
Qi Men Dun Jia' Film Critic: Tsui Hark Yuen Woo-ping Redefinition of domestic martial arts films!

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On December 15, Star Relations joined the Oscars in organizing the online 3D fantasy martial arts drama " Qi Men Dun Jia " at the Oscars in Shanghai International Cinema. The film was directed by Yuen Woo-ping , producer of Tsui Hark , Dong Chengpeng ( Dong Chengpeng ) , Ni Ni , Aarif Rahman , Zhou Dongyu , Wu Bai , Liu Yan (actress) and other stars. In the evildoer rampage, astronomical chaos era, the invasion of alien monsters come. At this time Triad Underworld mysterious organization "Qi Men Dun Jia" mysterious organization "fog hidden door" to come forward, the leader boss (Wu Bai ornaments), disciples Ching Wan Chu-ko (Dong Chengpeng ornaments), iron dragonfly (Ni Ni ornaments) and the fog hidden seven people and so on. On the other hand, when Ching Wan Chu-ko enlisted the search for a new generation of small circle head (Zhou Dongyu ornaments), the newly-promoted sharp-cut knife Aarif Rahman was also implicated in the rescue of iron dragonflies. For a time, the ups and downs of waves, the war of good and evil between "Heaven and Earth" and "fog hidden door" is about to trigger, a new fantasy crisis is coming ......


"Qi Men Dun Jia" compared with the original 1982, except for the title exactly the same, the other is brand new, this time Yuen Woo-ping director and Tsui Hark redefined the martial arts, the whole movie really exudes the feeling of the 80s and 90s , The story into a demon (aliens) invasion, Fog hidden door all the members desperate resistance, the last use of Fog door, the door left the opportunity to successfully beat the demons story.


Dong Chengpeng Dong Chengpeng plays Ching Wan Chu-ko in the "Qi Men Dun Jia," one after another with the beauty of the three peerless beauty have entangled. Fog hidden doors have a door rules, can not be passionate, must be slapped each other after the emotion, the deeper the feelings, the more hard the fan. Fog hidden doors there is a door entry rules, new disciples, Fog hidden door members one foot before they can teach. Both of these are the joys of the Foggy Door.

 Dong Chengpeng

The small circle played by Zhou Dongyu is the secret weapon of fog hidden door. The new fog hidden door, a cosmic man from extraterrestrials, is a very large and very cool bird that can make use of his ability to make all things in the world Recovery rebirth.

 Zhou Dongyu

Ni Ni iron dragonfly plays, is a standard chivalrous woman, with Ching Wan Chu-ko, knife should be long and small round of a love affair.

 Ni Ni

Aarif Rahman played the sword should be long, is a catch fast, always catch the wrong person, in order to save the iron dragonfly broken hands and feet, and finally abandoned by the Yamen, iron dragonfly pity knife should be long and bring him back to the fog door , Get a fortune, gain divine power (do not listen to the command of a hand and a leg).

 Aarif Rahman

Liu Yan (actress) plays a big nose is an octopus (extraterrestrial tentacle strange), style million, or a message machine. Big noses before and after makeup is also a joke, bring the audience bursts of joy.

 Ni Ni

The movie has many faces, such as Mo Tse , the elder ghost actor, the son of Jet Li in "The New Shaolin Wuzu" and later the TV series "The Legend of Shaolin Temple " and the movie " TheTakingOfTigerMountain ".

The movie presents the ancient customs, such as the style of nosy large nose, alien invasion of the alias, also known as the monster, has been integrated into life, do all walks of life have, Qi Men Dunjia Yuan Yuan has shown a solid foundation , Is indeed a man who has done martial arts guidance in Hollywood, "Qi Men Dun Jia," there are a lot of "lying fire Cang Long", "Martial Arts Empire" traces of martial arts with Tsui Hark effects addition, the plot is clever combination, to show you A wonderful story of the river pictures of Qingming and Riverside of Qingming.

 Zhou Dongyu

"Qi Men Dun Jia" as a whole is a body (Fog hidden doors) in the ancient story of the fight against alien creatures (demons), but the story in ancient times, so have the ancient Chinese fantasy show, easy to surgery, , Because the story requires two men and two main hostess in breaking hands and feet, died after the resurrection victory, Yuen Woo-ping director also added eggs, in order to lead the next paving the way. The overall highlights, full of fighting drama is also a standard martial arts film, and with the surprise guest of Liu Yan (actress) and Xiaoming Huang , the audience's surprise Hohhot laughter has proved it all.


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