Brothers Heroes(TV)[2011]
Brothers Heroes(TV)[2011]

《Brothers Heroes》Ep33:Episode 33

After the Revolution of 1911, the fruit of the victory of the revolution was stolen by Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai monopoly, arbitrary, gradually exposed the emperor's wolf ambition. Song Jiaoren case, the second revolution, Yuan war, law enforcement movement. The old Sleeping Sleeping Lion remained in frequent wars. The poor, weak and slaughtered people did not embark on an independent, prosperous and democratic path of development. They proved that the bourgeois reform can not save China and the bourgeois revolution can not save China. An obvious example is that the scum like Feng EnRan not only survived, but also lived a very good life. He took on his own team and dominated the ranks. This put Cai ZhenSheng and Guo JingWen into enormous pain and loss. Ten years later. Cai house. Cai ZhenSheng and Su ZhenYu already have a daughter who is bouncing around in front of Cai ZhenSheng with a letter: Daddy, your letter. Cai ZhenSheng opened it, it was sent Whampoa Military Academy appointment letter. Whampoa Military Academy is where all bloody Chinese boys aspire to, Cai ZhenSheng is no exception, temporarily immersed in the extreme excitement. At almost the same time when Cai ZhenSheng received the letter, Guo JingWen's youngest son went to Guo JingWen with a letter: dady, your letter. Guo JingWen opened the letter to see, turned out to be sent to the Whampoa Military Academy instructors letter of employment. A few days later, Cai ZhenSheng and Guo JingWen appeared together on the wharf in Wuchang. Both of them embraced each other and embarked on a journey to embark on their journey to Whampoa Military Academy. Cai ZhenSheng and Guo JingWen's life and career opened a new page.

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