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Zuxin Ye TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zuxin Ye Works 33 ,And Romance 13 ,Costume Drama 12 ,Comedy 7 ,Feature 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,Historical play 4 ,Love 3 ,Action 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Motivational film 2 ,Romantic drama 2 ,War 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,抗战1 ,奇幻剧1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,时装1 ,Business War 1 ,Suspense drama 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,时尚都市爱情1 ,Fashion 1 ,庄园1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Suspense 1 ,行业1 ,当代涉案1 ,惊险1 ,legend 1 ,大型明星夫妻真人秀1 ,古代宫廷1 ,Through 1 ,Family drama 1 。

Works Index

Zuxin Ye Filmography(33)


还没爱够 (TV)[2020]


30岁的普通职员姜小汐面临公司裁员,与解聘专家 Chen Jiong 斗智斗勇落了下风,丢了工作,与 Chen Jiong 结成冤家。被女友逼婚的 Chen Jiong 和跟男友吵架的姜小汐在泰国偶遇, Chen Jiong 阴差阳错下海救了姜小汐,两人关系缓和。姜小汐因为男友汪洋感情出轨分手,被母亲逼看心理医生巧遇 Chen Jiong ,后得知 Chen Jiong 恐婚。 Chen Jiong 在订婚仪式上病发,小雨得知实情与 Chen Jiong 分手, Chen Jiong 和姜小汐合租,二人感情升温。在姜小汐和父亲陈非的提点下 Chen Jiong 终于意识到自己不是恐婚,而是对前女友们爱得不够深。 Chen Jiong 开始正视自己,姜小汐也终于不再放任自己,找到了喜欢的新工作,努力帮助遇到困难的亲朋好友, Chen Jiong 在姜小汐的感染下也不再每天虚伪过活,开始为别人着想。一切都往好的方向发展, Chen Jiong 深爱了姜小汐,努力追求姜小汐,二人终于许下了相守一生的誓言 。

清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。


Waiting for you in the future (TV)[2019]

Feature: Hao HuiGui 是一位37岁的高校单身教师。在一次聚会中,因为看不惯曾经的好友们变得圆滑世故, Hao HuiGui 与每个人都起了争执,还跟最好的朋友大打出手。回家后, Hao HuiGui 大醉一场,无意间翻开了自己20年前的日记本,想起了许多往事,也看到了过去的自己对美好未来的期许,深感内疚。看着看着 Hao HuiGui 睡着了,他在梦中与年少的自己进行了一次长谈。在翻看自己以前日记的过程中, Hao HuiGui 逐渐了解到已经遗忘了的、过去发生的事情的另一面。他发现比起逃避和埋怨,珍惜所得到的,直面遗憾和困难,才能获得真正的成长。醒来之后, Hao HuiGui 意识到虽然过去不能被改变,但他可以改变当下的自己。他合上日记本,决心从此刻开始勇敢地追求梦想,才不辜负以前的自己。最终,他跟好友们和解了,勇敢地向心爱的女人告白 。

Age of legends (TV)[2017]


TV series "Age of legends" : tells the story of blood, youth and justiceLiu ZiGuangFor the representative of the young people in the hearts of the king, this point from the dayLiu ZiGuangcame back from eight years left jiangbei. Eight years ago, he was just an ordinary young man who had no choice but to leave. Eight years later, he came back with a lot of vicissitudes and gunsmoke, just want to be an ordinary filial son, but again and again was involved in the flood of society. He became a hero in the hearts of his friends and an idol in the hearts of his youth.Liu ZiGuangmade some achievements through his outstanding skills and talents, and helped his friends to realize their childhood dreams. During this time he met the policewomanHu RongAlthough they are in love with each other, in reality they are in love with each otherNie madeIn the fierce struggle between the leading criminal groups,Liu ZiGuangnot only fought alongsideHu Rongto help the police break up the whole criminal group, but also gained a precious love with Hu Rong.

A red dust (TV)[2017]

Feature: Ye ZhaoJue, a staff member at the return office of "Run Qi Department Store" in Shanghai, is a cheerful and hardworking man who supports Jian Chen Ye, a similarly boyfriend who pursues artistic ideals. By coincidence, she met Qi Tang, general manager and chief designer of "Earthly" jewelery, who accidentally spotted Ye ZhaoJue's design talent and recruited her to enter her own company. Ye ZhaoJue and Jian ChenYe have to come apart because of differences in values. Qi Tang gradually fell in love with this self-supporting girl. Qi Tang discovered the peerless treasures he had been looking for - ruby ​​"Red Earth". After a long period of hardships, Qi Tang finally succeeded in "Red Earth" with the help of Ye ZhaoJue. After all kinds of sharpening people, eventually have their own success.

Left eye tricky (TV)[2016]

Feature: A sporadic accident opened the hidden yin and yang lurking in the mediocre town youth Yin MingYa - he suddenly found his left eye to be able to see the devil. Immediately afterwards, a priest's visit opened his legendary life journey. Under the guidance of the Taoist named Qing Ming, he joined "white impermanence", a covert Alliance of Taoists, and became the guardian of human beings from invading spirits. Despite the heavy responsibility, Yin MingYa jokingly enabled him never to be serious about his life. Instead, he smelled a huge business opportunity behind the serious mission: he actually set up a company that would have originally represented the decline of Heaven's justice The demon devil becomes a sale that makes money. But he did not expect, but rather in this absurd company, he gradually found the meaning and direction of their own lives, but also slowly recognize their own capabilities and responsibilities & nbsp ;.

Love forever (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Love Long live" tells the story of flower family "Sambo": Mom Hua ZhiQiao, daughter Jin Na and son Jin Bo. Speaking at home for a long time, Hua ZhiQiao suffered "being divorced" in middle age and was both betrayed by her husband Lao Jin and her girlfriend, Sun WenJuan. In order to regain the confidence of life, her mother devoted her energy to the marriage of her daughter and her son. My daughter, Jin Na, is a straightforward, two-married woman who not only refuses the second-generation boyfriend her mother introduced to her, but also willingly shares his passion with Wu SuoWei, a warm-hearted man who does not have a car or a local account. Jin Bo son is a success of the master, but after 90 and Zhu LiYa fell in love at first sight to join the flash marriage camp, so that Mom almost parry. "Sambo" unite as one against Zhu LiYa, daughter-in-law of "ruthless daddy", "unscrupulous girlfriends" and "tall". It was not until Hua ZhiQiao's sunset lover Lao Lee passed away that his wife's first wife was seriously ill and Sun WenJuan was running away. As we all came to understand: whether it was crying, laughing or quarreling, it was because they were too concerned about the home.

TheRoad (Movie)[2015]

Feature: An ancient handed down Miaogu recipe, caused by the Lu Pharmaceutical Group's attention, so the chairman dispatched employees Zou XiaoYu and Liu Jia to Miao Village for medicine, the medicine flourish, the benefit of mankind. Pharmaceutical Group vice president also eyeing the prescription, sent a letter to Chen Jiaming lurking in the side of Zou XiaoYu, collecting prescription information. On the other hand, Lu TianXiang, the son of the chairman, volunteered to join the search team in order to pursue Liu Jia. Zou XiaoYu's mother was in dire need of money. In desperation, Zou XiaoYu contacted two stupid people to let them kidnap Lu TianXiang in Miao Village and raise money for the treatment of their mother. On the way to Miao Village, all met the Ai Sha, a policewoman who came to Miao for handling the case. Ai Shak wondered about the purpose of Zou Xiao Yu and others, thus hiding identity and walking with others. Everyone came to the Miao Village, coincidentally encountered different personality Innkeeper and sophomore, mysterious You Yi, worry about marrying her daughter village, as well as crappy Gu ShuShi, in the process of finding medicine, Zou XiaoYu gradually realized, Feeling that he should not raise money for his mother in this way, the abduction plan was canceled. But two stupid thief has already begun to move, but also by mistake Zou XiaoYu tied away, after all redeemed. Even more surprising is that these two stupid and rivers and lakes You Yi, even the Deputy Chief Arrangements in Miao Village undercover. After this series of events, Ai Sha found that her life experience had a lot to Miao Zhai, and Zou Xiao Yu et al. Decided to help Ai Sha to clarify her life experience.

WarriorsonFire (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Iron is Burning is a war drama by Beijing Hualu Baina Film and TV Co., Ltd., starring Liu Lei and starring Wang Lei, Tamia Liu, Kui Qi and Zuxin Ye. The play tells the story of three different lives, different temperament Fang Gang ordinary soldiers in the chaos era fate ups and downs and love and hate. The play on August 25, 2015 in Zhejiang Satellite TV, Anhui Satellite TV premiere.

TheLegendofS (TV)[2015]

Feature: Shushan warriors of the legendary Shijia still Shushan school is the arena first decent, has been leading the martial arts for many years. Shushan head Zhu GeYuWo Paul to protect the world, and the attempt to seize the red soul stone Shushan sent off robe Venerable Disciples fight. The son of six-star Ding Hidden This is an ordinary hunter lying village, because of the case of massacre Tu Tu village was saved on Shushan. But in a lucky coincidence of red soul stone refining into the body, Ding Yin, who is different from the talent to worship Shushan under the door to practice sword. Ding Yin found that the memory of the woman in the green robe Yu WuXin turned out to be exactly the same with his passing wife, two fell in love. At this point, Shushan school also undercurrent surging, and the Magic Sect collusion of the "mountain" secretly making waves. Seals Tianxu demons Shushan enchantment array "Nanming from the fire" Excalibur was Yu WuXin away, to reinforce the domain enchantment, head Zhu GeYuWo sent Ding Yin, Dan ChenZi, Zhu GeZiYing, Zhou QingYun and Zhang XianBing down , Looking for the legendary god wood, green cable, Aster three sword. DINGYIN et al. Obtained the Excalibur after hardships and difficulties, but they did not want to fall into a bigger conspiracy, causing the people to fall apart. At the same time, the fierce clan and Shushan faction battle more and more fierce, Green robes Venerable Shushan attacked. In the face of heavy conspiracy betrayals and the immediate final war, Ding Yin and Yu WuXin love and hate two hardships, the concept of good and evil. Eventually they chose to save the world's common people.

Having you in my life (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Along the way, you" is a big star of Zhejiang Satellite TV reality show, the program through the love of stars and wives tour, passing love accompanied. "With you all the way" includes: "You have the first season along the way," and "You have the second season along the way."

Our secret (TV)[2015]

Feature: An MingBei (Dong Han) and Xu XinEr (Jiang Mengjie) walk on two parallel lines, and their only thing they all have in common is the lack of paternal love on the road to growth. The death of his father is a knot for An MingBei, and Xu XinEr has turned his father's death view into a force she needs to take care of a sick mother for her father in heaven. Xu XinEr spends all her savings on treating her mother. In order to keep her paid job, she had no choice but to win the red wine estate project, but Shen HongRu (Ying Li), head of the vineyard, shunned her. Looking at her no-frills project, she decided to move closer to Shen Hong Ming's son An MingBei start. Did not expect after the twists and turns, they walk closer and closer to love in good faith, real love unexpected.

Say good happiness (TV)[2015]

Feature: Saying Good Happiness tells the story of Yang XinRan, a little daughter of Yang, who longs for happiness after her father died in a car accident, and Cao Liang's sacrificial protection touched her. However, Cao Liang infected with the abuse of gambling, pregnant have been very sad at this extreme, leading to miscarriage after overwork. The seemingly beautiful marriage sister Yang Xin blue, but also face the crisis of her husband's family affair. Happy first love boyfriend Xu Nuo after returning home and hopefully pleased to return, pleased heart ripples. However, this time, the second generation Ding Jialin Xu Nuo launched a strong love offensive, which brought all sorts of misunderstanding, and finally pleased and Xu Nuo regret ended. After twists and turns, is determined to get rid of the shackles of his feelings, devoted himself to his work, but met Ding Jialin's elder brother Ding JiaWen, realistic pressure and Jialin's obstruction forced them eventually failed to achieve positive results. After the ups and downs experienced more and more strong, and finally completed his dream of becoming a fashion designer; and Yan blue to restore his marriage, but also through the efforts to become an independent woman.

Shushan war Jihan legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Shushan War Jiye legend" tells the Shushan school is the first door is decent, has been leading the martial arts for many years. Shushan head Zhu GeYuWo Paul to protect the world, and the attempt to seize the red soul stone Shushan sent off robe Venerable Disciples fight. The son of six-star Ding Hidden This is an ordinary hunter lying village, because of the case of massacre Tu Tu village was saved on Shushan. But in a lucky coincidence of red soul stone refining into the body, Ding Yin, who is different from the talent to worship Shushan under the door to practice sword. Ding Yin found that the memory of the woman in the green robe Yu WuXin turned out to be exactly the same with his passing wife, two fell in love. At this point, Shushan school also undercurrent surging, and the Magic Sect collusion of the "mountain" secretly making waves. Seals Tianxu demons Shushan enchantment array "Nanming from the fire" Excalibur was Yu WuXin away, to reinforce the domain enchantment, head Zhu GeYuWo sent Ding Yin, Dan ChenZi, Zhu GeZiYing, Zhou QingYun and Zhang XianBing down , Looking for the legendary god wood, green cable, Aster three sword. DINGYIN et al. Obtained the Excalibur after hardships and difficulties, but they did not want to fall into a bigger conspiracy, causing the people to fall apart. At the same time, the fierce clan and Shushan faction battle more and more fierce, Green robes Venerable Shushan attacked. In the face of heavy conspiracy betrayals and the immediate final war, Ding Yin and Yu WuXin love and hate two hardships, the concept of good and evil. Eventually they chose to save the world's common people.

Rapture and found (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Happy joyful friends" stills Three sisters separated from childhood, grow in different families, creating their very different personality and disparities: Lei JiDi bold and bold, and adoptive mother on behalf of the bodyguards on the date; Yun Yan expensive for the general daughter , Medical first-class; Chu Yue Wu Gong Habitat, face cold heart hot. The lack of intersection of the three due to Lei JiDi took over a bodyguard mission unexpectedly met, the dart is quite tricky, actually a living 20-year-old man Chen SanLiu. This person is full of poetry but do not understand the world of mankind, as the bourgeois owner Liu Biao's bastard, his life was concealed for more than 20 years, has been dependent on his mother. Unexpectedly, but because of sudden death of his father's biological son, the fate of 36 was instantly changed. Lei JiDi - Ying Yan plays Yan Yan, a man who fights for a man on her trip while her husband is running away from home. The eldest lady meets her most unwanted person outside her home - her fiancé Gao FuShuai Chu Yue also meets with people for wanting to trace the mystery of his own life experience. Three sisters in the process of looking for the experience of the encounter affection, friendship and love all the trials and tribulations, the three have also lost, but fortunately can recover the right path, because the three hearts are clinging to a belief - evil is positive. Three pairs of lovers of joy eventually get married.

Sui Tang hero 3 (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the change of Xuanwu Gate, Li ShiMin boarded the throne, but the remnants of the Sui Dynasty and the troops left behind by the 18 anti-Wangs were still making waves in the northern desert and endangering the people. Luo Tong, Cheng TieNiu, Qin HuaiYu and a number of teenager have grown up, Luo Tong won the position, headed the Tang army set off, sweeping the north desert. Luo Tong came back to gain a share of pride, was Li ShiMin demoted to common people, this time BoLuo State and Xingbing Tang, Cheng YaoJin command, recruit in Longmen County, Xue RenGui tears Liu JinHua to the soldier, barracks, Xue RenGui was fake Work, only became a fierce army, but he did not give up, with one skill, repeated meritorious service, and finally get the appreciation of Cheng YaoJin, was recommended by Cheng YaoJin pioneer, led by Xue RenGui Tang Junping Bo Liao. Liu JinHua bitter wait for her husband in the cold kiln ten years, Xue RenGui success, did not forget the chaff wife, Hui Long Men and his wife meet. At the same time, Li ShiMin, with the help of such good teachers as Wei Zheng and Zhang SunWuJi, worked hard to create a golden era of Zhenguan.

Sui Tang hero 4 (TV)[2014]

Feature: Tang Zhenguan years, Xiliang rebellion, Li ShiMin Yu Jia pro-levy, the enemy Shuai Su BaoTong besieged in the lock city, coach Xue RenGui Su BaoTong also poisoned the knife, life and death. Xue DingShan, son of Xue RenGui, learned that his father was killed and took part in the 2nd Army, where he went to save his father. Along the way, Xue DingShan overcame the thief Dou YiHu, Su BaoTong, eventually rescuing Xue RenGui and Li ShiMin from Lions. Li ShiMin class teacher back to North Korea, leaving Xue's father and son to continue the chaos. Su BaoTong moved to rescue and sent his general Fan Hong to challenge. Fan Hongzhuan Fan LiHua Xue DingShan fall in love at first sight, at the expense of his family, sacrifice Guan Xue. Xue DingShan, however, listens to precepts and mistakes Fan LiHua, an unrighteous person who killed his eldest brother and brother and expelled Fan LiHua from Tang Ying. Later, with the help of Cheng YaoJin et al., The touching story of "Fan HuHua" was released. After the final couple, Xue DingShan and Fan LiHua finally married. Under their joint efforts, Tang Junping set Xiliang upstairs.

Sharp benevolent (TV)[2014]

Feature: In order to advocate equality between men and women, the introduction of a holy woman's enrollment policy was confronted by the conservative forces. To ensure the smooth implementation of this policy, as a detective rogue Liu AoTian entered Hong Wun College, became a teacher. With his ingenuity, a group of students with different personalities entered the Hong Wun College. Colorful school life started. Because of the erroneous positive and negative, Liu AoTian misunderstands with the older female Lu YunFei. Lu YunFei has been chasing the Hongwen College all the way and has become a female teacher. This quarrelsome lovers quarrel at the same time, but also solve the student's troubles, and promote student growth. Two people in the affair of love, but unexpectedly another male teacher Nie WenXing accidentally into their love. Conservative forces secretly frequently on the Hong Wun College start, in crisis, Liu AoTian use his wisdom, with the teachers and students see the recruit, and therefore cultivate the students intelligent and courageous personality. In the meantime, Liu AoTian accidentally discovered a dark hand hidden in the Hongwen College even with a conservative force. In order to uncover this mysterious black hand, Liu AoTian stood up despite his safety.

Step by step startled (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Step by step," tells the story of Zhang Xiao is a white-collar workers, like most of the longing for good love, stable work. By coincidence, she came to a well-known large-scale Internet Group "Zhenti" work. At the beginning of her career, she, like all other newcomers, was crowded everywhere. She was fortunate enough to be cared for by her boss, Yin Zheng, and she and Yin Zheng had a hard time. At this moment, Kang SiHan, another gentle and considerate man broke into the world of Zhang Xiao. Yin Zheng and Kang SiHan were originally candidates for the future heir of the Sentinel Group. Zhang Xiao was inexplicably involved in the family business war triggered by them. After some misfortune, Zhang Xiao finally realized where her true love is, courageously and steadfastly joining him in the happiness of the future & nbsp ;.

Beauty made (TV)[2014]

Feature: Beauty Made in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu ZeTian period as the background, the Tang Dynasty beauty man male doctor He LanJun (Jin Shijia ornaments) in the hospital too to make all the ladies in the palace for the pleasures of the moon. He LanJun Outstanding medical treatment was bitch jealous jealous, framed, leaks every night, He LanJun found that their children are not born, but his wife Xue Ji and children of other children. He LanJun abandoned by his wife, desperation, on the streets. Su LianYi (Yang Rong (actress)), who is loving and righteous to get him a lifelong target. He LanJun, a man of abjection, did not degenerate because of this series of changes. He uses his wisdom and medicine to make a lot of lovers get married. He LanJun also possesses the slightest pretense to help Pei YunTian, ​​who has always been a vicious person, get his real life daughter and bring him to justice. After experiencing many thrills, He LanJun realizes that the beauty of the mind is really beautiful, and that kindness loves Su LianYi, who has been with her sincerely, is the incarnation of the true, the good and the beautiful, and finally the two are married. & Nbsp ;.

Magic Summer (TV)[2014]

Feature: MiG ZhiZhYinZhe (Yuki Furukawa) works in an unknown mysterious library and sees many unbelievable books of unknown age. The story of each episode is imported from Mi GongZhiYinZhe At first, he collected people who had incredible stories in the world and sometimes people were lost in the incredible maze. She (he) one by one fell into the wonderful world. The story is about unbelievably fantastic things happening to people.

Wrong mandarin duck (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The wrong mandarin duck" tells the story of the mid-Northern Song Dynasty when profiteers Su GuangPing wanted the property of Shi WuJi, owner of Aonong Fort, and put forward the marriage requirement. Has always suspected Su GuangPing Shi WuJi and 20 years ago, the case of door-to-door outbreak of Su Shu Chung selected daughter Su HuanEr marriage as a target. Su HuanEr falls off cliff when escaped. In order to conspiracy can be carried out smoothly, Su GuangPing threatened to grow somewhat similar illegitimate daughter Yang YiLiu on behalf of marriage. Pure and sensible, good personality Yang YiLiu suffered cold-hearted in the Shijia, ridiculed, but in the midnight struggles to save the Shijia Si no stone, cleverly defied Shi JiaJie heart of the young master Shijia. Su HuanEr unconsciously brings warmth to the cold Shijia and melts the heart of Shi WuJi and his younger brother Shi WuHen. Ma XianMei, a friend of mine, also came to Shijia to share her fantasy with her. She not only proved her trueness to Shijia, but also defends her own family. She eventually won the trust of Shijia She and the brothers together to undermine the Su GuangPing conspiracy to identify the truth of the case that year.

The Wutaishan Anti-Japanese Legends Womens Rows (TV)[2013]


The Wutai Mountain Women's Soldiers of the Japanese Resistance Legend, also known as the “Female Soldiers' Volleyball”, tells of Wutai Mountain’s famous Buddhist shrines that are famous both at home and abroad. They sing and shout drums all day long, and the pharaohs linger, making this originally pure Buddhism a result of the Japanese aggression. The holy land is no longer pure. A group of nuns represented by Yang PaiFeng in the Qing Ping Temple in Mount Wutai are the key to the national survival. At the moment, a female platoon was formed and, based on their respective strengths, they made the right choice of “being a monk without forgetting the patriotism, entering the WTO and destroying the Japanese aggression, and punishing the evil and advancing the good”. The women's volleyball instructors played by Dicky Cheung were Zhang HongLie , who was responsible for the care of the treasure and was in Qingping County. When the Japanese were cruelly treated, they led the female nuns to death and wrote a touching and moving story.


GuaiXiaOuYangDe (TV)[2012]

Feature: At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the western goddess, Madeleine, came to China with the orders of the Pope of Rome, provoking the vicissitudes of the Vanguard Monk in Guangxi West Road king to revolt. In order to maintain the dignity of China, Peng Peng resumed the rebellion. On his way to Guangxi, White Dragon dispatched many murderous assassins to attack Peng Peng. However, Peng Peng had a very good reputation in the arena and attracted a group of men and women to help escort them. All the way, thrilling, with the help of Ou YangDe et al., Peng Peng not only successfully reached Guangxi, and organized local officers and soldiers in one fell swoop to destroy the White Dragon fighter. Odd man Ou YangDe wearing eccentric clothes, blaming, geeks, strange things, but also the use of strange weapons to eradicate the evil, known as "strange man." Fu JunWang To hide the evil of his son Chun BeiLe, ask Fuso Ninja to chase Qiu Guan, who understands the truth, and Qiu Guan runs into a broken hut when he runs away. Just as the ninja was going to be detrimental to Qiu Guan, Ou YangDe, a geekman with a dried tobacco rod, a cross-jacket and a melon-covered cap and a wooden donkey, came forward to rescue. Sinister cunning Fu Jun Wang Yang also sent a hutu female ninja "Hua JiuNiang" went to assassinate Qiu Guan, Ou YangDe protection. After Peng Peng arrived at Sanhe County, he defied the righteous powers and enforced the law. Frankie Ou YangDe led Yang XiangWu and Huang TianBa to help Peng Peng to punish evil and eliminate evil and eliminate crimes and break the law. Stills

TheBridewithWhiteHair (TV)[2012]

Feature: The new white hair magic makeup dynasty lighting up four years, Guangyuan area year after year famine. Household assistant minister Zhuoji Xian Feng Prince's fate sent forage to the disaster area, line to the Yulong Shan, was the moon city owner Lian NiChang even with a grain of food stolen. Zhuo YiHang, the son of Zhuo Jixian, immediately descended from the mountain and saved his father, thus becoming involved in the struggle between Prince Edward, Wei Zhongxian and Lian Ni Chang. Zhuo YiHang and Lian NiChang from the misunderstanding began, after some turmoil, mutual attraction, the two fell in love. However, after the solution to Lian NiChang LianQing, Zhuo YiHang had to counterfeit and its contrary, Lian NiChang mistakenly think he was so unforgettable, overnight whitening. In order to restore the hair and looks of white-haired witch, Zhuo YiHang went to Tianshan to look for Lian NiChang and the legendary glitz. Decades after Zhuo YiHang idiocy, you will have an open heart

Love Amongst War (TV)[2012]

Feature: Emperor Xuanzong years, Yu, Liu Erfei pet, Liu Fei Prince gave birth to lead Yu Fei murderous. Yu Fei while Xuanzong go out, want Liu Fei and Prince Edward. Eunuch Xue Xuan Prince Edward escaped from the palace, Liu Fei was postpartum weakness panic and died. Yu Fei learned that Prince Edward escaped from the palace, ordered to kill. Xuanzong reincarnation that the matter, then decreed to execute Yu Fei, and urgently sent to find Xuexing and Prince Edward, but Xue Xing was killed and unfortunately killed. Hospice Xuehao care entrusted, so Prince surnamed Xue, named Xue PingGui. Xue Hao is poor, and Xue Qi, a woman, is your favorite. You are extremely rare pupil learned superb equestrian, and the other Xue wonderful photos ho and friends are martial arts extraordinary, Pingguo Mondrian teach, both civil and military. Pinggui and long, adoptive father ailment, Ping expensive into Chang'an drug rescue father. Encounter Madam Xiangguo and three thousand gold into Ciyun Temple worship time. Phase House granddaughter Jinbi, the second female silver 钏 married generals Su Long and Wei Hu, only three women Po 钏 not yet married. Wei Bao, a younger brother of Wei Hu, who had long coveted Bao Bao but refused to cooperate with Wei Hu, rescues her from being saved by heroes. Flat expensive chivalrous cheeky leave a good impression. Wei Bao informed Wei Hu of the matter and Wei Hu found him a very serious injury. After all, he spent his time fighting with the Chinese in charge of installing the Chinese and Ling Xiao, and saved him from breaking the temple. Ge Da, Ge Qing Two begging through the temple, save your peace, and should heal his adoptive father. Who Wei Bao hated, killed Xue Hao, Xue Qi Xue, burning Xue Institute, Xue Hao before death to Pinggui life jade. Pinggui died every adoptive father, had to return to Changan to make a living and find Xue Qi whereabouts. Coincides with the king Wang Yun Yun Feng Crown Coronet Xiajian given, to take care of Choi Choi Choi floor. Youkai learned that the phase House took the Choi building, they came to apply for workers, but was Wei Hu brothers learned, driven away your flat, and ordered around the city were not allowed to hire someone expensive flat. Forced to livelihood, Pinggui had to beg and Ge Da, Ge Qing two begging. The matter is informed of Baoliao girl Kotori, told Baodi, Baodi about your precious meet, Baodi on the expensive your martial arts greatly appreciated. Po shame shame to level into the colorfull grabbing hydrangeas to achieve marriage, flat expensive conscientiousness, Po Lin words not expensive in the pool of dragon, eventually one day flies, you finally agreed. Ball day of pro-marriage, Pinggui according to the contract, but not anxious to enter the door, Komuro has long been waiting for you with the back door into the expensive. At this moment, Wei Hu arranged Wei Bao to win the hydrangea, and Baodi pushed the Hydrangea to throw it. Many people grabbed the ball, and Ping Gui struggled to win the ball with Wei Bao and all the others. He won the hydrangea with his skill, Wei Bao people want to grab, Koizumi wit shout someone got hydrangea! Wei Bao resentful. Pinggui achievements, Po Sang's "color floor with." In the phase of the house, Wang Yun was glad to meet her new husband. Unexpectedly, he took out a hydrangea but his clothes were shabby. Wang Yun's abandonment and Wei Hu continued to sow discord. Wang Yun then took out one hundred and two gold and sent Pinggui to level off your marriage contract. Flat expensive reluctant to leave hydrangea away. Baodi chase out blocking, Ping Gui still insist on leaving. Baoguole begged Wang Yun to leave Pinggui, which annoyed Wang Yun and wanted Bao Bao to marry Wei Bao as his wife.Wang Yun anger is extremely treasure If you insist on marrying your flat will cut off the relationship between father and daughter, Po Sang also firmly said that this life is not your marriage, Wang Yun furious and Baoji "three high-profile" cut off father and daughter, treasure In desperation, and Wang Yun "three high-profile." Mrs. Wang saw this grief and coma, Po Sok see my mother sad past, Wang Yun stop. Wang Yun and Bao Qiao take off Fengguanxiaobei, Baodi replaced underwear, be patient and say goodbye to parents away from home, chasing down expensive. Wei Bao got angry about it. Angry, the black hand stretched to stay around Xue Qi. Xue Qi thinks thief is husband, this bitter resentment and Baoji. Ge Da, Zhang Wei help to find you expensive, flat expensive refused to accept treasure 钏, Ge, Zhang Er human advised Pinggui, when you know that precious treasure for him and his father, "three strike" cut off the relationship between peace Your touch finally agreed. In Ge Da, Zhang Wei assisted Pinggui, Baoji cold kiln married, two very affectionate. At this time Xi Liangjun guilty of Yumen Pass and sent a "red bristle horse" Challenge Datang, this horse is the best in the world BMW, no one can surrender. The court, Ping expensive debut list and due to subjugation will surrender "red mane", the emperor pleaded to seal the officer, but Wang Yun but protect Su Long is marshal, Wei Hu Shuai Shuai, belittle your expensive pioneer, and immediately Sent out for West cool. You do not go home expensive kiln, treasure unfortunate, the couple did not cry. Wei Hu falsified the public and private interests on the grounds that you were late, so that the violation of military discipline, to kill you expensive, fortunately Su Long Paul. When fighting between the two armies, Wei Hu lost to Xizhan Dai ZhanGongZhu, and you were rescued with peace and dignity. Dai ZhanGongZhu was shocked to see you as the person who met Chang'an. Dai ZhanGongZhu lost to Pinggui. Thankful, Xi LiangGuoWang surprised Datang's military strength, the list surrendered. Tang Jun learned that the whole camp jubilant. Wei Hu premeditated for the celebration of drunkenness, tied him to the back of the "red mane" horse lit, the horse ran away in fright. Su Long can not find the flat expensive, Wei Hu told you that flat expensive drunk to try to break into the West cool has been killed. Su Long Your splendid horse into the West cool, Dai ZhanGongZhu cousin Ling Xiao kill you flat, war on behalf of the insurance and to see Pinggui body back to Xileng treatment. At this point Su Long class division back to North Korea, the king learned that the dead in your flat to inform Baodi, Baodi Wen smell collapsed, Mrs. King and sister Jin Ba Li urged Baoguo back to the capital, but the treasure is not from, adhere to the noble widow, Mrs. Wang reluctantly returned. And Wei Hu encouraged his wife, Silver, to persuade Baodi to remarry Wei Bao, and Baodi rebuked it to drive away the bank. Baodi will be your expensive clothing buried into a "crown mound", Baodi keep the tomb and day and night crying. Ge Da, Zhang Wei are sad too. After being rescued, Ping Gui was anxious to return to the Central Plains. However, he did not fight for war. See Liang Pinggui, a talented person, and his wife, Ling Xiao persuade your flat expensive, flat expensive helpless, but Ping Gui asked to return to the Central Plains trip, agreed on behalf of the war, but cousin Ling Xiao worried about your precious will never return, so accompany your return Central Plains. While Wei Bao did not give up on Baoji, Wei Hu offered to want Wei Bao to grab his relatives. Ge Da, Zhang Wei Arranges Baodi Runaway. Wei Bao defeated. Ge Da deliberately disseminated Baodi has been remarried and away from home. Wei Bao finally give up.Unexpectedly, at this time Pinggui back, but I heard that Po Sai has remarried and heartache, Pinggui had to return with the Ling Xiao Xi Liang and war on behalf of marriage. Xi LiangGuoWang was seriously ill, died at the time the throne passed Xue PingGui, but the military power to Ling Xiao. Yougui open trade exchanges between the two countries to promote prosperity, and came to business who learned that the Western Liang Wang was happy for the Han exception, competing rumors, the incident introduced Ge, Zhang two ears appalled, told Baodi. Baodi do not believe you stay in the West cool rather than go home. Ge, Zhang advised Baodi wrote a letter to tell your expensive, the two of them are willing to send letters to Xiliang. Baodi saw the kiln paperless pen, so tear off the dress, bite the middle finger, wrote a blood book. Ge, Zhang two after many hardships into the Xiliang, but unable to enter the palace to see your expensive, learned that your expensive hunting is broken into the hunting ground, but almost killed by your expensive. Ping expensive to recognize Ge, Zhang acute back to the palace, Ge, Zhang anger accused your excuse for your splendor glory abandoned Baodi, leaving blood angrily leave. Pinggui see blood book to know Baodi still bitter cold kiln waiting for him to go back, distressed spit blood coma. War that anxious care, flat expensive think away from the West cool, get cheat on behalf of the war clearance to leave. After the waging war wakes up, he knows that the anger with troops to catch up with the three shut down flat expensive, flat expensive to inform the Central Plains has long been the wife of the matter, the war was angry and sad, but flat expensive begged, the war finally agreed Pinggui, parting age Battle to Ling Xiao secretly protect your expensive. Yougui riding a red bristle mares faster than Ge, Zhang rushed to the "Wu home slope," but did not see the treasure. He remembered the year returned to "Wu Jiapo" Baodi remarry heard of the matter, suspicious mind. I think Baodi may be remarried as early as possible, or because of poor life back to the cold kiln, just waiting to see hesitate to see Po 采 pick wild plants on the hillside. Pinggui see Po 钏 did not recognize their own plan of one's heart, deliberately said that your flat owed money in the Xilianglilu poor, so Pingui has sold him the treasure 钏, Po 钏 a gas and angry, Open flat expensive back to cold kiln. Ping expensive This tells Baodi he is Xue PingGui, but Baodi do not believe. Ping Gui Speaking of the past and send blood on the book, Baodi open the door to meet, but reminds you of mediocrity matter, angry desperate suicide. Ping expensive exhortation and told Baodi Xiliang things, also learned Wei Hu misappropriation of wages and the thing that killed his life, so Ping Gui with the treasure to go to the phase of "food." Wei Hu learned that your death did not die when the West Liang Wang, and came to "count grain" and to the Golden Temple reported Wei Hu murder thing, hastily and phase Ye Wang Yun negotiate, Wang Yun on the court said Xi LiangGuoWang sneaked into Changan ready Rebellion, the court sent Liu Fei's brother Liu Yi captured your expensive, but Liu Yi jade recognized by jade Pei expensive that is lost for many years the prince. Urgent Belt expensive palace to see the emperor, father and son finally to recognize each other. Xue Qi comprehends all the facts and pains her heart, poisoning and Wei Bao went to Huangquan. Wei Hu was shocked to encourage Wang Yun to rebel. Su Long learned that the emergency notification was flat and defend the palace, while Ling Xiao learned that the war would have taken him to war. At this time Xuanzong died of old age, ascended the throne, killing Wei Hu and want to kill Wang Yun, Hsinki 钏 father seeking love from death. Baoji generously accepted the war, and finally a family reunion.

Sui and Tang Heroes (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" tells the story of AD 581, Yang Jian (Johnny Kou ornaments) to accept the Northern Zhou Dynasty hero Sui and Tang Dynasty, the establishment of the Great Sui dynasty, and then mercenary, annexation of the song and dance of South Chen. Settled in the world, the eternal fantasy appeared, but the dynastic who knows. Heroes such as Qin Qiong (Purba Rgyal), Luo Cheng (Ray Chang), Cheng YaoJin (Dicky Cheung), Li ShiMin (Shao-Qun Yu), Yu WenChengDu (Xiaochen Zhang) and other heroes Heroes have been born, from the civil to the court, from wilderness to noble, staged countless rivers and lakes legendary good show. From leaving the hands of the accusatory Emperor Yang Guang (Winston Chao) to Li ShiMin, who created the rule of Zheng Guanzhi, how many Heroes have left their names in their own faith and manner. A good Sui and Tang Dynasties romance, loyalty, affection, love, trickery, trap and conquest, eternity, soul-stirring.

ScarletHeart (TV)[2011]

Feature: Zhang Shishu knows the history, originally a bustling city of white-collar workers, but because of a foot and empty through the tunnel of time and space, the embodiment of a 16-year-old Qing Dynasty girl Martell Rui Xi, into the fiery court. Arrived at the Qing court, her personality is flagrant, her words and deeds are not conservative and gentle and ancient women, "step by step startling" stills atmosphere of pride, she and brother pride, fighting with the princess, even the emperor laughed that she is "desperately ten Sanmei. " Time 荏 苒, when the wayward little girl grew up, was mistakenly admitted to the imperial court imperial serving tea, and was involved in the duel among the nine children unable to extricate themselves, personal feelings mixed in the tragedy of Gong Dou Suffer Ba Age breeze Longines smooth, so Ruoxi heart admiration, coupled with the smell of his sister's infatuation, but my heart is afflicted with his appearance, let Ruoxi pity love. Eight princes guard silently Ruoxi rely on the loneliness, heart finally impressed. Ruoxi wholeheartedly accepted eight princes, but resolutely asked him to give up competing for the throne, but regrettably Ba Age chose the country, Ruoxi "step by step startling" exquisite album hit. Step by step startled scramble for the imperial power, Sia Ge did not hesitate to candidly let her hesitate to believe that when Sia Ge subconsciously life-saving, Ruoxi decided life to follow. That several priests have tragedy ended in succession from their own, Ruoxi emotional collapse, despair left the palace. Experiencing several love and hate 嗔 crazy, if Xi Xi could not support physically and mentally exhausted, before dying, she seemed to hear a burst of singing, lead her to dream. (Album source)

TheLegendofCrazyMonk2 (TV)[2011]

Feature: Benny Chan (actor), a Buddhist monk in Lingyin Temple, is helping the world to save human suffering and make every effort to promote humankind. This drama will continue the story of "Living Buddha Ji Gong". The main story is still around Ji Gong led Liang Liang (Lam Chi-chung ornaments), Bi Qing (Zuxin Ye ornaments), Zhao Bin (Jungle ornaments) The world began interspersed with the Dragon Demon Demon demons demon myths, as well as Ji Gong living Buddha and local evil bully wits vivid story. The play is divided into "Gorefiend was born," "Chastain", "Painting in the cents," "Marriage" "double off marriage" "Wan Ying Temple" "mad girl robbery" "Snow Legends" "Ghost Langjun" 9 unit story Expand.

Emperor two uncle (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story is that the Ming dynasty WanliDi twelve years, heaven Xiangxiang Rui, 21-year-old Wan LiDi happy second child, but the harem pet Princess took the opportunity and confusion, Wanli Emperor young capricious, wistful Young, let the second son of Crown Prince Prince, a proposed one, suddenly led to sharp conflicts between the two wars in Manchu and Manchu, the two sides each have their own purposes, quarrel endlessly for their interest groups, the situation actually developed to the degree of out of control . In order to solve this thorny issue, it is to resolve the contradictions that both parties have come to mind Shuo ErYe, who has been a resident for years. Legend has it that the first emperor granted the princes of the gold itch scratch possession of a special solution to the controversy between the establishment of the first emperor secret Chao, both want to explore, want to use, this situation, Wanli and the Empress respectively, purport, pass Master Palace to solve the controversy. However, Master Shuo Yeh believes that the emperor is still young and that there are many major events to be done in the country. He should not fall into the controversy over establishing a reserve and mistakenly outline it. In a special way and Shuo ErYe personalized means to remonstrate the young emperor, guide the adolescent emperor to care about the suffering of civilians, for people's livelihood and more practical. He deliberately delayed the time to give the emperor the time to contemplate and reflect on Daxing to the palace, which also lasted two hours. He walked for a full hundred days and the second emperor, "Hundred-year-old," finally opened the itchy scratch The emperor's secret, unexpectedly and ShuoErYe intention coincide, to resolve a crisis, but also mature young emperor. In the meantime, during this one hundred-day period, Shuo ErYe should not only make repeated reminders on the true and false aspects of entertainment, but also deal with Ping Wang in a roundabout way, Solve the "little things anxious to get the dead," the children matter, rehabilitate bully Niu HuaiGen, cold ice trafficking private salt, bully male bully, rampant village of evil acts; solve the gold lock marriage, residence Zhou Weng Po, Zheng old man Hugging injustice; get rid of Xiaoyi Zhuang's retirement pavilion bad habits; but also help the owner of the sesame seed shop to discuss the year owed "sesame seed section"; also solve the itching can not solve the problem of Ma's silk satin Zhuang adult gambling into the nature of gambling And other trivial things, and so on. In Shuo ErYe's opinion, these trivial folk trifles appear to be small, but not inferior to stealing the land. They are directly related to whether the common people can live and work in peace and contentment. , People can live, these are all the zenith days of the lifeblood thing, one can not be less, one can not fall. Shuo ErYe tired, Shuo ErYe bitter, Shuo ErYe insurance, Shuo ErYe also Lehe, busy, emotions, constitute a living "our second uncle" in order to solve the suffering of ordinary people at the same time, Shuo ErYe adopted Da Kui, a royal brother who was forced to flee to the public due to a dispute over the establishment of power and storage, protected Chun Qiu and disclosed the accomplice between Ping Wang Ye and Japanese People and the criminal acts of stealing treasury gold in an attempt to rebellion.

lifetime with you (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills An XiaoMi, an insurance salesman, faced with the crisis of unemployment after the failure of marriage, with her fourteen-year-old daughter struggling to spare time and wanted to "remarry" her ex-husband Zhou YiMing to recover her lost home. Just as she thought her two-year marathon "remarry" long-distance running was nearing its end, an explosion was reported: Zhou YiMing was about to marry Yang FeiFei, the third married couple, and transferred to a university in Guangzhou . This is a bolt from the blue, An XiaoMi 懵. She did not dare to imagine her husband waving away, how to face the bleak life with her sweet daughter alone. Anonymous friend Wu NaNa to An XiaoMi Weapon, so An XiaoMi in a panic and apprehension into a battle. This is a peculiar battle that a mother recovered for her daughter's father who was about to lose, and a woman who recovered for her own "defending war" from her lost husband. Intentionally or unintentionally, the difference between Yin and Yang, the past, her in-laws and her daughter became the most destructive weapons An XiaoMi hands. When Zhou YiMing and Yang FeiFei formally visit their future in-laws as quasi-daughters-in-law, what they saw was an intimate scene of An XiaoMi's close relationship with two elderly people as a wife. Zhou YiMing never imagined that the ex-wisher, who has no legal rights in law, will have such a big resistance to his remarriage. What he did not even think about was that this scene was only a "prelude." In the ensuing clashes, Wu NaNa followed up with "shameless" and "relentless" strokes by An XiaoMi. On the grounds of safeguarding her daughter's rights, An XiaoMi asked Zhou YiMing to make a "marriage certificate" with Yang FeiFei before her remarriage. Notarized on the sweet living study abroad many costs made a number of strong rules. Zhou YiMing understands that placing this notary in front of the prospective wife will create a great crisis of confidence and categorically reject An XiaoMi's request. After some painful struggles, An XiaoMi showed "killer" - she filed a lawsuit with the court to change her daughter's custody on the grounds that she was unemployed to take up her daughter's custody. A lawsuit will be staged. It is a time bomb, shocking and hurting all the people associated with it: Zhou YiMing and Yang FeiFei concealed the contradictions in the past at the trigger, the two marriages face stranded; Zhou an elderly pair has always loved daughter-in-law produced Emotional rift; the most injured is An XiaoMi himself. She deliberately concealed the matter from her daughter, but was afraid of getting things done so she lost her daughter, unable to extricate themselves in deep contradictions and guilt. After the ups and downs, after some painful YangFeiFei finally signed the agreement in the marriage, An XiaoMi also keep his promise to withdraw the suit from the court. However, with the approaching of his father's line, the pain and fear of losing his father are also escalated. However, she went to Internet café with senior student Xia XiaoBo, who was distraught and followed by the same single-parent child, but unexpectedly encountered harassment This incident alerted the police station. An XiaoMi life for the first time hit her daughter, sweet ran away from home. Sweet finally spoke openly to dad, "Is Dad really want to ignore the mother and my life and death and gone, and my father has been the spiritual pillar of her mother, if dad gone, she will be sluggish.Zhou YiMing was shocked and saddened by her daughter's precocity - daughter-innocent girlhood came to an end early due to divorce, and Zhou YiMing witnessed An XiaoMi, a salesman, who was molested by an unfamiliar man who rushed forward to protect his ex-wife and Energetically shouted "I am her child's dad." This blurted out a word awakened Zhou YiMing's self-awareness, he was awakened to the heart of the daughter of his ex-wife can not give up the pain. Also woke Yang Feiyi beside him, Zhou YiMing said he did not go, asked Yang FeiFei transferred to work in the city, so that he can take care of the original home, YangFeiFei but deeply afraid of Zhou YiMing and that cut She also chose to leave alone after some heartbreaking pain.Life seems to be back to the beginning of the story: Zhou YiMing made his weekend father again, An XiaoMi cheered again Spirit to work hard on the market, Yang FeiFei alone in Guangzhou, a painstaking ambush for a distant love, Zhou an elderly man began to plan his son and An X iaoMi's "remarriage project." However An XiaoMi is so tired that she is deeply moved by a wishful remarriage, like a marathon that never reaches the finish line, she has been physically and mentally exhausted. Change custody to push themselves to his father, her heart cold, her life for the first time suspected her mother's love for him sweet to pour into the heart of the student Xia XiaoBo depression, but An XiaoMi mistaken for a puppy love. Followed up and stamped her daughter, and thus met Xia XiaoBo's father, Xia KeJian. Also in the life of the An XiaoMi and Xia KeJian had a "sympathy" feeling, but let a pair of children met in school students And Fei Fei, parents short flight YangFeiFei can not stand the pain of separation and waiting, lend a business opportunity and Zhou YiMing rebuilt the old good, she finally agreed to Zhou YiMing transferred to the city after the marriage, the two marriage again put on the agenda. The sweet dreams of parents remarry The feelings of the mother do not understand disagree .A misunderstanding, angry sweet smashed home The window was shattered by the windowpane Zhou YiMing asked An XiaoMi either to cut off any contact with Xia KeJian immediately or to marry him immediately, but Xia KeJian shunned her marriage while An XiaoMi was stubbornly in conflict and pain Stick to their own hard-earned warmth. After a few rounds, Zhou YiMing, helpless, also picked up the weapon of "changing child support." On the grounds that An XiaoMi did not do his mother's duty well, she asked her to raise her daughter and filed a lawsuit in the court. Again, Yang FeiFei was caught in contradiction and depression. Zhou YiMing's victory means that he will be the next stepmother to be the most unwilling actress. Yang FeiFei tried to improve her relationship with sweetness, sweet but categorically told her that she had broken up her own home and would never call her mother. Yang FeiFei again quietly left. The court opened. An XiaoMi's so-called "illegal cohabitation" and Zhou YiMing's extramarital affair were turned out. Scabs have been scab and tear again.Both Fang LvShi out of tactical considerations to the original defendants launched a "personal attacks", An XiaoMi caught off guard, accused Fang LvShi mercilessly hit a sore spot, in court out of control out of emotion, crying hoarsely to defend himself. Court, sweet hat and scarf wrapped his face up to hide behind the eavesdropping. Watching their parents mercilessly "war on" each other in court, they watched as they tried to retain their mother's unhelpful, heartbroken eyes, and ran away with sweet tears. Sweet determination not to allow mom and dad to continue to attack each other to court mutual harm. She found that her parents were only highly consistent in asking her to take the first test, so she promised her parents that once she took the first test, she could make any one request and insisted that she should wait for the exam to get the transcript Specific requirements. In fact, the sweet request is very simple - Mom and Dad stop litigation. Sweet start full sprint. Her bothering her menstruation is coming, and dysmenorrhea will affect the examination. Female students at the same table gave her a medicine to delay menstruation. Sweet secret to eat, but because of drug reactions, the diarrhea throughout the review, she frequently wash cold face, desperately pinch the temple to awake. The results came out, she is from the kindergarten to the worst place ever ranked fifth. An XiaoMi, unknown, is deeply disappointed with her daughter. Sweet and beautiful plan plummeted, the mother's despair made her feel more faceless to see her, sweet thought of death. She torn off a piece of paperwork and left the line "Mom and Dad, I beg you not to litter any more." She found half a bottle of sleeping pills in her mother's drawer, She began to feel scared and regretted, and she struggled to grab the receiver in front of the phone: "Mom, I do not want to die." Sweet back. Because of this accident, Zhou Yi Ming and An XiaoMi saw the dreadful life of her daughter. She was suffering and lonely in her parents' divorce. She studied diligently beyond the perseverance of a child. And for her parents truce she can even "fight with each other." Zhou YiMing Withdrew From the Court He and An XiaoMi agreed never to fight the lawsuit, arguing with his daughter forever. Xia KeJian covet petty profits, and garage jointly fraudulent car insurance, An XiaoMi finally found that the man can not entrust life, sadly broke up with it. At the company, however, she was suspected of eating out into the lover's pocket and hugging the company's money. The manager gave An XiaoMi two ways: losing money, or leaving to leave. An XiaoMi handed down her resignation report under indignation. After an unemployed An XiaoMi suffered setbacks and became a masseuse. An XiaoMi has been a lot stronger after experiencing daughter's life and death catastrophe. Although she can not be happy about everything, she has learned to feel grateful for her life. A prospective client who did not get acquainted with the insurance company came into her by chance, a manager of a small company, a man of honesty, humor, and optimism. The middle-aged man named Ling Fang was An XiaoMi in the dilemma of being touched by the tough, gave her a lot of encouragement and support. Zhou YiMing at this time was suspected by a doctor stomach cancer.YangFeiFei, a new boyfriend who is preparing to go abroad, has come to him and hopes to accompany him through the hardest part of the journey. Zhou YiMing frankly told him he was the most worried about An XiaoMi. He hid his ex-wife and daughter from his illness and gave it all to buy Long Term Treasury bonds for An XiaoMi, quietly arranging An XiaoMi's life in the near future. Yang FeiFei moved and lost a bit. As a result, a new round of emotional strikes around Zhou YiMing's disease was held between Zhou YiMing, Yang FeiFei and An XiaoMi, except this time they were more revealing warmth, tolerance and understanding. Zhou YiMing confirmed the report came out, the cancer alert was lifted. Yang FeiFei went abroad. An XiaoMi returned to the insurance company due to her own efforts. Her relationship with Ling Fang surpassed her friendship step by step. Zhou YiMing, who was discharged from school but was implicated in a plagiarism scandal because of his signature on a doctoral student, soon lost his position as a PhD supervisor and was transferred to a grassroots education institute. Ling Fang proposed to An XiaoMi, An XiaoMi found out that she was suffering from ailing Zhou YiMing. At this time, Zhou YiMing lived in the temporary distribution to his creel, suffering from "four evils", but he was thinking about his life in this dwelling and began to talk to his daughter's soul here Lost the long lost father and daughter feelings. Ling Fang confess to An XiaoMi that he also took a very long detour in his life and hurt his ex-wife. In his own life, his ex-wife defended and forgave him and offered him a helping hand, so he firmly believed that the world Love and true love. An XiaoMi could not help but think of her and Zhou YiMing. Zhou YiMing Enrolled in the mountains to teach, An XiaoMi rushed with her daughter to leave, the train has left.

White lovers dream (TV)[2005]

Feature: As the snowy night, Ye ShiYing and his mother, Jade Qin set foot on the last night train bound for Beijing, looking at the wind and snow outside the window and father Ye ZhiGang, who was chased after driving. Both mother and daughter were silent, A story of two generations of the emotional story also started. Six years later, she is already a skier who touches Tong's group, and she is soon to be the bride of Tong YuXiang, the younger brother of Tong's group. When Shih Ying enjoys her happiness, The boy who wrote in the diary turned out unexpectedly, and a long time romance was once again opened. Yang RenJie is the boy who wrote the poem in the diary. Once again, he met his beloved girl and made Renjie feel helpless. Because of an unexpected avalanche, Jenny and Poetry alone, but they never find it again pure feeling of pure past, the two returned to their familiar life, Yang RenJie and his girlfriend Lynn Qi to restore the relationship between lovers , Poetry Ying also returned to Yuxiang around, but once there has been suspicion, but began to expand between the two pairs of lovers, unable to smooth out. In order to avoid Yang RenJie meet again with poetry, the same is the ski runner Enqi gave up the training to Yu Xiang skiing decision; order Renjie, Yuxiang poem began inexplicable bickering, four young people are caught in the feelings The swirl can not extricate themselves. Ying Zhi's father, Ye ZhiGang, learned from the newspaper that she had found the ski resort and frequently harassed Shi Ying and her mother, Yu Qin. The nightmarish father enveloped the mother and daughter like a shadow, and the scene of a snowy night leaving home all the time lingering in poetry Ying's memory, while her mother's diminished face and near-collapse nerves made her poem Ying mood becomes increasingly heavy. For her mother, and for her own sake, she decided to leave her ski resort with her mother, go back to school, and even give up her beloved skiing career. However, God seems to make fun of poetry Ying, poetry leaves the ski resort even became a classmate and Enqi, but even more poetry can not think of is that Enqi this girl will become the key figure to change their own destiny. Poetry Ying's father Ye ZhiGang home again, abusive Yuqin at that snowy night with poetry Ying farewell, eventually ruining all of their own, Yu Qin said in painful time that period of painful past, poetry Ying is actually a child of rapist Poetry just go home, very shocked, out of the house. Desperate Poetry Ying Encounter Yang RenJie by chance, Facing Jennifer's silly act, Poetry can not bear to avoid him anymore. Poetry cries in Yang RenJie's arms. Yang RenJie tells her that she will love her no matter who her father is. , As long as poetry Ying agreed to go with him to New York. En Yongqi's father Lin YongSheng accidentally became a poetic rehabilitation physician, but his mother YuSheng's attitude to poetry Ying puzzled, poetic reluctantly refused to Yang RenJie, but worry about Yuxiang can not afford, not to mention the poem Ying did not want to hurt Enqi again, on the way to see Yuxiang, was actually knocked across the car. Although the hospital poetry Ying has been surgery, but may never be able to ski again, poetry Ying do not want to stumble Yang RenJie, frankly the person she loves is Yuxiang, Yang RenJie ripped originally had to give poetry Ying ticket, walk alone .Poetry's injury forced Lin YongSheng and Ye ZhiGang and Yuqin three again, although not seen for many years, but none of the three old friends rejoice in the joy and happiness, suspicion and jealous but slowly breed in the corner, An inexplicable fear and suffering shrouded Insein and the jade piano. Sly Zhigang aware of Insein's anxiety, he felt jade was certainly razed then Yongsheng related, so Chi has severely extorted Insein, Yongsheng wife Man Yun aware of everything for their own children, for their own home , For their own husband, you must keep the reputation of Insein, Man cloud first step about to come out, when Yongsheng mention money came, Zhigang has been dead in the tragedy, Insein terrified, Yuqin also know fainted. When Poetry and her mother shared these sudden changes, a new disaster once again came to Shi Ying who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and had to undergo allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The target of stem cell transplantation must be immediate Relatives Caixing, the doctor concluded that the father, but Zhigang dead, just as people feel despair, gradually calm down Yuqin finally say that the rapist was Lin YongSheng, while Enqi is poetry Ying with the father Gossip sister, the two of them is the last hope poetry Ying alive. In order to save poetry Ying, Yuxiang Enqi to help, Enqi believe Yuxiang, in front of Yuxiang and Enqi Yongsheng frankly his own crime, but Man Yun insisted never come forward, Yongqin personally seek Man Yun , Swore and other poetry Ying rehabilitation, will never disappear in front of their family. Two mothers, two children, one pair of sisters. It is at this moment that bloodthirsty understanding prevailed over understanding and care, and the last generation of grievances finally failed to repeat themselves in the next generation. After awake poetry Ying, that Enqi is his sister, but actually was actually a riot her mother, but also her biological father, after a painful struggle, decided to forgive with his mother, Insein. Yingying know Enqi already broke up with Renjie, quite good impression on Yuxiang Moreover, Enqi can help Yuxiang achieve the dream of skiing, so decided to leave Yuxiang, and then disappeared with her mother in front of everyone. Shi Ying lied to go to New York with his mother to find Renjie, poetry Ying and Yu Xiang after this farewell. Enqi unexpectedly reunited with Yang RenJie, learned that she did not contact Yang RenJie at all and did not go to New York. Is she there now, she is now well, she is not starting to ski again, this series of questions linger in Enqi heart. Looking at the falling snow outside the window, Enki thought deeply.

Romance on the beach (TV)[2003]

Feature: On the beach poster entertainment tycoon Zhao ShiRong Collusion between dominate the Bund inside and outside, with the domestic product king Ni Yanxiang, official Dept. Ma DeAn tripartite stand up, rattled fighting endlessly; slums occurred a series of tramp killed, behind the scenes mastermind is Zhao ShiRong, he forced Dean Joe just vanity, privately built drug laboratories in the college, slaughtering tramps. Fierce strong Brothers extraordinary skill to worldly appreciation, into its playground, unexpectedly fell into the world of the trap, the ferocious traps Joe just quit, and then brutally poisoned, Lie for the investigation behind the larger conspiracy to vote in the world Wing, in order to please the World Wing Huan chasing the pursuit of her daughter Rose, Valentine's heart Qiao YiYi heartbreaking, often with Bai Chen close combat, friends were forced to take a stranger, the dragon fight. Zhao ShiRong has successively removed Ma DeAn and Ni Yanxiang, the most vicious opponents, and became a new official in charge of public affairs.

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