
《ToAdvanceTowordsTheFire》Ep15:Episode 15

Lei ZiFeng was seriously injured and was rescued by Liu JianGong et al. Shang GuanYuFei and others take good care of Lei ZiFeng every day. One day everyone discussed Lei ZiFeng being arrested, saying Zhu BanShan was the most suspect. Shi GanDang et al. Listed Zhu BanShan's suspicions one by one. For example, they easily escaped from the Japanese army. For example, when Zhu BanShan left the cottage by accident and the Japanese troops attacked the cottage after the Japanese army attacked the fox peak. The face of the crowd enumerated various questions about Zhu BanShan. Lei ZiFeng's foolish assertion that Zhu BanShan is innocent, but his heart has begun to waver. Lei ZiFeng has always been rebellious during the recuperation process, and is not willing to allow Ling Long to coat his wound with herbs. Ling Long had to resort to Shang GuanYuFei last resort. Shang GuanYuFei mind, to make a special trip for Lei ZiFeng designed a red mask, in order to ease Lei ZiFeng mouth injury. Lei ZiFeng covered his mouth always refused to hand down at night when eating. On the side of Shang GuanYuFei saw Lei ZiFeng masks, Lei ZiFeng had no choice but to release his hand to drive away, so that his mouth will be exposed red masks, everyone see Lei ZiFeng mouth of the red mask, could not help but burst laugh. Zhu BanShan has a common hatred with Lei ZiFeng. His brother died after Lei ZiFeng. Therefore, Zhu BanShan tried his best to get the order of Lei ZiFeng. Prior to using Lei ZiFeng to go to Wangjiazhuang to rescue the people. Although Lei ZiFeng was captured, she was eventually rescued by the Eighth Route Army. Therefore, Zhu BanShan hated the Eighth Route Army and Lei ZiFeng. Wondering how to destroy Lei ZiFeng et al. Ikeda will be a copy of the report handed over to the front of the eight, eight took a look immediately crying, the contents of the battlefield is the brother died of the message. Ikeda took the opportunity to inspire eight, if you really want to die, but also to die on the battlefield. Zhu BanShan was promoted by Ikeda to become a puppet leader and Ikeda inspected Ding DaSheng's unit on that day. Ask what should be done next. Ding DaSheng given the advice is immobile. Waiting for Lei ZiFeng and others on the hook. Unexpectedly finished, was immediately reprimanded by the eight heavy meal. Eight think Ding DaSheng is afraid of death, so I was willing to stay in the city. At this moment, Zhu BanShan gave an opinion: Lei ZiFeng and others were able to occupy a long time in Xiakou Village, mainly because the surrounding villages provided support for Lei ZiFeng and others. As long as the grain in the surrounding villages is destroyed, Lei ZiFeng et al. Ikeda thought Zhu BanShan's plan was great and he immediately called troops to villages for burning and looting. In the process of looting, papaya had intended to burn people's food can be. Zhu BanShan aside to persuade eight to exterminate the roots, incidentally, the villagers were killed. Eight listened to Zhu BanShan's suggestion and carried out a massacre of villagers in each village. The news reached Lei ZiFeng and others ears, Hou Zi anxious spot to find the Japanese desperately. Lei ZiFeng stopped Hou Zi, persuading them not to impulse. At this moment, Liu JianGong suggested opening a meeting to discuss how to attack the Japanese troops. Lei ZiFeng favored Liu JianGong's suggestion and a pedestrian returned quickly to the meeting.

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