Zhihua Huashan legend(TV)[2013]
Zhihua Huashan legend(TV)[2013]

《Zhihua Huashan legend》Episodes

《Zhihua Huashan legend》Ep18:Episode 18

Under the leadership of Wang Shuanwa, the detachment began to climb Dongfeng. Tang Ta led Huashan Special Operations Team to Dongfeng to assist. Tang Ta and the four players were both tested to deal with the no-combat units in the climb. The squad was suppressed on a platform, and lay down all the East Peak. Tang Ta and the team members completed the task, arranged mines for each peak, the squad had to choose the steep North Peak, Wang Shuanwa's father died in order to herbs. Tang Ta and the team members laid out the landmines, praised by Li JiLong and Jiang GuoWang, and then went to Wulipin Meeting to win the Hualong Zhai. Li JiZu unwilling to be robbed of the limelight, lying down to chase the squad, the squad arrived at the South peak. The squad struggled to climb over the monkey-head cliff and through the millstone before dark, to a cave. When Su Manli came to Nanfeng and lived in Menghepu, Meng Xiupu was very indignant at the soldier's destruction of ancient relics, but did nothing about it.

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