Dear Translation Officer(TV)[2016]
Dear Translation Officer(TV)[2016]

《Dear Translation Officer》Ep30:Episode 30

Qiao Fei was in the hospital when she was on the phone with Gao JiaMing. Wu JiaYi asked her to bring her personal help. She was naturally dragged to Gao JiaMing. The three were met by Wang XuDong at the hotel entrance. Wang XuDong saw the three men at Together with the monk Zhangzhang puzzled, Qiao Fei hurried to leave just say they want to eat hot pot, leaving Wang XuDong a silly standing in place. After Qiao Fei and Gao JiaMing brought Wu JiaYi into the operating room, Qiao Fei suddenly appeared the symptoms of dizziness. The dizziness became more and more severe and he finally fainted again. Qiao Fei send a message to help Yangjiagou to turn over to a high school, saying friends in Tianjin are in a hurry and can not come back for a while. Jia Yang strange Qiao Fei is what is urgent, even their own need to hide. When Jia Yang found out that Qiao Fei was still missing, neither did he go to work. He called her and asked her if he knew she did not know Qiao Fei's whereabouts. My family's usual cynical tone answered my younger brother. Jiayang was in such an unstable mood for the disappearance of Qiao Fei. Except for a few occasional text messages, Ms. Yang's Qiao Fei phone could not be reached. After eleven days, she finally received the message that Qiao Fei returned to her hometown Yang back in the heart of the same time, he eager to ask Qiao Fei what these days what to do? Is there any time that she can not even make a phone call in a minute? More worry, more anger, more questions eventually melt in the tears of Qiao Fei, the two agreed after 24 hours for the other boot, you can no longer play missing. Tian ZhuRen said his French friends have opened a company and they have to host a reception. They would like Qiao Fei to do a translator's translation just for the sake of having all of us play together. The French friend of Tian ZhuRen at the reception took out a letter saying he wanted to tell his girlfriend in Chinese that he was here. Please Qiao Fei for his translator. Qiao Fei did not understand the story. When Qiao Fei translated it A French friend said that he was speaking to his friend. His friend is Cheng JiaYang. The girl he loves is called Qiao Fei. When Cheng JiaYang appears in everyone's eyes, he takes out a diamond ring and knelt on one leg Quoting Qiao Fei, Qiao Fei did not accept his proposal as everyone hoped she would like to say "together." She said she was still unacceptable and unprepared. Wen XiaoHua suggested to Jiaji Yang that she want to help Qiao Fei mother raise the cost of surgery. She has a wine manor project on hand and urgently needs manpower. If Qiao Fei can not go out for part-time work, can that Yang level always be? Jia Yang visited the project and said he would like to help Xiaohua as a friend, but Xiaohua insisted Jiayang provide a copy of ID card, saying that the company's process, if you do not provide a copy of the company can not view the confidential documents. Xiaohua proposed Jiayang help her complete the tavern project, she will give a stock of Jiayang a store. Cheng JiaYang bought another economical car with part-time money. He told Qiao Fei that her mother would be more convenient when she got a car. Qiao Fei also said to Jia Yang that she refused to marry him. She just did not want to marry for a while, In the past, the two returned to good.

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