

《降龙之白露为霜》Ep7:Bai LuSheng to negotiate with xu ziyun, Long Xiang's table of extortion

Long Xiang Very chilling Bai LuSheng To his cruelty, Bai LuSheng said he didn't want Long Xiang to be involved for his good. Alas, Bai LuSheng pulled miss Long Xiang out of sight, but miss Bai told Bai LuSheng that she was not miss man, just a flower girl. On the other hand, Mr. Zhou, who came to see Mr. Liu, said he had come to xuan city to see only Mr. Liu, and that his family genuinely wanted to work with him. Liu xuewen did not know among them trick, should laugh to entertain the assistant zhou.

The next day, Bai LuSheng came to Long Xiang with a worried face. Ya Ya 提起了 Long Xiang 的奇怪之处,若换成了往常, Long Xiang 挨徐子云这么多板子肯定闹翻天,可 Long Xiang 这次却一声不吭地挨完了所有板子。 Ya Ya 去为 Long Xiang 准备吃的, Bai LuSheng 出声跟 Long Xiang 道歉,准备将军牌还给 Long Xiang 便离开。 Long Xiang 匆忙翻身,让赶回来的 Ya Ya 拦下 Bai LuSheng 。 Bai LuSheng 深知这次是他连累了 Long Xiang ,心底里十分愧疚, Ya Ya 跟 Long Xiang 打从心底里将 Bai LuSheng 当成了一家人,既然是一家人就没有什么连累跟不连累的,二人都希望 Bai LuSheng 可以留在龙家,不要再提离开之事。 Bai LuSheng 没有说话,却也不再执意离开,看着眼前的这两个人, Bai LuSheng 空荡荡的心头添了一腔热气。从此后,拉拉扯扯,不及江湖远,不及远山长。

Xu ziyun told longshan about the affair of Long Xiang attracting miss manchu, but he concealed the matter of Bai LuSheng. The next day, xu ziyun wanted to drive away the winners. Bai LuSheng came to xu ziyun and wanted to exchange his leave for the winners. Xu ziyun refused. Bai LuSheng did not want to forget the hatred, and he also thought that full tree would not let him off lightly. He made it clear with xu ziyun, who put forward the conditions for changsheng to stay. He asked Bai LuSheng to agree to three conditions. One is that Bai LuSheng will no longer be allowed to mention the dragon brand. Two, Bai LuSheng will no longer be allowed to do things that harm the interests of the dragon family. Bai LuSheng agreed to xu ziyun's request, and several people were able to stay.Later, Bai LuSheng returned to his room to visit Long Xiang. Long Xiang was afraid that xu ziyun would drive Bai LuSheng away. Despite his injury, he wanted to get out of bed but was blocked by Bai LuSheng.

The soldiers of the manchu family demanded that the yejia hand over miss manchu, Ye ChongHu 心急如焚,不知道该怎么跟满树才交待。手下人告诉 Ye ChongHu ,满小姐根本就不是他们绑走的, Ye ChongHu 猜测这件事情只有两种可能,一是事情是刘学文所做的,二是满家找了个假小姐想要找叶家的茬。正在这时,周副官亲自来见 Ye ChongHu , Ye ChongHu 深觉满家的不好说话,他决定跟周副官一同回申海,向满树才解释清楚。

Long Xiang 看到了龙家的地界,他想要扩充龙家实力,多建几座大院。 Bai LuSheng 认为 Long Xiang 有这闲钱倒不如去修公路,建粮仓。 Long Xiang 认为 Bai LuSheng 言之有理,他准备照着 Bai LuSheng 的话做,抓几个富商来凑钱。 Bai LuSheng 一脸郑重地告诉 Long Xiang ,这事不能乱来,瑄城商人居多且十分死心眼, Long Xiang 必须让商人心甘情愿地拿出钱来。 Long Xiang 深知此事有难度, Bai LuSheng 却一人将这件事情揽了下来,准备证明给 Long Xiang 看。之后, Bai LuSheng 前来找商家的会长,称目前他们有一个爱国报家的活动,需要商会支持经费,冯会长打从心底里看不起 Bai LuSheng ,他要求 Bai LuSheng 让徐子云亲自过来跟他聊一聊。

Liu xuewen is basking in the joy of working with the manchus as he prepares to enlist the rich merchant liang of xuan city to expand the liu family's forces. At that moment, the rich merchant of liang came to deliver something to liu xuewen. He took out the invitation card given to him by Long Xiang. Liu xuewen did not agree, he believed that Long Xiang alone could not make any waves, and only let liang's rich merchant send away at will, to liang's rich merchant's money, must save for him, in the future he must have liang's rich merchant's benefits.

In the hotel, all the members of the chamber of commerce who received the invitation from Long Xiang were invited. After they had eaten Long Xiang, Long Xiang detained them and required them to give 10,000 each, otherwise they could not leave the hotel. One of the members angrily left the table, but outside had already guarded the longjia army, he did not step out of fear of the longjia army back. However, all of them had to follow the meaning of Long Xiang and let the family take the ransom for their departure. When Bai LuSheng heard the news, he hurried to the hotel. He said with a headache that Long Xiang had been in trouble. Long Xiang said that he had earned 100,000 yuan a night. The alleged extortion of Long Xiang had spread to the city of xuan, and the next day, when Long Xiang came out of the dragon's house, he was reviled by the people.

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