Eagle Shooting Heroes(TV)[2003]
Eagle Shooting Heroes(TV)[2003]

《Eagle Shooting Heroes》Ep20:Episode 20

Zhou BoTong told Guo Jing that Huang Yao Shih used Soft Hedgehogs to make a bet on his Nine-Yin Scriptures to make Mrs. Huang read the scriptures. Mrs. Huang wrote a memoir by memorizing her memory, but she also died of mental abortion, resulting in abortion. Huang will be forced in the cave weeks, asking him to hand over the volume of the book, threatening the week to burn the book, the two spent so fifteen years. Guo Jing Heard the soul-stirring, the two went to the hole, Guo Jing found the words on the kite, busy with the up. Huang Yao Shih led Guo Jing, asking him to leave Taohua Island and draw Zhou BoTong into the trap with the help of Xiao Gong, who was fortunate to be Guo Guo, a boy who came to rescue him. Huang Rong asked Guo Jing patiently waiting for his father to turn around. Zhou BoTong was bitten by a sudden blue viper. Guo Jing heard that he could resist snake venom by sucking the white python blood. . Zhou BoTong found that Guo Jing's human skin from Mei ChaoFeng was actually the secret of the Nine-yin Scriptures and was determined to teach Guo Jing to practice the Nine-Yin Scriptures. White carvings brought Huang Rong to a prisoner and forced to marry Ou YangKe, a western nephew, who brought the white carving back to the words: "Live together and die together."

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