Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]
Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]

《Golden Water Bridge side》Ep3:Episode 3

Sun GuangDa and Qian YouGen find Zhao DaLi for understanding. Qian YouGen dressed up as a customer, Zhao DaLi with him into the backyard while Sun GuangDa bring people to attract managers attention. In the backyard, Qian YouGen discovered a suspicious copper wire. Guan QuanHe asked Qian YouGen to discuss and wanted Sun GuangDa to move to a small courtyard to live. Qian YouGen to talk about the case as an argument, the middle Sun GuangDa mind, readily agreed to move to a small yard. Sun GuangDa took Qian YouGen chatting about the case, when Xiao Yu reported that the spy surrendered. In the interrogation room, the spy put everything together and put it aside. The bureau decided to let the special agent go back and lay down the trap and wait for a chance. Qian YouGen think it all a bit too logical, wrong. The arrest operation began, and the public security caught in the anti-siege of the spy. Sun GuangDa led the crowd in a fierce break-up war. Secret Spy Liu Captain Cheats Qian YouGen, life and death, Sun GuangDa for Qian YouGen blocked the deadly shot.

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