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Yanmanzi Zhu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yanmanzi Zhu Works 12 ,And Feature 5 ,Youth drama 4 ,Romance 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Love 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,推理1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Year 1 ,legend 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Biopic 1 。

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Yanmanzi Zhu Filmography(12)


流淌的美好时光 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《悲伤逆流成河》剧情介绍:讲述了 Qi Ming Yi Yao 是住在一条弄堂里的邻居。 Qi Ming 作为哥哥,一直帮助和保护着 Yi Yao 。 Qi Ming 在弄堂的后院为 Yi Yao 种下一棵树,许愿将来能给 Yi Yao 一个理想中的家,给 Yi Yao 温暖。随着岁月变迁, Qi Ming 帮着 Yi Yao 渡过了误判病情、手术救急等风波,也不可避免的迎来了爱情的烦恼和职场的困惑。大学毕业和弄堂拆迁搬家之际, Qi Ming 、 Yi Yao 终于突破心防走到一起。职场浮沉又令二人不得不选择分开。青春有美好,也有遗憾, Qi Ming 、 Yi Yao 、森西、森湘,各自追逐自己的青春梦想,也都得到各自成长的体悟,大家努力过上更好的生活。

《悲伤逆流成河》是由上海辛迪加影视有限公司出品的青春励志剧,由林红光执导, Tianyu Ma 、郑爽领衔主演, Chai Biyun 、朱颜曼滋、 Zhou Cheng Austria 、 Chi Zhang Yi 、 Zhang Zomiko 联合主演, Wuya Jun 、 Feng Bo 、 Sphinx Ting 特别主演。

暗恋橘生淮南 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《橘生淮南·暗恋》剧情介绍:讲述了北大校草 Sheng HuaiNan 偶然认识了同校平凡女生 Luo Zhi ,,两人一见如故,但前女友的短信让他怀疑, Luo Zhi 可能是破坏自己上一段感情的“元凶”。在追查真相的过程中,他却发现 Luo Zhi 对自己的暗恋史。故事里,女主名叫 Luo Zhi ,十几年来,她在自己的世界里演着这场暗恋的独角戏,对男主 Sheng HuaiNan 感情复杂,既因他的优秀而被吸引,又因别的一些原因而嫉恨他。因为 Sheng HuaiNan , Luo Zhi 一路追随,考上了最好的大学。因为各种机缘, Luo Zhi 和 Sheng HuaiNan 终于走近。但成长的过程和现实的压力,让两人接受了很多考验,两人是否能走到一起? Luo Zhi 的日记本到底是被谁捡取? Sheng HuaiNan 的家庭是不是有变动? Luo Zhi 对 Sheng HuaiNan 的爱,到底在面对现实的考验时,会不会坚持下去?在家庭和爱情的面前,这一场暗恋,会不会无疾而终。

早安公主 (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 青春,是一扇渐渐打开的蓝色大门,一束光从此照进了我们的生命。影片讲述了一个残疾少女勇敢追寻梦想的励志故事。就读于某艺术类高中二年级美术专业的少女 Gong BeiBei ,在同学眼中是一个性格内向、少言寡语、中日独来独往的异类。她独处时拥有超能力,可以悬浮和控物。她的爱好是漫画,喜欢讲自己拥有超能力时的情景,用漫画的方式记录下来。由于早年母亲车祸去世,加上自身运动机能的缺失,走路浅显一瘸一拐的生理缺陷,让自卑的蓓蓓早早就品尝到孤独的苦涩。直到有一天她发生一起撞车事故,青春的蓝色大门渐渐打开,那束光从此照进生命……

不负时光 (TV)[2019]


Li Xiao ,自小深受《瑞莎》杂志的积极影响,一直渴望有一天,能成为出版社的时尚编辑。大学毕业后,她义无反顾地去东凡出版社实习,对于转正信心满满,却未成想《瑞莎》并没有空余编辑职位放出。失落的 Li Xiao 在公园里与一个同样情绪不高的年轻人相遇,年轻人在字里行间鼓励了 Li Xiao , Li Xiao 也鼓励了年轻人,爱情的种子就此埋下 。


Left ear (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The left ear" tells the story of high school girl Li Er crush on the handsome co-vassal Xu Yi, but Xu Yi is attracted by Li BaLa, a highly personalized HD stills. Li Er became friends with Bar friends by chance, and at the same time learned that Xu Yi was actually associated with Zhang Yi, a friend of Xu Yi. Graduated, with adolescent germination, misunderstanding of friendship and affection, several protagonists went their own way: Zhang Yang admitted to Beijing; Xu Yi came to Shanghai to study in junior college; Jiang Jiao, who wanted to become a star, started to run toward her Star dream; but it la you accidentally died, always stay in everyone's memory. Zhang Yang has been deeply guilty of Xu Yi, so everywhere to lend a helping hand to him, I hope he cheer up. The following year, Li Er was admitted to Shanghai and had a short romance with Xu Yi, but she still broke up. Zhang Yang, Li Er During the Wenchuan earthquake, the Olympics met again twice. The mature duo gained a new understanding and fell in love with each other. Xu Yi Meet Girls Xia MiMi Jiang Jiao, who likes Zhang Yang for many years, torments the public because of "love but not". As time passed and the maturation experienced, several young people eventually walked out of their youth of pain and distress.

Hypnotized Hypnotist (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the days of the Republic of China, in Tianhai City, the torn room where hypnotists gathered, and the talented hypnotist Kong Mu were framed and backed up by the betrayal of the great brother Meng Hai, Kong Mu Tears do not fiancee Xia Ye, with hypnosis to create suspended animation, escaped chase. Do not want to happen Tianhai one after another strange and murder, for rich boys and girls balloon clown abduction case; in accordance with joy, anger, sadness, horror murderous drug hypnosis hypnotist serial murder; Paramount card deep Yanzhao door and the prince of Japan bizarre Death case; resurrection murder in the monster painting. Behind every case was hypnosis, with female patrol officer Song Yi, Hu Guojun's general Li ZhengYang and strange coffee hypnotist Ou YangFeng under the command of Kong Mu, who secretly investigated the truth behind the bizarre incident. Behind the scenes black hands turned out to be an evil hypnotist organization from Japan, related to Kong Mu bizarre life, but also a long period of dusty past involvement & nbsp ;.

Fathers identity (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills In 1948, there was a case of assassination of the U.S. forces in Qingcheng. Special Commissioner Yu BeiPing was sent to Qingcheng to investigate the case. He was well aware of the deep-seated purpose of the commission's own investigation of the case in order to identify himself. Deep in crisis, Yu BeiPing saw his lost biological daughter in Qingcheng for years. My daughter is mysterious and is investigating myself. Yu BeiPing and current wife's daughter Xu DanNi in Qingcheng University, left-thinking, scornful of his father's spy identity, is in love with a family professor, Yu BeiPing very distressed. Yu BeiPing on the one hand to complete the organization's highest task, on the one hand and carefully protect their two daughters. In the end, the eldest daughter sacrificed to protect him, the little daughter until separated from his father, came to understand: his father is a true communist. But since then the two never stop horizon.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

Loveinthe1980s (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In a remote Tujia county town, Guan YuBo and Cheng LiWen are high school classmates. Off with crush on Wen, and stole a letter in Wen's bag, but Wen did not respond. The end of the college entrance examination in 1978, the whole school only test on the provincial capital University, and Wen is a drop in the list. Four years later, after graduating from Guanzhong University, she accidentally subdivided the work of the town government and was assigned to a township called "Gongzhai Village" as a propaganda officer, while his university lover remained in the provincial capital. Decadent decadent pass in the lonely town to drink to worry about, because buying wine encounter here as a store salesperson Wen. Original Wen's father was delegated to the township labor reform, Wen was also recruited to take care of in order to take care of his father. Reunification of the first love object of the past, customs heart excitement, and Wen but not arrogant to keep the distance. Because of the disparity between each other, Wen seems arrogant. Off every day to the store to buy alcohol to worry about and then close to talk, Wen accused him of decadent alcohol and secretly take care of his body. After a noisy couple began to approach. In this lonely town, the only two young people from the city, looking for mutual warmth. But Wen just care about him in life, encouraged him to rekindled for the exam back to the provincial capital in order to reunite with his lover. Her inner emotion was rationally closed, the discovery of all the goodness of this woman, and tried to break into her life, but she calmly avoided the past.

Beggars big shopkeeper (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story occurred in the Republic of China in 1919, from Beijing to Beijing beggars beggar Luan XueTang, because the boss saved the daughter fortunate enough to be denied the shopkeeper, because the shopkeeper secrets were expelled, but get your granny shop to become Feng Zeyuan founder. Luan XueTang retained the business backbone of the wind floor, composed of Fortress Park's team, was the landlord Wang DeFu of the wind floor and brother-in-law Lvqiuchen hatred. Led by the warlord Wu PeiFu, Luan XueTang marry Guan YaLi, the sweetheart who had gone through the autumn. And Luan XueTang childhood sweetheart Yao ZhenZhen learned that Luan XueTang decided to join the anti-Japanese after he married. Qiuqiu Chen took over after the wind floor, conscience traitors, will be changed to the Japanese-style restaurant wind floor, homeopathic overhead Luan XueTang Restaurant Association, the emperor issued a surrender edict, Feng Zuiyuan desperate to return to the hands of Luan XueTang . Yao ZhenZhen came back to perform the assassination of traitors, Guan Liya Yao ZhenZhen blocked shot and the children and Luan XueTang entrusted to Yao ZhenZhen. Qiuqiu Chen was killed in the escaped by agents, Luan XueTang led Feng Zeyuan in New China was reborn.

Female is not powerful (TV)[2015]

Feature: In his middle age, Zheng YuQing, director of the Metropolitan News Agency, concentrated on caring for his daughter over half the day before his retirement. He did not expect the unexpected situation of the newspaper, and she was appointed editor in chief. After Zheng YuQing came to office, she found that there were serious problems in the newspaper industry and there was also great resistance to change. Zheng YuQing, with her own abilities and her passion for blood, has finally turned the newspaper business into a turning point with the softness and tenacity of women. However, a new wave of mobile Internet wave has come in turmoil, so that the impact of traditional paper media, the newspaper is facing a new crisis. In her relationship with her daughter and her 90s, Zheng YuQing gradually realized that she should change her and try to learn something new. Zheng YuQing began his transformation, and eventually out of a new world together with the team & nbsp ;.

Legendary treasurer (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story occurred in the Republic of China in 1919, from Beijing to Beijing beggars beggar Luan XueTang, because the boss saved the daughter fortunate enough to be denied the shopkeeper, because the shopkeeper secrets were expelled, but get your granny shop to become Feng Zeyuan founder. Luan XueTang retained the business backbone of the wind floor, composed of Fortress Park's team, was the landlord Wang DeFu of the wind floor and brother-in-law Lvqiuchen hatred. Led by the warlord Wu PeiFu, Luan XueTang marry Guan YaLi, the sweetheart who had gone through the autumn. And Luan XueTang childhood sweetheart Yao ZhenZhen learned that Luan XueTang decided to join the anti-Japanese after he married. Qiuqiu Chen took over after the wind floor, conscience traitors, will be changed to the Japanese-style restaurant wind floor, homeopathic overhead Luan XueTang Restaurant Association, the emperor issued a surrender edict, Feng Zuiyuan desperate to return to the hands of Luan XueTang . Yao ZhenZhen came back to perform the assassination of traitors, Guan Liya Yao ZhenZhen blocked shot and the children and Luan XueTang entrusted to Yao ZhenZhen. Qiuqiu Chen was killed in the escaped by agents, Luan XueTang led Fengzeyuan in New China won a freshman & nbsp ;.

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