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S.Ireine TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included S.Ireine Works 14 ,And Romance 7 ,Costume Drama 6 ,Fantasy 3 ,Feature 3 ,Fantasy film 2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Action 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Comedy 1 。

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S.Ireine Filmography(14)


将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


奋斗吧,少年! (TV)[2019]


电视剧《网球少年》剧情介绍:讲述了中国网球事业的蓬勃发展,在高中校园里掀起了网球热潮,横跨南北的校园网球联赛建立起来。其中由资深教练 Qi Na 担任主教练的青学中学网球队屡创佳绩,培养了一大批优秀的网球人才。然而,网球联赛走到20个年头,青学中学却面临无法打进全国大赛的危机。小龙作为 Qi Na 的秘密武器,从美国回到国内,加入了青学中学网球队。小龙拥有出类拔萃的实力一心要打出最强网球,战胜他心中真正的对手。加入青学中学网球队之后,小龙遇到了各种网球高手,见识了更多可能性,在大家的帮助下,不但从一个ABC成长为精通中国文化的小百科,也在 Qi Na 的引导下体会到了网球真正的乐趣。在征战全国联赛的过程中他感受到团队生活的快乐,并从集体中得到力量。到最后依靠要为团体拼搏的信念,突破自己,战胜强大对手,领悟到了网球的真谛并带领球队朝着既定的目标,奋勇向前。

看见味道的你 (TV)[2019]




Ever Night (TV)[2018]

Feature: “Ever Night” told a legendary of Ning Que. An ordinary civilian’s struggle history. Original novel is based on a cultivation world,but more than cultivation stories. There is a prediction in this cultivation world”Ever night comes,human hell arrived”. Fresh soldier Ning Que wanted to find out and revenge the murderer who killed his family. Take his childhood friend Sang Sang to the capital. After his hard working,he became a general and leading the army defeat enemy country’s invasion.Then he found out the black hand kill his family,the boss Hao Tian planed all the stuff and robed Sang Sang away. He told Ning that Sang is the host of Ever Night, the most important part of Ever Night project. Hao Tian wanted to control Sang active Ever Night destroy the world and rebuild it to be new world’s lord. Ning Que had a duel with Hao Tian and beat him save the world. There is no Ever Night anymore, Ning and Sang left together and had a happy end.

时光教会我爱你 (TV)[2018]


时尚甜宠轻喜剧《时光教会我爱你》剧情介绍:讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟生病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。在契约的牵引下二人的恋爱正式拉开帷幕, Lin Lu 总是误打误撞闯入 Shi LianSen 的警戒区触犯界限,两人在一系列啼笑皆非、宠溺甜蜜的日常中逐渐走近彼此……

《时光教会我爱你》是由爱奇艺文学、路飞影视出品,润妍集团、青锐影业、自在传媒、中视星驰、蜂人影视、铜雀楼文化、年轮映画、思德睿传媒联合出品的时尚甜宠轻喜剧,由 S.Ireine 、 Jerry Yan 、 Leo 、 Fu Shuyang 、刘锐、王钰雯、蔡祥宇主演。

该剧改编自作家一片口香糖撰写的网络同名人气小说,讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟重病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。


Once Upon a Time (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Heavenly God Ares Mo Yuan suppression of the ghost Jun Qing Cang in the sea without any soul, soul scattered, frozen celestial body Qiyan Cave. Qing Qiu Ji Di white light with the same day the crown prince Ye Hua had a marriage contract, the two have never met each other. Until the feast in the East China Sea, Ye Hua found that even with pale and pale, the same appearance as the deceased wife, the potential into the pale green hills, put down Prince figure, in order to solve the mystery of pale and prime. Ye Jin, Princess Fei, is jealous and secretly assists the ghost queen Xuan Nv in taking away Mo Yuan Xian. White shallow fury bloody ghost clan big purple palace, seriously wounded, and finally was saved by Ye Hua. White Hua followed Ye Hua to Jiuliantian, and restored the memory through the clan lantern of the heavenly clan, recalling that she was hurt when she was the prime of life and could not forgive Ye Hua. Su Jin was fraudulently punished and sent to sea without any hate, hate from jealousy, finally crazy, use the little devout blood of Ye Hua to release Qing Cang, a monster sealed by Mo Yuan. In order to safeguard the whole world from time to time, Ye Hua will sacrifice Emperor Dongsheng to the Qing Cang Seal.

The most beautiful but early meet (TV)[2017]

Feature: Pei YanYan (played by Vicky Krieps) and Gao Song (Lee Hyun-woo (actor)) met in high school, fell in love with college, broke up in a confused university graduation season and lost seven years after they lost each other The older woman left her, and he is about to get engaged, and finally get married in the workplace. Gao Song, a university teacher and cybersecurity expert, and Pei YanYan, a media reporter, met again and again by reason of work, and the intersection of work closely linked them together. After a lapse of seven years, Gao Song found himself still deeply in love with Pei YanYan, so he broke up with his girlfriend and pursued Pei YanYan again. Faced with the return of his first love, Pei YanYan could not accept it again. Full of resentment and love each other, you want to be close to be rational or so. In order to avoid Gao Song, Pei YanYan chose to turn a blind eye to crazy work until Gao Song encounters distress and life and death. Pei YanYan understands that they love each other. After experiencing layers of torture and loyalty, such as dignity, true love and reality, Finally revisit the old dream, into a positive result.

Special Encounter (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Li TangZhen, once wrote the novel "The Star on the Chest" under the name of "Xia BaiHe" and also played an active part in the online games world with "Xia BaiHe" and met the sunshine boy Xiao Jian, a writer The admirer of "Xia BaiHe" raised his curiosity, hesitated and rebuffed his heart. However, for the first time Xiao Jian thought he was being played and depressed in the heart, he decided to retaliate. Several spoof PK challenges Later, more accidents appeared. Xiao Jian found Li TangZhen really the writer "Xia BaiHe." For Li TangZhen, the appearance of Xiao Jian seems to be a fate set for itself. It is like "Beauty Needle ", awakened himself. A special love begins.

SwardMaster (Movie)[2016]

Feature: "Excalibur vertical and horizontal thirty thousand miles, the sword of light nineteen continents," Excalibur three master Xie XiaoFeng (Lin Gengxin ornaments) Sword God. " Legendary swordsman Yan ShiSan (Peter Ho) has always been to Xie XiaoFeng as the goal, hard repair kendo, and finally realize the world at the edge of life and death weeping ghosts of the "Thirteen Thieves." All of a sudden, rivers and lakes boiling, however, just arrived in Yan ShiSan Excalibur war at the time of the meeting, to meet him, but it is three young master Xie XiaoFeng coffin. Yan ShiSan was greatly disappointed by the loss of his opponent. At this time, the mysterious woman named Jiang Yiyan appeared and told Yan ShiSan that Xie XiaoFeng did not die. To find him in battle, Yan ShiSan would have to kill her for her ...

AtCafe6 (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Green was born in a different family of ordinary people, grew up with her mother, a strong green mother after relying on little green growth. In high school, Little Green and the cutest girl, Xin Rui, talked about being in love and spent her high school career with his good friend Achi. However, the fate of the entrance exam to test a small green and heart to different schools. Between the heart and small green core, by the severe test of space distance. In college life, Little Green often go to visit the heart Rui, his intimate and delicate slowly conquered the heart of the heart core. However, the mellow beauty of love can not offset the sense of powerlessness of the distance between two people, the values ​​are gradually changing, and the feelings of the two slowly doping with other things. One day, the little green gave a birthday gift for the heart, regardless of the dangerous weather of the typhoon, and Achi rode a motorbike rushing all day, but on that day saw his most unwilling to accept the scene.

TheThirdWayOfLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Zou Yu (Liu Yifei) is a lawyer who has a successful career but suffered a marriage misfortune. Meanwhile, her sister, Zou Yue (Jia (singer)), fell into the same league as her second son, Lin QiZheng (Song Seung-heon ornaments) among the bitter love and want to commit suicide attempt. Angry Zou Yu find Lin QiZheng want justice for her sister, but found her sister is just wishful thinking, Lin QiZheng actually innocent. In an accident, Zou Yu once again met with Lin Qi Zheng. As time went on, Zou Yu's strength and kindness gradually attracted Lin Qi Zheng, an enthusiastic pursuit of which. Has always been crush on Zou Yu at the same time Gao ZhanQi (Ou Han-Sheng ornaments) warned Zou Yu away from Lin QiZheng, and Zou Yue on Lin QiZheng's infatuation and crazy also let Zou Yu on her hot feeling full of unease and hesitation. After various twists and turns, Zou Yu and Lin QiZheng finally came together, but at this moment, Lin QiZheng's childhood sweetheart Jiang XinYao (Jessie Chiang), which was blown up, plunged their feelings into turmoil again.

TimeToLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Has long been the cosmopolitan city of Beijing, living a weird little white-collar Zhang Xiaowen (Ivy Chen ornaments). She longs for a romantic love affair, but the fate of the other half has never come. One day, she unexpectedly fell into the water unexpectedly. When the small text surfaced and found himself wearing a costume, next to a strange man with a strange spell masked later mysterious person to kill, the key is a handsome handsome man rescued. Xiao Wen originally thought it was just a bizarre dream, who once woke up to find himself really crossing to the Qing Dynasty, became the brother named Ma ErTaiRuoXi. During this period, she met with 14 Yang Ge ornaments (Tony Yang ornaments) who had not yet become the emperor of Yongzheng and later joined the fight of the Crown Prince. Romantic love and the royal family situation, the text is destined to experience a legend ... ... The film is based on the novel "step by step startling" adaptation.

Sword Master (TV)[2000]

Feature: "Three young master's sword" stills June 17, the capital mutiny, Yan Wang Zhu Di led troops captured the capital, inherited the throne. Tie Xuan fled with Zhu Wenkui, a son of only seven years old, and was hunted down by a large number of masters of the Zhu Di school. In desperation, Tie Xuan and Xie XiaoFeng co-starred in a bitter plan. Tie Xuan put Prince's clothing on his own son, let Xie XiaoFeng kill himself and his son so as to make the enemy misunderstood. Prince chase. Tie ZhenZhen, a daughter of Tie Xuan, who was hiding in the reeds for unknown reasons, saw that she vowed to take revenge for her parents in the future. Tie Xuan fearless life and death, give birth to a generation, but Xie XiaoFeng since then has only anonymity, suffered humiliation, he as a protector, for justice back with infidelity and injustice infamy, his father crushed the house, his death, dying Former world rivers and lakes posted, request the world's heroes to exterminate Xie XiaoFeng; Mu RongQiuDi already pregnant, Murong family deeply shameless, Mu RongQiuDi out of the house, in turmoil Mu RongQiuDi gave birth to a son, Under his intentions, Yan ShiSan steal the baby, exile in the river. Mu RongQiuDi learned saddened. "Three young master's sword" stills Xie XiaoFeng home can not be back, there are pro can not recognize, down the country into a drunk Ji Ji, all day to accompany wine. The newborn baby was adopted by Ding Cai, who sold tofu, and named their child "Ding XiaoDi." Mu RongQiuDi married Ji Yi Wei after the conductor Ji Gang, gave birth to his daughter "Ji FuRong." More than a decade later, Ji FuRong met Xie XiaoFeng and Ding XiaoDi. Ji FuRong enjoyed Ding XiaoDi very much, but everyone did not know that Ding XiaoDi and Ji FuRong were actually half-brothers. Ten years of grinding sword, Tie ZhenZhen finally got into a stunt, after returning to the Central Plains, the only wish is to find Xie XiaoFeng revenge. However, her deepening contacts with Xie XiaoFeng made her realize that there is something more important in this world than hatred and killing. Ding XiaoDi finally got the chance to succeed, but he did not know these are the deliberate arrangements of the biological mother Mu RongQiuDi. Ji Gang hate jealousy, planning a big conspiracy, trying to catch all the opponents. Xie XiaoFeng did not want to intervene any longer, but justice and conscience prompted him to face new challenges. Therefore, a battle of open militants was launched. Several parties came to a conclusion through the contest of forces and ultimately defeated the evil of justice. The conscience averted the truth. Yan ShiSan and Ji Qing combined. Three young master Xie XiaoFeng return to Excalibur Villa, Ding XiaoDi think his mother's death and her father's hard-to-do relationship, it is recognized with his father, but left. On the Wudang Mountains, Xie XiaoFeng and Yan ShiSan talked about the past. The two applauded the agreement to conduct a "real" competition. However, they knew that the essence of fencing was not the sword itself but the accumulation of goodwill, Moral noble.

DeathDeul (Movie)[1977]

Feature: Excalibur Villa three young master Xie XiaoFeng (Er Dong Sheng ornaments) then relying on the supernatural spirit of the Sword Fame Zhenjiang, was the world as "Sword God." Youdao is a big tree attracts the wind, all the way hero in order to compete for the title of the first one after another door challenge. Already tired of the endless battle, the three young masters pretended to die, pseudonym Aggi went to the brothel to do the most humble work, where he met the beautiful girl Mary (Yu An ornaments). Helpless in order to protect the seedlings, three young master shot again, he is still living the news spread like wildfire, which led to many years ago has always wanted to fight him the best sword Yan ShiSan (Ling Yun ornaments) and was Mu RongQiuDi, whose marriage contract. Into the arena, involuntarily, bloody unavoidable ...... The film based on martial arts novels cologne classic masterpiece adaptation.

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