lets get married(TV)[2013]
lets get married(TV)[2013]

《lets get married》Ep11:Episode 11

Lan CaiPing angrily left, Xue SuMei went out to pay the blame. Lan CaiPing drove away Xue SuMei, a man went to Li Wei's hotel, see Li Wei, came forward was once beatings, and cursed him as a smelly rogue and a bastard. Xue SuMei came to the hotel, pulled away emotionally Lan CaiPing. Xue SuMei told Yang Tao what happened today. Yang Tao reacted so unnaturally that he contacted Lan WeiWei for three years and did not let everyone see her boyfriend. Yang Tao also broke up with Li Wei for three years. Coupled with the back of "Zhuang Yan" deja vu, Xue SuMei suspect that "Zhuang Yan" is Li Wei. The next day, Xue SuMei found the hotel and found that "Zhuang Yan" really was Li Wei. After hitting the hotel, she went home to pick up a kitchen knife to split Li Wei. Yang Tao hurriedly stopped her mother and told Xue SuMei she actually knew the truth, but she had already laid down. Xue SuMei angrily decided to take revenge for her daughter, so secretly sent a letter of complaint to the chairman of Li Wei work hotel. Yang Tao family suffered a thief burglary, Guo Ran took the initiative to help Yang Tao to the building materials market bought expensive anti-theft window. Guo Ran At Yang Tao's home, she saw Yang Tao's own clothing sample wrap around the doll, praising Yang Tao's high artistic talent, and Yang Tao informing Guo Ran that she should have admitted to a professional art institute school. The two went out for dinner, Li Wei, who was just expelled from the hotel, was delighted to come and found himself guilty of the crime. Guo Ran hero saved the United States and beat Li Wei. Guo Ran was slightly wounded and Yang Tao took Guo Ran home for a simple treatment, during which Yang Tao told Guo Ran about her and Li Wei's past. Guo Ran pampers Yang Tao for not being pregnant. Yang Tao laughed out in a sketchbook a trailer farewell note when the two first met, recalling the two scenes from the acquaintance to the present, Yang Tao laughed.

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