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Jianyong Guo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jianyong Guo Works 11 ,And War 4 ,Feature 4 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Romance 2 ,Historical play 1 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 1 ,近代革命1 ,抗战1 ,Modern 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,legend 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Action 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

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Jianyong Guo Filmography(11)


请赐我一双翅膀 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《请赐我一双翅膀》剧情介绍:讲述上沽警察局长之女 Lin JiuGe ( Ju Jingyi 饰)遭人陷害,含冤剧照入狱,历经重重磨难,不惜越狱以求真相,与警察 Long TianYu ( Aaron Yan 饰)并肩而战,破解迷局,誓将真凶绳之以法的故事。 Kai Jiang 在剧中饰演的 Guan PoJun 是一个拥有多重身份的角色,他是九歌的生父,却因“谋杀市长”罪名含冤入狱,他忍辱负重,最终帮助女儿还原一切真相。

民国初年,孤女 Lin JiuGe 在上沽码头救了留洋归来的大小姐 Leng NianZhi ,二人从此成为莫逆之交。 Leng NianZhi 一心想筹建女子学堂,改变女子的命运,但困难重重,多亏 Lin JiuGe 处处帮助,女子学堂才得以建立。 Lin JiuGe 死缠烂打请来了上沽警队队长 Long TianYu 坐镇学堂,从此三人一起解决学堂运营中的种种难题。 Lin JiuGe 经常出些不合常规却别出心裁的办法,为人又爽朗热情,深深吸引着 Long TianYu ,而九歌在追求 Long TianYu 的过程中知道了 Leng NianZhi 也喜欢他,她左右为难。 Leng NianZhi 的大哥 Leng LiWei 一直不看好女子学堂,向政府施压借他们对付女子学堂, Lin JiuGe 凭借自己的聪慧与勤奋,团结所有的学员和帮助过她们的人,终于向政府向民众证明了女子受教育的意义, Lin JiuGe 也终于在学业与感情的双重历练中成长。

《请赐我一双翅膀》是北京东方云飞国际影视股份有限公司出品的民国悬疑剧,由赖水清执导, Ju Jingyi 、 Aaron Yan 、 Dong Han 、 Zhang Yuxi 、 Nicole Kidman 、张芷然等主演。


God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.


Feature: "Ambush" stills In 1937, the war of resistance against Japan broke out. Shi YongKai, a Nanjing defender, met Yuan YuTing, an underground party member of the Communist Party of China, Zhou YongMin, a university professor, Xu Xiulan, a national army soldier, Lin Wanlong, a gang leader, Chen Xi-nian, a folk craftsman, and Peng Songxiang, a patriotic businessman. Successfully protected most of the surviving Nanjing citizens and the Chaotian Palace. Yuan YuTing was unlucky at the time of her withdrawal from Nanjing City and her communist spirit inspired Shi YongKai. Under the arrangements of the New Fourth Army, Shi YongKai organized the "Hu Ben" special forces units to ambush the Japanese invaders in battles such as the rescue of Xuzhou, the torpedo warfare in Wuhan, the fire dance spy shadow, the military fiasco, the casino fiasco, and the south-south hoeing. . Shi YongKai led the "tiger Ben" group to fight the Yong YeXiuYi department during the germ warfare "Hellfire Plan" headquarters in Shanghai. During the battle, Shi Yong Kai punctured the throat of Yong YeXiuYi and crushed Japanese military agents in the Eastern Region. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Shi YongKai led the "Hu Ben" special forces corps to run north to south and wrote a marvelous anti-Japanese heroic legend.

Jing Tian Yue Lei (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yue Lei tells the story of Yue Fei, a rebellious, cynical man. After his father and brother Fengting killed Yue Lei alone on the road to revenge. However, young people do not know the stills and rivers and lakes insurance. When he assassinated Qin Gui, he used it upside down. With the help of the A Cong and Wuyi loyalists, Yue Lei struggled to find evidence of Qin Gui treason and traveled to the Imperial City and rivers and lakes. After experiencing the hardship and hardships of the people, Yue Lei was no longer an angry young boy. However, the Southern Song dynasty officials are concentrated, monarchy complex emotional complex, hard for the father to flatten. When heaven and earth are corrected and the dust settles down, Yue Lei decides to persuade Xia YunFei, the daughter of his daughter, who has been repeatedly disappointed by him, to destory and give him the biggest challenge. In the end, Yue Lei became the country's guardian after following his father.

Mars (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the Lugouqiao Incident, the Japanese aggressors invaded the large-scale guerrilla captain Long DaGu in the vicinity of Shanxi and Taihang Mountains. They are good at using the military method and are known as the "Guiguzi". In order to unite the strongest resistance force in the world, Ma Zheng, the commander of the Sichuan army, who fought against him in the bloody battle, abandoned his hatred and formed Jagged detachment - Longma Detachment. The Japanese troops stationed in north China, Commander Sato Chuanichi and intelligence chief Zuo TengGuangYi, both brothers, regarded Long DaGu as a thorn in their eyes and constantly launched a brutal combing operation in an attempt to undermine the deployment of our army in the Taihang Mountains. Long DaGu repeatedly hovered around the edge of life and death, fortunately the hospital surgeon Qin JinWen prompt treatment and nurses Lin Yan's careful take-care, to be healed. During the war of liberation, the Longma detachment was expanded into Longma column, specializing in hard-fought wars. Long DaGu joint Yan ZhenFan launched an uprising, jointly destroyed the Sato brothers and continue to the new battlefield.

Flying Brother Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, Liang Fei, a French student studying in France, was deeply influenced by the patriotic thought of grandfather of martial arts and returned with strong patriotic enthusiasm. Unexpectedly, grandparents and grandchildren did not meet, the family was brutally shot by the Japanese, only to escape the younger brother Tiancheng. Liang Fei posted the war under the grievances, brothers and sisters fighting side by side, he really killed the three murderers within seven days, recaptured the story, become a big hero sensation Jinan City. Martial Arts Political Commissar, Shi Shu Wang WenQing and Yan'an sent Liu JingYi and others actively sought him to join the armed forces team, and repeatedly helped him to kill the enemy; the KMT to kill and hold a bacterial virus, Zhou Yuhai also Liang Liang help. Under the condition of KMT-CPC cooperation and anti-Japanese protest, Liang Fei successfully broke through the standoffs, killing Zhou Yuhai and destroying the virus. This temporarily joined the Special Forces for National Defense and joined several Japanese high-level secret agents Dou XiaoFan, Japanese Army He YeDu, , Traitors and other forces died in battle, eventually killing enemies, eradicating traitors, obtaining intelligence and rescuing hostages ... ... completed a seemingly impossible task, many of his relatives, comrades in arms have sacrificed one after another. Liang Fei, after a long journey, has gradually grown from a patriotic public figure and a mighty hero into an outstanding communist and captain of martial arts & nbsp ;.

Magic phone 2 silly girl back (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Magic phone 2 silly girl back" tells the time in the laboratory inside, time roulette in the time tunnel in order to run. Just then, the evil Mo Fa Shi Ma Lei outstretched hands of sin trying to disrupt the time roulette in an attempt to destroy the earth. A mysterious time guard blocked his conspiracy and destroyed part of his mana, yet the earth was still without danger of destruction. Silly girl with a mobile phone silly Lu DongYu with a boy back to the modern one to help him find his mother, another more important task is to stop stirring the time dial plot. Ma Lei magically learns that Lu DongYu's mum is the time tunnel guard, and follows Lu DongYu, who can use it to find his mom and thus remove her, then churning out the time roulette to destroy the earth. In order to save the earth, Lu XiaoQian only to restore the silly girl's new system, can stop Ma Lei plot to destroy the earth. Ma Lei detected this situation and tried to isolate Lu XiaoQian from a stupid girl in order to realize his evil conspiracy. Slow recovery of the silly girl in the magic phone, Lu XiaoQian and his friends through the space and time with the help of stupid girl, to overcome all kinds of difficulties. In the end, Ma Lei's plot was smashed to protect the earth upon which mankind lives.

Battle the swallow the door (TV)[2013]

Feature: Decisive swallows door During the Republic of China, Jinan city warlord melee. Juvenile Li San for the protection of childhood sweetheart Dong FangYu, a knife hacked Chu CityJiu. Brother Chu TianBa collaborates with Chen Yu, deputy director of the police department, and cuts Li Yi into a serious wound first, then fraudulently charges Lee into jail. In the prison, Li San was bullied by Hei Jin, a prison inmate. But at the same time, he made acquaintances with fellow inmates Ma Lian, Xiao Qi and Yunyan Yunfei. Li Yunfei taught him all his life. The secrets of Li Yunfei's possession of the treasure was known to Hei Jin. He tortured Li Yunfei and killed him again. Li San bitter martial arts, hand edge Hei Jin. Dong FangYu's brother, Dong FangBai, was once a thief in the Quartet and founded the Swallows Gate in Peiping. I heard sister was scourged, so back to Jinan, and Li San rescued from prison. Flee to Peiping Road, the two met Ma Xiaowan. Later, Dong FangYu along with Fang JunSheng also on Peking. A battle between the swallow door led by Dong Fang Bai and the Thousand-handed Gate founded by the traitor Avalokitesvara attracted the attention of Yan Shuzhang, the Peiping Police Department, and the Japanese, Gong Ben. Lee San chancellor to find all the people are looking for Jinan City defense map. Dong FangBai died, Lee took Dong FangYu and Ma Xiaowan back to Jinan. On the road, encountered a rock and thief and other mountain thieves, stone shaking to report the grace of Dong FangYu, also Qin Li martial arts, they vote under Lee San. Li Sam dive into the police to retrieve intelligence, search to treasure clues. Chen Yu collaborates with Japanese people and the warlord Ma DaShuai serves banquets to Japanese people. This leads to a play in which Xiao Wan and Li San married. Lee San found the snuff bottle, the treasure of which was vital, at Ma DaShuai's home. But there is nothing to find the treasure. In order to allow the Northern Expeditionary Army to smoothly enter Jinan City, Li San and others blew up the Ma DaShuai arsenal. The commander of the battle was Fang JunSheng, but the Northern Expedition was withdrawn from Jinan because of the order of the peak. The Japanese were even more arrogant in Jinan, triggering a tragedy in Jinan. The reconstruction of the swallows door by Lee San and the surrender of Chen Yu to the arms of the Lee 3 Japanese Army have made the arms smuggled and smuggled by Ma DaShuai. Japanese envoy Kimura to Jinan treasure hunt, but was killed by Lee. Chen Yu found the treasure from the information left by Kikimura's body, but was killed by Watanabe. Unluckily, Lee Sanduo was arrested by Watanabe. When the public execution of Lee San-san was aroused the protests of people in the entire city. People to save Li San, follow Dong FangYu, Fang JunSheng et al. And the Japanese battle.

Razor action (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lee Tachien Action" tells the story of the summer of 1941, Japan's Fengcheng Military District commander in Tokyo Songjing assembly forces on the Phoenix Mountain Eighth Route Army launched a frenzied lefty action screenshot encirclement and suppression, our army led by Commander Pan ZhongHe tough resistance, war guerrilla warfare , But also sent out a bombardment of Japanese ammunition cartridges by the "Lehman Corps" composed of seven people headed by Li Jian and blocked the enemy's arms transport line. Soon Matsui planned a large-scale campaign to destroy the Eighth Route Army and declared a failure. Matsui harshly accused Feng Shishui guard captain Qing ShuiGuangYi, Qing Shui greatly annoyed, retaliation, brutally killing Li Jian's parents and the village villagers. Li Jian went down to greet Liu ZhengWei in Yan'an, but was trapped in heavy rain and stayed at Yuliang Inn. Everyone was gathered at this inn - Zhang YunFei from Nanjing, Zhang Zhi from the Uprising, and Zhang Zhi from Japan. Of the 45 brigade CPL Brigadier Lin XiaoYu and the maintenance of traitors and so on. Zhang Wei mistook Li Jian for Zhang YunFei and Zhang YunFei stole Liu ZhengWei's briefcase. Li Jian recovered the briefcase and captured Zhang YunFei. However, Chen Qi, the assistant brigade commander of the 45 brigade coming to Nanjing, took the injured Liu ZhengWei. Li Jian, who did not complete the task, thought of himself in order to save Liu ZhengWei. He persuaded Ronaldinho to prepare for the 45th Brigade under the guise of Zhang YunFei. Lin XiaoYu, a underground party who had just arrived at 45 Brigade, went to work with Feng Li underground party leader Li Ling, who was Li Jian's sister. When the two joints were betrayed, Li Ling to cover Lin XiaoYu heroic sacrifice. Li Jian just entered Fengcheng, then see the sister's body was suspended above the city wall, Li Jian to the overall situation, to resist the pain of losing loved ones, into the 45 brigade. Li Jian, who entered the 45 brigade, has been questioned by many people and is in danger of being at risk all the time. Zhang Zhi pressed harder and harder, to take its life hidden in the 45 brigade military agents Xiao Yan was also ordered to investigate Zhang YunFei, and even the use of seduction means. Several crises were cracked by Li Jian. After many twists and turns, the intelligence of Li Jian Liu ZhengWei was sent out and handed over to Commander Poon. Liu ZhengWei see intelligence has been sent, fear of squad to rescue themselves and then casualties, biting tongue choke the blood to death. However, Li Jian is facing even more severe tasks. The Japanese invaders bought gasoline from Germany to solidify petrol bombs and prepare to send them to the mountains and annihilate the Eighth Route Army base of Fenghuangshan. Li Jian's tactics of turning east and west successfully succeeded in destroying solidified gasoline bombs. Lee Arrow special clan began hoeing campaign, and the other Fengcheng traitors fearless, water use to maintain the president Li Mohai and kill the kitchen knife set a trap, cited the Limits special troop hook. Li Jian came to the rescue and succeeded in resolving the crisis. However, Wei ShiKun, who died, was resurrected, destroying Li Jian's plan and surviving Zhao ChunSheng. Water run out of torture, Zhao ChunSheng Ningde unyielding, at the same time the special forces team launched Zhao ChunSheng thrilling rescue eventually rescued. Just as the Arrow special troop rescue Zhao ChunSheng, a fierce competition for Wen XiangNan's password book exploded. Japanese special courses leader Ling MuQinMei, Xiao Yan, Lin XiaoYu several forces involved, Wen XiangNan in their chaos of competition took the opportunity to escape, missing. In order to find Wen XiangNan, won the password book, occupy the forefront of combat operations in North China, superiors decided Lin XiaoYu and Lee Arrow connector.Two poster stills know each other at this time, the two tacit cooperation, deepening friendship. However, Zhang YunFei escaped luckily, escaped from the base of the Eighth Route Army, came to Fengcheng, and wanted to expose Li Jian to Qing Shui. Li Jian was in great crisis. Relying on his wisdom and careful layout, Li Jian forced Qing Shui to personally shoot the real Zhang YunFei, but in reality he concealed Zhang YunFei. Qingshui to Nanjing secret newspaper, Nanjing sent special correspondent Cheng Peng came to check the authenticity of Li Jian designed to deliberate out of the city to meet, want to create Cheng Peng killed by the Eighth Route Army at this time, but only Cheng Peng wearing a body armor, he hit Li Jian shot twice, Li Jian Jedi counterattack, hit Cheng Peng head. In the rainy night, Lin Xiao Yu and Xiao Yan saved Li Jian from life and death. Lin XiaoYu use of drugs induced Peng suffering from mania, eventually removed by Zuo GuangZong. Li Jian was seriously injured in bed, Zhuo Jiu instead of Li Jian and Wen XiangNan trading password, in case of Qin Mei, water and others red impulse to stop, under the command of Li Jian finally get the upper part of the secret code. At this point, extra-high school lesson plan inserted inside the Eighth Route Army spy "Bobcats" continue to convey information to the water. Both sides fight for the password to start life and death battle. In desperation, the special forces of Lebanon rely on wisdom and courage to win all the secret code, the secret code was sent to the Lawrence over there, played a significant role in the fighting in North China theater has been reversed. Li Jian, in order to make Zhuo Jiu safe delivery of secret code, took the initiative to hostage, was tortured by water. Finally, Li Jian, who was starved for three days, defeated Shimizu and managed to get out of the guard. Clearwater on the Rift Troops hated, in addition to Rittal special forces he sent Takeda et al fake, Li Jian designed to get rid of it, water loss of love Takeda. Underground party traitors betrayed Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu was arrested and jailed. Shimizu, Qin Mei tortured Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu clenched their teeth, did not disclose any intelligence. Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong forcibly broke into prison and asked for clean water. At this moment, Li Jian and Lin XiaoYu started the anti-counterwork work against Zuo GuangZong. Commander Pang Ling even came down to the 45th Brigade to work hard to oppose the work. Zuo GuangZong hindered his decision by disagreement within the brigade. Matsui dissatisfaction with water, ordered Hirose kamikaze to lead the invincible team, came to FENGCheng destroy militia team. At the same time, the military sent police to come forward and oppose the two groups, and Hirose wiped out allied forces. Then Li Jian and Pan Commander cooperation, the use of the Bobcats Kwong Lee arrow action drama stills into the ambush, the Kamura unit. Subsequently, Li Jian and clear water wits, each set of snares, and ultimately water loss soldiers will be folded, Qin Mei also died in the hands of Chen Qi. Matsui defeat, carrying the team retreated Fengcheng. In addition to Zuo GuangZong et al., The two placed bombs in the name of a banquet in an attempt to annihilate 45 brigades and officers. Li Jian Demolishes Bombs in Crisis and Prevents the Life of Zuo GuangZong et al. Chen Qi to save Zuo GuangZong, pregnant with explosives and Matsui go all out. Finally, under the leadership of Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong, the 45 brigade uprising struggled with the Japanese troops. Under the attack of Panjin Command and Zuo GuangZong Uprising Troops, Qing Shui defeated and was killed by Wei YiDe, the father of Wei ShiKun.Lehman Corps successfully completed all the tasks of "Lean Arrow Operations" and liberated Fengcheng. They again received orders from their superiors and rushed to the next theater to carry out even more arduous tasks.

On the arrow (TV)[2012]

Feature: After the September 18 Incident, the Japanese aggressor deployed a plan to attack the Jehol in an all-round manner. Xu YiHang wedding On this day, Rong Shi saw the Japanese want to take advantage of the Xu family Xujia conspiracy to take the wedding blood, unexpectedly, his message was stopped by Xu traders, the Japanese invaders. Xu was deserted, only Xu YiHang and sister Xu ErHang rely on ancestral god arrows highlighting the siege. Second Brother Xu JinChuan hurried home. Sister and brother three revenge for the family, embarked on a road to fighting for the nation. Reckless recklessness, persistent revenge for Xu YiHang repeatedly troubled, luckily she always get Rongcheng grand master who dominate Chengde side - Rong Shi Mingli secretly help. Rong Shi repeatedly helped a flight, and the two gradually became acquainted with each other. When the two finally put aside their confession, the one-year-old fiance Zhao Hua died. In an operation, Xu's brother and sister were ambushed and Xu JinChuan and Xu YiHang were arrested. Fortunately, they were saved by communists. Three siblings joined the anti-Japanese allied forces and defended the Japanese troops with their swords and arrows, completing another unsuccessful attempt The task. When the National Government actively opposed Japan and sent the Central Military Army to encircle the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces was forced to declare dissolution. Shortly afterwards, the three sisters and brothers lost the direction of the struggle. However, they soon returned to Chengde and went on to persevere in their way and dealt with the Japanese in a series of deeds of hatred and hatred, story.

A Chinese Tall Story (Movie)[2005]

Feature: The four monks Sun WuKong, Zhu BaJie and Sha Seng, who came to Sharjah City after many hardships, never imagined that there was a huge crisis behind the grand welcoming ceremony. In addition to the monk, the remaining three were captured by the tree demon in the city of Sa Car. The monk had to try to rescue, but was captured by the lizard demon glamorous, glamorous fell in love at first sight of the monk, from day to day and its entangled, and finally let the monk fell into his love trap, and committed the day. Eventually this pair of infatuation men and women were knocked down the mortal, glamorous into a white horse, accompanied by the monk began a difficult Journey to the West, universal, save the world. Five hundred years ago there was a legend in the Western Regions. A monk from Middle-earth, Tang SanCang, will take his three apprentices to a place called Checheng and pick up a number of ancient scriptures that have been stored for centuries. Legend has it that these verses allow the world to lay down their knives and stop killing them. And Sa Car City, is the last stop to learn. The story begins here. The first leg: the melee Millennium Sancha Tang Sancang mentor four saw outside the Sa Car Men and women singing and dancing lined up welcome, but I do not know in fact the Millennium Tree demon robbed all the children of Shache City, Sa Car City to Tang Monk Master exchange. Wukong break through tricks, alone out of the city to fight, lost. To protect Master, Wukong wrapped the monk with diamond wire, cast him far and handed him the golden hoop. Tang SanCang wrapped in diamonds disappeared in the sky after the killings of Sun WuKong three were demon win. 2nd stop: Encounter the witch, beauty each one Tang SanCang landed in the Ganges swamp village, where lived a group of happy monsters. The monsters are running away and summon the famous holy land of the universe "Sun WuKong (Sun WuKong was mistaken for Sun WuKong because the monk holds the golden hoop stick"). In order to attract Tang SanCang with "Sun WuKong," monsters send "Sun WuKong" guards, the ugliest banshee of the lizard monsters. Tang SanCang woke up to see the banshee Yue MeiYan at first glance. A few days later, Tang SanCang found a white, snowy egg in the hole in Yue MeiYan's life. Open the eggshell, he saw a beauty amazing woman crouched, which is from the extravagant Gong Zhu (Yue MeiYan brand name lizard demon from Gong Zhu Department). Once in a dream, Tang SanCang had no intention of telling her dreams and allowed Yue MeiYan to discover that he was the secret of Tang SanCang. Yue MeiYan, who wanted to eat the meat of the monk, suddenly found he could not start with him and found he had fallen in love with him. At this point, the tree demon search Tang SanCang traces came to Yue MeiYan's residence, two people in desperation sat under the hoop to the East China Sea edge. The third leg: Nantianmen lost Nights fixed sea god needle Gui ChengXiang rise from the sea, want to retrieve the gold hoop stick. Tang SanCang and Yue MeiYan join hands to say Gui ChengXiang suicide, East Hai LongWang led the shrimp crabs will come to complain, the two again with the help of gold hoops to Nantianmen, but also hit and kill the four kings, escape again. The monsters in the village discovered that "Sun WuKong" was the secret of Tang SanCang, Yue MeiYan said he had poisoned Tang SanCang and would not be able to detoxify for a month. She also hoped that through this month, Tang SanCang would really become a demon, stay with her and arrange various tactics to "degenerate" Tang SanCang. Sure enough, Tang SanCang changed her personality and decided to work with the demon.One day, he reunited with glorious Gong Zhu, and during the conversation she learned that she had lived on earth, emigrated to aliens during the Ice Age and now come to Earth again to escape marriage. Xiao Shan said he fell in love with the first probe to see her egg, Tang SanCang secretly thought: "That is not me?" Station 4: love alarm! Star Wars! By chance, Tang SanCang knew Yue MeiYan design deceived himself, told Yue Meiyan angrily, no longer love her. And with the help of Mei Yan Gong Zhu to return to Saskatchewan saved apprentice. Sad Yue MeiYan sadly left and found himself not a demon, but the alien abandoned children. Yue MeiYan put on their own token, turned into a real glamorous woman. Transformed Yue MeiYan immediately rushed to the worm demon nest, joined the Battle of Tang SanCang and Gong Zhu. After a war, Sun WuKong three were rescued. Gong Zhu said she loved Yue MeiYan, and she hoped she would go back to the outer planet with her and finally left alone by spacecraft. The fifth leg: Tathagata Buddha appeared Yu Di decided to kill Yue MeiYan killing the four kings, Tang SanCang suddenly comprehend the true love in the heart, in order to beauty Havoc in Heaven. Tathagata Buddha comes out to tell Tang SanCang the true meaning of true love. In order to punish Yue MeiYan, who has offended the rules of the day, Yue MeiYan has been transformed into a White Horse in order to restore the unmistakable mentoring of the four disciples, so that Tang SanCang can take the path again. At the end of the film, Tang SanCang chases angry white horse trot all the way, explaining to himself all sorts of not, one by one to the west.

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