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Victoria Song TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Victoria Song Works 21 ,And Romance 10 ,Fantasy 5 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Feature 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Idol Play 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Love 1 ,权谋1 ,War 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,怀旧1 ,Variety show 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,情感传奇破案1 ,农村实境综艺节目1 ,Action 1 ,Documentary 1 。

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Victoria Song Filmography(21)


下一站是幸福 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《资深少女的初恋》剧情介绍:讲述了34岁的 He FanXing ,从小就是别人家口中的模范生,是一家公司的行政主管,也是母胎solo。不知道从什么时候开始, He FanXing 发现身边的人一个个都结婚生子。亲戚们也逐渐不再关注她的恋爱状况,父母也做好了白菜烂在菜地里的觉悟,弟弟的口头禅也从“你这种人最容易让男人骗”,变成了“有人愿意骗骗你也好”。

He FanXing 遇到 Yuan Song 的第一想法是:她如果年轻十岁肯定会喜欢这样的男孩, Yuan Song 是弟弟的得意门生,她本来只是履行对弟弟的诺言照顾他,直到她接到电话得知他请假,像个老妈子一样去他家里探病,却被淋成了落汤鸡,也就从那天开始,一切都不对了,因为音乐、啤酒、和吹头发的气氛轻易被推到之后,她开始不知所措。

在一场“阴谋”般的相亲中,她认识了合作广告公司的老板-38岁的 Ye LuMing 。他们就像是命中注定,她在他的面前丑态百出,被误会被嫌弃,但他突然之间转性,和她成了好朋友,并且帮她处理与 Yuan Song 的关系,她每次在听完他提的建议之后,她和 Yuan Song 的结果却是往反的方向。

一个是小狼狗,一个是老狐狸, He FanXing 陷入了抉择之中。


山月不知心底事 (TV)[2019]


《山月不知心底事》讲述了20世纪90年代, Xiang Yuan ( Victoria Song 饰)接受叶家资助,从婺源考入上海读大学,聪明的 Xiang Yuan 从学校到职场不断成长,经济终于独立。 Xiang Yuan 爱叶家大儿子 Ye QianZe ( Oho Ou 饰),二儿子 Ye Yun 却喜欢 Xiang Yuan 。 Ye QianZe 和叶家收养的女孩林灵有情愫,但最终叶、向二人结婚。婚后两人因价值观产生冲突,而林灵的去世更是让 Ye QianZe 受折磨,为了 Ye QianZe 精神稳定, Xiang Yuan 接受离婚。后 Ye QianZe 被绑架,和绑匪都在沉船事故中身亡。四年后, Xiang Yuan 带领江源成为上海最好的地产公司, Xiang Yuan 成为知名女企业家, Ye Yun 敞开对 Xiang Yuan 的爱,但 Xiang Yuan 心理上没有办法接受他。 Xiang Yuan 当年和绑匪的对话录音落到人手, Xiang Yuan 愤怒中说出来话,对 Xiang Yuan 和江源的名誉有毁灭性打击, Ye Yun 用生命保护 Xiang Yuan ,勒索犯落网, Xiang Yuan 在病床边,用爱等待 Ye Yun 醒来。


Gu Jian Qi Tan flow Zhao Ming (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Yan Lee, who is a talented young boy who is skilled in the art of healing and healing, is leaving home for his chance of leaving home and admiring the legendary Yan Yi Master Xie Yi (Archie Kao) (Victoria Song), Xia YiZe (Godfrey Gao) & nbsp; & nbsp; A Ruan (Karena Ng ornaments) and other partners. Several people inadvertently found the plot of Shen Ye (Julian Cheung), the eldest son of Liuzhou crape mystical cradle, defeated Shen Ye in all circumstances and finally stopped a disaster

August wei yang (TV)[2018]


"AugustWei Yang"Tells the story ofWei Yang(Victoria Song),Lin Qiao(Feeling), face (Fu Xinbo),Shen BaYue(Rain (entertainer)) is a high school and college classmate.Wei YangandLin Qiaoare close friends, and chao has a favorable opinion of Wei Yang, whileLin Qiaois devoted to her, andShen BaYueis a stubborn and independent existence. After graduation,Wei Yangjoined a book publishing company,Lin Qiaospent all day on set looking for opportunities, and chao worked for a design company, andShen BaYuewas idle all day.Shen BaYuegot into a fight and was saved by Wei Yang. Since then, he officially entered Wei Yang's life.Lin Qiaosuffered a lot in her career, and she liked to be cast to Wei Yang.Wei Yangchose to leave because of his emotion to Shen BaYue. However,Wei Yangchose to go abroad to cultivate his mind and seek for answers because of his unsmooth career, emotional entanglements among friends and other troubles. In the end,Lin Qiaorepented and found her place, and Wei Yang's career went smoothly with Shen BaYue.

AugustWei Yangis a youth idol drama jointly produced by kangxi pictures, zoomlion and skygalaxy. Directed by wang xiaokang, it is written by wang jingru and co-starred by Rain (entertainer), Victoria Song, Fu Xinbo and Feeling.

The Love Knot: His Excellencys First Love (TV)[2018]


The drama “First Love from Chi Ai-Yi” describes the intern reporter Guan PiPi . Received a special task related to normalization and interviewed cultural relic experts He LanJingTing . This mysterious "Jade Master" has never shown anyone before. In order to conquer him, Pippi tried his best, but was shocked by his bizarre living habits of the bizarre love of his first love. He feeds on flowers, loves the “moonlight bath”, loses sight in the daytime, has excellent night vision, and has only three heartbeats per minute. He also claims to be from an alien, a silicon-based living organism that is different from the earth’s carbon-based life. Pippi thought he had been teased and hurried. A series of blows once made her want to live. The boyfriend of the childhood sweetheart was betrayed with the girlfriends, and Pippi felt abandoned by the world. Only Helan has been with her and gives her warmth. Pippi gradually put down his alert and learned about Helan's alien planet. After several twists and turns, the two finally broke through the fate of the fate and come together. However, He Lan's internal battle on the planet soon blew up to two people. In order to guard one another, the two rush to pay their own all, only willing to the other side can safely spend this life .


City of Rock (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Hu Liang, a young man from the town, is guarding his hometown of rock and roll parks and invited Cheng Gong, a music agent with a high salary. The final collection of drummer Zha Yao bass player Ding JianGuo guitarist Yang ShuangShu, keyboard player Xi Xi. They co-founded the "sewing machine band." Six people from the deserted band recruiting live side by side with thousands of spectators performing stage. Performance preparations, the local real estate tycoon as soon as possible demolition of the park, is willing to cancel the show at high prices. A series of ridiculous stories happened on the way of chasing dreams.

Cocoon town edge (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Cocoon town Romance" tells the story of Huangfu Qingnan town on the Yangtze River is the richest man. Midsummer season, the master Huang TianMing (Tong Jiang ornaments) will usher in 60 birthday, while leaving the ocean for several years Miss Huang MengQing (Zhixi Zhang ornaments) and accompanied by Du ChunXiao (Victoria Song ornaments) is about to come back. The whole house is unusually busy. Mrs. Huang pays special attention to Du ChunXiao, who is not only a student but also a resident of Huang MoRu (Yang Yang). But since Du ChunXiao came to Huang House strange things happen again and again. Curious, clever but simple Du ChunXiao was unconsciously wrapped into the secret of the Huangfu. She did not like to give up the character so that she slowly discovered the true face of Huang old man pious. Her persistent investigation has repeatedly put her in trouble. In the process, she slowly developed feelings with Huang MuYun (Jiang Jinfu). Huang MuYun Chivalrous Etiquette eventually helped Du ChunXiao find out the mystery of his life and opened the story of Huang's crime twenty years ago. Du ChunXiao and Huang MuYun eventually left the evil Huang House and looked for the future to belong to each other.

The Love Knot: His Excellencys First Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Guan PiPi knot love · Chitose adult first love quietly living in the huge city of C, work quietly, quietly lover. Everything seems so stable, so ordinary, until a man named He LanJingTing appears, her fate begins to subtle deviations. Helan different from ordinary people can not see anything during the day, but excellent visual acuity at night. He is very thorough research on jade, is a flower-type vegan, and he still has the habit of listening to the sun at the middle of the night while lowering the sun. Seemingly coincidental with the mysterious or even strange Helan encounter, it is actually an unexpected conspiracy - Helan gossip pure Yin, Pippi gossip Chun Yang, if Helan Pippi fell in love with him eat her liver, then Can repair the right path, turned "Tian fox." Herlan "scent incense" in Pippi and gave her "Beads of Merit" in order to grasp her whereabouts. However, when Pippi suffered a betrayal of love and friendship, she and Helan's story Really start. Pippi and Helan only repeatedly missed helplessness, which can be traced back to Pi Pisi past lives, her tragic fate has been imprisoned in Helan's father's curse, each of her life can only die before the dead can only Accept Helan's love. However, the journey of life has never been over, and the unpredictable helan could change his life with Pippi in this life.

皓镧传 (TV)[2017]


《皓镧传》讲述了战国晚期,秦赵争锋,战事迭起。赵国邯郸,御史李赫的女儿李皓镧因继母的陷害,家破人亡、身败名裂,甚至被卖出。遇不得志的 Lv BuWei 把她买下,用奇货可居的计谋将皓镧献给了当时在赵国皇宫当人质的秦王孙异人。李、吕二人一同入赵宫,凭智慧击退了种种阴谋,化解了公主雅因爱慕异人而对二人的陷害,受到赵王的青睐。皓镧下嫁异人,秦国坑杀赵军四十万,异人的质子身份让他生命受到威胁,公主雅陷害皓镧不成反丧命,让二人之间产生嫌隙。宫中人人自危, Lv BuWei 利用皓镧挑起事端扰乱赵国内廷,借机带秦王孙异人逃离赵国归秦。秦国有奸人散播谣言说皓镧之子嬴政的父亲不是异人而是 Lv BuWei 。而此时异人病重不治,嬴政登基,认为 Lv BuWei 与父亲之死难逃关系,同时忌惮吕的权利过大而把他流放。皓镧请求儿子饶吕一命,最后俩人像相识的最初一样重会洛阳。

Old love song (TV)[2017]

Feature: Well-known wooden loneliness (Victoria Song ornaments) character rate really good. The incredible Chi Yun (Xiaoming Huang ornaments), grew up in the mountains with a martial arts name. Once encounter, Chi Yun on wood lonely at first sight. Two years later, the two met again, and Chi Yun started a warm pursuit of wood loneliness and acquired the lonely heart of wood with a passion for wood. Wood-lonely brother (Tianlin Zhai ornaments) at this time to give her a kiss, Chi Yun put down everything just want to bring wood seclusion mountain. However, God wants to get people, wood loneliness eventually married to the family refers to the object of marriage Ling YunChengLun (Peter ornaments). Wood Desire to Sheng Lun frankly and Chi Yun's emotion, Sheng Lun promised not to ask wood lonely. Gradually Sheng Lun lonely wood was attracted, do not want to let wood leave alone. Wood lonely because of accidental injuries and lost memory, Chi Yun spell power for healing woody, and carefully wake up all the memory of wood lonely. After healing, wood loneliness and Chi Yun cherish the feelings, decided to lay down the secular bondage, together. Unfortunately, God get people, wood lonely again into danger. Chi Yun do not want to let wood lonely injury, he chose to sacrifice his life to complete wood loneliness, to wood loneliness in exchange for a bright sky & nbsp ;.

MyNewSassyGirl (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of the protagonist Qian Niu (Cha Tae Hyun ornaments) and the new "brutal" girlfriend Xing Xing (Victoria Song ornaments) from love to marriage romantic experience. Xing Xing is Qian Niu's primary school first love, because Korean is not fluent often bullying around the students. Qian Niu still could not forget the former "She" who broke up. Until one day, Qian Niu once again met her first love Xing Xing, regardless of the people's opposition and her into the marriage hall, did not expect to be placed before him Imagined annoyance.

MyBestFriendsWedding (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film adapted from the Hollywood classic love comedy. Gu Jia (Shu Qi) is the new chief editor of a fashion magazine in China. She is scheduled to go to Milan to attend Fashion Week. An unexpected phone call made her workplan fly to London just as she arrived. Because Lin Ran (Feng Shaofeng), a man whom she once escaped but actually loves, is going to marry a young rich girl, Victoria Song, and wants to get her back before the wedding. On the plane flying to London, Gu Jia met Nick (Rhydian Vaughan ornaments), she has been out, so Nick was very embarrassed. After meeting, Lin Ran's bridal Xuan Xuan treat her as a sister. Gu Jia, consciously or unconsciously, was in trouble despite a heart-breaking contradiction and because of a misunderstanding that the wedding could not be held in the UK, Lin Ran and Xuan Xuan love Jin Gu and Jia Jia decided to arrange Lin Ran and Xuan Xuan to do a wedding in Italy . In Milan, Gu Jia courage and Lin Ran confession, but accidentally was hit Xuan Xuan, the three chased in the streets ...

Wished (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ma FenDou, an insurance salesman, was filled with ambitions and frustration, and his life plummeted to the bottom after his girlfriend's breakup. However, the emergence of a mysterious person has subverted his life trajectory. As one of the most accomplished land maids in history, she has made 19 wishes promised by Ma FenDou one by one. Ma FenDou has gradually taken her life to the peak and triggered one Series Comedy bizarre reversal story.

IceFantasy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Magic City makeup as the fire of the two princes Xin Jue ice clan tribal prince Ka Suo adult ceremony was mysteriously killed, the fire king to launch a war of fire and ice clan, with the help of ice spies, Ka Suo Were arrested and their elder siblings were killed. Only two Ice Prince princes, Ka Suo and Ying Kong Shi, survived and escaped to the mortal world to seek the help of the loyalist angel Li Luo. Ka Suo, with the help of Li Luo, received six ice crystals from six tribal chiefs. Ka Suo was sluggish due to the loss of spiritual power by the fire king. Ying Kong Shih led the other tribes to fight the fire king and defeated the fire to inherit the throne. Li Luo became a bloodthirsty beast to restore the spiritual power of Ka Suo and Sword Excalibur, and Yan Da Princess Yan Da gave up everything for Ying KongShi. However, Ka Suo's lover Li Luo and younger brother Ying Kong Shih both died under the plot of Yuan Ji. He was determined to find the legendary "Heron" to revive them. The war between Ice and Fire tribes started again, Ashes also joined the fire decided to seek revenge Ka Suo. Magic City

SMTOWNTheStage (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The movie "SMTOWN THE STAGE - Japan Version-" was taken in 2014 and the company held "SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR IV" concert tour. A total of 50 Korean top artists attended the concert, including KANGTA, BoA, TVXQ, SUPER JUNIOR, Girls' Generation, SHINee, f, EXO and so on. The movie not only recorded the concert scene completely, but also included a lot of backstage and actor interviews, so fans feast for the eyes.

Beautiful secret (TV)[2015]

Feature: Guan Yi (Peter Ho), a music producer, inadvertently discovered the amazing musical genius of courier girl Jiang MeiLi (Victoria Song), devoting her time to an aesthetic and playful romance. At the crucial juncture of Jiang MeiLi and rival Xu RuoLin (Zhang Xianzi), a mystery about Jiang MeiLi's life experiences has gradually emerged.

The strongest day group (TV)[2014]

Feature: The "Strongest Day" is an interview variety show featuring the first original "Idol Omnid show" produced by Jiangsu Satellite TV. It was conducted by Peng Yu, Song Qian, Zhou Mi, Zhao Huilian, Quan Xuanmao and Qiang Ren. On the 8th of every Friday at 22:00 every Friday night on the Jiangsu Satellite TV. Programs through the host artist talk and do the game in the form of the popular idol group debut in the Korean entertainment deeds.

When Love Walked In (TV)[2012]

Feature: Poster Qin YuJiang, the grandson of Yuan HaoTian, ​​the chairman of Yuan's Yuan Group, was appointed to help Yuan HaoTian to retrieve Yasin, the granddaughter of the two decades lost. The girl living in her aunt's home suddenly became a precious daughter, and a series of dumbfounding stories happened with the other two talents of the Yu Jiang and Yuan's groups. As a result of his parents' death, Ya-ning has always had a lot of grudges against her husband. The rainy stream reconciles with her, not only alleviating the relationship between her ancestors and grandchildren, but also has entered the heart of her. However, when love quietly come down, Yu Jiang has shrunk, because in his heart, has been living childhood orphanage playmates. Rain in order to recover the little girl after many twists and turns, I do not know the little girl is actually around Ya Yin. Twenty years ago, the fate of love was fulfilled in 20 years. However, before the happy ending, they will have to undergo heavy tests.

청춘불패 (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Undetectable Youth" is a live-action variety show broadcast by KBS2 TV in South Korea that allows idols to experience self-sufficiency in rural life. The program invites members of popular Korean women's groups to star in rural areas to experience self-sufficiency. Some Korean entertainers will also be invited each time as a guest. The first season of a total of 58 episodes, the first 32 episodes by NarSha, withHola, Han Shanhua, Park Hyo-Min, Sunny, Yuri, Kim Hyakuya as a fixed member of the G7, from the beginning of the 33 episodes Sunny, Yuri, Kim Jong-jan exit the program to join the new member Song Qian, Li Zhuyin, Jin Su Li form a new G7. The second quarter of "unbeaten youth" on November 12, 2011 every Saturday night 11: 05 broadcast, the specific details, please enter Baidu Encyclopedia of "Undefeated Youth 2" view.

jing cheng si shao (TV)[2005]

Feature: Posters and Stills Tong Shan is a government official who served as the Yamen PM. He returned to Beijing from Huijiang with a young man escorted by Liu YunTian, ​​the chief bodyguard of Zhenwu Hall. When robbed Hu Jiantian led the robbery and panic on the way , In addition to the four Tong YuGuan, the other three children do not know where to go, four children each have a quarter fan shaped jade, becoming the only token of the four children recognized later. De YangZhong, a court officer, saliva saluted the wife General Huo Gang's beauty and falsely accused Huo Gangqiang of marrying the show's wife as the emperor's wife, causing Huo Gang to be chopped and chopping off the door, All killed, only a young girl Hu Qingtong in the protection of the damn hidden "flowers floor" to escape, after the name of a small hairpin Huatong Tong, became a courtesan, she sold art does not sell to dance to choose people. "Baihua Lou" Lao Jiu YiNiang picked up the eldest third child - Tie Dan, as a paternity, Tie Dan and a small hairpin growth, Tie Dan loves a little hairpin, sacrificed for the completion of the little hairpin. Tie Dan, who lived in the flower house since childhood, has developed a slick personality but still has no loss of innocence. On the 1st day wandering through the streets, her eldest childrens, Tong YuGuan intimate. Tong eldest son robbed the chief Hu Xiaotian (later renamed Gu QingSan) adoption, named Gu RenJie, a man of talent, Xi Yang service, deep De Yang Zhong weight. Yang Chung will be the only daughter Jinyun with outstanding people, people do not want, but Gu QingSan for self-interest and readily accepted. Ye YuTong and her father, Rev. Yeh raise funds to build a school. Gu RenJie, with his huge sums of money, has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction with Yu Tong. Renowned individuals and Yu Tong did not get acquainted with each other. However, as Gu QingSan did, the church became ashes , Tong Tong face burn. Du Kui robber robbery for robbers, in Hu Xiaotian want to devote themselves to killing property on the occasion, Du Kui with the second son of the child - Du LiHan panic run, hidden in the capital alley in the living rely on a tofu shop, Du LiHan is a passionate young man. He often goes to church and Ye YuTong to talk about national affairs and occasionally encounters with young hairpin. They fall in love at first sight. Stills Zhen Yun Tang bodyguard Liu YunTian daughter and daughter dependent, Jiu YiNiang interested in Liu YunTian, ​​bud and favorite Tie Dan, resulting in the two noisy, after Tie Dan learned that Yung Guan bud children intend to match Two people. Little hairpin mistresses from the milkmaid to kill the father is the enemy of Tong Shan Tong, night barbed Tong Shan, Tong Shan found a lot of blood suspected suspects, they persuade the little hairpin, the two jointly investigate the real culprit. Tong Shan and Liu YunTian traced the hunt for suspicion of Gu QingSan. Gu QingSan met Du Kui in the marketplace. Gu QingSan feared that Du Kui would say that he had robbed Du Kui on the one hand and on the other hand, Tie Dan and others get the good of hypocrisy. Gu RenSan found Gu QingSan as an overblown element in "Yu Qing Qian Zhuang". Gu QingSan has dealt with him in a maniacal manner and has used his son as a pawn for personal gain. At Peking, Gu QingSan is Is caused by the four brothers boy separated from the robbers, the man promised to join the German family and Jinyun married, waiting for opportunity to take revenge.Du LiHan met with Gu RenJie at the recommendation of Ye YuTong. He was arrested and captured by officers and soldiers. Tie Dan and others co-rescued him and Li Shan was able to escape. However, Tong Shan was locked into prison by De Yang Zhong. Tong Shan jail, children's life embarrassment, talent learned that Yuguan is a scattered fourth brother, secretly funded Yuguan, bud children in the rescue of people in the process of setting up a cold in the wrong couple marry Yuguan, bud although children hate Tie Dan , But gradually found Jade good and innocent, and accept jade officer, the two married. Gu QingSan covet coyotes beauty, want to account for their own, I did not expect DeyangZhong see a small hairpin will be forced to concubine room, the conflict between ancient and German intensified: the little chai in Tong Shan before he was jailed Suspected Tong Shan De YangZhong fiasco for the Huo case of blood, the small hairpin to determine De YangZhong is the father and the enemy, despite everyone's objection to agree to marry into the German government to find evidence, the action of the Bundeslide in the German government was limited, and occasionally saw De YangZhong quietly enter In a study, my heart was quite puzzled. On the 1st, a young Chai entered the study but saw the picture of Mother and Mother hanging in the study. I can not help but grieve indefinitely and determined that De Yang Zhong was the enemy who killed the whole family. Chai want to assassinate De YangZhong missed, De YangZhong forced irrigation chai medicine, the hairpin lost memory was locked into the firewood room, Tie Dan want to get Germany to save the hairpin, but Gu RenJie stop. Gu RenJie repeatedly created the contradictions and conflicts between De YangZhong and Gu QingSan. Gu QingSan committed a suicide by shooting himself in the general situation. De YangZhong also learned that her daughter, Jinyun and his family, When a couple, stroke knot. On the first day of the German government fire, De YangZhong witnessed the torch of property. In the fire, Gu RenJie was seriously injured in saving the cloud and his eyes were blind. Ye YuTong, who died in a church fire, did not die. He lives in a hospital where he is a medical staff. Yu Tong met in the hospital and the two met again. Although the small chai reunited with all the people but did not know all the people, Tie Dan took care of the little chai, Du LiHan returned home, and her two siblings exchanged ideas with each other. Tong Shan was released from prison to meet her sons.

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