Frontier of love(TV)[2016]
Frontier of love(TV)[2016]

《Frontier of love》Ep14:Sister Jing made a big issue on Wen YiQiu's album Wen YiQiu was assigned to a pig farm

The director is ready to report the heroic deeds of Wan Sheng and take the opportunity to take him Disposal and withdrawal, Wan Sheng is grateful. Galina won the favor of Vicat's mother, but Vika ignored her. Galina was very depressed. Vika stood on the waterfront on her free time and looked far away at distant China. Feel the presence of Wen YiQiu .

Wen YiQiu had not heard Vicat's voice for fourteen days. She was uneasy and quietly looking for Wan Sheng to tell her heart. Wan Sheng could only try to persuade and persuade her to torture herself. In an edgy and anxious heart, Wan Sheng reminded her not to hold any illusions about Vicat. Therefore, she missed herself and Wen YiQiu insisted on seeing Vika. Even if he was married or not, Wen YiQiu advised Wan Sheng to fight back. To his parents, Wan Sheng insisted on his death. Wen YiQiu changed his mind. As long as he can see Wen Yi Qiu every day, what he does is willing. Wen Yi Qiu said nothing, and he left silently. Uncle Ge looked in his eyes. To persuade Wan Sheng not to force him to look away, Wan Sheng firmly believes that Wen YiQiu will be moved one day.

During the routine inspection of King Sister Jing, she accidentally discovered the album under Wen YiQiu's pillow, which was painted by the same foreign man. She immediately called Wen YiQiu to ask her questions. Wen YiQiu lied Zhao Weiguo, a friend of Dalian, was a Uyghur and Sister Jing did not believe it. He left the book to learn and gave the book to the director. He also added a message to the director. The director reminded her not to make a fuss. The older sister insisted on thorough investigation.

Wen Yi Qiu turned to Wan Sheng for help. Wan Sheng also realized the seriousness of the matter and asked her to clench her teeth and not recognize it. Wen YiQiu and Vika both miss each other and they sang a song at the same time, “The Evening in the Outskirts of Moscow”. Vika broke out and arrived at the border town of Blagoveshchensk, the nearest border town of China’s Heihe, patrolling the border. The soldier found him suspicious and he had been staring at the other side of China. He wanted to take him back and inquire. Thanks to Galina for coming to rescue him. Galina wanted to persuade Vika to return to Moscow. However, he insisted on staying here. He could feel Wen YiQiu's breath closely and Galina had to give up.

Sister Jing’s coercion of Wen Yi Qiu forced her to admit mistakes, prejudice, and suspend her handling. Wen YiQiu remained silent until she finally couldn't stand it and shouted at her. Screaming, but Jing’s sister did not listen at all. Wen Yi Qiu was gnashing her teeth. She ran with a sigh of gas and rushed to the riverside. She shouted loudly at the other side and shouted Vika's name. Wen YiQiu grew increasingly saddened and went straight to the depths of the woods. The line ran away and soon lost her way. She was exhausted and tired and fell asleep under the tree. At the same time, Vikka is also standing by the waterside of Blagoveshchensk, looking towards China.

Song ShaoShan and Lu Lianchang took a separate person to go to Wen YiQiu until Dark, Song ShaoShan did not find Wen YiQiu. He stumbled and fell asleep. The next day dawned, Song ShaoShan woke up and worked hard to find Wen YiQiu. Wan Sheng discovered that Wen Yi Qiu had not returned overnight. He picked up a large iron spoon to feed the pigs. He was eager to ask King Jing to ask the teacher for guilt. If Wen Yi Qiu had a problem, Wan Sheng would fight hard with her and she would flee to the director. After taking refuge behind him, Wan Sheng yelled at her. The director quickly stopped Wan Sheng and asked the security team to take him away.

It was at this time that Song ShaoShan rescued Wen YiQiu and Wan Sheng calmed down. The director just wanted to let Wen YiQiu go back to rest. Sister Jing saw the branches and faces on her head. The scars, framed her to the jungle and met with people, Song ShaoShan stepped forward to defend Wen YiQiu, the two people were in a dispute, the director hurried to open them, let Wen YiQiu temporarily went to the pig farm to lay a hand to Wan Sheng, Wen YiQiu insisted Back to the Disturbance Team, the director asked her to shy away. Members should meet to study her problems. Song ShaoShan did not want Wen YiQiu to go to the pig farm. If she had to go, Song ShaoShan wanted to supervise her on the hog farm. The director was not determined. agree.

Wan Sheng learned that Wen YiQiu was going to make a call to the pig farm. He was happy to have a flower. He early cleaned Wen YiQiu's room and gave her new life supplies. Sister and Song ShaoShan sent Wen YiQiu to the pig farm. Wen YiQiu was very depressed. She hated King Sister and Wan Sheng tried to marry her and took her to the pig to say hello.

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