Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]
Golden Water Bridge side(TV)[2016]

《Golden Water Bridge side》Ep23:Episode 23

Qian YouGen to the appointment of the elegant room, the brothers just met, then did not say, it was Wei SanPao Zhou DaMin et al. Fortune in order to protect the safety of Qian YouGen, made a lie to say that he is to counter Qian YouGen. Zhou DaMin push the boat, trying to pull Qian YouGen occupation. Qian YouGen, who wanted to pull his brother back to the right path, misunderstood Choi Choi more deeply. Ministry of Public Security reported that night blindness is due to the lack of necessary vitamins fried noodles, not a spy poison. Chunhua let root to find Sun GuangDa help, she believes Sun GuangDa also believe in Qian YouCai. Qian YouGen told Sun GuangDa that he wanted to intercede into the enemy under the guise of borrowing money and that Qian YouGen confided himself to Sun GuangDa to save his younger brother, the eagle. Sun GuangDa only said they would cooperate fully with Qian YouGen. Qian YouGen found Zhou DaMin through the trail of bean juice shop. Qian YouGen told Zhou DaMin that he wanted to open it. Zhou DaMin laughed and agreed to help Qian YouGen to meet with you about Qian YouCai.

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