eat the bride's picture of the cake is very out of whack Huiyun name. Yongqiang kept in front of Huiyun, made a poor illusion, Huiyun afraid of his hard to resist his attractive and obsessed, unhappy life. Yongqiang made a variety of poor people to use the United States Fang Fang Fang Mei beautiful together, but at the same time do not give up to catch Hui Yun. Guodong recommended Yong to Jiang ZhenXing company to work, but Jiang ZhenXing do not want, but later Bar met Yongqiang, thought to get beautiful and therefore volunteered Yongqiang to work. Yongqiang speculation in gold, the stock market, the Hang Seng index, made a lot of money, but also to take a false account of his father fish line Jiang ZhenXing company to apply for a loan to stocks. Later, want to get the company secret to stocks, to steal Jiang ZhenXing computer data, guess the number of Huiyun's necklace or Huiyun's birthday is the password, so successfully made what he wanted, but eventually was Huiyun's father caught Live, Huiyun father to do business with him, to give him drunk beauty sent to him. Yongqiang prison jail photo do, the result of harm Mei Fang disappointed head, run away from home, to be a dancer, waiting for opportunities to find Jiang ZhenXing. Hui Yun Guodong with his adoptive father had a conflict, Yongqiang seized the opportunity to seduce Huiyun derailed, there are times Mei Fang called Yongqiang, Xiuzhen received a phone call, Xiuzhen immediately told Guodong, Guodong immediately go home , Really see Yongqiang and Huiyun together. Yongqiang friends absolutely no shame, just think of myself. Hui Yun and Guodong sign separation procedures. Huiyun insisted to be with Yongqiang along, Jiang YongXing therefore advised Yongqiang to do a false account, Yongqiang do not want to go to jail, reduced to Taiwan was blackmail assault, called Huiyun to help him, Huiyun angrily was the use of his phone fell . Hui Yun's father still likes Guodong, do not like Yongqiang, think Yongqiang very motivated, but Guo Dong heart death, do not agree to go back to work, but also will not be combined with Huiyun. Yongqiang's father was sentenced for Yongqiang's falsified accounts. The assets were sealed by the finance company and could not be remitted to Yongqiang. Yongqiang was attacked by the Taiwanese police station because he was beaten by the underworld. On the way to Singapore, where the extradition was returned, Newspapers reported that his father and himself were suspected of fraud. They consciously killed his father and his family and wanted to commit suicide in the toilet. At the Singapore hospital, he was immediately sentenced to remorse by Yongsheng and Guodong. Huiyun very regrettable, but Guo Dong do not want to go back, Huiyun went to the United States. Guodong waiting for him into a botanical Xiuzhen, Xiuzhen Xiuzhen for a few times read the diary, Xiuzhen know the heart.Took a recording of foreign workers interviewed every day to listen to Xiuzhen, finally Xiuzhen a response. Mei Fong in the nightclub finally met Hui Yun's father, renamed rose pretending to do not know Jiang ZhenXing, Jiang ZhenXing buy bell with the United States, Jiang ZhenXing in the car did not give up to the United States Fang to be his mistress, to maintain her, Meifang go with him, twist the steering wheel The car crashed into the roadside sinking to the sea, all the grudges on the end, should be ups and downs of the film title. Comments: It is also a rich man to the poor lead the poor murder of the rich tragedy. In fact, the real villain is not Yongqiang, but Huiyun's father. He forced Yongqiang to use criminal means to avenge him. Huiyun and Yongqiang's love is not wrong, but in the opposite family love will not be a good result. In order to prevent Hui Yun and Yongqiang together, told the police Yongqiang false accounts. So Yongqiang and his father were accused of fraud by the police, the assets were seized, at the same time as the stock market crash, Yongqiang was too late to sell their stocks by Jiang ZhenXing shares, a big loss of money. With Huiyun father accumulation of heart to get beauty Fang and design Yongqiang, there Yongqiang betrayed the beauty and the use of Huiyun retaliation crime, and ultimately Huiyun father also beauty retaliation. In fact, Huiyun Guodong select some far-fetched, but also felt that Guodong was good, but the family background is far apart, in fact, Hui Yun's father should like forever, Yeonjung's family is not bad, this will be successful The outcome. Ever since Huiyun chose Yongqiang, no tragedy happened. Mei Fong can find a better man, Guodong can also be with Xiuzhen together.

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