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Jessie Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jessie Zhang Works 16 ,And Costume Drama 8 ,Romance 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Spy war 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Feature 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,legend 1 ,情感传奇破案1 ,Action 1 ,TV 1 。

Works Index

Jessie Zhang Filmography(16)


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

宸汐缘 (TV)[2019]


战神 Jiu Chen 万年前为封印魔神而陷入沉睡后,突因少女 Ling Xi 的误闯而苏醒。两人在相处过程中,因彼此欣赏而渐生情愫。 Ling Xi 被发现天生自带煞气,而此煞气恰是魔族灵药,会解开魔神的封印,使魔神复苏,祸及天下众生,此乃大忌,两人感情从此命运波折。 Jiu Chen 不愿枉杀无辜,顶住压力,拯救 Ling Xi ,去除煞气。 Ling Xi 在 Jiu Chen 的帮助下,从一个天真少女成长为带领族人反抗魔神的领袖。两人也在历尽磨难后收获爱情。正当两人终于走到一起,享受甜蜜之际,魔神还是破出了封印,祸害天下,使苍生陷入苦海。面对天下安危, Jiu Chen 毅然肩负起战神的责任,与魔神鏖战数日。最终他虽再次克制了魔神,守护了天下,却因耗尽修为而倒在了心爱之人 Ling Xi 的怀抱中。


Cocoon town edge (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Cocoon town Romance" tells the story of Huangfu Qingnan town on the Yangtze River is the richest man. Midsummer season, the master Huang TianMing (Tong Jiang ornaments) will usher in 60 birthday, while leaving the ocean for several years Miss Huang MengQing (Zhixi Zhang ornaments) and accompanied by Du ChunXiao (Victoria Song ornaments) is about to come back. The whole house is unusually busy. Mrs. Huang pays special attention to Du ChunXiao, who is not only a student but also a resident of Huang MoRu (Yang Yang). But since Du ChunXiao came to Huang House strange things happen again and again. Curious, clever but simple Du ChunXiao was unconsciously wrapped into the secret of the Huangfu. She did not like to give up the character so that she slowly discovered the true face of Huang old man pious. Her persistent investigation has repeatedly put her in trouble. In the process, she slowly developed feelings with Huang MuYun (Jiang Jinfu). Huang MuYun Chivalrous Etiquette eventually helped Du ChunXiao find out the mystery of his life and opened the story of Huang's crime twenty years ago. Du ChunXiao and Huang MuYun eventually left the evil Huang House and looked for the future to belong to each other.

Grand Army Division Si MaYis Alliance (TV)[2017]

Feature: The young Si MaYi (Wu Xiubo) was a timid scholar who looked back at Cao Cao (Hewei Yu) and later settled with Cao Cao edge. He was Cao Cao forcibly recruited as an officer, a foot into Cao Cao undercurrent riot of contempt. He used his strategy to help Cao Pi (Li Chen (actor)) to pass Cao Cao's test again and again, and to send Cao Pi to his son. He tried his best to help Cao Pi become a founding principal of the founding father, create a new political order, support the family of people, and suppress the imperial clan and made great contributions to the stability and prosperity of Wei. He and Zhuge Liang (Wang Luoyong ornaments) in the six out of Qishan contest and the game know each other, Wu Zhang original autumn wind a Liang Fu Yin, he completely defeated the most powerful opponents of life, but in the misty chess game burst into tears. In his twilight years, Wei's main minister Chen Yong, he silently accumulated strength, humiliation and bearing the weight of the final blow to a success, to calm down Wei's civil strife. His life has the great achievements of the national security and the people, but also brutally Mingming scheming plot, he worked two miraculous, resourcefulness crown the world, laid the foundation for the end of troubled times & nbsp ;.

Black soil blood (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the northeast end of the war, the anti-UN force led by Li YiFeng secretly sneaked back into the riverside and the Soviet Army led by General Ka Sa GuoFu should co-defeat the Japanese defensive line to victory over Riverside. After the Soviet occupation of Binjiang, Li YiFeng accepted instructions from the Northeast Bureau of the Communist Party of China to help the Soviet control and maintain the social order of Binjiang and crack down on reactionary hostile forces such as the liaison of the underlined military police. KMT Ding Feng took over the post of chief of the Binjiang police department, plotting to clear the Communist Party organization and pave the way for the Kuomintang to embark on the riverside. Ding Feng's Su Sha lurked around as a translator and instructed her to pursue Li YiFeng in the hope of gaining access to Li YiFeng's management of the Riverside and the power to kill and kill Li YiFeng. With the help of Xiao Man, CCP Anti-Political Commissar Liu Li and Communists Zhao Ping, Li YiFeng and Ding Feng were diametrically opposed to each other in order to safeguard the social order of Binjiang and defend the lives of people in Binjiang. Full. In order to return Riverside to the embrace of the people, Communists such as Xiao Man and Li YiFeng fought for the liberation of Binjiang at the expense of their lives.

Bao Qingtian (TV)[2017]

Feature: The story of "Bao Qing Tian" started from Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty. Bao Zheng (Dong-xue Li played as an ascending star) back to Beijing for his post of comradeship. With the great support of Renzong, all the corrupt officials were dredged up by the people and became the legendary legend honest and upright official. This time, Dong-xue Li will not only bring more brain-burning cases, but will also reinterpret the legendary figure to give audiences a more three-dimensional package of blue sky. Since the image of Zhan Zhao (played by Matthew Ko) is greatly appreciated by the audience, the new version of "Bao Qing Tian" will be accompanied by Bao Zheng and Zhan Zhao, Chaotang and the rivers and lakes. Both of them have feelings, and Zhan Zhao's role will be greatly increased . In the new version, Zhan Zhao is completely independent, not only using martial arts to play handsome, but also a lot of psychological drama and emotional drama, but also added a period of "sadistic" unrequited love.

Blood College (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Blood Institute" tells the story of two decades after the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the history of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms Period, Jiang Nan regime confrontation, tribal Alien ready to take a peek at the Central Plains story. The Tai-b College, located at the junction of the north and south of Xusi Mountain, is a paradise in troubled times. Wang Shisheng went to study here, but when Tianbao was spread in Tai-shan, it attracted many people's eyes. In order to cure the sick sister Zhang Ying, Confucius was born under the name of Zhang Ren, Zhang Yi, with his sister into Tai College and met with Duan MuZheng, the Qin Mo descendant who came to find a Mohistolecarist, Li JingYu, Cui GaLuo, Korea's exiled Princess Wang Enzhu. We privately explore the day treasure, while facing the various emergencies, continuous learning and growth story. "Blood College" is a television series starring Zhou Linhao and Wu Wenguang, David Liang, Zhixi Zhang, Meng Yang Zi Jin, Xiaoqi Ai, Uniq (band), Ruihan Zhang, Jinhan and Qu Shaoshi.

Lonely empty court spring night (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qing Kang Xi eight years (AD 1669), Ao Bai was captured, the massive remnants of the Party Clean-up began. Loyalist A BuNai Injured innocent victims, Liang Er, a teenager, saw her family slaughtered and escaped. Encountering Shao NianKangXi on the road to escape, both of them experienced a life-or-death robbery without knowing each other's identity, impressed each other and promised to meet again. Then LiangEr ran to Na LanRongRuo cousin, but accidentally lost memory. Rong Ruo to protect Liang Er renamed Wei LinLang, stay in Fuchu care. Time 荏 苒, if the capacity to grow together with the dough, childhood sweetheart, deep feelings, but Na LanMingZhu fear dilemma led to disaster, secretly sent her into the palace for 婢. Lin Lang thought this life so silent in the deep palace, the emergence of Kang Xi disrupted her life, and her reunion with Rong Ruo let her light the hope. Kang Xi recognizes that she was a girl she had always dreamed of, and did everything possible to remind her of the old promises, while Rong Ruoyan secretly tried to take her away. One is overbearing king, one is childhood sweetheart, the two interlaced offensive and beloved, so that Lin Yu unprepared, so dilemma. Just when Kang Xi deeply rooted in love, only to find that Lin is a good brother Yungruo sweetheart. To reluctantly cut off love, fulfillment of the two, but repeatedly fate tease, a mistake and wrong. Experienced numerous twists and turns, finally see their own love, love Kang Xi, that you can begin to enjoy the sweetness of love, but at this time restored the memory. On the one hand is blood-vengeance, on the one is infatuating lover, inexplicable choice, has been lurking in the palace of the elder brother Chang Qing recognized at the moment, forcing the family to achilles. Kang Xi and the dazzling entanglement of a unforgettable era of unforgettable love.

Five rats downtown Tokyo (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the Northern Song Dynasty, the emptiness island lived with five wronged brothers, nicknamed "Five Rats," and Zhan Zhao (Yikuan Yan) was given the title of "Royal Cat" by Song RenZong (Roy) for the protection of Bao Gong (Guanhua Liang). Pang Ji (Ma Shuliang ornaments) envy hate Baogong, then deliberately send someone to sow discord, said Bao Gong Renzong Zhan Zhao gave the "imperial cat", the purpose is to destroy the "five rats" prestige. The five righteous anger, to set foot in Tokyo and Zhan Zhao a showdown. On the way to Tokyo, "Five Rats" learned that Pang Yu, son of Pang Ji, had done evil in Chenzhou and decided to go to Chenzhou to get rid of Pang Yu. Pang Ji, Pang Yu and Bao Gong gave extra to make Zhan Zhao lose a lot of money because of gambling. Pang Ji took advantage of this to save Zhan Zhao and sent him to Chen Zhou to help Pang Yu. So Zhan Zhao mixed with Shen ZhongYuan into Pang Yu's house, secretly collecting Pang Yu's criminal evidence. "Five Rat" and others should join forces with Zhan Zhao, not only for the acquaintance of Bao Gong, but also for beheading Pang Yu to eradicate this vicious bully for Chenzhou people. To report revenge on the enemy, Pang Ji has also set up a savage conspiracy to injure Baogong and the "five rats" and other heroes & nbsp ;. Five rats make Tokyo

TheCageofLove (TV)[2015]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the founder of Huzhou weaving and dyeing giant Jiang Yu (Hawick Lau) first met Rainbow (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991) ornaments) and "seize the rainbow man" stills were touched by her good and beautiful, but she was found to be enemies Wu HongDa's daughter. Wu HongDa once falsely accused Jiang Fu, leading to the death of Jiang Jiajia. Ten years later, Wu HongDa passed away suddenly. Jiang Yu acquired Wu's factory. Rainbow thought Jiang Yu was the murderer and determined to find out the truth. Rainbow into the factory and Jiang Yu some entanglement, but often failed. Jiang Yu fell in love with the rainbow can not admit, had threatened her into a nanny as a nanny to stay with her. In the face of Jiang Yu's difficulties, the rainbow with their own wisdom, kindness and perseverance, one after another to resolve conflicts. Rainbow and Jiang Yu get along, get to know each other more and more, both being attracted by the good quality of each other and eventually deciding to put down the hatred of the previous generation. With the help of Jiang Yu, Rainbow finally discovered the truth of his father's death, the bad guys got retribution, and lovers got married. Under the joint efforts of Wu and Jiang, the silk weaving and handicraft industry shines brilliantly to become a story.

Monthly Payment (TV)[2015]

Feature: Zhou ShuMing, an older literary housemate, and Su XiaoYa, the eldest daughter of the older generation, were matched on the Weibo by their common friend Li Na. Their promise made them succeed in flash marriage. After the marriage, the two men often worked irregularly to provide monthly rent and life Huge pressure, especially the emergence of He ShaoYong, Su XiaoYa's first love, added a lot of twists and turns to their lives. Su XiaoYa's mother Su Li Mei admitted to the hospital due to brain tumor, in the face of high hospital charges, Su XiaoYa frustration to seek help He ShaoYong, at the request of He Shaoyong, desperate Su XiaoYa and Zhou ShuMing divorced . After the divorce, Zhou ShuMing has been unable to let Su XiaoYa back to mobilize Nai Nai to sell the old house, to help Su XiaoYa hospital fees, Su XiaoYa was deeply touched, several requests for remarry but were rejected. A year later, Zhou ShuMing became a well-known local writer, and Zhou ShuMing's father also had feelings for each other due to taking care of Su Li Mei. Su XiaoYa can not forget Zhou ShuMing's affliction and affection, at the wedding ceremony with He ShaoYong, decided to leave. Eventually, the two young men and their parents came to a happy state, and they understood deeply that the first payment of love should be provided on a genuine marriage.

Im sorry to fall in love with you (TV)[2014]

Feature: Microblogging updates and behind-the-scenes highlights Ou Le and Liu YuTing childhood, but also the enemy in the business arena, they represent the "Victory" and "Tin Shing" bidding. Liu YuTing helped Tiansheng win the bid, at the same time aroused the attention of FXCM CEO Tong XiLin. Tong is an unscrupulous person for the purpose, Yu-ting in order to help Tiansheng Han total and protect lover Ou Le, joined the surplus company. However, Ou Le did not understand the break-up and Xia Wen helped Ou Le out of the woods. In order to defeat Tong XiLin to work at Tiansheng, Ou Le met and attracted Han's general daughter Han XiaoXiao, and offended Han XiaoXiao's boyfriend Yan Song. Yan Song honest appearance honest, in fact, the city is extremely deep. Liu YuTing to move surplus "undercover" is his tricks, the purpose is to annex the two companies. Hao Jie, who has long been a crush on Tong XiLin, used "anti-interrogation" to expose Yan Song's truth. Liu YuTing mistook Ou Le and Xia Wen together, sad leave, do not want a car accident. Ou Le wholeheartedly took care of her, other people also have their own happiness. Liu YuTing, her memories stay in the loving period and Ou Le, the two eventually returned to the happy home. I'm sorry to fall in love with you

Beauty made (TV)[2014]

Feature: Beauty Made in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu ZeTian period as the background, the Tang Dynasty beauty man male doctor He LanJun (Jin Shijia ornaments) in the hospital too to make all the ladies in the palace for the pleasures of the moon. He LanJun Outstanding medical treatment was bitch jealous jealous, framed, leaks every night, He LanJun found that their children are not born, but his wife Xue Ji and children of other children. He LanJun abandoned by his wife, desperation, on the streets. Su LianYi (Yang Rong (actress)), who is loving and righteous to get him a lifelong target. He LanJun, a man of abjection, did not degenerate because of this series of changes. He uses his wisdom and medicine to make a lot of lovers get married. He LanJun also possesses the slightest pretense to help Pei YunTian, ​​who has always been a vicious person, get his real life daughter and bring him to justice. After experiencing many thrills, He LanJun realizes that the beauty of the mind is really beautiful, and that kindness loves Su LianYi, who has been with her sincerely, is the incarnation of the true, the good and the beautiful, and finally the two are married. & Nbsp ;.

Next miracle (TV)[2011]

Feature: The Next Miracle tells Liang KaiEn came from a family of teachers. When he was a child, he was considered a problem student in school. His father's simple and rude way of education and the abandonment of his first girlfriend made him suffer from severe depression, but eventually out of the patient. Since then, Kane put on a stand, courier job, fast food shop attendant, in the hard work continue to grow. A handicapped by a disabled person speech Caine infection, so that he suddenly, more actively manage their own lives. Kane has always wanted to do their own company finally said his friends set up beyond the limits of the company, a group of enthusiastic, hard-working and tough young people to speech-based training industry in Beijing and Shanghai to promote their sales philosophy model, through unremitting Efforts and perseverance, Kane finally won the career success, get the recognition of his family's affection, but also rewarded his own love & nbsp ;.

Hong Funv (TV)[2006]

Feature: Hong FuNv Zhang, name of the early dust, holding Hong Fu, accompanied by Sui Dynasty Sagong Yang Su side, so as "Hong FuNv" name. Not only is she the intelligent and powerful martial arts talent of Hong FuNv, she makes her stand out from all her servants in Yang Su's family. Du GuCheng is Hong Fu's first man. He saved her life and made her a dark man. As Hong Fu grows up and matures, all her teenage feelings are placed on Du GuCheng. The silence between two people was destroyed after Hong Fu was reached. Hong Fu was sent to serve her first man, Hong Fu, without any knowledge, dressing himself up with the affections of Du GuCheng. However, the last man to take her virginity was Yang Su, the second man in his life. Hong Fu has since Du GuCheng back to go. She could not forgive his favorite man to devote himself to others, thus ending the relationship between Du GuCheng and Hong Fu. TV drama promotional activities According to a large Sagu Recalling General Assembly, Hong Fu's third man, Li Jing, was the best. Not only did he break Yang Su's self-designed array, he also won the favor of Hong Fu. Yang Su saw Hong Fu's appreciation of Li Jing, decided to kill Li Jing, and deliberately assigned Hong Fu to perform the task. She interviewed Li Jing overnight and advised him to flee. How do you know, but Yang Fu of Hong Fu, after Hong Fu, sent Bao Qin and Lv Yu to kill Li Jing. Hong Fu had to show his presence to defend Li Jing, breaking away from his former partners and formally embarking on the road of no return from the underground palace. Du GuCheng with Bao Qin was ordered to chase Hong Fu to kill Li Jing. Bao Qin has always been in love with Du GuCheng, Wallace Huo Hong FuNv stills, she understands Du GuCheng's love affair with Hong Fu. However, Du GuCheng is with the intention to cause Hong Fu to chase her. He understood, Hong Fu left, will never go back to the ground. He has long lost Hong Fu, he can not let her belong to another man. Hong Fu and Li Jing escaped Du GuCheng and Bao Qin's chase and killed many times in the face of life and death. Both of them worked in concert and gradually developed their emotions. Li Jing decided to marry Hong Fu and they married at the shabby inn in Lingshi Town when Qiu RanKe, the fourth man of Hong Fu, appeared. Qiu RanKe, Hong Fu and Li Jing saw the same. Qiu RanKe found that Hong Fu and Their own surnamed Zhang, so the two sworn brothers and sisters, Qiu RanKe home ranked three, Hong Fu called him "Third Brother," and Hong Fu line one, Qiu RanKe call her "a sister", brother and sister know each other sympathy, the difference is , Qiu RanKe to Hong Fu's brother and sister are also mixed with a little bit of throbbing and can not help but the situation.In order to avoid chase, Hong Fu a pedestrian to Wagangzhai line, was Du GuCheng, Bao Qin catch up, this Fighting, Li Jing and Hong Fu fall into the mountains. Li Jing was Jianshui rushed to the shore, saved by Ping YangGongZhu. See Li Ping Junxiu Pingyang, resulting in the meaning of love. Hong Fu sank in the stream water and was rescued by a fisherman and met the fifth man in his life - Li ShiMin ... Li Jing and Hong Fu are bitter mandarin ducks and they do not meet each other in the same city. They can only meet With faith in love, convinced that the other party is still breathing in another corner for themselves, one day, they will meet again, love, hold your hand.

Dharma (TV)[1986]

Feature: When Da Mo came to China to carry Mahāyāna Buddhism, it was a time when the separatist era of South and North Koreans was flourishing. Da Mo practicing medicine, in the lower class of people get together. He rescued Xiao Chan, a leper girl who was burned ill-fated, and was greatly admired by Xiao Chan in his life, which brought great inconvenience to Da Mo, who devoted himself to cultivation. When Da Mo arrived in Northern Wei Dynasty, Liu Zhi Sanzang, a state division, was threatened with a conscientious status and resorted to various means to drive Da Mo out of the Central Plains. Da Mo started an indomitable fight with Liu ZhiSanZang. Da Mo ended up defeating his opponent and overcoming the temptation to follow. Shaolin Temple, Da Mo face nine years, have a deeper understanding of Zen Buddhism and martial arts, and thus advocated the rise of Zen Buddhism in China ... ... The play is divided into six modules. The first unit Da Mo came to Turkey by Tianzhu and passed Nanliang. The second unit Da Mo reed crossed the river and reached the Northern Wei Dynasty. The third unit Da Mo was transferred to Shaolin Temple. The fourth unit Da Mo was retreated for nine years. Five Mo Da found heir; Six Mo Da poisoned.

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