Dongjiang hero Liu HeiZai(TV)[2015]
Dongjiang hero Liu HeiZai(TV)[2015]

《Dongjiang hero Liu HeiZai》Ep23:Episode 23

She was arrested by Lieutenant Ran Pei during the battle. Captured by the prisoners, they saw firsthand that Ran Pei and Mao Ge conspired to hear Mao Ge and Ran Pei reach an agreement to sell the guerrillas. Mao Ge die hard in the end, continue to defend. Lao Dai pointed out that there is still no strong evidence that casual disposal will affect the United Front. Black ordered Abe's tight custody of Mao Ge. In fact, this is the trick of the black boy to test the actual situation. Not expected if the black expected to do so, the defendant Mao Ge stunned the guards escape runaway, black with people whole village search and capture. Mao Ge was captured by Qian PeiZhen. I do not know, A Jiao appear blocking Mao Ge body, cover Mao ge escape. Mao Ge shot Pei Zhen before he ran away. Peizhen know A Jiao protect the hearts of men, A Jiao keep this secret. Mao Ge fled to Hong Kong and was captured by Bao YuQiang and handed over to Tojo. Tojo asked surgeon to remove Mao Ge ribs and torture him. Finally, Mao Ge was sentenced to punishment but promised to work for the Japanese. Guerrilla life still makes An Na feel more and more not suited. She could not find anything to do all day, only watching people around him busy, more panic and restless mind. She stayed in the guerrilla post day and night, waiting for the black boy to go out and perform his duties, like a blockbuster. But Black was a soldier, and his indifference and indifference made An Na feel particularly lost. Hong Kong Island. Akutagawa and Jiamei play fake husband and wife, affectionate. Occasionally, Jiamei discovered that Mao Ge had mutinied and she found Mai Jian-Feng's stronghold on Hong Kong Island and relayed the message to Mai Jian-Feng. Through a brief inquiry, Mai Jian-Feng concluded that Jiamei and Akutagawa had been thoroughly controlled by Tojo. Mai JianFeng layout of the transfer of positions, with their own troops to the guerrillas. Devils started to carry out "mass raids" on the base areas. A bloody fight is coming.

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