Gantry station(TV)[2018]
Gantry station(TV)[2018]

《Gantry station》Episodes

《Gantry station》Ep8:Episode 8 "Dragon Gate Inn's life and death Court"

Plot picture An encyclopedic person, Song FeiCheng, who helps solve problems at the expense of exchanging goods, has his eyes, hands, arms, and even souls exchanged in order to fulfill his wishes in his life and death pavilion. Ma DaLu in the inexplicable disappearance of the tiger, but also to the life and death Court for help, but unexpectedly there to see a long absence Chu children. Road and Chu children already deep affection, frustration, Chu child and tiger can only survive one. Song FeiCheng to save the lives of sons and daughters of Chu as a condition, under the influence of the Great Wall Road, Ning Wang House hijacked the county magistrate. Road desperation, had to answer. By chance, a good county owner promised to go to see Song FeiCheng. However, Song FeiCheng otherwise plans, he has done everything in order to save the big mistake made 30 years ago.

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