
Youth without taste' features an animation that both chinese and japanese audiences can enjoy.

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" Youth without taste, As the first producer of Japanese animation studio CoMix Wave Films, the Japanese animation studio CoMix Wave Films has made many audiences look forward to it very much. They will also be curious about how this work, which is jointly created by the Chinese and Japanese animation teams, was made. Today, the film released a special production to share the wonderful behind - the - scenes creation of youth without taste. It is reported that the film was created by Leo Lee ling, the founder of picture dream animation, director yi xiaoxing, Makoto Shinkai Directed by the master of the imperial CG, ryoku takenei will launch the national art federation special line on August 4.

Make a special show. & have spent The Japanese team is dedicated to creating Chinese youth

This public behind-the-scenes production special reveals many production details of youth without taste. The three directors, together with the director of painting supervision, guishi xiamura and the bridge, came out in droves to share with the audience the difficulties and expectations of long animation creation. When asked about the difficulties in the production process, the two painting supervisors both said, "we don't know China, and it's easy to paint Japan without paying attention in the process of creation, so we need to be careful." According to various materials exposed by youth without taste, there is a strong Chinese youth nostalgia in the animation, which shows the sincerity of the Japanese team.

In the special, ryoko takanaka revealed that this time, he is trying to create animation in a way that both Japanese and Chinese people can understand, hoping that both audiences can enjoy it. Leo Lee ling expressed his expectation for "youth without taste". "our work is very special this time. The Japanese animation production matches the Chinese background, which reflects the more down-to-earth clothes, food, shelter and travel in China.

The sino-japanese cooperation model upgrades & NBSP; & have spent The Chinese team retains memories of being torn apart

"It's really an emotion of childhood, adolescence and youth, a lot of parts of my life." & have spent First animation director Yi Xiaoxing described the creation of the content for themselves and Leo Lee ling, tells the story about the youth without taste, "more profound meaning," the basic materials of shikumen house have been torn down, and also good to complete it before we open appearance, also through the animation to make it in the form of case forever there."

"Five centimeters in a second," "the court of words and leaves," "your name." These well-received works represent the strength of CoMix Wave Films studio as a top animation team, which produced most of Makoto Shinkai's classic animation works. The studio's invitation to produceYouth without taste,this time also represents an upgrade of the sino-japanese cooperation model, from the simple outsourcing and joint development of animation cooperation in the past to the leading role of the Chinese team this time. This new model proves that the cooperation between China and Japan in the animation industry is getting deeper and more diversified, and the mutual awareness and demands are being updated with each other.

It is reported, painted by the Shanghai culture communication co., LTD., ili outstanding industry co., LTD., bilibili product, Japanese animation studio CoMix Wave control-insistent pang make grinders, Beijing set up culture media co., LTD., joint production of a full-length animation "youth without taste" (title in Japan: "poetry season organizations"), on August 4, in the national arts couplet line.

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