
《ToAdvanceTowordsTheFire》Ep14:Episode 14

In this way, Lei ZiFeng, a bandit native, and Liu JianGong, an Eighth Route Army native, lived together for the time being, but neither side considered each other dislike. In a chat Lei ZiFeng's men invited Liu JianGong's tall men to join bandit Chen Ying. Was the man's blunt refusal. Lei ZiFeng is also extremely dissatisfied with this. Private also hope Shang GuanYuFei join bandits Chen Ying. But the same was rejected. Liu JianGong knew that Lei ZiFeng was also an anti-Japanese patriotic person and invited each other to join the Eighth Route Army. Lei ZiFeng did not want to join the Eighth Route Army, instead inviting Liu JianGong to join the bandit camp. They deadlocked, they deliberately throw beans to solve the problem. Under the men who want to talk to whom, throw a bean in the bowl. The result stone followed Shang Guan YuFei's choice to follow Liu JianGong. While Fatton and Ling Long choose to follow Lei ZiFeng. Two gangs of people act separately, agreeing a month after the team who win the largest number, the largest number of Japanese soldiers killed, who can become the other leader. The method used by Liu JianGong is to educate the people with all their heart and soul, to educate the common people on ideological and political lessons, cultivate patriotism, and denounce the Japanese aggression. Although the words are heated. The respondents are few and far between. The way Lei ZiFeng used was to sing drums and drums in the village to shout and recruit people. There are few respondents. Lei ZiFeng see the villagers did not respond to their call, the moment of inspiration, led a few men caught two puppet troops. The two puppet troops were then brought back to the village to prove that they were anti-Japanese troops. I hope villagers will join their own organization. Sure, the villagers hate the roots of pseudo-army itch. I saw two puppets appeared in the village. The whole village people came out from their homes, kicked insult to the puppet army. Taking advantage of the rising emotions of the villagers, Lei ZiFeng called for everyone to join his organization and fight Japan later. The move really effective, there are several villagers have said they want to join Lei ZiFeng team together to resist Japan. Lei ZiFeng escorted the two puppet troops to a desolate mountain range. The two puppet troops knew their lives would not be guaranteed. They were terrified to kneel down on the ground and they were also crying gods and sorrows. Lei ZiFeng saw his heart moved, ordering his men to let go of two puppet troops.

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