Married girl at sea(TV)[2017]
Married girl at sea(TV)[2017]

《Married girl at sea》Ep32:Zhan MuSi and parents come to China Shen FangZhou's proposal to be rejected

Hotel, drunken girlfriend telling He NianQing on the phone, her life is failing This kind of video made her more unbearable. He hoped He NianQing would help her raise her son. She would faint if she didn't wait until she finished talking. The broken call made He NianQing more anxious. She rushed to call the police. When the girlfriends were unconscious, the accident was rescued.

In the hospital, when she saw her sweetheart woke up, He NianQing made her cure. And she had already withdrawn the video from the Internet. Then she took care of the honey and she left first. When she was waiting for a car, she accidentally saw Shen FangZhou coming and seeing her showering. Car, Shen FangZhou asked her to get on the bus and wanted to take her home to get a Hukou Book to get married. Seeing that she hesitated, Shen FangZhou took out her handcuffs, hoping that she could agree to be with herself. He NianQing said that she did not have any for Shen FangZhou. So like it, I hope he will not have any illusions about himself. For his care during this time, he is very grateful. She doesn't wait for Shen FangZhou to speak. She has already left the car.

In the evening, sad He NianQing grabbed the hand of ice, and she felt that she only had one daughter left. She saw her mother was sentimental. Icy promised to stay with her, so caring daughter, let He NianQing It was very moving. The next day, Ice Ice took the initiative to get up early to make breakfast for her mother. She was glad she decided to go shopping with ice. In the evening, Zhan MuSi told Ice Bing that he had decided to go to Shanghai with his parents because of the temporary cancellation of the American tour. , Wen Yan, ice heart mixed feelings.

On the next day, she told the grandmother about the incident. In order to show respect, Grandma took the cheongsam and picked it up. Ice had to do it. At the airport, ice and cheongsam came and unexpectedly struck a shirt with Zhan MuSi's mother. The two men face each other. In order to ease the atmosphere, Zhan MuSi took the initiative to introduce them. After a bit of greeting, they left by car.

On the way, Zhan MuSi's mother, Jin Tai, couldn't stop looking at the ice and praised her beauty. For her son's feelings, she said that she would respect his choice. The hospital, girlfriends told He NianQing, the reason why she came to this point today was to avenge the harm her ex-husband had done to her. After this incident, she decided to take her son to live abroad and see her girlfriend completely down. He NianQing was very happy. However, she regrets for her because she rejected the proposal of Shen FangZhou. Both of them experienced a new understanding of life.

In the hotel, Kim Tae was accompanied by icy ice and he returned to the room with high enthusiasm. He gave a generous tip to the waiter and saw her so generous that Zana MuSi's father, Carlos, was not there. Happy, and then he called the gold too whisper to the balcony, I hope she will not pretend to be the money person, in order to let his son lose face, Kim Tae-he did according to plan, afraid of his wife Carlos only had to agree. On the other side, Zhan MuSi took the opportunity to ask Bing Bing’s attitude and asked her to tell He NianQing about the matter. Bingyi only promised.

At home, Ice Bing spoke of Zhan MuSi's situation, hoping that Grandma could help him. At this time, He NianQing came back and learned that Zhan MuSi's parents came to China. He NianQing was surprised. Bing Bing said that Zhan MuSi’s parents came here to raise relatives. She hoped that she would take the time to meet them and heard that He NianQing had said that she was busy and had no time to attend to this matter.

The hotel, Zhan MuSi told her mother not to dress up generously, and he already told her about the situation in his family. When he saw that his son was so honest, Kim was very depressed. She scolded the ice too much and she knew the truth. Without saying a word, it is obvious to see her jokes.

At home, Shen FangZhou returned and accidentally saw the good food on the table. He mistakenly believed that He NianQing had done it. When he blindly confessed, he saw Zhan MuSi appear and was played by Shen FangZhou. Momentless speechlessness followed by Zhan MuSi's speech to her parents in China. She blessed the happiness of Shen FangZhou and He NianQing. She FangZhou had no choice but to tell her to break up. Zhan MuSi, who knew the truth, firmly believed that Things related to the ice, and then he hurried to question the ice, hoping that she would not interfere in the mother's private affairs, unexpectedly, Ice Ice did not let him blend in this matter, and let him stop living with Shen FangZhou, and she decided to stay Zhan MuSi.

Hospital, the person who helped the girlfriends came to see her, and the two met each other with goodwill. At home, Zhan MuSi left her baggage and refused to give him Shen FangZhou's. He brought him the vitamins of the United States, and his hand-knit collar, hoping that he would be happy.

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