God dog little seven second season(TV)[2016]
God dog little seven second season(TV)[2016]

《God dog little seven second season》Episodes

《God dog little seven second season》Ep21:Episode twenty-first Liangshan couple managed to grab a small seven

Bao Yu's parents volunteered to catch a small seven in order to create opportunities for Bao Yu and Ou Ye. Liang Shan and Zhu Ying, who have been following Bow's mother, have been trying to snatch Little Seven to help them find underground fortresses. Yi Sen and Bei Ke hiding behind the grass in the distance are also trying to seize the small seven. Zhu Ying thinks it is advisable to put the Datura flower in the bread and let Xiao Zi eat it so that Xiao Qi can fall into a temporary coma and then they can grab Xiaoduqi. Xiao Qiu escaped while Bao Yu's parents were expressing their emotions because it spotted the sighs Liang Liang's couple in the distance. However, Bao Yu's parents discovered in time, catch up with the small seven, Liang Shan and Zhu Ying's plan failed. When Liang Shan's husband and wife could not reconstruct a project, they tied the mountain god with a rope to the tree, mixed the blood with the mandala, painted it on the neck of the mountain god and camouflaged him as a mountain god. Small seven tracing came to the scene, trying to untie the mountain god's rope, licking the neck of the mountain god of blood, a simple little seven do not know Liang Shan couple's trick, only to save the mountain god, licking blood after the small seven Fainted, Liang Shan couple taking advantage of the small seventh unconscious, the use of the characteristics of the gods love God took the mountain, with a small seven in the mountains to explore the underground fortress. Bao Yu and Ou Ye found Bao Yu's parents. When he saw that the seventh child did not rage after his parents, Bao Yu always thought his parents were irresponsible. When they were young, Toss yourself to travel around the world, and now they are only lost their own small seven, finished, Bao Yu on the go to find a small seven gone. Bao Yu's parents felt guilty and apologized to Ou Ye. Ou Ye said it did not matter. She did not realize that at the moment, Xiaoqi was in danger. Yi Sen and Bei Ke realized that Pup Kei could track down the underground fortress with a keen sense of smell. They thought Pup was a threat to their fortune, they set a trap and wanted to inflict injury on the road. They put ropes on the road, With a big piece of wood, once it touches the rope, the wood falls to hit people. However, the small seven aware of the danger in advance, more than two steps, hit the wood behind him Zhu Ying body. Sensitive Zhu Ying intuitively believes these pitfalls were designed by Yi Sen and Bei Ke. Ou Ye and his entourage met Sun JiaoJiao, Dai Wei and Akita. When we found out that both the Xiaochi and Liang Shan were gone, the mountain gods began to look for one another.

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