Married daughter to law(TV)[2015]
Married daughter to law(TV)[2015]

《Married daughter to law》Episodes

《Married daughter to law》Ep29:Episode 29

Wu HuiZhang thrown a few tabloids in front of Jia Hui. The tabloids reported that the Chinese and Western restaurants in the bluefin restaurant used inferior and cheap ingredients to make signature dishes, causing diners to vomit and diarrhea. Afterwards, they took their presents and blocked their mouths. More than tabloid, as well as internet. Wu HuiZhang accused Jia Hui of being angered in anger and let Jia Hui find out the reasons as soon as possible to reverse the situation. A Zhong explained that drunk he remembered that he was drunk and vomited at all, but Wu Hui Zhang was straining and did not listen to A Zhong's explanation. Interrupted A Zhong's resolution, announced that the association's new tactic Kocho, will follow the management of bluefin. During the Wenxuan anxiously visited the outside several times, I do not know what happened, they did not dare to rush into it. See Wu HuiZhang and so on, call Jia Hui. Wu HuiZhang Kocho and so on, Jia Hui while watching the network microblogging was edited and then narrated with another video recording, the airsick was a loss of reason, angrily Wen Qing called into the office, asked her last man vomiting How to deal with it Wen Qing stunned, watching video and tabloid, said last time should be properly handled, do not understand why there is such a report, which is obviously not a misunderstanding, is simply malicious slander. Jia Hui but simply ignore the words of Wen Qing, loudly accused Wen Qing you are professionals, how can make such misunderstanding or slander happen. Jia Hui phone ring in the middle, Jia Hui see Wenxuan called, pinch the. Wen Qing stunned Jia Hui's attitude towards her, I am not pleased to say you can not count my head count. Wen Xuan and call, Jia Hui side of the phone while roar, it should count on my head, and red roar who you call, can not call. Diao Bi hang up. Wen Xuan was outside the door after the roar Jia Hui, completely lost confidence. A Zhong Wen Sheng Jia Hui to come, advised two calm, it should be that there was someone deliberately slander. Jiahui received a phone call from my father at that time, and my father said that my wife and stepmom together came to Qingdao a few days later. Schools, travel intercourse assignment At this time, while no one paid attention to look at the phone in the peak of beautiful photos, the results turned out to be an aunt. Travel with Tim Lok said she found the secret. Wen Qing at home with her mother complained that Jia Hui simply unreasonable, a little regret working with her, in fact, is the hotel management, the restaurant itself than her strong, worked hard for such a long time, did not do something wrong What, actually so to me. Not as good as their own independent management of a restaurant so far. Jia Hui grasp the restaurant management on the one hand, to deal with. On the other hand, A Zhong managed to investigate the root causes of the rumor and found out that the man who vomited was simply that he drank too much alcohol and that others gave him money to say so. However, the behind-the-scenes man was rather cunning and could not find a source for a while, Gossip threw in the continuation, such as: restaurant owner is simply poor personal Hong Kong woman, not only mercenary figure, married two married two husbands can not stand the point of breaking up. Wenxuan since the last sum of no illness and then call Jiahui, Jia Hui is not not to say that no time. Very depressed. Schools, schools and mountain schools to carry out docking activities, Wenxuan think of a half moon village school, so drafting the application proposal school and a half months village twinning, also attached a half moon village photos.Tim Leo Zi Zi because like cross stitch, actually do stitches in the dormitory, the picture is Ying Zi constellation. Because want to rush before Ying Zi birthday embroidered finish, even the weekend also secretly hide in the room embroidered. Jia Hui too busy, did not notice. Wenxuan write materials stayed in the school very late to not go home, after the prime came Jiahui apartment, watching the light Jia Hui room lit, Wenxuan Jia Hui call, but just had not had time to say what Jia Hui said sorry to have a work phone came in. In the room, Jia Hui received a call from A Zhong and said that it has now been discovered that the behind-the-scenes promoter of the internet and tabloid rumor may be Kocho. However, at present there is no conclusive evidence to report to the association. survey. Out the window, Wenxuan Jiahui off quite upset after the phone, hesitating or not to fight, and finally sent a text message, said Jia Hui, I am downstairs in your house, would like to talk to you. But Wenxuan quickly received Jiahui back SMS, I am tired, want to rest. After that, the window lights went out. Wenxuan reluctantly left. Room, Jia Hui at the window, looking Wenxuan left. Food Association Lao Wu office, Kochi to Lao Wu bluefin restaurant reported the situation and did a professional depth analysis, the restaurant has run the deficit for two consecutive months, according to the agreement to terminate Lan JiaHui contracting rights. In addition, since the blue marlin has been operating very badly, no matter whether it is in the industry or outside the business community, it has no continuing value. Therefore, we urge the owner, Wu Hui Zhang, to close the business as soon as possible. Wu Hui Zhang agreed with Kocho's analysis and suggestions and signed the proposal. Classroom, Manxin Ying Zi in the lessons, I heard you last semester language test school lasts? Ying Zi said cutely to the teacher in Manxin is like that, I have been in Australia, snap, Manxin until she finished, the pointer on the table, I do not care where you are, and now you are in this school , This semester you in my class, I do not allow my class has the school last-minute poor students, from today, every day you copy textbooks two texts to me, every day! Ying Zi sounds much smaller, but, however, two articles a day will not be more. I'm afraid I can not finish writing. Manxin is snapped, more, then three, Ying Zi scared away. Wen Xuan's proposal quickly gained the approval of the school to allow Wen Xuan to make a specific docking help program. Kocho took the old Wu signed the proposal came blue marlin, throw in front of Jia Hui, let her clean up within three days, the restaurant has been listed for sale, finished away. Jia Hui shocked, rushed to Lao Wu Department, exhaustive tongue, told Wu HuiZhang media accusations that all this is not a fact, before the blue marlin has been operating well, there are rumors behind the messenger is about to surface Now, when all the problems can be solved. However, Wu said he is a rumor regardless of the fact that he only care about turnover, turnover is the ecliptic. To say good and evil, the last Wu agreed to give another month to see performance. Kocho sneered aside, saying Jiahui everything is futile. Jia Hui before leaving, Kocho recommend a guest to Lao Wu, who are willing to bid for the acquisition of blue marlin.Night, Li, Wen Qing said with the mother, brother and other restaurants worrying state, and now there is a month's chance, if there is no turning point, this sister-in-law really dead, blue turtle Jiahui all the painstaking efforts ah .

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