Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]
Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]

《Golden Water Bridge side》Ep32:Episode 32

During this period, Zheng XinLan's family lost their food in Beijing and Zheng WenTian had to take away his daughter's saved food. Chang Zhang let the two men pour the case in the case, Chang Zhang Qian YouGen also contributed to the Great Leap Forward force, back to the factory led the steelmaking, and Qian YouGen detection is like addiction, completely Zhang Chang's words as the echoes. Which was Zhou DaMin got a loophole, instead of Qian YouGen became steel commander. Outside the police station's dormitory, Sun GuangDa and Qian YouGen went to the museum to look for director Feng, who was in a quarrel with Jiang QiuShan and director Feng. Jiang QiuShan showed calmness when he saw the police coming. But his language of body movements or let Qian YouGen aware of his heart ghosts. When Sun GuangDa and Qian YouGen talk again with Jiang QiuShan, through behavioral judgment, Qian YouGen determines that Jiang QiuShan is the criminal.

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