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Yanhui Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yanhui Wang Works 28 ,And Feature 15 ,Crime 6 ,Comedy 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Romance 3 ,Action 2 ,荒诞2 ,Love 2 ,Year 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,军旅消防1 ,大型青春古装武侠剧1 ,警匪1 ,Biopic 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Yanhui Wang Filmography(28)


风平浪静 (Movie)[2020]




瞄准 (TV)[2020]


《瞄准》剧照1949年春,为破获保密局暗杀小组,争取国民党某兵团起义,松江市公安局专案组启用隐匿在民间的狙击高手 Su WenQian 担任顾问,对抗保密局派出的一号杀手 Chi TieCheng 。 Su WenQian 曾是活跃在抗日战场上的民间爱国人士,曾与 Chi TieCheng 搭档多年。在与专案组成员一次次同生共死的考验中,曾发誓不再拿枪的 Su WenQian 真正认识到了共产党才是中国的希望与未来,真心实意站到了人民一边,也重新找回了持枪的理由,决心不惜一切,挫败暗杀阴谋,两个第一流的狙击高手因此展开了一系列斗智斗勇、惊心动魄的狙击较量。最终,正义终于战胜了邪恶, Su WenQian 击败了过去一直水平高于自己的 Chi TieCheng ,专案组也彻底粉碎了敌人的暗杀阴谋 。定档海报


小欢喜 (TV)[2019]


北京某中档住宅小区顶楼,有三户人家的子女都进入了高考备战期。因抱着“一考定终《小欢喜》剧照身”的想法,三个家庭都陷入了无比焦灼的备战状态,由此引发的问题也接踵而至。“恨铁不成钢”的妈妈 Tong WenJie 和“没有压力”、热爱自由的儿子 Fang YiFan 之间因为成绩矛盾重重,爸爸 Fang Yuan 不得不化身“仲裁者”左右调停;拒绝前夫 Qiao WeiDong “入侵”母女生活的单亲妈妈 Song Qian ,对女儿 Qiao YingZi 的生活展开了“全包围”式关切,误解和矛盾不知不觉悄然爆发;“空降父亲” Ji ShengLi 和妈妈 Liu Jing 的突然关怀,让从小养在舅舅 Liu Zheng 身边的 Ji YangYang 无所适从,父子之间小心翼翼的相处并没有为这段关系换来“和平”。第一次做父母”的家长,和刚刚迎来成年的孩子,因为爱而联结,也因为难以把握爱的边界而产生误会,但正是这些“历不完的试炼”让每个家庭都在爱与理解中学会成长 。

你是我的答案 (TV)[2019]



东港市公安局重案组组长 Zhou Yuan ( Xiaodong Guo 饰演),因为一次抓捕毒贩的卧底行动,意外认识了女编剧 Bai XiaoLu ( Jingyan Wu 饰演),她的冒失差点导致行动失败。 Lu Hao ( Shunran Zhao 饰演)从一个高校的毕业生主动调入重案组,渴望成为一个优秀的警察,却在过程中和 Zhou Yuan 的“家长式”管理进行了一次次碰撞。

Zhou Yuan 与前女友 Lin Yao ( Yuxi Zhao 饰演)的感情破裂而阴差阳错地搬入了 Bai XiaoLu 的家中,开始了这对欢喜冤家浪漫满屋式的同居生活。与此同时, Bai XiaoLu 的好友,御姐 Yuan MingQing ( Sookie 饰演)在相处中,渐渐被 Lu Hao 这个单纯真挚的男孩打动。

Tropical past (Movie)[2019]


In 1997, a power failure in guangzhou caused a murder to be hidden in the dark. The fate of the "wicked", "widow" and "police" has been changed forever since then.

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


Behind the scenes player (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Recounted Zhong XiaoNian sitting on hundreds of millions of property, unexpectedly encountered in a heyday of career, encountered a series of troubles. After a series of embarrassing situations, he became self-fulfilling. The new movie "behind the scenes players" mysterious full, Xu Zheng (Actor) in this movie will have any breakthrough, will bring the audience what kind of surprise is looking forward to.

Panic shot go plate (Movie)[2018]

Feature: A small town surrounded by landscapes, an old gun that he did not know could not be used, a pair of loathsome and delusional robbers, a lonely and lonely security guard, a sturdy woman who could only curse on a wheelchair, Publicize the large-scale debt-service activities, as well as lying massaging women, heart-shaped boy, love each other to pretend to wander the horizon of adult couples, in a seemingly ordinary day, different people's lives suddenly screwed Together, like the time when the sunshine and sometimes rainy weather, who do not know what will happen next moment, until the dumb fire gun suddenly fired a bullet, death is like a shaky joke, and suddenly rushed to everyone.

Dying to Survive (Movie)[2018]


The movie “Dying to Survive” introduces the story: It tells the story of Cheng Yong, a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia, who brought back a generic drug, VEENAT, from India for self-help and sold it privately, causing investigations by the police. During the period, Cheng Yong, under the help and guidance of Dr. Schumann, went from selfishness to selflessness and struggled for the patient's right to survival. He eventually surrendered himself and won dignity. The fate of multiple roles was also linked to the “drug” element. Demonstrate a different kind of grassroots sentient beings.

Nobody (Movie)[2018]


An introduction to the plot of the movie nobody: A scenic town, surrounded by a don't know can still use the old gun, a pair of robbers spoony and wishful thinking, a down and out, and security of a can only call names of tough woman in a wheelchair, a prior is unabashed large collection activities, and there lies the massage girl, slay high-souled youth young, love to pretend to grizzled troubadour adult couples, in a seemingly ordinary days, different life suddenly screwed together, just like at that time the sun sometimes rainy weather, who also don't know what will happen the next moment, until the misfire of the gun and shot the suddenly, death is like a ramshackle joke, All of a sudden in front of everyone.


Great Expectations (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

The Icebreaker of True Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Icebreakers of True Love tells the story of an icebound courier that breaks the quiet life of urban white-collar Tan Dou Dou, who was Jin Yuan, a boyfriend who escaped marriage seven years ago. Tease on the way to the police escaped on his way straight to the city parcel sent to find Jin Yuan. Jin Yuan, a suspect in surveillance by police such as Qiao Liang, allegedly used an auction transaction to launder money for drug trafficking syndicates. Tease can not make this relationship, make up his mind to take him out of the darkness re-man. In fact, the true identity of Jin Yuan is the undercover police officer Liu Bing sent to inside the drug trafficking group Cai BingKun. In the face of teasers' enthusiasm, he had to be cold-hearted in the hope that she would soon give up her own danger and at the same time, he had to deal with the provocations and tests of drug traffickers. And Qiao Liang also found his girlfriend Huang XinYue father yellow team is the ghost. In the end, Jin Yuan and the Narcotics Brigade won the battle with the blood, smashed the criminal syndicate & nbsp ;.


Feature: Lin Kai, an undercover agent of drug trafficking syndicates, gradually found Li Jianguo behind the "Double Eagle" drug trafficking syndicate and found behind-the-scenes leader "Lao Ying" in connection with Li Jian Guo, an undercover drug trafficking syndicate eight years ago. At that time, Li JianGuo's superior, eventually Lin Kai and Li JianGuo cleverly cooperate to destroy the entire drug syndicate.

神风刀 (TV)[2017]


《神风刀》又名《唐朝少年》讲述了年少的 Shui Ge ,突遭灭门之灾,成了“漏网之鱼”。“漏网”的 Shui Ge 受高人指点,来到京城长安避祸,寻找安身立命之所,与金银铜铁四位混世少年不打不相识结为生死兄弟,以少年侠客自诩。又与波斯少年 Sai Ma A BoDou 结为生死之交。五少年想谋取一个好的前程,不料阴差阳错,误入西北地区黑恶势力总后台王御史家。他们不知王御史正是导致 Shui Ge 遭受灭门之灾的罪魁祸首。为将“漏网之鱼” Shui Ge 斩草除根,王御史以建功立业之名将五少年送往西北边陲,打算借他们之手劫取贡品而后栽赃陷害将其一网打尽。五位少年不知是计,满心欢喜奔赴“地狱之门”。 Jin Ge 、 A BoDou 和 Sai Ma 相继喋血大漠。血债必须血偿, Shui Ge 的神风刀终于愤然出鞘。几兄弟在戈壁大漠匡扶正义,血溅刺史府,追杀 Mao LiQiu ,夺回贡品,洗刷罪名。复仇除恶的怒火从瓜州一直烧到京城长安。


COCK AND BULL (Movie)[2016]

Feature: A murder occurred in a small town in the southwestern border of China. A motorcycle driver was brutally murdered. His money, cell phones and motorcycles were snatched away. Song Lao Er, a car-repair shop owner with a simple and honest character, Grievances become the object of suspicion by the police and villagers. At a police clueless situation, Song LaoEr can only rely on his own strength to start tracing the murderer, washing his innocence. He found the upstart Wang YouQuan following the stolen motorcycle tire imprint. When Wang YouQuan suddenly broke up with innocent girlfriend Yang ShuHua, he found Wang YouQuan a murderer and wanted Wang YouQuan to be sent to justice. However, When Wang YouQuan recounted how he had steal the motorcycle, Song LaoEr began to discover that there was another murderer and a huge conspiracy behind the murder. Dong XiaoFeng, a nightclub foreman who was released on jail, Ping Jie go fly to do the final preparation. Because of this murder, the lives of three people, Song LaoEr, Wang YouQuan and Dong XiaoFeng, have completely changed. The fate of the three people is implicated in each other and an atrocious play is staged in the Wild West.

TheDeadEnd (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Seven years ago, there was a tragedy of extinction in Xilong County, Fujian Province. When a family of five died in the same day on the same day in a villa, they caused great shock in the society. However, after going through years, the suspect, Yang ZiDao (Guo Tao (actor)), , Xin XiaoFeng (Deng Chao) and Chen BiJue (Gao Hu) are still at large. Now all three live in Xiamen. Yang became a taxi driver. Xiao Feng joined the police contingent. Chen, who unexpectedly turned into a fool, took Wei Ba, a girl who was picked up by three people, in. On this day, Yi GuChun (Duan Yihong), who has extensive experience in handling cases, was transferred to the team where Xiaofeng resides as sheriff. Ipod is a small abundance of capable small devices, but the sense of smell he also faintly aware of the man and the year's Momo event. In the meantime, Dawgo met an Iraqi sister, Xiaodie Luodan, in an accident. As if there was an invisible hand in somewhere, pushing the three men who are determined to re-affirmative to the irreversible ending ... The film is adapted from Sui Yigua's novel Sunspot.

DevilandAngel (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Because of a car accident, Cha XiaoDao, a high-intelligence, low-eloquence student, meets unexpectedly with a full-time dugout solicitor Mo FeiLi. Cha XiaoDao, severely extorted by Mo FeiLi, is in a state of depression, recalling that she broke off her relationship with her mother and was desperate for her to be expelled from her employer. Occasionally, Cha XiaoDao saw the advertisement of typhoon Zhe ErGen, a conspiracy psychologically difficult victim. She was determined to go to the doctor's office and did not expect to see another villain Mo FeiLi in the clinic. Panic-stricken Cha XiaoDao was afraid to see villain Mo FeiLi, but did not expect to be referred to Mo FeiLi suffering from severe insomnia by being a "medicine" who was anxious to divert attention. Doctors also told Cha XiaoDao, Mo FeiLi is also a "medicine" to cure her psychological problems, to dispel suspicions of Cha XiaoDao eager. And therefore, the two different characters to become partners. Two extremely arrogant and despotic, an extremely cowardly timid, in the process of collecting debt in a series of laughter also tears story.

Nanchong mechanic hero biography (TV)[2014]

Feature: The war started, the Japanese blockade our transport routes, the critical moment of God on the Burma Road props up the logistical supplies of the war, this magical highway since Nanchong mechanic prequel to write a legend. Due to the shortage of drivers and mechanics, more than 3,000 overseas Chinese from the South China Sea returned to their country without regard to their hardships and difficulties and went to the national crisis. Fang brothers are typical of these overseas Chinese. Fang TianHai, an eldest brother, is ostensibly a traitor who joins the Japanese army. In fact, he is an underground worker lurking inside the Japanese army. Fang TianHai has always tried his best to endure the misunderstanding of all his relatives and friends and walked between life and death for his own conviction . Fang QianShu, my younger brother, was a fool of myself and my understanding of the motherland was weak. However, during the war, Fang QianShu felt Fang QianShu felt that he had been killed by the Japanese bombing and died in the pain of illness Unparalleled shock, let him understand: In order to the nation and the country's hope, he must rediscover the direction and meaning of life. Nanchong mechanic heroes pass high-definition stills

Bing Wang (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Bing Wang" tells Shen Xiao to prove to his classmates and teachers in high school that in addition to going to university, there are more opportunities and positions to prove his worth in this world. He joined the army and became a member of the Beigang Municipal Fire Brigade Fire fighters. In the army, Shen Xiao is an "archer" who at the same time training achievements and mischief, and he must grab everything in order to prove himself. Later, in the face of the teachings of the high school squadron and the veteran Huang Fusheng, in the face of the irresponsible sacrifices of his comrades in fire, he finally understood the truth that the value and honor of military personnel are not based on vanity and face but are based on the motherland And the interests of the people, the military king, a result, not for themselves, but for others & nbsp ;.

SingingWhenWeAreYoung (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In 1997, the senior school class Dong JiuJiu (Baby Zhang) look good obedient girl, but rebellious perverse inside. Her good sibling, Han Xia, likes fashion design very much. She usually has quick, quick courage and courage in daily life but is often ridiculed by the boys around her because of her burly body, her ordinary looks, and her personality. Melancholy Xia JingHan (Xu Ran), school Luo Luo (Dai Xu ornaments), as well as eating fat Xiaoqiang (Zhang Zheng ornaments), sports juvenile Da Wei (Li Xian ornaments) is the school recognized partner. In the face of the coming college entrance examination, they each yearn for the future life. Tweeted father suddenly passed away on her eighteenth birthday, but her birthday gift has become her permanent spiritual sustenance. Gentle cold as generous, as a result of the divorce of young parents, he and grandma depend on each other. Luo Fan is the best buddies Han children, they appreciate each other's chivalrous temperament, but the cold and tweeted love has led to brothers and vice versa. Han Xia, who looks ordinary, has always lived in the shadow of good sisters tweeted, and the great contrast between her and his classmates in their usual tumultuous attitude led to a tremendous crisis in their friendship ...

Inseparable (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The twists and turns of the wonderful story occurred in a city in southern China. Li Yue is an exhausted, avid engineer in a high-tech prosthetic company. At the beginning of the story, Li Yue tried to commit suicide, but was accidentally saved by his foreigner Lin Ju, both of whom became good friends. Later, Lao Cai used his own unique approach to lead Li Yue out of the miserable situation and solved his work problems and his wife A Pang - an extremely emotional surprise interviewer - feelings arise in the problem ... ... two Together set foot on a magical journey ... but the old check is really just an ordinary Lin Ju it?

OneMileAbove (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Shu Hao, a Taiwanese youth who just graduated from college, is doing nothing and has to stay home all day and does not know what to do. His elder brother Shu Wei is a good student and is full of examples by Shu Hao. Grandma Shuwei enrolled a "Wanderer Program" - going to Lhasa by bike. Shu Hao expressed his misunderstanding about his brother's "crazy" behavior. He just wanted to be looked after at home and live comfortably. The accidental death of brother Shuwei shakes Shu Hao's heart, and Shu Hao decides to fulfill his brother's aspirations before. Parents, girlfriends think he can not, advised him not to be so paranoid. Shu Hao is also to prove himself, embark on a journey from Lijiang, a bike ride to Lhasa. Shu Hao met online before a Taiwanese in Lijiang - Zhi Ping. Zhi Ping is a very wide range of people, everyone would say that this is my youngest brother, said he would ride Shu to Lhasa with Shu Hao. But Shu Hao Zhi Ping endless spending gradually let him think this person is very tricky. Although Shu Hao knew it would be harder than he thought, he was on his own. Just out of Lijiang, Shu Hao met with a cyclist Xiaochuan and traveled with him. Xiao Chuan, a cycling enthusiast who is much older than Shu Hao, had more experience and was able to give Shu Hao a great ride and life Fair help. But he just likes to talk about his own pastry that something, Shu Hao old people think weird but very cute. Mrs. Nai Nai, herders who dwelled in Shangri-La, spent the night in Xiao NanHai, a Tibetan woman in Yantian, savoring the butter crackers made by Xiao Ching's eldest brother, and Shu Hao felt that she was not alone on the road. A night over the mountain, Xiaochuan accidental cliff, seriously injured. Shu Hao's belief is on the brink of collapse, and he begins to doubt the meaning of his journey. Shu Hao recalls this section of Xiao Chuan brother on his way to encourage him, I believe he will be able to finish this section. Flying song Temple scriptures let him insist on going. Shu Hao suffered a rainy day in Dongda, and Shu Hao, who was unmanaged, was mentally challenged again. However, he was summoned to the Nu River to be pursued by Tibetan mastiffs. However, there is danger that Ukraine will become poisonous and even have life. Shu Hao is still on the road. In Tongmai Road encounter pilgrimage mother and son, Shu Hao find different life values ​​and significance. Songs and laughter along the way, there are tragic hi clutch, along the way there are people warm. Shu Hao rides the road, looking for value, self-fulfillment. At an altitude of 5,000 meters of the Mi-la Snow Mountain Pass, Shu Hao took out the colorful pilgrimage mother and child gift flags, sprinkled into the sky. His hands clasped together, chanting the mantra, the heart felt unprecedented peace. In front of the Potala Palace, Shu Hao is singing and dancing with everyone. Shu Hao gives the bike to anyone who needs it. Shu Hao returned to Taiwan to start his graduate career. Shu Hao came to the pagoda to put the "Rider's Diary" he wrote on his way into the great book of his brother's book, and as soon as he finished his brother's wish, he seemed to know more. Unexpectedly, Shu Hao returned to Taiwan and received a letter from Xiao Chuan, Xiao Ching set off again.

Great Expectations (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

TheEquationofLove & Death (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Taxi driver Li Mi (Xun Zhou ornaments) mouth has been talking about the mysterious figures, passengers in her car have to answer her a question: Have you seen this man? Fang Wen, Li Mi's boyfriend, has been missing for four years, but in the past four years she has been writing letters to tell her about the status quo. Li Mi, who can not find her lover, has posted his photo in the magazine to identify and live everyday Under great torture. On this day, she carried a pair of drug dealers awaiting transactions from Kunming, Yunnan, Qiu ShuiTian (Qiu ShuiTian) and Qiu HuoGui, who turned back when they found the "connector man" somehow falling bridge while trading, Li Mi looking for money to them, Qiu HuoGui in haste to get into the apartment trying to get back the lost money from Li Mi here. Li Mi used the opportunity to call the police, but Qiu ShuiTian then asked Li Mi to find her first love and release her. Here, the "connector man" on the bridge hit the head of Deng Chao and Ning Wang, and Ma Bing and Fifi involuntarily involved the murder. Just arrested Jing Cha Ye QingCheng (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) and Li Mi of the Qiu brothers discovered the traces of Fang Wen - Ma Bing and Fang Wen look exactly the same! Only Ma ice for Li Mi's recognition is very indifferent, ...

General merchants (TV)[2006]

Feature: "General merchants" stills teenager Zhong Jie rebellious spirit. He was unwilling to rely on his father and brother's expectations of "learning from eight stocks, taking exams from Imperial Examination, and taking career paths." He tried his best to make a living out of adventures in camarines. He broke through his family and interfered to find new ways of life with his caravan. Throughout the trials and tribulations of the caravan became the famous "horse pot head." Realizing the primitive accumulation of capital, young Zhong Jie thinks and explores the road to saving the country by industrialization. He started with the processing and operation of his hometown specialty "Xuanwei Ham" and set up the Yunnan-based joint stock company Xuanwei Xuan and Ham Co., Ltd. ". Inspired by General Cai Yong, the earliest canning production line in Yunnan's industrial and commercial history was introduced to produce ham and canned fruits. As a result, "Xuanwei ham" reputation, floating fragrance at home and abroad. Due to turmoil in the times, frequent war chaos, political corruption and banditry, Xuanwei Ham Co., Ltd. went bankrupt. Indomitable Zhong Jie tough indomitable, rise again, they have set up a "great constant" company and "brother canned food Co., Ltd." to revive the glory. The success of Zhong Jie is more concerned about the fate of the nation, concerned about social welfare. Crusade against the defender Yuan Shikai Hu Guojun through the Xuanwei City, as the president of the Xuanwei Chamber of Commerce Zhongwei become guarding the country's Xuanwei soldiers station, he bent on actively organizing local forces to support the just protection of the military Give. And Cai E, Tang Jiyao, Fan ShiSheng patriotic generals and other friends. Middle-aged Zhong Jie patriotic feelings increased, due to business from Rong. Resolutely follow the father of the democratic revolution - Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, to become the director of the Ordnance Quartermaster Division. The Yunnan Army subdued Chen Jiongming mutiny, Sun Zhongshan ordered the commendation. Zhong Jie was awarded five Jiahe medal, major general rank. In support of the democratic revolution advocated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Zhong Jie did his best. The second son, Cheng Gang, was sent to Whampoa Military Academy for study and became a first-class student in Huangpu before participating in the Northern Expedition. Zhong Jie business development has also been successful. Xuanwei "double pig" ham in the exhibition will be gold medal. Dr. Sun Yat-sen personally wrote "Drink and Eat German," praised Zhong Jie character and products. Zhong Jie become a veritable "general merchants." Sun Yat-sen died, the revolution suffered setbacks, Zhong Jie was persecuted to withdraw from the military. Fading out of the "rivers and lakes", he made one of the most successful businesses for his hometown fellow villagers in his later years - organization of caravans long-distance trafficking of rice disaster relief. With its extraordinary courage and commercial wisdom to overcome insidious crouching merchants, saved tens of thousands of hungry hometown. Realized the "urgency and good" life value.

Interpol September storm in China (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills Zhou Gucheng, the most guilty consul guilty of the crime, died one after another due to illness before being executed. And they did not recover tens of millions of huge amounts of corruption, but also made the big case left a suspense, left so far. Zhou Yu, whose name was hidden in the unidentified parents abroad, was renamed Liu Yu and became a popular pop star under the training of his uncle Liu YuQuan (Zhou Jiangong). In order to "avenge" their parents, Liu Yu's nephew and his nephew took advantage of returning home to buy and collude with domestic rogue elements to form a new criminal gang, and began to create a bloody case to vent their anger ...... Hustle and bustle of the downtown bank before the Spring Bank headquarters A number of criminal members armed with firearms were removed from the crowd as scheduled and awaiting release of the bank robbery order. A disaster is imminent. Liu Yu learned that his fancier Moon Girl had turned out to be the daughter of Zhao ZhongShi, a captain of enemy criminal police forces, who could not help deepening his hatred of Zhao ZhongShi. Zhao ZhongShi asked to search Samsung Casino. However, Secretary Sun said the owner of the entertainment city, Tang Duck, was a law-abiding person and Zhao ZhongShi was suspicious of Mr. Sun. Zheng ZhiCheng began his assassination plan, plant manager and mall manager has been assassinated, all the clues point to Zhou Jiancheng case. Liu YuQuan wants Zheng and Wu to continue murdering according to the list and play a role in attacking him. He will use the filming of MTV as a cover to enter the martyrs' cemetery. Liu YuQuan will provide funds for Wu Lin to bomb explosives as soon as possible. An extremely dangerous liquid bomber bus appeared on the Airport Road. As the mayor of the United Nations officials landed in about ten minutes and was responsible for safety, the Secretary was extremely anxious. Zhao ZhongShi, the captain of the criminal team who personally captured Zhou Jiancheng and his wife and husband, took up the responsibility of eliminating criminals headed by Liu Yu, Liu YuQuan and Zheng ZhiCheng and maintaining social stability. This once again demonstrated the true nature of the Chinese criminal police.

Life and death Cambodia (TV)[2003]

Feature: Interpol Captain Zheng Mu received a fax from Hong Kong Police Investigation Bulletin, Lan Qi fraud 85 million Hong Kong dollar absconded. Meanwhile, another intimidation letter was received in black and white, with Jiang YuPing, the abductor of her husband Feng Lu, who had not seen him for 10 years. Zheng judgments by reasoning, blue, von one person. Hong Kong sends police officer Lin Yong to help arrest Feng Lu. Also involved in Feng's lover Xu ZiYing and He Li et al. At the same time, Hong Kong reporter Ding WenTing, cheated company business consultant Zhong Ze, Feng in Hong Kong's "second marriage" Tian HongNi also came to the city to make a fuss. During the flight, Feng von Zheng Mu in the U city of Mainland China, Lin Yong in Hong Kong, Hong Kong constable Lin Yong in the same year, Jiang YuPing, the first lady of the year, Xu Hongyuan, the second lady Tian HongNi, killer Zhong Ze, Hong Kong reporter Ding WenTing, Lawyer He Li, cousin Qi TianLe 9 tracking. Zheng Xin learned through his Hong Kong-based Zhou Xin that this Ph.D. was defrauded by Feng's own boss. Feng was a fraudster. In order to avoid the loss of state-owned assets, Zheng took revenge, Fishing and other methods and with high-tech. In the process of tracking von, ransom encountered no claim to the river, Tian HongNi died in a car accident, He Li too much alcohol into a vegetative state, accidental death unmanned unannounced, von "murderer" and other sight interference, Zheng Yi one cracked. After many twists and turns, and finally the correct judgment is Feng hand concocted with the bell to create a fake kidnapping case. In the process of chasing Feng and Chung, Zheng finally forgot his life and arrested the kidnappers, and formed a life-or-death friendship with Lin. State-owned assets are intact.

For this piece of Pure Land (TV)[2001]

Feature: There is a stockade near the far border. Half of the stockade belongs to China and half belongs to neighboring countries. Yan Jiang and Yan Guang are cousins ​​and their families live on either side of the border. The brothers have a common goodwill Shah girl. The three children play a long piece together, changing from friendship to romance, and the girl hands over her feelings to her brother.

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