Fools legendary war in the end(TV)[2016]
Fools legendary war in the end(TV)[2016]

《Fools legendary war in the end》Ep6:Episode 6

Fang HaEr would like to take a gamble. Dai Zongnan took this opportunity to seek help from Fang Haer. The original pepper plan was a gas bomb plan by Japanese people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Any poison or gas bomb spread by air and anyone or an animal could kill him when he smelled it. The Japanese were extremely secretive about this and even dared to use the telegraph. Both were sent back and forth using encrypted files. Once they secretly transferred the materials in the underground warehouse, they were intercepted by Dai Zongnan with the files of the pepper project, just as the appearance of Fang HaEr, Aspects of crack pepper plan for the time. The plan states that the development of this gas bomb has come to an end, and the Japanese can make the last batch of raw materials to be successfully developed. Dai Zongnan want to intercept the Japanese on the way to transport raw materials, please Fang HaEr help Tang Wenzun. Fang HaEr asked Dai Zongnan borrowed 500 oceans, used to bluff Tang Wenzun. Tang Wenzun early thought Fang HaEr bereaved the hands of the Japanese, Fang HaEr please Tang Wenzun out for dinner. Tang Wenzun was dazzled by the beauty of clouds and the ocean. Fang HaEr said drunk, he wanted to intercept a bunch of little devils arms, sold to the New Fourth Army, but their own lack of strength, would like to ask Tang Wenzun shot help, and surrendered three hundred ocean that is the deposit, but also a small fraction, Tang Wenzun immediately agreed Tomorrow at noon in the pine forest convergence. Wu ErHei woke up and found himself lying in a coffin. See Bai Ke scared and terrified, the fact that the whole move, saying Fang HaEr did not know the pepper plan, just go to the village to find pepper Lee. Jiu JingZhiCi this time will be relieved, according to the original plan to transport raw materials. But first sent a team of bomb vehicles to attract Fang HaEr attack. Fang HaEr, Tang Wenzun and the New Fourth Army troops were all fooled. The Japanese successfully shipped the raw materials for the gas bomb to the suburban laboratories. Tang Wenzun found himself cheated, Fang HaEr even hate teeth. Wu ErHei was whispered by Fang HaEr to be undercover.

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