Brothers Heroes(TV)[2011]
Brothers Heroes(TV)[2011]

《Brothers Heroes》Ep5:Episode 5

One day, Guo JingWen suddenly received an order saying adults Bao Chen would summon him separately in a private residence. Guo JingWen confused, not sure what the purpose of Bao Chen in the end, but did not dare delay, rushed to the complex life. Did not expect to open the door but it is Yue Hua, turned out to be Hua Hua Guo GuoWenWen, they borrow the name of his father, called Guo JingWen. Guo JingWen discovered that Yue Hua had many books on constitutional constitutions. Both men and woman spoke spontaneously about the recent Pinghu li revolt. Both of them thought that the revolution was an act of exaggeration. Guo JingWen is more and more found in front of the mouth full of "constitutional" women, although not childish, western life, horseback riding, play Western shooting, but the idea is mature, thought was deeply fled because of reading Japanese Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao And the influence of the Japanese monarchy's constitutionalism, favoring the constitutional monarchy of the monarchy, and many of the points of view coincide with oneself and make one's own eyes on.

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