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Xiaofeng Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiaofeng Li Works 13 ,And Urban drama 5 ,Feature 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Love 2 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,民生1 ,Historical play 1 ,War 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Romance 1 ,Action 1 ,Short 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

Works Index

Xiaofeng Li Filmography(13)


我的真朋友 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的真朋友》剧情介绍:是由 Deng Lun 、Angelababy、 Zhu Yi Long 领衔主演,该剧在题材和视角上都相当独特新颖。紧抓时代特点,将新时代下城市“房产”这一话题结合当下的消费升级背景,融入社会各阶层人物在大都市中的真实情感,折射出百姓的生活心态,具有绝对的创新性和思想的深刻性。该剧以房地产中介的职场新人为主人公,通过讲述一个个买房卖房租房的真实故事,展现出家庭冷暖和社会百态。

性格率真、待人处事掏心掏肺的 Cheng ZhenZhen (Angelababy饰)与一身纨绔子弟习气却隐瞒身份的爱与家总裁独生子 Shao PengCheng ( Deng Lun 饰),共同进入爱与家花园店成为房产销售新人,彼此搭档。二人生活与工作方式迥异,却通过一个个房子与家庭的故事,一起见证了人情冷暖与社会百态,同时也在房产销售的工作当中,学会了责任与勇敢,找到了彼此最好的归宿。

花椒之味 (Movie)[2019]


Xia RuShu ( Sammi Cheng 饰)有一天突然得知父亲( Kenny Bee 饰)死讯,并由此发现原来自己在台北、重庆两地各有一个同父异母的妹妹如枝( Megan Lai 饰)及如果( Li Xiaofeng 饰)。来自三个不同地域、性格迥异的三姐妹,在父亲的葬礼上首次碰面,明明陌生却有着血缘的牵绊,同样面对着父母离异的创口与生活的惶惑;如树毅然决定继续经营父亲留下的火锅店,获得重新认识父亲的契机。三姐妹因上一代人的爱恨纠缠,在破碎家庭关系中成长,也因此相遇相知,互相依存,重拾修复关系的勇气,成长创口得以疗愈。


Youth (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In the idealistic and passionate army art troupe, a group of adolescent adolescents who have gone on to experience the growing love blossoming and their destiny full of variables. He XiaoPing (Nefertari Vivi), an incredibly helpful, simple and friendly Liu Feng (Huang Xuan) and a woman from the countryside who has repeatedly been discriminated against by the women's army, unexpectedly left the romantic and comfortable art troupe and was involved in the brutal war. Blooming in the battlefield blooming Fang Hua. They feel the pain and warmth of collective life, so their differences and reunification, as well as the subtle frailty and weakness of every individual under the changing circumstances of the times. In the context of a big era, the old art troupe of friends Xiao SuiZi (Elane Zhong), Lin DingDing (Yang Caiyu), Hao ShuWen (Li Xiaofeng) and Chen Can (Wang Tianchen) Fate is very different, hold

Leave the next stop (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The next stop" tells the story of an unmarried young male doctor Sheng Xia, due to genetic disease, anxious to get married, have a baby. Qiu Yang, a company executive with two failed marriages, suffered a career crisis. In order to save the company, Qiu Yang was forced to marry relatives and friends. Two people who yearned for redemption through marriage were overwhelmingly neighbors, triggering a series of misunderstandings. They both know what they did not know, and started a contract as a de facto marriage, aiming to get rid of trouble caused by marriage or divorce. During the friction, the two sides resolved the exposure risks one after another and concluded a profound friendship. During this process, the two men also gradually opened their hearts to each other, deepened their understanding of marriage, corrected many radical and immature thoughts of the past, and realized that only marriage for the purpose of love is the guarantee of a happy life. In the end, they overcame their own difficulties, boldly stated the most realistic thoughts in their hearts, and gained true love.

HUNTER (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1948, the People's Liberation Army launched the campaign of the Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign, and some cities were first liberated. Chencheng is posters, stills and conference one of them. However, the Kuomintang lurking spies, fighters and fighters, rogue criminals and other haze Chencheng into a dilemma of war and chaos, chaos and depression filled the corner of this big city. Qin TianMing, a former underground party member, took over as director of the Chencheng Military Regulatory Commission in order to revitalize the masses under the new regime and meet the challenge. Qin TianMing led the reconnaissance work by Ji LianCai, head of the investigation department, Sun DaHu, the head of security department, and Ye LvQi, the investigation advisor for studying abroad. Ye LvQi has always been skeptical of the new regime. Although it is a private detective expert, he has always kept a distance from the KMT cadres at all levels in the spirit of a one-day monk's strike. However, under the influence of these new communists, he finally became a strong warrior under the influence of his role model. By exploiting his own reasoning skills, he went deep into layers and ultimately smashed with the help of his leadership and colleagues Lurking agents attempt to assassinate the Central leaders plot.

Home (TV)[2016]

Feature: Transformation of Beiliang shantytow in deer city is in full swing. The headmaster Zhang JiaQi demolishes the foursome makeup comic to lead Ma Qian, a grassroots cadres at Beiliang, Huang Ming, the captain of the unemotional urban management team, and Yang TianWang, a high school teacher familiar with Beiliang's local conditions. As well as Ling Shan, a second-generation girl, formed a group of resettlement teams with different backgrounds to carry out relocation work in difficult times. Experienced a series of twists and turns, the members of the group witnessed the joys and sorrows, warm and cold. Qin CuiLian, a chicken farmer who lives with her daughter, Zhao DaYe, who is in a fight with her brother for her legacy, and Zhao DaYe, her dream of becoming her four generations, are full of passion for fireworks behind every family. In the process of relocation, each member is also undergoing changes and growth: Ma Qian finally out of the feelings of coveted to find their own existence value; Ling Shan out of the burden of the rich second generation, become the backbone of the unique; Huang Ming for a long time Despised his wife discovered the bloody and arrogant husband, and Zhang JiaQi did not think that this reluctant relocation task, let him know Bei Liang again, to re-know the people living here.

Love, AtFirst (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Tian XiaoYe (Chao Zhang), who has never had a love affair, is looking forward to receiving a love affair on the 25th birthday. Mike (Mike Sui ornaments) advised him to find a fashion-related work, Onoguchi apprentice to a music site editing, although much of the site colleagues run on, but the peach blossom but one after another ... Whether it is site teamleader Yang Yang (Jingjing Qu ornaments) or underwear designer Ou YangJing (Zhang Yao ornaments) are exposed to the wild buffoon full of passion for the wild, and even small female love also like a simple stubborn Ono, however, Can not forget the sound crisp, appearance Shu, Jiugongge like hot pot, only the array of fragrance can make people cool, transparent and comfortable Mi Lan (Li Xiaofeng ornaments). For the first time met, Mi Lan simple and straightforward enthusiasm to let Tian XiaoYe can not stop, stay at home. Ono started the graceful goddess of the Covenant, each meet each other, the relationship between the two closer, when Ono and Mi Lan feel better relationship, a sudden unexpected Onion caught off guard, called the perfect behind Mi Lan With ulterior secrets, Mi Lan's girlfriend Ouyang at this time ...

Im North drift when my children and grandchildren (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Coincides with the upsurge of career and the struggle for life, Tian BeiLei () and Guo YiMing () both took the second child accidentally in Beijing and both parents ran everywhere and the four elderly men and women Children as "North drift." Under one roof, two, three generations and seven people staged a family love story. To be strong Tian BeiLei for the future desperate to lose his job, inventive and superficial; Guo YiMing kind of home at home and abroad under the pressure of the two pillars, the two went to the best of divorce and warm return. Four old people love "fighting the law", twice return to Beijing, and respectively based on. A series of realistic problems such as the promotion of children, the admission of grandchildren, the choice of second child, the emotion of the elderly, etc., have repeatedly tested the protagonist in the play. Through their respective perseverance and understanding, strive and compromise, separation and return, in exchange for reciprocal move and the play praised the unity of values, life, young people eventually realized that as long as their relatives, as long as the truth forever, as long as confidence Optimistic, tomorrow must be beautiful.

Sweet and sour little husband and wife (TV)[2015]

Feature: Doctor Wang KaiXuan and Design Consultant Tian LiLi is a happy young couple. Wang's old house suddenly was included in the key primary school "school district room", the wife's mother had originally paid for their wedding room is old Tian family out of dissatisfaction, just let grandchild Ming Ming can focus on primary schools, the original agreed to the transfer of the house to Triumph And Lily's name. Who would have thought Pharaoh has decided to sell the house, but also ready to remarry Auntie Pei with his own home. Wang KaiXuan's younger brother Wang Zai Long and his wife Xiao Yan sub-division, Wang KaiXuan in the father, brother, wife, wife and mother between the turmoil, was ease. But did not expect college girlfriend Echo, favored his wife's co-owner Zhao Fenglin one after another, so that the king stretched again, but also the original two beloved people farther and farther. In the end, the king returned with a spirit of perilous enough to take the trouble and go all the way, defeating his suspicions with feelings and trust, and bridging the gap caused by secular interests with his own affections. Relatives more pro, husband and wife love & nbsp ;.

Im North drift when my children and grandchildren (TV)[2015]

Feature: This coincides with the ups and downs of life and the struggles of life. Tian BeiLei (Yin Tao) and Guo YiMing (Tu Songyan) are accidentally pregnant with a second child in Beijing. Both parents run around and the four elderly Paijia homes industry determined to be offspring when "North drift." Under one roof, two, three generations and seven people staged a family love story. To be strong Tian BeiLei for the future desperate to lose his job, inventive and superficial; Guo YiMing kind of home at home and abroad under the pressure of the two pillars, the two went to the best of divorce and warm return. Four old people love "fighting the law", twice return to Beijing, and respectively based on. A series of realistic problems such as the promotion of children, the admission of grandchildren, the choice of second child, the emotion of the elderly, etc., have repeatedly tested the protagonist in the play. Through their respective perseverance and understanding, strive and compromise, separation and return, in exchange for reciprocal move and the play praised the unity of values, life, young people eventually realized that as long as their relatives, as long as the truth forever, as long as confidence Optimistic, tomorrow must be beautiful & nbsp ;.

TheOne (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The lone master of lone defeat Bai Mei exited the arena sixty years ago, secluded in the Kunlun Mountains. Lu XiaoYu (Lu Zhengyu) is the only disciple under the white eyebrow. Bai Mei has not been willing to teach him masterpiece martial arts. However, one day, the white eyebrows were implicated. Prior to his death, he handed Lu XiaoYu an episode of the "Martial Arts" cheatbook, while the next episode was in the hands of "Evil Sam." The so-called "magic Evangelism", that gentleman knife, extinct division too unknown and lonely. To report revenge, Lu XiaoYu masterless martial arts every day, four years later, he embarked on the road to revenge. After he went through a catastrophe, he finally defeated the Evil Saints and recaptured the "Martial Arts" episode. However, when he opened the cheats, he unexpectedly saw an unexpected scene. An amazing secret immediately flashed in his mind, and Evil Sam Sancong in the end is where the divine it ... ...

Magistrate Ye GuangMing (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Ye County, known as county magistrate" tells the era of warlord melee, water County ravages of people added to the troubled times many can not appeal to the odd injustice. People deliberately wanted to get rid of the warlords Yuan Kong Kong and Ye Guangming and other well-known strangers Ye YuanMing et al. Ye GuangMing, a magistrate that did not have the solemn intention of justice for the common people, came out of his most solemn sentiments and was struggling with the evil forces of all parties such as Cai Wan, the water county police chief of the fish people. Detect odd cases, to preserve a small town peace. Ye GuangMing and his assistants are gradually becoming more and more ordinary people, becoming the embodiment of the people in the water county's mind. In dark times such as chaos, they light up the light and prop up one side of the sky.

FlyToSky (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Gu Xiaofei was born in a medical family. He did not like his father's life arranged for him. In the world of electronic sports, he faced a strong enemy from South Korea. After numerous hardships, he eventually defeated his opponent and gained love. Surprisingly, in the face of fame, the soul-stirring e-sports is a major feature of the film, and the popular online games into the screenplay, will also attract the attention of many online game fans.

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