

Ji XiangKong Yibo Wang Play)

Ji XiangKong ,男,他擅长谋略,人称“战场欺诈师”,内心极其渴望成功。外表英俊帅气,异性人缘极好,深受女粉丝喜爱。他“花心”的外表下,是一颗对感情专一的心。自己的事总是懒得解释,能不解释就不解释,因此他也常常被人误会,曾经是Legends战队的一员,后转会到VNG担任队长兼指挥。之后成立了自己的凤凰战队。

Yibo Wang

Wang Yibo (YiBo) was born on August 5, 1997 in Luoyang, Henan Province, China. He is a member of Asian Idol group uniq. On September 15, 2014, the debut notice became publicly the first official member of uniq; in the same year, the group won the “2015 Most-wanted Combinatorial Award” at the 2015 ISKII Night Awards. In 2015, he starred in the movie "MBAPartners" and the movie "Westward Journey 3"; the combination won the Cool Music Asia Festival "Best Newcomer of the Year" award and the screaming 2016 Iqiyi Night Awards "2016 Music Awards". In 2016, the song "EOEO" won the Best Choreography Award at the International-K Music Awards in the United States. In the same year, he starred in the fashion romance comedy film "To shut up! Love it" and the urban love inspirational comedy "To taste is Qing Huan" and presided over " Every day, the program has become a member of the new lineup of Tianxi Brothers. In 2017, he starred in the youth campus drama “Private Shushan Academy” and the youthful comedy “Extraordinary talent”. In the same year, he won the 17th Annual Award for “Idol” and “Asian Impact Festival”. The Best New Performer Award, 2017 Weibo Television Influence Festival “Amazing Performing Artist of the Year”; in November, released the single “Just Dance”.

Qiu Ying Prince Xuan Play)

Qiu Ying ,女,性格坚毅,倔强从不服输。从游星的生活版块主持到职业竞技行业巨头GDV的御用解说,她一步步朝自己的理想迈进。够努力,够奋进,虽然过程中屡次被人误解,扣上了各种不实的帽子,但真正的内心深处却是职场的励志女王。

Prince Xuan

Prince Xuan was born on August 6, 1997 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Actress from Mainland China studied at the Beijing Film Academy. In 2014, she participated in the campus selection activity "The Most Beautiful Woman" and entered the top 50. In the same year, she participated in the TV series "Palladium" and officially entered the entertainment circle. In 2015, she participated in the urban inspirational drama “Star Brothers”. In 2016, he participated in the inspirational idol drama "Cyclones Girls Season 2" based on Xiaoxi Ming's novel of the same name. In 2017, he participated in the urban inspirational drama “Spray one by one” which was based on the swimming altar; in the same year, he participated in modern urban suspense reasoning drama “Super sense”.

Pei Xi Jerry Yan Play)

Pei Xi ,男,22岁。曾是VNG战队的一员,为了与 Ji XiangKong 并肩作战,而转会到Legends,和 Ji XiangKong 错过。之后毫不犹豫地加入了凤凰队。高冷萌,不善言辞,是个一心只有比赛的“闷葫芦”。在前面的比赛中,打法酷炫不顾一切,很少考虑团队战术,经常出现团队玩命四保一的局面,遇到 Ji XiangKong 后调整了自己对比赛的认知和态度。

Jerry Yan

Jerry Yan, born Liao Yang Zhen, is a Chinese actor born in Taiwan, model and singer. He is known for his notable role as Dao Ming Si in Taiwanese dramas Meteor Garden and Meteor Garden II, an adaptation of Japanese shōjō manga Hana Yori Dango.

Lin YiXuan Guansen Ding Play)

Lin YiXuan ,男,曾是Legends的职业队员,最后加入 Ji XiangKong 的凤凰队。平常蠢萌蠢萌的,但遇事脾气冲动,遇到看不惯的事情立马火冒三丈。性格单纯,为人仗义、知恩图报、对待朋友绝无二心。视 Ji XiangKong 为自己心中的老大,因感谢 Ji XiangKong 一直给他带来生活和个人比赛技能的成长,一直追随着 Ji XiangKong 。

Guansen Ding

Guansen Ding was born on June 11, 1993 in Heilongjiang Province, a film and television actor in the Mainland of China, and graduated from Communication University of China. In 2015, starred in the first personal drama "maid cafe", which officially entered the showbiz; the same year, starred in the first movie "Whose youth is not confused." In 2016, the first solo single, "Big Love," was released. In the same year, a youthful campus film "Green Wo Men's Tall" was starring. In 2017, in the costume martial arts "Swordsman" plays the role of actor Linghu Chong.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Lv rain Lu YiYi Lu YiYi ,女,鬼马机灵,兢兢业业,一心想要成为中国顶级职业竞技记者。快意恩仇,视 Qiu Ying 为最好的姐妹,在 Qiu Ying 生活和情感出现各种困难时,总是第一个伸出援手,对 Qiu Ying 无限包容和关爱。与 Ji XiangKong 的好友 Lin YiXuan ,在日常磕磕碰碰中,成为一对欢喜冤家。
Xujia Yan Xia Ling Xia Ling ,原是体校篮球专业的学生,是 Qiu Ying 父亲再婚后,随继母而来的“弟弟”。在 Ji XiangKong 成立凤凰战队后, Xia Ling 的天赋被发掘,开始踏入职业竞技圈,最后加入了凤凰战队。
Harry Luo Tian Luo Tian ,远古五大神之一,退役后成为业内知名解说。热爱职业比赛,工作认真,为人正直。在看到 Qiu Ying 对竞技职业的热爱及为之付出的努力后,成为帮助 Qiu Ying 成为职业解说的良师。
Haowei Chai Li Gan No introduction
Lu Yang foreign Fu MiYa Fu MiYa ,女,在追求事业发展时,她无可奈何地放弃了爱情。但到自己成功出名之后,想起曾经与 Ji XiangKong 相恋的美好,重新认清自己内心最渴望的东西,决定回国,重新追求属于自己的幸福。
Ziyun Wang Shu Wen Shu Wen ,坚强自立,热情开朗,爱惜人才。唯一的女性远古五大神,退役后担任了VNG战队教练,一心想要培养一支夺得世界冠军的队伍,但与VNG战队经理 Li Gan 意见分歧,离开了VNG,之后成为凤凰战队的教练之一。在个人感情生活中,也态度明确,拥有自己坚定的本心和立场,最终收获自己的幸福。
Huang Xin Yao Qiao Xin Qiao Xin ,女,为人有心机,视 Qiu Ying 为眼中钉。为达目的不择手段,屡次构陷 Qiu Ying 。骄傲跋扈,嫉妒心强。仗着自己是游星一姐,对其他女主播打压殆尽。游走在多个男人之间,攫取对自己有利的资源。
Taiyu Gao Gu Fang Gu Fang ,男,稳重老成,操控大局,是团队掌舵人,远古五大神之一,人称C神。他为人赤诚,心地善良,像守护神一样守护着战队,对 Ji XiangKong 更是如师如兄。他聪明睿智,慧眼如炬,一手发掘了 Ji XiangKong 。他是 Ji XiangKong 迷茫时的点拨人,更是 Ji XiangKong 努力时的助推者。
Cheng QiMeng Sun ZeYi Sun ZeYi ,成熟稳重,是远古五大神之一,曾经与唯一的女性职业竞技大神 Shu Wen 是一对,因为误会而分手。一直默默关注职业竞技界,是 Ji XiangKong 的良师益友。在 Ji XiangKong 成立凤凰战队后,经众人劝说,重新踏入职业竞技圈,加入了凤凰战队,并在感情和生活中都重新拾回初心。
King Zhao Yang No introduction
Jun Liu Qiu JianHua No introduction
Yanyan Zhang Xia ShuMin No introduction
Ge Zhaoen Qi Yue Qi Yue ,男,自傲,膨胀,不可一世,功利心强。VNG战队的老队员。因为 Pei Xi 的存在,自认为自己的才华被掩盖了,心中十分不服。 Pei Xi 转会后,自以为自己能担任队长,没想到 Shu Wen 执意任用 Ji XiangKong 担任队长,为了成为队长,使出一系列手段针对 Ji XiangKong 。
Xiaoqian Zhang Summer No introduction

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