Frontier of love(TV)[2016]
Frontier of love(TV)[2016]

《Frontier of love》Ep48: Song ShaoShan does everything possible to find the oldest player in the Song ShaoShan's uniform costs.

Song ShaoShan blew up and said he wanted to go out for a walk, actually thinking By the way, I would like to find the old sixth theory. Wen YiQiu insisted on going with him. He resolutely refused to do so. Wen YiQiu also said that Wen YiQiu did not rest assured that he changed his clothes and followed him out of the door. Song ShaoShan came to Peace Hotel to find Furuichi, but the boss didn’t know Furuichi, Song ShaoShan guessed it was Wen Wen cheated him and had no choice but to leave. Song ShaoShan asked Wen Wen about the address of Fei Laoliu. Wen Wen didn't want him to take the lead for himself. What's more, he had a very high age and he couldn't fight for the oldest group of people.

Song ShaoShan tried his best to inquire about everything. Before the old folks were pretending to be sick, Sui Lai finally asked the whereabouts of Lao Liu. He came to the dance hall to search for a fee for Lao Liu, and Fellows must respect Song ShaoShan. The beer, Song ShaoShan categorically refuses to speak up and asks Farewell why he took a knife to his niece, Wen Wen. Fatih does not believe that they are a father-daughter relationship. She also teases her younger brothers with Song ShaoShan and Song ShaoShan makes a straightforward proposal. To revenge for Wen Wen, to pay for blood, Fellows threatened to threaten him to leave quickly, otherwise the consequences would be self-possessed, but Song ShaoShan was not satisfied with it, Fellows decided to meet on the ice three days later, Song ShaoShan agreed, agreed With him one-on-one battle is dead.

Song ShaoShan bought a large piece of pork to go home. Wen YiQiu guessed that he was looking for Furukawa. She wanted to call the police to resolve it. Song ShaoShan strongly disagreed and stewed the meat overnight. Wen YiQiu asked quietly what happened between Wen Wen and Fellows. Wen Wen refused to answer. Wen YiQiu had to call the police. Wen Wen immediately stopped her. She affirmed that Song ShaoShan was bluffing and could not really act. .

The next morning, Song ShaoShan had eaten three plates of pork in one breath. Wen Wen went to work and encountered the former little brother. Only then did he know that Song ShaoShan had to single out with Farewell and Wen Wen After persuading the grandfather not to work hard with Fei Laoliu, Wen Wen did not dare to delay and went home immediately to find Song ShaoShan. It was clear that she wanted to withdraw the agreement between Song ShaoShan and Fellows. However, Song ShaoShan did not disagree. Wen YiQiu wanted to Wen Wen took her to see Fei Lao 6, Wen Wen concluded that Song ShaoShan did not dare to face Fellows, Wen YiQiu pleaded hard, and Wen Wen had to take her to see Fellows 6.

Wen YiQiu promised to pay back the oldest money and interest as soon as possible. He wanted him and Song ShaoShan to have a holiday together. Feeler Liu felt no face on his face as long as Song ShaoShan was facing him. He spared Song ShaoShan a life, Wen YiQiu wanted to apologize for Song ShaoShan, Wen Wen did not admit Song ShaoShan was her, Farewell still did not spare, insisted that Song ShaoShan personally came, and also promised not to take this Say it out. Wen YiQiu went home immediately to advise Song ShaoShan and Song ShaoShan to persist in his opinion and insisted that Fei Laoliu should apologize to him and Wen Wen for an apology. Afterwards, Song ShaoShan came to see Fei Laoliu. Fatih asked him to drink the fine mountain race. Song ShaoShan asked him to draw old smoke, and Farewell let Song ShaoShan admit defeat. This matter was completely settled. ShaoShan insisted on going it alone and determined to fight with Furukawa. The original purpose of Song ShaoShan’s visit was to discuss with him another place. He did not want Wen YiQiu and Wen Wen to ask him about it.

The three-day deadline soon arrived. Song ShaoShan rushed to the appointed place with a big bag and arranged it. He came to see Fei Laoliu. His forefoot just left, Wen YiQiu called the police. Wen YiQiu took the police to the appointed place and did not find Song ShaoShan and Fellows and other people before they knew that they temporarily changed places. Song ShaoShan came to fight alone, but Farewell took a gang of brothers to watch the battle. The Fifteen old people drew a hole in the ice, who lost it and put it in the sack Shenjiang, and Farewell let Song ShaoShan shine the guy. In a decisive battle, Song ShaoShan threatened to pay the oldest free hand when he was unarmed. This angered the younger brother of Fellows. He angrily struck the head of Song ShaoShan with his bricks. Song ShaoShan immediately fled and fled. After chasing hard, Song ShaoShan ran into the woods. He used his pre-set traps to subdue Farewell's men, and then hid in the snow, waiting for Farewell to come and Song ShaoShan to throw the rope. With years of robe skills, he sent Fei Lao Liu to the tree, and then the younger men came to reinforce him. He refused to let them out. He lost convinced and let Song ShaoShan dismiss. Song ShaoShan didn’t want him. Life, just to win justice for Wen Wen, he stabbed the fee old knife. Wen YiQiu and Wen Wen returned home and found no shadow of Song ShaoShan. When they were restless, the Fellow Six personally came to Wen Wen to apologize and promised to cancel her account. Song ShaoShan also came back later. He was already tired. He was panting and he had a lot of blood on his head.

Wen Wen was grateful for the fact that he personally gave Song ShaoShan a warm wash of his face. Song ShaoShan was moved to tears. He finally moved Wen Wen's reluctant heart with his true emotions.

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