Picturesque beauty(TV)[2014]
Picturesque beauty(TV)[2014]

《Picturesque beauty》Ep9:Episode 9

The emperor saw Bai Changxi's disagreement, Bai Changxiu recommended this opportunity Hang JingZhen. Jiang JiaYuan heard the solo father outside the Imperial Kitchen window chatting with Jiang Fu and Xu Hen, quietly calling Xu Hen out. She knew she now is what to expect, and this "Cathay Pacific people" really make her heart anxious. She decided to throw in the towel because of her courage. At this time it came only a rat, scared she jumped to the pillar in a hurry, which suddenly prompted Xu Hen. Jing Zhen to Yuan Yuan room exploration and found that she was not thinking that she was out to find aunt, thought she was holding the discussion information, but found that only bread. Yuan Yuan finally know that Jing Zhen hate himself because of his favorite everywhere, she envy, jealous, so ruthless! Fortunately, Xu Hen thought with the carbon fiber to point in the hands of Yuan Yuan. When the test, the emperor directly to the Hang JingZhen and Jiang JiaYuan embroidery. Jing Zhen embroidered Tang music and dance, plus his own description, won the emperor's praise; see Jiang JiaYuan embroidered chicken and cats and mice and other livestock, the emperor anger, throw it to the ground. At this point, Hang JingTing has already got the silk of Guangzhou, and Xu Fu discusses how to cover up its bad quality. Hsu Fu 惦 remember A hate, asked the lady's good news. Hang JingTing boast A hate, but also vowed that King will stay in the palace, when embroidered mother. Jiang JiaYuan fearless, to explain the real peace is to even cat do not catch the mouse, that is, livelihood and wealth, won the emperor's pleasures. However, Yuan Yuan has applied to give up, she could not afford to delay this decade, she wants to marry, she was anxious to marry King breeze. The emperor admired her, promised and presented a carry jade, by virtue of jade, Jia Yuan may Su-face. The emperor admired Yuan Yuan, so even though Bai Changxi strongly recommended Hang JingZhen, this year's embroidery career, he decided rather Ningqueowu. Lost Hang JingZhen saw a group of people for Jiayuan ready for the celebration, also referred to their sadness, Hang JingZhen decided to hate her, in this life, and she is irreconcilable. Jiang XueWen asked Hang JingTing why the volume of silk that it purchases from Mudu this year has plummeted. Hang JingTing responded with bad weather and unscrupulousness. Jiang XueWen made another mention of the child's marriage, Hang JingTing chooses to embroider as a reason to refuse. Fortunately, if they are fortunate enough to give Jingzhen wedding, but also have been delayed for ten years, because Jing Zhen stay in the palace is determined to win the time, the king came to Hang House. King adults are coming to pass the good news, just about to say anything, Jiang XueWen quickly and Hang Daoshi, Hang family of two very happy. When Wang Dajiang Cong Jiang XueWen congratulations, a house of people, all were surprised, Hang JingTing wishful thinking, so gone. He thought that this time the child's marriage was really delayed, but also learned that Yuan Yuan to give up, the room again in astonishment. King said after Yuan Yuan gave up, Jing Zhen left the palace to fill the embroidered mother, these words happy Bai YuQin, hurt Hang JingTing. Jia Yuan was heard selected, King wind worry for the first time since sister and dad. Quickly back home, saw the dad is throwing something in the room to vent. Bai YuQin to find the temple presided over, blame the gods do not aura, just call the host headache. Mrs. Jiang saw this scene to see the siege, want to hang incense money donated subsidies to her, Bai YuQin gave up.Bai YuQin thought they were getting a bargain. Mrs. Jiang explained that this virtue had to go back to Hang House eventually, and that she should have kowtowed her again later. Yuan Yuan selected, even his father and mother do not believe that in the eyes of her dad, that is, because of her level, can not be clever children. Jiang XueWen is now aware of this moment, Yuan Yuan's marriage, no urgency. Night has been deep, King wind past drunk daddy back to the room to rest. Hang JingTing disgust Yuan Yuan gave up embroidery mother and called King Zhen fill, which is not included in the selection of King Zhen also embarrassed himself, he even questioned what King Yuan taught Yuan Yuan. He hates why he planted in a little girl, why their own children are not as good as her! King worthy of his parents, his only ashamed of Yuan Yuan, his only insistence is to Yuan Yuan sooner herself Do you want to give up? Hang JingTing grabbed him and asked him to assume that he would always be a member of the Hang family.

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