Youyu and her county secretaries(TV)[2017]
Youyu and her county secretaries(TV)[2017]

《Youyu and her county secretaries》Episodes

《Youyu and her county secretaries》Ep30:du insists on restarting the construction of the reservoir. Du vows to protect the secretary's notes.

< p style = "text - align: left;">Wu Zhu YanBei and small right went to the right of jade jade mountain ridge, tell YanBei Wu Zhu, watched his will to go as a soldier, but no matter where go, can't forget his hometown, because it is the root, Wu Zhu once again sounded assembly, although body as before, but Wu Zhu blowing assembly's spirits and same once upon a time when a soldier, didn't have the slightest slack.

< p style = "text - align: left;">After a period of understanding, du decided to give the county party committee organized group meetings, like a cloud at the meeting, he raised the shop door, often for the construction of the reservoir, but in most of the members agree that the reservoir construction in youyu this is a sensitive topic, especially at this particular time, everybody suggest du as can put a put, the reservoir construction the things do well production, forest land, du see director Lin always don't talk like a cloud, he let Lin, director of the published.

< p style = "text - align: left;">When the construction of the reservoir is director Lin and thank Chang Run insist together, Lin the director didn't beat around the bush, more without hiding anything, his mind said at the meeting, on the seventh congress of the communist party, chairman MAO put forward the spirit of yu gong yi shan, in Lin, director of the view, often shop door reservoir construction and yu gong yi shan is the same, why no one said yu gong is costly, du Lin, director of the said a words impressed by a cloud, often shop door reservoir shovel down a shovel of soil, is a step closer to the construction of the reservoir, du told everyone like a cloud, your decision, it is often the door to construction shop reservoir, He told everyone to let go of the burden of thought, du's words inspired the big guy By a show of hands they agreed to rebuild the changmenpu reservoir.

< p style = "text - align: left;">The construction of changmenpu reservoir required a large number of labor force, male educated youth were selected to work in the usual menpu reservoir, because the female educated young strength can not do manual work, the county party committee did not mobilize female educated youth, this can be Du Juan They in the mind unbalance, Du Juan found Wu Zhu with female youths, reaction Wu Zhu they have the idea of discrimination against women, Wu Zhu a listen to because they would not take any part in the shop door, often reservoir construction work, and at that time didn't also the idea, Du Juan, and others find Du, Du think they require labor is a good thing, like a cloud is such a labor law, after Du as a cloud and Wu Zhu of negotiations, decided to let the female educated youth to often door shop reservoir to do propaganda work, satisfy their request, also can let them play.

< p style = "text - align: left;"Little sister > Xing Er , this year's sales is very difficult, turned out to be much of YanBei was cancelled this year's plan to plant trees, for the revolution, Xing Er can't help feeling, even if said to revolution, also have to plant trees, little sister said she has been passed to the look, for the sapling sales to outside, just words, tien han DPP, kid sister because YanBei thing, is love dearly Tian Hanmin, she apologizes to bowing Tian Hanmin Tian Hanmin understand children, however, he is charged sister, no matter how she and Wu Zhu is not for children to their own.

Hu liren, the former head of the meteorological bureau, incited some people to check the notebooks of previous county party secretaries and went to du's office. Du was deeply aware of the importance of the notebook and used the military's momentum to frighten these people.

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