
Tong bing yu' son of heaven 'amplifies recruitment of female zhuge tian miaowen and xu haiqiao

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Star connection September 13Recently, by the Xu Haiqiao , Tong Bing Yu starring Son of Heaven "" is in hot air on tencent video. Tong Bing Yu's tian mi-wen, a martial arts double, has attracted online attention since her appearance. And this week's long-awaited miss tian, a combination of beauty and domineering power, is on the show again.

In the broadcast, tian appeared in red, with a white veil covering her face and continued to serve as xu's "behind-the-scenes guide". She teaches xu boyi to fight against ye xiaotian, which is a wonderful move. What impresses most is tian mianxian's gentle lifting of the white gauze to xu boyi saying that "I will definitely help you fly Teng - da Huang ", in a gentle yet domineering tone, with an elegant smile that strikes the heart.Tong Bing Yualso will tian mi-wen's domineering and charming, witty and chengfu performance is very good, minute circle fan countless.

Tian was even more curious about ye when she heard about him from xu boyi time and again. When will she be able to go head-to-head with ye, who has been hiding behind the scenes? A battle between smart people and smart people? Everything is wonderful in Son of Heaven. Let's wait and see.

Click to see: The plot ofSon of Heavenis introduced

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