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Jin Xie TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jin Xie Works 15 ,And Feature 10 ,Sports 2 ,War 2 ,Romance 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Biopic 1 ,戏曲1 。

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Jin Xie Filmography(15)


zhong er 传奇 (TV)[2019]


Zhong Er 传奇》又名《 Zhong Er 传》讲述了春秋五霸之一的晋文公 Zhong Er ( Longhua Wang 饰)自幼饱读诗书,谦虚而好学,爱护身边的人,很多有才华的人士都愿意跟随着他。 Zhong Er 一心爱国,才华横溢,治理国家有很多的办法,但却被朝中奸党们排斥陷害。 Li Ji ( Madina Memet 饰)预谋要立奚齐为太子,便陷害现太子 Shen Sheng ( Purba Rgyal 饰),太子 Shen Sheng 上吊自尽后, Li Ji 又诬陷 Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu ( Zhang Yishan 饰), Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu 不得已逃跑。 Jin XianGong ( Kai Tan 饰)因两位公子不辞而别,认为他们有阴谋,就派公使 Bo Di 讨伐。 Zhong Er 被迫流亡,长达十余载。流亡期间, Zhong Er 曾多次被追杀,迫使他不断奔走于各诸侯国之间;这期间他饱尝人间冷暖,但同时也深刻体察民情,以至于 Zhong Er 掌权后注重民生,坚持秉持仁政,对其他诸侯国以诚相待,恩威并施。最终 Zhong Er 得以返国。 Zhong Er 当政后励志强国,精心图治,福祉于民;百姓安居乐业,天下安定太平;文治武功,昭明后世,显达千秋,最终称霸了中原 。


Hand in hand life (TV)[2005]

Feature: Ma Nozhuang, a story of "Hand in Hand", has been flooded by the rolling Yellow River over the past several years in history, just like any village on the Yellow River beach. However, the villagers still cling to their own homes, raising the foundations of the houses again and again and planting them according to the season. In this impoverished village, there is an unfortunate family. Due to her mother's inheritance, all five children in the family have varying degrees of "progressive muscular dystrophy." Among them, Ma WenZhong, the youngest one, is the most seriously ill. He is the cleverest and best academic child in his family, and his father, who is a teacher, loves him so much. 80 years Ma WenZhong first test results into rural high school, only three months, the original activities of the legs suddenly can no longer stand up the TV hand in hand photos. He had to drop out halfway. Ma WenZhong self-study high school at home. When the teacher is his dream, he is obliged to substitute for the elementary school in the village. Every day from school to class, he spent a lot of time moving between school and home, or even crawling until it was completely impracticable. His illness is getting worse, muscle atrophy is still exacerbated. What made him suffer not only the torture of the body but the frustration of spiritual pursuits, once again he bid farewell to the school where he was dreaming. Ma WenZhong thought of committing suicide. However, he finally defeated himself, with astonishing courage and perseverance, with a persistent pursuit of the value of life, and decided to run a "Hope Primary School" in his home specializing in poor students and drop-in students. This decision aroused uproar in Ma family. Such a family full of people with disabilities, such a poor family, school possible? With the full support of my father, the shabby school finally got into operation. Ma WenZhong looked for students all the time, but it attracted even more suspicion and sarcasm. Finally find a school which did not accept the troublemaker, "Hope Primary School" officially started class. Gradually, the number of students increased to eight. Ma WenZhong published a "Recruitment Inspiration" in the youth magazine, eager to find a companion to talk about his feelings and how hard he needs to understand, care and help. Gu QingYu, a white girl from Mackoukou Village, Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, is intelligent, cheerful and capable. After graduating from high school, she was raising pigs and raising ducks at home, doing business in cultivating fry, and advocating the contracting down of her father for the collective caretakers. When Gu QingYu saw the announcement of Ma WenZhong, admired him for being disabled and started writing correspondence with him. Gradually, Gu QingYu was touched by the spirit and deeds of Ma WenZhong and attracted by Ma WenZhong's graceful writing style and charisma. She wanted to personally confirm Ma WenZhong and his Hope Primary School. Gu QingYu resolutely left the beautiful hometown, family members get along day and night, aside their wealthy life, toward the Yellow River. When the young and beautiful Gu QingYu appeared in Ma Yezhuang, he appeared in the courtyard of Ma's family. Ma WenZhong's family, school children and village folks were shocked. On the seventh day, Gu QingYu rejected Ma WenZhong's request that her father send her back to Hunan. She should take Ma WenZhong's hand and work together to realize her dream. The wedding was held in a small courtyard of a horse.For the past 16 years, Gu QingYu and Ma WenZhong have worked together hard to cultivate batches of the Yellow River children. The school has also increased from the first eight students to more than 200 students, building a new hope Primary school became Ma WenZhong couple's biggest dream ......

Womens volleyball on the 9th (Movie)[2001]

Feature: The story happened in the early 90s. The energetic Gao Bo coaches at a women's soccer team at a Japanese club. When he looked at the booming Japanese women's football training, think about his coaching once forced to disband a provincial women's team, my heart is not the taste. Gao Bo declined to resume the Japanese side to return immediately, he proposed to reorganize the women's football. With the full support of old classmate Zhu Hong, director of Hongfeng Electric Appliance Factory, Gao Bo made a military order to the Sports Commission: won the National League title in three years. Former women's team members were struggling. Captain Luo Tian felt that the dream of football had come to pass and married her daughter, Zorro, with a former fencing team member. Midfielder Tian Xiaodong selling fish in the vegetable market, goalkeeper A Mu even work can not find, run into a wall. When Gao Bo came back to reorganize the women's football team, Gao Bo coached the team members, passionate and gathered from all directions to the team. Rough training venues, a shortage of training funds, and family members do not understand, can not stop their determination to return to the pitch. And Gao Bo reorganization of women's football is an important decision to boldly use the main force has just given birth to children Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian can become the soul of the book one by one steep striker burden it? Luo Tian Gao Bo in the inspiration In the bottom of my heart to revive the ideal fire of the Chinese women's football career rekindled. Luo Tian returned to the mountain grandmother home, please grandma to help her daughter weaning. However, Luo Tian Yi no return to another episode of women's football. Is the "secret love" of Gao Bo, who was deeply buried by her girlhood, but the unification of "family" and "football", her husband "Zorro" who was engaged in business with the sea, opposed her to choose football again, which made her marriage crisis a crisis , Once left home to Gao Gau disappointed. Gao Bo's wife and doctor Shan E returned from Japan when Gao Bo did not discuss with her, and the reorganization of women's and women's teams was very dissatisfied and wary of frequent contacts with Gao Bo and Zhu Yin. Eventually, Good go to Japan procedures. "Backyard fire" is an unexpected blow to Gao Bo. However, the twists and turns of emotions, the family crisis did not frustrate Gao Bo, Luo Tian and women's team members in the technical and hard-working training to make contributions to the team, and in an international competition, they defeated the host Japan Team, won the championship. At a reception in a Tokyo restaurant, Gao Bo enjoyed a smooth drink with women's team members. Women returned from the country, due to Hongfeng Electric Factory by the impact of the market economy, operating difficult, withdraw the sponsorship of women's football. The Sports Commission had to make the decision of suspending the training of women football once again. Women's volleyball girls hanging out of tears. Where does the hope of the women's football team go? The Chinese women's team played in the World Cup and won the runner-up. Los Angeles Rose Bowl stadium in the voices, passionate. In the splendid record of Chinese women's football, although there is no Luo Tian, ​​Tian Xiaodong, A Mu them, but their footprints are also engraved on the Chinese women's football in the hard way towards the world ... ... again and again the women's football together, deduced An ordinary and touching story, in exchange for touching love, beautiful friendship, noble spirit.

OldManAndHisDog (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Good-natured Xing LaoHan alone, unsurpassed, leisure time is always squatting in the pick-up his smoker pudding pot, the elderly there is a most obedient rhubarb dogs, they are dependent on this rural northwest, Down is also enjoyable. Suddenly, one day, a woman who claimed to be a woman and woman among those who flee from the neighboring provinces came to Xing LaoHan's house and Xing LaoHan, a kind-hearted man, took her. The annual old man finally got a real "home", from the old man full of red, full of energy. It turned out that women and women are rich peasants ingredients, she is stolen out, there are old mother and a child at home, women and children to give them back to food. Xing LaoHan and women are inseparable, the old man advised her not to go back and let her pick the children also. But the woman and daughter received a letter from home, or when the old man went out alone. Xing LaoHan is home to people when they go home. The old man hopes women and women can come back all day long, but only happy memories and old yellow dog accompany him. For the so-called food-saving, the County Working Party killed a rhubarb dog accompanying the old man's day. The spirit of the old man completely collapsed. On a cold winter, Xing LaoHan's chimney did not smoke the past ... ...

BellofPurityTemple (Movie)[1992]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan and Japan's defeat, the army nurse Da Dao Hezi left behind a grave and was thrown into the grass by Japanese troops as luggage when fleeing China. Yang JiaoDaNiang came back from the outer village, hesitating again and again, or made a goodwill to bring this Japanese baby home. Uncle Kang Sen wounded the Japanese in war and opposed adoption. Hu Lu, dumb son, is not happy either. Forbidden, aunt let her daughter Xiu Xiu put the child on the road juncture. Can be noon, Xiu Xiu tears and hugged the child back. She loves this child. Since then, the child named "dog baby" became the grandson of Yang JiaoDaNiang. Dogs grow up day by day, grow smart and considerate. Hu Lu actually liked him. Hu Lu and the villagers went out to the mountain to repair the railway, the dog waving his face to call his father. In an accident, Hu Lu died, the dog never saw his father back. Aunt and Xiu Xiu went to Hu Lu in the distance, sending tears to her dog Niu JinChuan. Later, Yang JiaoDaNiang know that the dog doll in the home of cattle suffer from hunger, the dog back home. Ancestor aging, subsidized home, Xiu Xiu married in exchange for a bride price. Yang JiaoDaNiang had to give the dog baby Qingliang Abbot. Twenty years later, a Chinese Buddhist delegation visited Japan. Ming JingFaShi's life aroused the attention of Da DaoHeZi. A silk belt ties together the three decades of lost biological life. Der Spiel affectionately called his life for the first time shouting "Mom." However, he returned to his hometown of China by plane and the bells at Cheongnyangsaol have become part of his life.

HibiscusTown (Movie)[1986]

Feature: In the early 1960s, Hu Yuanyin, a hard-working and industrious young woman in Furong, Xiangxi, set up a rice tofu stall with her husband, Li GuiGui. Although it is a small business, but the gas, business is booming. As a result, Li GuoXiang, the state-run restaurant manager, got revenge. Hu YuYin and his wife built up a new tile-roofed house with labor income, attracting more attention. After the "Siqing" movement started, Li Guo-xiang became the team leader. Hu YuYin family was classified as new rich peasants, new homes have also been seized. Gu YanShan, director of grain stations who helped them and Li ManGeng, secretary of the party branch, were all censored and censored. Wang QiuShe, the lazy man, became the object of the campaign. After Gui Gui was forced to commit suicide, Hu YuYin became a rich peasant widow and was bullied everywhere. After the "Cultural Revolution" began, Wang QiuShe became a branch secretary and Li GuoXiang was ousted. Hu YuYin swept the streets every day with rightist Qin ShuTian. Qin ShuTian gave her sincere care and assistance. The two gradually developed feelings and desperately fell in love with each other. At this point Li GuoXiang's problem suddenly solved, she is also a number of positions, prestigious. After Hu YuYin was pregnant, Qin ShuTian asked Wang QiuShe to approve their marriage registration. Unexpectedly, the accident was so great that Qin ShuTian was sentenced to 10 years 'imprisonment and Hu YuYin was sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment. She endured humiliation, struggling for survival. Unattended childbirth, thanks to Gu YanShan stopped a military vehicle, sent her to the liberation of Jun Yi hospital, only to save the lives of mothers and children. The turmoil has finally come to an end. Qin ShuTian and Hu YuYin were thoroughly rehabilitated. They started the Hu Kemi tofu shop and started their new life straight up. Li GuoXiang rose again, wang QiuShe crazy beat the gong, croaking weakly: "exercise! ..."

WreathsattheFootoftheMountain (Movie)[1984]

Feature: On the eve of the self-defense counterattack on the eve of his return to self-defense, he relied on his mother's relationship with Wu Shuang for the purpose of curve transfer and temporarily delegated to a deputy referee who has been elected for nine consecutive terms. . Liang SanXi, a company commander of the company, has been allowed to return home to visit relatives and his wife, Yuxiu, is about to give birth. Zhao MengSheng is restless and rushing around all day to mobilize. Liang SanXi reluctantly delays his job; However, nine connected to the order to go to the front line, Liang SanXi lost the opportunity to visit relatives, but Zhao MengSheng received back to the city transfer order, all the soldiers in an uproar, Liang SanXi Solemn rebuked Zhao MengSheng fled shameful behavior, the pressure of public opinion forced Zhao MengSheng on the front line. In spite of the military emergency, Wu Shuang used the dedicated telephone on the front line and demanded that Chief Lei be removed from the front line and was immediately condemned and even scolded by Chief Lei. Jiulian served as interspersed tasks in the fierce battle, one comrades-in-arms die for the country, Lei Jun's only son, "Little Beijing" was killed due to stinky bomb; Jin KaiLai courageous enemy, to horny comrades engage in " Battle "inadvertently stepped on the mine died; near the end of the battle, Liang SanXi sacrifice to cover Zhao MengSheng ... ... Zhao MengSheng in the baptism of blood and fire has stood the test of post-war; when cleaning up the relics of comrades-in-arms , Liang SanXi left a claim to the family to return 620 yuan owed bills, so that Zhao MengSheng shocked. The families of the martyrs have come to the resident, Liang SanXi's mother and Yu Xiu pensions and pigs in exchange for money, paid off due to family difficulties to his comrades borrowed debt, this noble move shocked, including Wu Shuang, Lei Junchang, Zhao MengSheng, and the soldier's mind. On the occasion of his departure, Zhao MengSheng and his comrades in arms burst into tears and marched to the families of the martyrs with their highest salute.

Q IU jin (Movie)[1984]

Feature: In 1901, the gloomy bells ring over Beijing. Qiu Jin, who just came into the capital with her husband, witnessed a very heavy loss of Beijing under the iron cloop of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Xin Chou treaty ink was dry, the Qing court has been peace and prosperity. Qiu Jin's husband Wang Zifan and friends among them, living a life-long dream. With her poetry expression and her husband's abusiveness, Qiu Jin is determined to wash away the heavy, painless young children. With the help of female calligrapher Wu ZhiYing, she goes east to study in Japan and seeks for the truth of saving the nation and saving the nation. Qiu Jin studied famously in Japan, she and Xu XiLin, Chen Boping clap alliance, determined to overthrow the rule of the Qing Dynasty and devotion. Under Xu XiLin's introduction, he again met the author and revolutionary of the long-awaited "Alarm Bell." Under the beautiful Mount Fuji, four like-minded revolutionary cults talked about heroic feelings. The Japanese government wants to limit the freedom of Chinese students with the "Rules for Banning Illegal Students". Students are filled with indignation and protest. Generous speech, autumn pride proposal to set up death squads. However, there are also foreign students who are willing to be minions, and they are facing a breakdown. Extremely angry, throw themselves into the sea life to wake the common people. Soon, Qiu Jin resolutely returned to China, before leaving, his appointment to the task. When Qiu Jin returned to Shanghai, she met her mother and passed away, accompanied by her best friend Xu Ji Chen. Kneeling in front of her mother grave, silently salute. Since then, she carefree, bent on the revolutionary cause. To bid for the China Women's Newspaper, Wu ZhiYing donated money for her dinner. Xu JiChen sold her property and raised money for her, making her deeply touched by Qiu Jin. However, she was lonely because of her disagreement with Wu ZhiYing on the issue of the fate of the motherland. To develop the revolutionary forces, Qiu Jin took over the supervision of Chase School. She returned to Shaoxing, her hometown, and met Gui Fu, a prefectural government, and prepared for the establishment of a physical education department and a live-ammunition exercise. Together with Wang JinFa, the backbone of the Kuomintang, she has liaised with various non-profit wuhan parties to expand their armed forces and prepare for the intifada of the two provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui. Seemingly new to Shaoxing School Hu DaoNan helped Qiu Jin acquire firearms and report on Qiu Jin's activities. Xu XiLin assassinated in Ming in Anhui incident, Qiu Jin was strictly arrested. Wang JinFa arrived and Chang Tong, to Qiu Jin withdrawal. Qiu Jin handed over the membership list and the sword to Wang JinFa in order to maintain the revolutionary power. New Army fired into the gun, Qiu Jin calmly, proud and stand. Qiu Jin, Qiu Jin righteousness awe-inspiring, like Xiang arrow, Prince Fong rushed to find out, the governor ordered to Qiu Jin on-site Fa-rectification. Qiu Jin solemnly pen, wrote the absolute word, gave his own life for the revolution.

A, cradle (Movie)[1979]

Feature: In 1947, dozens of children in the Yan'an Nursing School left their biological parents and the nurses led the retreat from Yan'an fire. Our commander-in-chief Xiao Hanping received an order from his superior to recruit battalion teacher Li Nan from the front line to send her and guard Ding Dayong to find and escort these children to the liberated areas. Each of these children has a different experience: bright father has been sacrificed, mother wounded, at stake; Dandan is an orphan; students were born in the hospital after the mother was born in the nursery; winter parents are fighting in front ... ... the old Luo GuiTian from the Red Army, Zhao YuXia from the Northern Shaanxi Province, and Xiang Zhu from 14-year-old caregiver paid all their love for protecting and bringing these revolutionary seedlings to life. Li Nan found them, saw the team mother and child, dragged on, feel better than the troops to fight the war. Past painful experience also made her avoid the love of children. On the beacon of the ancient Great Wall, Li Nan, who saw the loss of his wife and son during the war, was full of confidence in his life. Although he assumed the responsibility, his presence with the children seemed so real that he showed Children love sincerely. Especially when she was informed of the death of a bright mother, think of her exhortations, Li Nan's heart is even more touched. In the nursery and the large forces broke up, Xiaohan Ping said to her affection, she avoided. Why did she do this? Before Luo GuiTian sacrifice, she revealed to him the truth. Luo GuiTian like her father to help her eliminate the deep pain of the heart. Finally, in recognition of the nursery, the children affectionately called Li Nan "Mother Lee." Bright with Li Nan mother, another Xiaohanping father. Other children also find their own home.

Qingchun (Movie)[1977]

Feature: Ya Mei, a farmer's daughter growing in Emerald Ridge, has been deaf and dumb for thirteen years. People's Liberation Army medical teams came to the village. Dr. Xiang Hui was carefully treated by Ya Mei, bringing her back to her hearing and opening his mouth. Thanks to the Party and Chairman Mao, Mei Mei gave her a new life and hoped to contribute her life to the revolution. With the help of Xiang Hui, Ya Mei put on a uniform. Ya Mei's good friend, A Yan, was not at ease with her job and wanted to study medicine. Ya Mei criticized her and the two had a gap. With the help of Instructor Ling Xue, the two returned to good. In the grade test, Ya Mei took the wrong call and Cai FangCheng wanted to transfer her to do other work. Si LingYuan learned of this and persuaded Cai FangCheng to keep Ya Mei in the class. Xiang Hui is an old Red Army who has suffered injuries during the fighting and has been suffering from overwork due to long-term devotion to work. Her revolutionary spirit inspired all the people around her. Ya Hui was deeply touched by the presence of sickness to participate in the test of new weapons and equipment. She filled in with enthusiasm to join the volunteer book. The condition deteriorated and the Central Party Central sent a helicopter to Beijing for treatment. Tears were sent away by her. During the fierce fighting, Ya Mei held his post and used his ears and voice to convey the command war command. He also sent the good news of victory to Beijing. The battle is over, Ya Mei ...

Chunmiao (Movie)[1975]

Feature: The story happened on the eve of the Cultural Revolution in 1965. Women Captain Chun Miao (Li Xiuming) could not understand the power of health care held by people with bourgeois ideology, she volunteered to study at the commune health center in order to learn to return to the village to serve the poor middle peasants. With the help of Dean Du WenJie (Bai Mu ornaments) and doctor Qian JiRen (Fung Kei ornaments), she paints her expertise with the help of Fang Ming (Shichang Da) Or let her angrily left the hospital. After returning to the village, Chun Miao, with the support of the party branch, made a barefoot doctor in the village clinic. In 1966, after the Cultural Revolution, Du WenJie out of unscrupulous purpose, in the commune to run a barefoot doctor training classes, Chun Miao and other village barefoot doctors exposed Du WenJie's conspiracy, Touyu shame, secret poisoning Murder Shui ChangBo (Kao Po-cheong ornaments), and blame Chun Miao, Chun Miao saw Du trick ...

Rocky Bay (Movie)[1975]

Feature: The story took place on the eve of 1963 National Day. China's southeast coast fishing port Rocky Bay, found a vain attempt to steal the board. Under the leadership of the local military and civilian defense headquarters, and together with the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the rock formations of the Panshiwan militiamen have completely, completely and cleanly wiped out a spy of vain attempt to steal the land. Rocky Bay militia commander Lu ZhangHai, a demobilized soldier who, with great hatred of the class enemy, was highly alert to a suspicious scabbard and judging sharply that this was a fledgling attempt by Hei TouSha Voucher. He relied on the masses and gained the adventures of the enemy by planning to get the knife spiked together by the knife. The sudden disappearance of Qiu ErNeng, a Tibetan herd man who had hidden the seafarers, created a situation of urgency. At this crucial moment, Lu ZhangHai, with her class affection, educated the suffering class brother Hai Gen with her tears and tears, quickly mastered the whereabouts of Qiu ErNeng, made correct judgments that the enemy might divert and changed her battle in time deploy. Lu ZhangHai's wife Qiao Lian, nostalgia for small family life, the idea of ​​paralysis, lost his vigilance, almost fooling around to pretend to borrow the spy agent. Qiao Lian's mother, Ceng APo, a bitter and cautious old fisherman, polishes Qiao Lian's eyes by revealing her enemies and leads Qiao Lian to heroically fight with the spies. Young pioneer A Tuan, led by Ceng APo, took the news tree up the mountain and alerted the militia. Unfortunately, they encountered the bandits and were caught in the cave. Lu ZhangHai and female militia platoon leader Yun Yun led the militiamen into the hole, going through all hardships and bravely fighting, rescuing A Tuan and annihilating the enemy. The remaining two bandit leaders, embarked on the cliff, fled to the Spratly Cay on the high seas. Lu ZhangHai full of loyalty with the people, loyal to the motherland of a red heart, regardless of body scars, jump the sea chase the enemy. On the Maltese Cay encountered two bandit leaders. Lu ZhangHai With a high degree of wit and courage, the coastal defense militia, calmly, calmly confront each other. On the one hand, he used Ding Wenzhai, the enemy's commander-in-chief to shake up his position of contradictions and policies, attacked and disintegrated his division and lured all enemy enemy two detachments on the high seas to lead the reef. On the other hand, Wrapped lights, as a warning signal, provoke the Chinese People's Liberation Army and militia who are searching for enemy tracks and wiped out all these stolen bandits. The victory of the Shiwan Bay army and civilians in annihilating the special acts of looting these pilferers is a glorious victory in the thinking of the people's war. He shows that under the leadership of the party, with the support of the entire people and standing on its own, the coastal defense of the motherland has always been rock solid and indestructible.

Dali, ξ AOL i and H Aoli (Movie)[1962]

Feature: Da Li (Xiasheng Liu), a chairman of a meat processing factory in Shanghai, is an avid person but has an indecipherable "meteorological station" nickname: He works positively but his body is lumbar and sore because of not exercising very badly Pain, neighbors as long as he saw an umbrella to go out, follow the example of right and wrong. Workshop director Lao Li (Haha Fan) believes that work is a hundred times more important than sport and is very dissatisfied with Xiao Li (Yao Debing), son of a variety of sports activities in the factory. Factory workers Da LiShi (Hongda Guan) self-proclaimed strength over the sky, is also a disdain for sports activities. Xiao Li discussed with other sports-loving colleagues and decided to elect a president of the Sports Association to lead everyone to work out. Lao Li heard that, in total, with Da LiShi, Da Li is determined to choose the chairman and not to offend his son. Second, sports activities will soon come to an end. It would be embarrassing to think that Da Li even assumed the office of three new fire officers and burned Lao Li. But Lao Li admitted that sport was useless, even if Da Li's wife, mother of five, Xiu Mei (who had been on a front line with him) was actively engaged in exercise.

TheRedDetachmentofWomen (Movie)[1961]

Feature: In 1930, in Wuzhishan District of Hainan Island, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, a revolutionary armed forces team organized by working women - the Red Detachment of Women was formed. Qionghua is a female slave of Nan BaTian, ​​a big landowner in Yulin. The ancestors were oppressed by Nan BaTian. With her enemies of generations, she repeatedly defended and escaped and was repeatedly captured and bruised and imprisoned. At this time, Coconut Grove Village came to a lavishly dressed giant, claiming to have returned home from overseas and brought great sums of money to his hometown. Nan BaTian attempted to use this overseas business community to expand anti-communist forces. The expatriate excuse to take away a maid while away Qionghua. On the road, he gave Tung loosely tied and gave her four silver dollars, but also urged her to run over the road to the girl's army. Qionghua unwilling to do the feudal ethics and sacrificial offerings of the Red Lotus came to the Mississippi resident, participated in the Niangzi army. Here she also saw the "overseas Chinese giant", so he was the party's representative of the Niangjun - Hong ChangQing secretary. Qionghua in rigorous training and hard struggle test, continue to mature and improve. While performing Nan BaTian's reconnaissance mission on a Nan BaTian government, Qiong Hua could not suppress his heart and shot and wound Nan BaTian. However, she was severely punished because she violated discipline and was punished. Critical education. Later, the Red Army decided to liberate Coconut Grove. Once again, Hong ChangQing used the name of "Overseas Chinese Businessman" to re-enter the South House and brought "Girl" Qionghua. In the darkness, Qiong Hua touched into Nan BaTian's bedroom, and she aimed at Nan BaTian and wanted a shot to kill him. However, she thought of discipline and thought of the criticism and instruction of Hong ChangQing secretary. She should give Nan BaTian to the people Judgment, this time she did not shoot, always insisted that the general offensive start. The Niang Jun liberated the Coconut Grove, struggled Nan BaTian, ​​the people rejoice. Unexpectedly, Nan BaTian take the flight to escape at night, Qionghua midfielder in the hunt for the enemy's plan, was seriously injured. Once again, Qionghua takes the risk of catching Nan BaTian again. Hong ChangQing inspired her to overcome the narrow notion of revenge and establish the lofty ideal of eliminating the feudal system of exploitation and liberating the entire country. After the Kuomintang reactionaries dispatched a large number of troops and attacked the revolutionary base areas in Hainan, the Red Army and the Red Detachment of Women were withdrawn from Coconut Grove and Nan BaTian returned to Coconut Grove. In this grim moment, Qionghua joined the Chinese Communist Party. Hong ChangQing led the Nianguzhan garrison to retaliate during the blocking operation on Detachment Ridge and was arrested. Hong ChangQing displayed a lofty heroism in front of the enemy, finally heroic. Qionghua resolutely assumed the burden of struggle left behind by the martyrs, succeeded to the representative of the Niang armed forces. She led the Niang forces together with the main forces to re-liberate the Coconut Grove. Nan BaTian, ​​the most sinful man, finally got its due. Qionghua personally announced the execution of a gun shootout against Nan BaTian, ​​a big bully of blood. Under the leadership of the Qionghua Red Detachment of Women, the vanguard song of battle, toward a new journey of revolutionary struggle.

WomanBasketballPlayerNo.5 (Movie)[1957]

Feature: "Clean: no time to bid farewell to you, we went to Beijing to go. These days, I have been thinking about our unexpected meeting this time, that day we really experienced a cruel test, we really do a terrible Nightmares ... Of course these days, of course, I am also reminiscing about the days of youth that we have never forgotten in the past ... "This is a letter written by Tian ZhenHua to Lin Jie, a former lover before the liberation of Shanghai Women's Basketball Team. Eighteen years, after how many years of grief, painful memories and reminiscences have been chewing his heart. He finally met her again. Before the liberation, Tian ZhenHua is a good professional basketball player, his skills have won countless audience cheers. However, once the boss of his Donghua team received a bribe, designated to Donghua team deliberately lost to a foreign sailor team. Tian ZhenHua can not stand this insult, led the team to win this game. However, after the game, he was forced to leave his own team. The boss also let Liu Liu wounded Tian ZhenHua, but also forced Tian ZhenHua's lover, but also his daughter to marry the rich. Eighteen years later, Tian ZhenHua sweet, has become a respected basketball team guidance. One day, he found among his team members a beautiful face, this face is so warm and familiar. It turned out that this round face, the beautiful girl is Lin Jie's daughter Lin XiaoJie. Tian ZhenHua she can be seen as a promising basketball player, but she has a certain bias in sports. Tian ZhenHua decided to help her, let her change her mind and play wholeheartedly. Xiao Jie was seriously injured in a ball game, admitted to the hospital, came to visit her daughter. Tian ZhenHua, Lin Jie The pair of long-suffering couples finally met. Over the past 18 years, the backlog has been depressing. The misunderstanding between the two sides has been completely solved in the past 18 years. New and happy life is looking forward to them. Xiao Jie was selected as a member of the national team, she regained her career, decided to devote life to sports career.

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