
"Return to 20 years old" hit Zhang Yaqin draft C-debut

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Directed by Danny Ko and Huikang Xu , Elvis Han , Hu Bingqing , and Zhang Yaqin starred in the youth idol fantasy " Return to 20 ". Zhang Yaqin plays the girl who loves music in the play, Xiang Xinran, a short curly hair, youthful and beautiful, all kinds of short skirts, hoodies, and young girls.

In the play, Zhang Yaqin's Xiang Xinran is a lively, cute, filial and sensible girl. She is also a girl with musical talent and a musical dream. As soon as you get on the stage, draw a smoky makeup, immediately open the gas field, avatar rock sweetheart. Although the mother did not support it, she secretly sang in the bar and joined the 20-year-old "grandmother" Meng Lijun (Hu Bingqing) to participate in the draft. The two men moved and won the judges' appreciation and went short.

Rock sweetheart item happy, draft C-debut

Zhang Yaqin, who was a primary school dancer, also showed a small hand in the play, and a high kick in the dance of Meng Lijun was amazing. It is reported that Zhang Yaqin took classes with the teacher during the exam. He practiced for three hours every morning, kicking each leg a thousand times, the front legs, side legs, hind legs... so stayed for half a year, and it was morning, afternoon and evening near the exam. Each kick is a thousand times. Zhang Yaqin admits that the biggest impact of dance is her persistence and hard work. Experienced such physical and spiritual double tempering, in the face of other difficulties in life, there is a more emboldened and fearless.

Fresh and lovely, netizens praised the bright girl Zhang Yaqin

"Returning to 20" is the starting point of Zhang Yaqin's acting career. Although she was slightly young when she was shooting this movie, her expression was agile and she was evaluated by the netizens as "cutely natural." From a young age, Zhang Yaqin was very interested in the characters on the TV set. It was this shooting experience that made her fall in love with the performance and decided to enter the performance school.

In the current " Swinging ", Zhang Yaqin's "Little Tail" Yalanzhu has left a deep impression on the audience with her cute and lovely personality. The love verses from time to time also make many girls. Deeply resonating. A costume, a modern, and equally lovable character, many viewers have noticed the young actress Zhang Yaqin, the full-bodied smile and natural acting have also been recognized by netizens.

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