

Gu YaXin Cecilia Yip Play)

西碚狼敢死队司令,是一位豪爽、干练、深藏不露的巾帼英雄。她成立“西碚狼敢死队”,抗日捕奸,保一方平安。她知道 Luo YeJun 是自已的长子,却不能相认,将母子之情深藏于心。日寇侵占西碚镇后,她与日冠周旋暗斗,是鬼子的眼中钉肉中刺。

Cecilia Yip

Cecilia Yip Tung (Chinese: 葉童; born 8 March 1963) is a Hong Kong actress whose work is known throughout Asia, especially in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Luo YeFu Muchen Tian Play)

Luo YeFu 作为罗氏家族最小的儿子,自幼深受父兄宠爱。他阳光聪慧且富有正义感,但由于娇生惯养的缘故也带有一些纨绔子弟的玩世不恭和个人英雄主义。在国难与家仇的双重打击下,与 Gu YaXin —同仇敌忾、并肩作战,各展所长与日军展开周旋与对抗,最终一举捣毁日军的化学武器实验室和军工厂。

Muchen Tian

Muchen Tian (Tim), formerly Tian Zhenwei, was born on September 24, 1983 in Huludao, Liaoning Province. He is a film and television actor in the Mainland of China and graduated from the performance department of Beijing Film Academy. In 2004, starred in the first personal TV series "early February", which officially entered the showbiz. In 2005, starring medical drama "infinite vitality." In 2006, starring martial arts drama "Legend of Chu Liu Xiang." In 2007, Zhaoshao Jun was played in the spy war drama "Eighteen Years in Hostile Camp." In 2010, in the Qing Dynasty through the play "Palace lock heart jade" plays 13 eldest brother Aixinjueluo Yinxiang. In 2011, starring criminal investigation suspense "evidence". In 2012, shortlisted "Huading Award" best cutting-edge actor award. In 2013, starred in the modern medical drama "emergency room story." 2014, in the costume fantasy drama "Gu Jian Qi Tan" played to the day laughing. In 2015, starring female inspirational drama "My name is Miao Jinhua." In 2016, the starring crime suspense network drama "Beauty is stuffing"; the same year, with the movie "Jagged Yang Jingyu" won the "12th China-US Film Festival Award" Best New Actor Award, "the 14th International Military Film Festival "best actor award.

Shen AnRu Jing Feng Play)

共产党员。沉着冷静的周旋于日寇和国民党中间,是一个睿智且理性的女人,是罗家三兄弟父亲的学生,因为身份特殊,与 Luo YeFu 、 Luo YeJun 、 Gu ShiMin 三兄弟均有情感纠葛,且每份感情又各有不同。

Jing Feng

Jing Feng (Rita) was born in Beijing on January 3, 1980. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy and acted as a film actress in Mainland China. In 1998, he starred in the personal first work "Princess Miao Shan" and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 2001, he appeared in the costume drama "Kyoto Suspects" with two corners. In 2006, he participated in the village TV series “Entering the Mountains”. In 2012, she appeared in the urban comedy "meiguichaorousi" and the anti-war drama "Grandpa's AntiJapaneseWar". In 2016, he starred in the suspense TV series "War Wolf vs. Wolf."

Luo YeJun Matthew Kwan Yin Ko Play)

三兄弟中的大哥,是一位仁厚果敢、信念坚定的共产党员。为了粉碎日军计划,保卫重庆,他忍痛让弟弟 Luo YeFu 潜入日军当“汉奸”,最后为了救弟弟 Luo YeFu ,牺牲了自己的生命。

Matthew Kwan Yin Ko

Matthew Ko Kwan-yin (born 20 May 1984) is a Hong Kong actor.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Jin Guo Zhang Quan 狡猾的军统女特工。原本 Zhang Quan 的任务是陷害 Luo YeJun ,然而在任务的过程中却被 Luo YeJun 的人格魅力吸引,犯下大忌爱上了 Luo YeJun 。在炸毁日军机场的战斗中为了保护 Luo YeJun 放弃了自身利益,为了爱情牺牲了自我。
Jia Zhang Gu ShiMin 三兄弟中的老二,西碚高小校长,不同于兄长的军人风范,弟弟的名门公子做派, Gu ShiMin 斯文温和,出生草莽之家却满腹书生气质,是共产党在西碚地区的地下工作者。
Danlin Ning Xiao LaoDa No introduction
Wen-yue Hu Zuo TengWanZi 外形甜美可爱、单纯善良,实则是一个高级日本间谍,潜伏在中国准备实施帝国102人肉计划,出彩的角色,令人捉摸不透。[35]
Zhongwei Jiang Qian Jiu No introduction
(None) Er LengZi No introduction

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