Youyu and her county secretaries(TV)[2017]
Youyu and her county secretaries(TV)[2017]

《Youyu and her county secretaries》Episodes

《Youyu and her county secretaries》Ep5:Liang HuaiYuan borrowed his wife and daughter film team to prepare for the coming year.

Liang HuaiYuan Tell tian han people, now is new China, can't divide class any more. He says the twigs of the poplar can live by being planted in the soil so they don't have to pay for seedlings. Upon hearing the news, Liang HuaiYuan was very excited and thought that tian hanmin had made great achievements. He let the cat out of the bag.

Liang HuaiYuan came to the shanguan kiln. The people who injured tian han people have been identified, is a group of idle personnel, known as the dark team. Liang HuaiYuan and zhu zi decided to arrest the gang.

Liang HuaiYuan took the gun and blew the horn, and captured the men with no effort. Zhao, the man behind the attack, was also arrested.

Tian han people did not wait for a clean wound, came to the castle falling goose, he wanted to seize the time to popularize the science to plant trees. The people of tian han nationality asked the villagers how to insert the live twig of small leaf poplar to protect the source of the problem. Only 39 poplar trees were found in the whole county. If they want to popularize planting, where can they find so many branches. Liang HuaiYuan told tian hanmin that linfen has a large number of small leaf Yang, and tian hanmin can go boldly, where he can get small leaf Yang branch for free, because linfen's land party chief is his comrade-in-arms. Tian was very happy to hear that.

Liang HuaiYuan told the villager Lao li that the reason why the crops in the field did not grow well was because of the ravages of the yellow dragon. Hearing Liang HuaiYuan's words, Lao li increased his confidence in planting trees next year.

Out of the old li family, they met to protect and Xing Er They are going to take their grandma to their home, so that they can get rid of the worries of casters and work with Liang HuaiYuan.

Shortly before the Chinese New Year, Liang HuaiYuan rode his bicycle, braving the snow and cold to pick up his wife and daughter back to youyu, and was warmly welcomed by the family of the head of tangxian county. Liang XiaoMei She and static ru hit it off immediately and became good sisters.

The two families had New Year's eve dinner together. Liang HuaiYuan's wife brought the eggs specially from her hometown, which was very rare. Though the food was humble, it was enjoyable. With the sound of New Year's firecrackers, we are immersed in the joy of the New Year.

Liang HuaiYuan found static ru and Liang XiaoMei and talked to them about braids specifically. He talked with them and reasoned with them. He told them to consider the water shortage of right jade, and as the daughter of the leader, should play an exemplary role.

The three young people were very happy when jing ru asked zhu to take her and her little sister out for fun and Liang HuaiYuan agreed. She told him that she had come back for a woman named Xing Er. She said she had heard from him in the army.

Jing ru told her that now she had a new situation, Xing Er had married. Liang XiaoMei listened and secretly happy.

Liang HuaiYuan received an urgent notice from the provincial government, telling the governor of tang county that after the year, the provincial film team would come to youyu, which the provincial party committee used as support and encouragement for their work. It turned out that Liang HuaiYuan felt that the comrades who worked at right jade were very hard, so he sent a report to the provincial party committee, but the provincial party committee really sent it.

The film is the first in the history of youyu. Liang HuaiYuan and the governor of tang county were all excited.

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