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Cheng Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Cheng Zhang Works 18 ,And Suspense 6 ,Feature 6 ,Comedy 6 ,Crime 2 ,抗战2 ,Spy war 1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Short 1 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Action 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Magic 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,近代革命1 ,Romance 1 。

Works Index

Cheng Zhang Filmography(18)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。



古董局中局之鉴墨寻瓷 (TV)[2020]


五脉传人许愿替爷爷洗刷了汉奸之耻后,秉遗训,追查古董造假集团老朝奉,而情同手足的药不然却投靠老朝奉,许愿孤身调查,幸有女友黄烟烟帮助。追查中他得知故宫收藏的清明上河图为假,这是意图垄断国内古董真假市场的香港拍卖公司百瑞莲所设圈套。许愿险些中计,不得已和老朝奉联手,与药不然一起,几经曲折终于证明了故宫所藏为真品,然而,老朝奉老奸巨猾,并没有如约露面。许愿和黄烟烟历尽艰险,与老朝奉争夺青花瓷五罐,在卧底老朝奉集团的药不然帮助下揭开五罐之谜,借公海打捞沉船之机,揭露老朝奉正是潜伏在五脉中的沈云琛。至此,这个和五脉一并传承了千年的造假集团覆灭。许愿报了自家世仇,更为古董业铲除了毒瘤 。


鬼吹灯之怒晴湘西 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鬼吹灯之怒晴湘西》剧情介绍:讲述了民国年间,军阀混战,民不聊生。 Chen YuLou 生于盗墓世家,乃卸岭魁首。受时局所迫,他联手军阀 Luo LaoWai ,入湘西瓶山盗取元墓。途遇搬山道人 Zhe GuShao 。搬山历来不为财物,只为寻找解除族人诅咒的雮尘珠。为了进入这座从未被人染指的元朝大墓,搬山、卸岭两大派在此结盟。



实力演员倾情加盟 Yueming Pan 亲笔题字显新意

《鬼吹灯之怒晴湘西》讲述的是 Chen YuLou , Zhe GuShao 等老一辈“卸岭力士”与“搬山道人”携手探秘湘西瓶山的传奇故事,在最新曝光的人物海报中,三位主演的身份一一曝光。

海报中 Yueming Pan 饰演的 Chen YuLou ,头微微扬起,嘴角带笑,作为“盗魁”的他具有掌控全局的气场,自信且不羁,而他手中的雕花匕首更增添了一丝危险的气息。 Vengo Gao 所饰演的 Zhe GuShao 眉头紧蹙,作为扎格拉玛部族的后裔他一直都肩负着重担,但他深邃的眼神和冷峻的嘴角则显示出这个角色内心的沉稳与坚定。 Zhilei Xin 饰演的 Hong GuNiang ,双唇紧闭眼神犀利,透露出她与众不同的机敏与敢爱敢恨的性情,皮质手套间夹着寒光凛凛的飞刀,不仅使她性格中的棱角被外化出来,还透露出其身手不凡的特征。


画风采用黑白搭配的色调,体现了剧集神秘基调,却配合了烫金质感的“怒晴湘西”四字,更加强化戏剧冲突感。“怒晴湘西”四个字为 Yueming Pan 亲笔撰写,笔锋极具特色且充满神秘质感,整体画风临场感十足,直接将观众带入到了故事的氛围中去。

顶级IP高度还原 经典延续诚意回归

《鬼吹灯之怒晴湘西》由著名导演管虎担任总导演,费振翔担任导演,著名制片人方芳、梁静、朱文玖担任总制片人,在筹备拍摄之初便设立高标准严把关,严格考量了原著形象进行选角,选择了 Yueming Pan 、 Vengo Gao 、 Zhilei Xin 三位外形完全贴合原著人物的演员。除了三位主演, Weiyu Cao (饰 Luo LaoWai )、 Guansen Sheng (饰 Lao YangRen )、 Alicia Rhett (饰 Hua Ling )、 Cheng Zhang (饰 Hua MaGuai )、 Jiang Baocheng (饰 Kun LunMoLe )、 Sang MingSheng (饰 Yang FuGuan )等实力不俗的演员也已加盟,他们将合力为观众呈现一个忠于原著的作品。




Leave without saying goodbye (Movie)[2018]


Chen Xiao, President of mountaineering, Xiong Bo, Zhang Hao and Li Shuo, two rich generations, are good brothers of mountaineering clubs. After a party at a mountaineering club, the four of them made the mistake of embarking on a daring, spontaneous journey. Along the way, they traveled across several provinces, "Wolf's mouth out" on the grasslands, struggling in the desert, nervous skydiving, hesitating at the foot of snow-capped mountains. All the way in a mess, full of jokes and quarrels; The brotherly affection that looks like plastic flower, but in the moment that faces "life and death test" clench each other's hand.


Datang magic villain (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the Tang Dynasty, the "Dragon Detachment" tells the story of the Tang Dynasty Tianbao years, the Quartet stability, the people's livelihood and the rich, in fact Chaosang chaos, multi-forces just around the corner, Shaolin Temple Shaoqing all the way entangled, love each other, work together to face the crisis treacherous treasure road.

National Action (TV)[2017]

Feature: "National Action" tells the story of Mianyang 1.10 was not broken in four years. He Yanling (led by Huang Zhizhong) led the detection team to a secret investigation in Binjiang. Under the illusion of 1.10 the murderer brought his case, He Yanling concluded: There is an evil gang of unscrupulous criminal gangs in Mianyang. Liu Tang (He Ping) is his first criminal. Department where not, as its umbrella. The leaders of the Central Government and the Ministry of Public Security were shocked by this and instructed the political and legal organs to go all out to eliminate all resistance and destroy this gang of black gangs. They must abide by the law and respect the umbrella regardless of their positions and powers. The Central Political and Law Commission quickly mobilized troops from all over the country to set up a task force headed by He Yanling to tackle triad criminal gangs and their umbrellas. Liu Tang escaped blows by all means, murdered witnesses and insiders, and took the deputy director of Binjiang Public Security Bureau Xu WangDong (Yi Zhang) as an accomplice and used a powerful network to pressure the detection team. He YanLing and the task force, withstood the pressure and threats, fought the criminal syndicates and opposed each other, holding the spirit of sacrificing everything for the sacred mission and eventually smashing the syndicate & nbsp ;.

Y u Z UI (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yu Zui is a mysterious crime drama jointly produced by Ai Qi Yi, Xin Li Media and Tenjin Entertainment. Zhang Yishan, Chang Rong, Wu Ta-You, Emotion Cheung, etc. are directed by Zhang Rui, Shen Rong and Zhang Shidong Starring. The play is adapted from the novel of the same title by an often-book novel, telling police student Yu Zui to enter the contradiction between life and society due to special selection, and then become a story of an undercover adventure. The first season of the series was broadcast on May 23, 2016 in Aiqi Arts and the second season was broadcast on June 12, 2016 in Aiqi Arts. The first quarter of the influential police figure Xu PingQiu (Chang Rong ornaments) to the police selection "elite", Yu Zui (Zhang Yishan ornaments) and others attended the first training and passed the examination. The second training content for no ID card, survive in Ocean City forty days. Yu Zui found An JiaLu (Jia Yu Sun) by extrapolating and found other classmates by tracing Lin YuJing (Wu Ta-You). Mouse (Wang Ge) After a chaos "missing", Yu Zui "manslaught" kidnapped Shu Biao. Yu Zui jailed to find out he was deceived, and later with funeral Fu GuoSheng (Emotion Cheung ornaments) become confidante. Yu Zui joined the Secret Service and became undercover success close to Fu GuoSheng et al. Fu GuoSheng sent Yu Zui to Zheng Chao (Du Yinwei ornaments) around. Zheng Chao used him to transport drugs when Yu Zui did not know the details. Yu Zui destroyed the signal jammer during the transaction, causing drug dealer suspicion and shooting. Yu Zui was rescued by Jiao Tao (Xiao Yu), and his survival made Zheng Chao feel uneasy. Yu Zui wants to use Zheng Guosheng Zheng Chao to remove Zheng Chao. Zheng Chao wants to remove Yu Zui from the police. In the second quarter, Zheng Chao and his men reported Yu Zui drug trafficking to the police. Yu Zui tried his best to get rid of the arrest of Jie Bing (Yujian Zhang). Zheng Chao Follow Yu Zui's Opinion For Self-Going, Yu Zui replaced Zheng Chao as criminal gang leader with the concerted efforts of Yu Zui's brothers. Yu Zui's boss made Fu GuoSheng feel suspicious. Fu GuoSheng tried his best to try Yu Zui and Yu Zui promptly notified Xu PingQiu to cancel the arrest. Yu Zui In order to gain the trust of Fu GuoSheng, Pei Yu designed to remove smuggling gangs. Lin YuJing take the initiative to apply for undercover assistance Yu Zui, Fu GuoSheng, who has been testing Lin YuJing, Yu Zui and Lin YuJing are cleverly resolved. Yu Zui forced Fu GuoSheng to refuse to trust Fu GuoSheng for himself, while Fu GuoSheng accidentally found Yu Zui's father and knew Yu Zui's police identity. Yu Zui transferred the suspect to Jiao Tao successfully. Fu GuoSheng listened to Shen JiaWen (Raquel ornaments) instructions drug trafficking again, the police arrested Fu GuoSheng to know Shen JiaWen's true identity. Yu Zui drove a speedboat into Shen JiaWen's fishing boat while chasing Shen JiaWen. When Yu Zui is about to rejoin An JiaLu know the hands of the wrong people.

HeartForHeaven (Movie)[2015]

Feature: From a very young age, Shen Mo (Shen Teng), who loves acting, will become an actor as his only ideal. However, when he is young, he is diagnosed with terminally ill and has no time. Shen Mo's life, which has not yet begun, is just beginning to be seriously neglected. Shen Mo started to seriously consider the meaning of life and decided to give his only time left to do something for the community. Shen Mo teamed up with du Yu (Xiao-yu Du), disguised as a criminal gang in a local community who wanted evidence of their crimes. Du Yu, however, favored gangster Long Ge Lam Suet lover Xiao Wei (Zizi Wang ornaments) angry angry Ge Ge sent a cool killer, to be Du Yu and Xiao Wei addition to fast. In the meantime, Shen Mo got to know Ma XiaoLi, a pure and good anchorwoman who was also involved in the storm created by Du Yu.

call-of-duty (TV)[2015]

Feature: At the beginning of the Revolution of 1911, the remnants of Manchuria vainly attempted to restore the monarchy. Members of the Alliance Water ice lurking in the Wind family's wind full house company, intended to borrow wind home and hostile forces Commander Von Commander, smashed the enemy's plot. Feng ZeYao feng shui loves the water ice, by chance, he knew the true identity of water ice, but ice does not know. In order to help water ice, Feng ZeYao apparently fought with Von Smirnoff, secretly provided a lot of intelligence for water ice, to help her repeatedly successful implementation of the mission, but also silently protecting her safety. Water ice only when Feng ZeYao is a von Commander's lackey, hated to the bone. Two young people who share common beliefs but have taken different forms to join the revolution have begun a remarkable epic story to crush the feudal forces and resist imperialist invasions. The two eventually joined forces to destroy Von Commander's conspiracy, but with ice and ice heroic sacrifice, when she fell in the arm of Feng ZeYao the last moment, I realized Feng ZeYao is quietly in love with themselves, and let their love surging That mysterious character & nbsp ;.

TheSuspicious (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Liu Hua (actor), the boss of a hundred-year pharmaceutical factory who contracted pharmaceuticals, decided to sell real estate for sale and did not want to sell drugs anymore. His heavily hired Hong Kong executive, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), leads a Japanese buyer, Miyashita. Do not want to see the palace is only able to cure insomnia Lu Yu scattered tablets of the exclusive formula. Just as the two sides reached a stalemate in negotiations, the appearance of "Mystery S," which claimed to hold a secret prescription, made the negotiations even more foggy. Lin YiTai, sales director of Chenggong Pharmaceutical Factory (Alec Su), a patient with severe insomnia, who was working as a non-awakened doctor all night, had a profound understanding of the transactions between S and Japanese buyers. After being a cataclysm, Lin YiTai found that both her immediate boss, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), the ambiguous senior secretarial secretary Joe Chan, or the Japanese representative Mei ChuanMeiJiZi (Hong So-hee) Everyone has a guilty conscience, and even his most trusted pharmaceutical factory employee, Lao Song (Liping You), is eccentric and everyone is the best suspect! At this time, hiding in a corner of the inner ghost "Mystery S" but everyone's every move is well aware of ... ...

Hero Detective fly (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhang Xiwen played the cloud Yuxuan boss 'seal' in order to help the hero "Goofy" to the Nanjing Presidential Office to seize the file, secret hidden in the He Guanghui set change, secretly for the hotel, but in fact the hotel as her underground newsletters Channel. The contest between the Ming and the Secret Department and the setting of such a background of action inevitably become intense.

Beast Train (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Beast Train" tells the story of the early 1930s when Japan occupied the three northeastern provinces of China. On a train traveling from Harbin to Fengtian, on the one hand, the Japanese were preparing for a germ warfare. The posters secretly transferred relevant biochemical experts and important materials ; On the other hand, Nanking's pseudo-government central bank will secretly send large quantities of gold through the railway. Kua Ming special agent Wu Ya plans to scrap the gold. In addition, the secret secret positions of the Communist Party were also attacked by Wu Ya here. Plan to arrest Wu Ya. The focal points of all parties gathered in a total length of 600 kilometers along the South Manchurian Railway Chinese robbery robbery & nbsp ;.

侠探Gao Fei (TV)[2014]


The TV series "Gao Fei" shows the story: After the announcement of the unconditional surrender in 1945, a batch of Japanese arms was reported to contain the Dragon City. The Communist Party, the Kuomintang, and the local warlords launched a photo contest for this. Gao Fei was ordered to go to Longcheng to find clues for the dead brothers. He led Jin XiaoBan, He Min and others, with the help of the Communist Party, Shen Bing from the Kuomintang, Lu DingJun, the local warlord on the hegemony side, and Japan, who was unwilling to surrender. The squad launched a series of thrilling struggles. The crisis has finally revealed the secret behind the Japanese arms. The Japanese plan to spread the virus. In the battle, Gao Fei had to repeatedly with her former lover Shen. Bing started the contest. When Lu DingJun hijacked the virus and took it for granted, Gao Fei and Shen Bing finally worked together to stop the plot of Lu DingJun and the Japanese, and wrote the song of justice with life and blood.


Man in The Mirror (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Mirroring tells the story of A Wei as a normal person, a well-to-do, happy family, at least not by his side. However, A Wei is not a normal person, everything in his eyes is different from ordinary people, just like the mirror world, everything is the opposite. All along, A Wei can not confirm whether he is living in the mirror, or living in the so-called society.

StubbornRobot (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Old scientist Luo for many years of painstaking research a variety of weird small inventions and small creation, and in the factory compound built their own underground city and laboratory. Who knows too much IQ leads to emotional disorders, an illegal fund-raising case, so that the old Luo wife loose ions, and old friend Zhao enemies against each other. In order to retrieve the dignity, the old Luo decided to use extreme means - to dig a tunnel to sneak into Zhao, belonging to the neighbors to steal back 400,000 yuan ... At the same time, far in Beijing to go to school, Lao Luo's son Ronaldinho, eyeing the always Zhao Yue, the daughter of Zhao's lovelorn, started a revenge plan that coincides with her father. He wanted to "cheat money and cheat."

MarriageTrap (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Lao Guo (Tao decorated) is a wedding chair, funny, reliable, but fall in love with the crafty occupation "wedding care" --- Peach (Tao Hong ornaments). Because of his enthusiastic pursuit, mistakenly hit and destroyed many times the good deed, the peach all merchants prey scare away. To avoid falling into the darkness, she honestly told her silly Old Guo that she was a liar.

Crazy Stone (Movie)[2006]


The film “Crazy Stone” tells of a close-to-close handicraft factory in Chongqing that found a priceless emerald in the renovation of public toilets. To alleviate the embarrassment that the factory had no expenses for eight consecutive months, Xie Chang Zhang, under the pressure of Feng Dong, the building developer, and Qin, his assistant, decided to hold the Jade Exhibition. The location was selected at the Guandi Temple near the handicraft factory. In order to prepare for the exhibition, Bao Shi Hong , the only security guard in the entire factory who has gone to the police school, took up the security work of the exhibition. When Bao Shihong carefully deployed security precautions, TV news broadcasted such a news: There were a number of burglary cases in Mountain City. The thieves used the moving company as a cover to swagger through the market and repeatedly succeeded. The chief culprit of burglary is called Dao Ge . When Dao Ge and his two younger brothers, Hei Pi and Xiao Jun, ran into the room to steal and fear Jiao Jing Jing , and when they relied on money to deceive Ms. Yu, it was difficult for a woman to win. A mysterious man flying from Hong Kong was staring at Dao Ge. Immediately, Dao Ge and Hei Pi performed a trick to carry the mysterious men's suitcase just out of the airport. The mysterious man named Mai Ke is a master of real estate developer Feng Dong who was invited by Qin Manager to get the jade found in the handicraft factory. With his open suitcase, Dao Ge found that he was a fellow traveler. Together with newspapers and TV news about the handicraft factory discovering jade, Dao Ge inferred from his many years of experience in rivers and lakes that he came to the emerald.Soon, Dao Ge took his brother to the Night Paris reception near the exhibition held by the handicraft factory. Coincidentally, Dao Ge's room and Bao Shi Hong, who are prepared to “conquer and master”, are only separated by a thin wall. From this day onwards, Bao Shi Hong and San Bao studied how to guard against the wall. On one side of the wall, Dao Ge and his brothers are wondering how to break through. At the same time, Mai Ke is also investigating secretly, and thank Xie Xiaomeng, the son of Chang Zhang, a young man who is known for doing art research on the body but doing squandering and messing with the mess, in order to please those beautiful girls. Also played the idea of ​​jade. Around the prevention and breakthrough of the emerald development, there have been stories such as “stealing the pillars,” “having no time to work,” “changing the truth,” and “returning to the end”. At the end of the story, it was unexpected that Feng Dong and his manager Qin Feng were both consuming and exploited. Mai Ke found that the person who hired him had been killed by his concealer and eventually fell to Bao Shihong. Hands. Bao Shi Hong was honored for braving international thieves. Dao Ge and his brothers crossed the street and fled on the ring viaduct in the mountain city.


Golden age (TV)[2003]

Feature: In the early 1990's, Huang Wei-sheng and He Ze-wen, high-achievers in the Department of Economics and Management of a prestigious university in Beijing, were ambitious and keen to knock on success with their own struggles. Arrived Qindao, the two tasted worldly warmth, by the people fall into the bottom of the community. Blind hit, so that they and cynical bastard Joe fish to forge a deep friendship, by chance, the two have become Bai YingMan president Bai YingMan's daughter-in-law benefactor. Huang WeiSheng so wish to enter White's, but why the mother urgently needed surgery costs. Disagreements on the principle of life, leading former friends parted ways. He ZeWen from White's independent, but became Bai YingMan and business disastrous Shark hawks. Two dignified joint pincer attack, Ho mother Tang Yi Xin's sudden death, resulting in He ZeWen announced bankruptcy. Fang Wei jailed for alleviating her boyfriend's legal responsibility and taking part in the wrongdoing. He ZeWen sadly left the business, missing. After removing He ZeWen, Bai YingMan tried to cut Huang WeiSheng's forces again. However, Huang WeiSheng used the contradiction between Baishi and Shaying Hawk to crush the White Group and sent Bai YingMan to prison. He ZeWen Stops business, working with Huang WeiSheng against Hawk. Sand Hawk sent a killer, but accidentally released Fang Wei, causing her to become a vegetative state. He ZeWen and Huang WeiSheng jointly Bai Xian Shi and business colleagues to boycott Shark Hawk, the two sides formed a large-scale group army mergers. Wretched Huang QiuSheng draconian, so evil sand Hawk failed, eventually been brought to justice. He ZeWen, a painstaking painter, resolved Bai XianShi's hatred of Huang WeiSheng in good faith. Tired of the commercial war Bai XianShi went to a foreign country, before leaving Qin Island, Huang QSheng's criminal evidence handed to Huang WeiSheng by him. Huang WeiSheng begged his brother the brink of closure, but Huang QiuSheng has long been swallowed by the money and desires of the soul in an attempt to set footprints and friends to death. Guess France recovered, sparse, desperation Huang QiuSheng desperately point the gun at ...

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