The City of Memory(TV)[2007]
The City of Memory(TV)[2007]

《The City of Memory》Ep24:24th episode

The Zhou family knew something tender in the newspaper. Gu YuXiu was sad. Zhou ZuKang advised Gu YuXiu not to be sad. Min tenderness came back, and when he saw the tenderness of his wife, Gu YuXiu was angry and pity. He ordered his family members to keep silent, and no one could mention or ask Mitsui in Shanghai. Although the surface was calm, the Zhou family was very hurt and they could not accept this shame. Minruo would like to explain, but it cannot be explained that no one in the family would ask her in front of her. Even if it was scolding, Minzuo was very hard hit. She felt abandoned by her family. Zhou GuanZhong was ordered to stalk the east of the river and keep important material transportation lines. The fighting was fierce and the combat situation was also detrimental to Zhou GuanZhong's troops. Zhou GuanZhong and his soldiers vowed to hold onto the river east and never retreat. On the eve of the Great War, Zhou GuanZhong and the soldiers ate meat and drank wine. Zhou GuanZhong is determined to personally go to the frontline to supervise the battle. He knows that this is going to be more devious. In order to stay alive, he pulls on his life to drink, and he took the opportunity to intoxicate him. The next day he wakes up and finds that Zhou GuanZhong has taken the large force to the front of the battlefield and left a letter to allow the Jin Yingchang to go back to the defense base camp. Lian Sheng and Jin Yingchang hurriedly assembled troops to chase Zhou GuanZhong. Zhou GuanZhong came to the front line. As the Japanese cracked the password of the Chinese army, the action was completely exposed under the eyes of the Japanese army. Yi MuQingZhi learned that the Chinese forces in front of them were getting stronger because he had met Zhou GuanZhong's forces and used a fake code. Let Zhou GuanZhong hook. The troops of Zhou GuanZhong are moving forward. They suddenly received two telegrams from their superiors and asked them to fight back with a powerful Japanese army on the right. Zhou GuanZhong had no choice but to order the troops to turn around and rush all over to Hujiaji. The Japanese learned of Zhou GuanZhong's line of action and immediately rushed to the forces of Hu Jiaji and Zhou GuanZhong. The troops of Zhou GuanZhong had just arrived at the staging site and fought against the Japanese. Zhou GuanZhong’s army was surrounded by a narrow valley. . In the evening, Zhou GuanZhong rested in a farmhouse and ate his final dinner.

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