The other side 1945(TV)[2012]
The other side 1945(TV)[2012]

《The other side 1945》Ep18:Episode 18

In Taiwan, Su Mu ordered him to return the gold bullion to Su Qinggui. Originally, the bandits also sought extortion money from the Su family. Su Mu sent his uncle to borrow money and was denied by Shuishui. After the British, changed his mind to take the initiative to send gold bullion to the Soviet Union, attracted Taiwan's disdain ridicule. When Jiang Wen got injured in the foot of the mountain, Taiwanese went to see her with medicines and ice cubes. As if she saw what she saw in the Taiwanese look, her heart was uneasy. At this moment, Su TaiJie was lying on the bedside of Guo Zongliang with a detailed Chinese university receipt notice ... Taejeon was entertained by the imagination of a campus without Japanese people. It was an unexpected night because of the substitution of schools. However, the reality is far from perfect in imagination. Tai-chie, who can not afford to use Japanese students and teachers, still stays at Taiwan University and is outraged by his teacher. Jiang JingXing identified most of the deserters as a result of the rate cut by the troops and raised money and money in order to weather the immediate crisis. Jiang Wen visits Su Mu for the first time at the Su TaiYing home. Su Mu's first impression of Jiang Wen is not good. Lin Kuo-biao, the old boss of Japan's former police chief Kikuchi, found him and tempted Lin Jin-biao with excellent conditions, placing a mysterious big box in the home of the Lin's home, just as Su Mu rang Lin gold standard house door ... ... due to language barrier, a large number of Tangshan patients to the hospital for medical treatment to the hospital caused a lot of pressure on Taiwan, please Jiang Wen to the hospital for help, but Jiang mother do not want to daughter and Su physique get along, for her to Keelung Hospital Do not worry about doing translations ...

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