Ring record(TV)[2016]
Ring record(TV)[2016]

《Ring record》Ep6:Episode 6

Ye Liancheng returned to Haicheng to find the old home in midsummer community gate, read from his mouth before the explosion that Laoding had seen midsummer, he in accordance with the requirements of midsummer to send a letter to the summer. Ye Liancheng heard, think of the various encountered before Ji TangTang, and rekindled hope, Ji TangTang most likely is summer. The bell rang again. Ji TangTang went to investigate: a school bus accident, ten children died on the spot, only one child survived sweet and drivers. Sweet and seriously injured in the hospital for treatment, the driver drunk driving, but because of mental retardation, was sent to mental hospital for treatment. Ji TangTang aware, things are far from simple, the real murderer is still at large.

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