Last Visa(TV)[2017]
Last Visa(TV)[2017]

《Last Visa》Ep24:Episode 24

Pu JiZhou With Jiali going to Rosa's house, it happened that Rosa was not at home. Pu JiZhou worried about her safety and begged for a look at Carrie. Although Jerry reluctantly, but still agreed. Nazi set up a search card to escape Da Wei, injured Wei Wei returned to the organization base, Lei BeiKa and others hurried to surgery for him, remove the ammunition. Han Si superior officers questioned his ability to do things. Han Si, who had hoped to win Hitler's decision, decided to step up and quickly ordered Ma Ke to grab Rosa. Han Si confessed to Rosa, Da Wei was not in their hands, and Rosa was the best bait. Kerry went to Helen again. Pu Ji Zhou heard that she was still not at home and went to the German police station to get the information. Han Si took the initiative to tell Pu JiZhou that "Helen" was in his own hand, threatening Pu JiZhou who said who the next visa was. Pu JiZhou went home and Jia Li to discuss the "Helen" back. Gary disagrees. Nazi Hitler's ambitions are expanding. Lu HuaiShan summoned by Mr. Yue SeFu of the German Foreign Ministry and put pressure on Lu HuaiShan on the grounds that some of the Chinese consulate in Vienna violated foreign affairs discipline.

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