Man help(TV)[2011]
Man help(TV)[2011]

《Man help》Ep15:Episode 15 "super change change"

Gu XiaoBai because of romance, drunk every day at home, lying in bed not up. Zuo YongBang comfort home, and told Gu XiaoBai and Luo ShuQuan, his father will soon be about. He met Xiao Xiao on the street and shopping for a boy A Sheng, Xiao Xiao made a boyfriend. Zuo YongBang really can not accept their own identity changes, my heart is very awkward. Gu XiaoBai proposes to have a party at home on weekends and invite Xiao Xiao to play with her boyfriend and everyone else so that Zuo Yong Bang can handle the relationship with Weng. In order to party, Gu XiaoBai to find a domestic aunt to clean the room, Auntie's work to Gu XiaoBai very satisfied. The more let Gu XiaoBai happy, aunt's daughter Xiao Xue, is a very beautiful girl, Gu XiaoBai Xiao Xue at first sight. Xiao Xue also likes Gu XiaoBai very much, two people start a date with domestic aunt. At the same time, because domestic aunt is about to become Gu XiaoBai's wife-in-law, Gu XiaoBai's attitude toward the housewife aunt has become very respectful and can not let her work more. The party is coming, and Zuo Yong Bang chooses anxiously about how to see his son's clothes. Gu XiaoBai tries to get Xiao Xue to come together for a party as well as hide the relationship between them. However, when the plan was not yet implemented, domestic aunt came home and her aunt was surprised to find Xiao Xue at Gu XiaoBai's home. Everyone quickly lied to cover up. Zuo YongBang wearing a sportswear, in order to narrow the distance with A Sheng, the more the more the more embarrassing chat. Gu XiaoBai and Xiao Xue lie no longer could not pull, and finally Gu XiaoBai had confessed to the housekeeping Aunt, said he and Xiao Xue together early. I did not expect the aunt was very touched housekeeping, said they support their love. A Sheng drank too much, and began to be fond of, even though Zuo YongBang was a buddy, it made Zuo YongBang, who originally wanted to establish equal relations, more unacceptable.

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