Wan ShanHong and Gao YaNan also intends to go to find someone called Hong TianLei, but no one knows about this person all the way in. Only one person who heard that there was a big Tu Fei resident named Jing TianLei on the Wicked Ridge has said that he Eat human flesh and blood without evil. On the road Long QianYan and Ma SanPao accidentally lost their way, both fought on the mountain all the way, very embarrassed. Two people at noon finally saw a teahouse on the side of the road, two people drank a large bowl of tea inside the teahouse, and then unconsciously fell to the ground, the original bowl of tea put inside the sweat medicine. After waking up, two people were brought to the cottage by Tu Fei of the teahouse. The reception was a very enchanting woman in her dress, claiming to be Jing DaLei. Long QianYan sang the sign of the connector according to his father's instructions, but Jing TianLei ignored it and rapped and crowed it. Wan ShanHong and Gao YaNan, all the way from there, were also taken to the cottage. Wan ShanHong sang that song and Jing TianLei did not know what it meant. Gao YaNan misunderstood, want to leave the cottage, but was stopped by Jing TianLei. Jing TianLei should hold Gao YaNan down and say that if the other party is really the big leader of the Dragon Society, let the people of Dragon Society take 40 bullion to redeem them. At this point, both Long QianYan and Ma SanPao also rushed out, Gao YaNan brush pulled down the jacket, who even tied a row of explosives, as a threat to Jing TianLei. Jing TianLei no way, then promised down if the other party than the test of their cottage hand, let them leave. In the first inning, Gao YaNan shot and the evil man Xu TieNiu two trials, Gao YaNan skill, Xu TieNiu in the other won after ashamed, since the poke a thank you. In the second inning, Jing TianLei asked for a test match. Wan ShanHong pushed Ma SanPao to the test. He did not expect Ma SanPao to knock down the flag of the cottage. The other side thought Ma SanPao deliberately provoked him to fight Ma SanPao. The third game, Jing TianLei personally shot, and Long QianYan try something, Long QianYan never forget, won the game in this competition. By convention, Jing TianLei should let go a few people, but Jing TianLei did not want to let go of them, Xu TieNiu think Jing TianLei can not say that. At this moment, Long QianYan took out a treasure map, lied to himself as a treasure hunt. See treasures can be found, Jing TianLei immediately agreed to the requirements of cooperation.

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