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Vision Wei TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Vision Wei Works 16 ,And Feature 8 ,Romance 4 ,Suspense 2 ,Crime 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Action 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,当代军旅1 ,怀旧1 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Musical Drama 1 ,Family drama 1 。

Works Index

Vision Wei Filmography(16)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。



古董局中局之鉴墨寻瓷 (TV)[2020]


五脉传人许愿替爷爷洗刷了汉奸之耻后,秉遗训,追查古董造假集团老朝奉,而情同手足的药不然却投靠老朝奉,许愿孤身调查,幸有女友黄烟烟帮助。追查中他得知故宫收藏的清明上河图为假,这是意图垄断国内古董真假市场的香港拍卖公司百瑞莲所设圈套。许愿险些中计,不得已和老朝奉联手,与药不然一起,几经曲折终于证明了故宫所藏为真品,然而,老朝奉老奸巨猾,并没有如约露面。许愿和黄烟烟历尽艰险,与老朝奉争夺青花瓷五罐,在卧底老朝奉集团的药不然帮助下揭开五罐之谜,借公海打捞沉船之机,揭露老朝奉正是潜伏在五脉中的沈云琛。至此,这个和五脉一并传承了千年的造假集团覆灭。许愿报了自家世仇,更为古董业铲除了毒瘤 。


反恐特战队之天狼 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《反恐特战队之天狼》剧情介绍:讲述了秦小阳和唐石是从小一起长大的“铁哥们”,一次偶然事件使两人走进分属两个对决阵营。秦小阳意外获得“密钥”并应征入伍来到以计算机信息化网络人才为主要强军目标的“天狼”特战队,在网络高手朱丽彤的配合下潜入国际恐怖组织暗网平台“地狱之门”, 并与一直深爱的程序员姜玫、特战队员段宇哲以及老一代反恐精英一起,面对已成为雇佣军的唐石及其背后的利益集团,斗智斗勇,挫败了一次次恐怖事件,最后在觉醒后的唐石帮助下一举摧毁暗网平台,打击了国际恐怖组织。

回到过去拥抱你 (Movie)[2019]


三个从小一起长大感情深厚却性格迥异的好朋友高斯林( Neo Hou 饰)、 Zhang ZiYang ( Peng Yuchang 饰)、 Guo SiJia ( Cass Information Systems, Inc 饰),因误解其中一个人任性的选择离世,为挽回遗憾另外两人则想尽办法回到过去渴望拯救他,在一段段奇妙的时光下三人共同创造了一段难忘的青春记忆,他们像大多数少年一样莽撞、直接、不顾后果,但对待友情却足够用力与勇敢。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。

深夜食堂 (Movie)[2019]


在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,老板是一位50岁左右的 Da Shu ,他会为每个到访的食客做一份只属于他的食物。生活在弄堂里的钟伯和 A Long 都是食堂的常客,每当夜幕降临,这座繁华都市中便有各色孤单灵魂在此相遇。广告公司的加班三人组便是这般偶然登场,被美食洗去满身疲劳的同时,也邂逅了更多身怀故事的朋友,夜班出租车司机 Tang Song 即是其中之一。 Tang Song 是在接醉酒的音乐人 A Xin 时发现了食堂的存在,从此他就会在清晨带青梅竹马的 Si Si 来吃家乡的蛋饼。但是 Tang Song 渴望安逸的生活, Si Si 却有梦想要追寻。在机会繁多的大城市中,两个年轻人的结局会像蛋饼一样圆满吗? 很多人在深夜食堂相遇、相知,也学会成长。 Xiao Mei 是一个调香师,她喜欢在食堂诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,尤其是和初恋学长的往事。面对这段遗憾的青春, Xiao Mei 也在食客们的帮助下逐渐释怀。 “老牌绅士”的钟伯与菜场的海鲜老板 Lian Shen 最终相依为伴。 Lian Shen 的儿子 Kai Yuan 为人老实憨厚,在食堂偶遇了带女儿来吃糖藕的单亲妈妈 Ming Yue ,爱慕就此在心中萌芽。而“海漂女孩” Xiao Xue 的出现,也让 A Xin 终于等到了音乐路上的知音。 Da Shu 随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远, Da Shu 还会在食堂里继续倾听大家的故事。


Impressionist Romance (Movie)[2018]


The movie "My Girl Romance" introduces the story: It tells about the post-90s Gao Ge is a tech madman full of whimsy. In order to prevent the mother from telling the world about his dad's singer Luo Dayou, she took her mother to Shenzhen to face Luo Dayou, but unfortunately lost her mother when she arrived in Shenzhen, and she was looking for a friend with Dou Dou and Xiao Biangui Yu Wei. Next, not only met the old coworkers of the mother, but also found out that her mother had been crazy about youth and legendary love stories. Gao Ge finally eliminated her mother’s misunderstandings and embarked on a journey with her mother.


LostInWhite (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ten years ago, four partners set up a chemical factory in a beautiful village. To save costs, they directly discharged toxic and effluent water into the river. This caused many newborns in the village to have congenital disabilities. In order to deal with the issue of toxic and effluent treatment, the four partners turned away, two of whom were killed and the other two missing. A stereotyped old police and a miserly young police became partners, composed of "chaser" into the glacier, chasing the murderer to find the truth. In the murderous glaciers of the murderers, the immediate cause of their deaths and unrestrained movements is that everyone is inevitably involved in a field complex and becomes a member of "chasing fierce". The ultimate truth under the glacier subverts all the imagination.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

FleetofTime (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Time goes by, once a beautiful youth is like an unreal dream. She is full of restlessness, joy, sadness and indignation. She is far away from the reality of social intrigues youth ignorant, stupid silly innocent smear the most bright and dazzling colors. Now look back on the past, even if dreams are illusory, but let people marveled, filled with emotion. Only occasionally, Chen Xun (Eddie Peng), a long time gone by, recalls the name that had been shouted for thousands of times. In the distant student days, Chen Xun and the young girl Fang Hui (Ni Ni) who made his heart move, and the ordinary buddies like Qiao Ran (Vision Wei), Lin JiaMo (Zhang Zixuan), Zhao Ye (Zheng Kai) walk Dusty campus. Friendship, love is as wild as weeds in so many taboo ages, once it was what they insisted upon, and all of them were crushed away. Xu vowed do you remember? The film is based on the nine-star anise's novel of the same name.

NoZuoNoDie (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 2005, "Super Girl" popular in China, it is a crazy era of all people. That year, we remembered Li YuChun, Zhou BiChang and Jane Zhang. That year, we witnessed the youngest and most unbridled time when we had quietly passed the decade. In 2013, 12 young people embarked on this stage with their dreams. They had experienced the same ten years as us and now they are the protagonists of this stage. The film tells the story of the most real story behind the stage of the draft. They are no longer packaged "idols." They face negative reactions from the adult world, get angry, rebellious, play crazy, play Trouble, you want to get recognized by others, they are just a group of ordinary and real young people. If you are young, it is a mirror that allows you to see yourself. If you're young, it's a time machine that will get you back to that presumptuous "ZUO," wantonly crying, lashed out of your arms, wantonly making mistakes, and wantonly boiling.

Late night cafeteria (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Chinese lights early, drunk blurred. Red men and women who ended the day of hard work, marching or staggering or tired pace, Xun patrolling the streets in the drunk, looking for a place to be able to talk about ease, big thirsty haven. The late night canteen, which opened from midnight to close early the next morning, or just satisfied the urban people's desire.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2010]

Feature: Amnesia's Mu RongYunHai restored the previous memory, but forgot to "see the meteor shower together" poster Chu YuXun. But he could feel less of a very important thing to himself. He is determined to find the lost past. During the process, the sea of ​​clouds met Jiang Yuan, the two wiped out the sparks. After twists and turns, the sea of ​​clouds will finally rain and his net that bit by bit vaguely pieced together, only to find Jiang Yuan love for themselves has been so deep that they can not extricate themselves. Clouds and rain Xun feelings met a new crisis. In the meantime, the newly appointed headmaster of the school started to implement a comprehensive militarized management. Irish College turmoil again, H4, rain Xun, Jiang Yuan and others staged a series of interesting scenes filled with youthful atmosphere. Eventually, these kind and pure young people gradually become mature and steady after experiencing all kinds of joys and sorrows, and they are ready to meet the new challenges in life.

ChinaIdolBoys (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Zhong ZiJie, a college graduate with a group of classmates who carry their dreams as their own, started the company. Because they are young and have no source of income, they can only rent the company's basement. Here not only the harsh environment, more love of music Xiao Liang, Chen Qian neighbors dislike each other noisy and eventually quarrel. The boys are not discouraged, working hard under the leadership of their children. Six months after the establishment of the company, the minutes were not recorded. In the sub-Jie Juguangbuqian, his girlfriend Chen Xi also broke up with him. When he broke up with Chen Xi, he occasionally heard that companies are inviting song and dance competitions in order to sell their products. Zijie thought that the opportunity came and he volunteered for the presence of a diamond company owner and received an order. However, Chen Xi was negatively exited. Just as the boys celebrated for the chance, the check was taken away by the landlord to pay rent. Eventually, no money for the song and dance group of boys decided to pull a few friends to participate in the competition. Porter Michael, rocker Wai Gui basketball player A Guai and designer Qin Yong joined the team, singing and dancing, and everyone shook his head. Chen Xi is a professional dancer who can not play under the cover of his brother Chen Nuo. Xiao Lie said that Zi Jie was in danger, pulling away Chen Xi who was also preparing for the match, and even more aroused dissatisfaction with Chen Nuo, who originally opposed the sisterhood. To learn that Zi Jie was not at risk, Chen Xi was angry and suddenly saw the boys jump in hula. Zi Jie told Chen Xi that she had not forgotten her promise and would definitely take her to Hawaii. Chen Xi touched, decided to help children. Chen Xi brought two companions to help boys practice dancing, boys worked diligently, and Chen Qian and Xiao Liang helped arrange the arrangement. The contradictions between Chen Qian and Xiao Liang were also resolved. The boys danced and performed in a big way Under the ugly fight with people in the bar, what bitter eat finally wait until the game.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2009]

Feature: Chu YuXun, a grass-roots origin, is a high school girl with good academic performance and her dream of becoming the largest HD stills is to enter the famous Aristocratic College of Aristocracy. Rain Xun's uncle Xuecun borrow money, the rain Xun into Iriston. Sea of ​​clouds, Duan MuLei, Shang GuanRuiQian and Ye Shuo are the four aristocratic children of Elliston, all the handsome sun, became the school's girls touted idol. The four teenagers, unwilling to stay with their parents for a living, were reluctant to attend Elliston and bent on dismissing their headmaster. They conspired with all kinds of joke and became the F4 combination that made headmaster headaches. Rain Xun and F4 meet inevitably, rain Xun as a result of the fight against injustice and become F4 Tricky object, in the contest and competition become mutual appreciation become friends, F4 also for the strong self-defense Yu Xun shock eventually became the school's four Great students, but also grow to know how to love, know how to be responsible boys. In a series of twists and turns and suffering, rain Xun and F4 are growing up in the campus, they grasp their own lives, choose their own future, to achieve their dreams self-reliance.

ShiQi (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Fifteen years ago, Shi Qi's father escaped Mu Qin, Shi Qi, with his two-year-old Shi Qi and went to the neighboring town. Came to a hotel. My father drank a good wine, did not bring the money, they put a small Shi Qi pressure in the hotel, said to go home to withdraw money, and then left the hotel in shock. On the way home, Shi Qi's father accidentally fell into the cold ditch and died. As a result, the whereabouts of Xiao Qi became a fan, and his Mu Qin buried her husband began a long way after the search. The small Shi Qi was adopted, restaurant owner actually can not find his father, just the distant relatives of restaurant owners return to worship. The far-off relatives doing business in Beijing, very rich, can be married for many years without children. Shi Qi became their son. Eight years have passed, and for the memory of two years ago, little Shi Qi is not at all. He said that is the father and mother now. He has a comfortable living environment, excellent reading conditions, home has a villa, a car, a nanny. Mom and dad are particularly fond of him. Suddenly one day, many police officers came home, a woman in a nearly mad state hugged him as soon as it burst in. He was frightened by everything in sight. That woman ...

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